/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3 * (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional * terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG * license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files * included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers * and at http://www.swig.org/legal.html. * * modula3.cxx * * Modula3 language module for SWIG. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char cvsroot_modula3_cxx[] = "$Id: modula3.cxx 12524 2011-03-09 21:42:38Z wsfulton $"; /* Text formatted with indent -sob -br -ce -nut -npsl */ /* Report: - It's not a good concept to use member variables or global variables for passing parameters to functions. It's not a good concept to use functions of superclasses for specific services. E.g. For SWIG this means: Generating accessor functions for member variables is the most common but no general task to be processed in membervariableHandler. Better provide a service function which generates accessor function code and equip this service function with all parameters needed for input (parse node) and output (generated code). - How can I make globalvariableHandler not to generate interface functions to two accessor functions (that don't exist) ? - How can I generate a typemap that turns every C reference argument into its Modula 3 counterpart, that is void test(Complex &z); PROCEDURE test(VAR z:Complex); - neither $*n_mangle nor $*n_type nor $*n_ltype return the type without pointer converted to Modula3 equivalent, $*n_mangle is the variant closest to what I expect - using a typemap like typemap(m3wrapintype) int * %{VAR $1_name: INTEGER%} has the advantages: - one C parameter can be turned into multiple M3 parameters - the argument can be renamed - using typemaps like typemap(m3wrapinmode) int * "VAR" typemap(m3wrapintype) int * "INTEGER" has the advantages: - multiple parameters with same type and default value can be bundled - more conform to the other language modules - Where takes the reduction of multi-typemaps place? How can I preserve all parameters for functions of the intermediary class? The answer is Getattrs(n,"tmap:m3rawintype:next") - Char() can be used to transform a String to (char *) which can be used for output with printf - What is the while (checkAttribute()) loop in functionWrapper good for? Appearently for skipping (numinputs=0) typemaps. - SWIGTYPE const * - typemap is ignored, whereas SWIGTYPE * - typemap is invoked, why? Had it been (const SWIGTYPE *) instead? - enumeration items should definitely be equipped with its plain numerical value One could add tag 'numvalue' in CParse/parser.y, but it is still possible that someone declares an enumeration using a symbolic constant. I have quickly hacked that the successive number is assigned if "enumvalue" has suffix "+1". The ultimate solution would be to generate a C program which includes the header and outputs all constants. This program might be compiled and run by 'make' or by SWIG and the resulting output is fed back to SWIG. - It's a bad idea to interpret feature value "" 'disable feature' because the value "" might be sensible in case of feature:modula3:oldprefix. - What's the difference between "sym:name" and "name" ? "name" is the original name and "sym:name" is probably modified by the user using %rename - Is it possible for 'configure' to find out if m3pp is installed and to invoke it for generated Modula3 files? - It would be better to separate an arguments purpose and its name, because an output variable with name "OUTPUT" is not very descriptive. In case of PLPlot this could be solved by typedefs that assign special purposes to the array types. - Can one interpret $n_basetype as the identifier matched with SWIGTYPE ? SWIG's odds: - arguments of type (Node *) for SWIG functions should be most often better (const Node *): Swig_symbol_qualified, Getattr, nodeType, parentNode - unique identifier style instead of NewString, Getattr, firstChild - 'class'.name is qualified, 'enum'.name and 'enumitem'.name is not - Swig_symbol_qualified() returns NIL for enumeration nodes - Is there a function that creates a C representation of a SWIG type string? ToDo: - create WeakRefs only for resources returned by function marked with %newobject -> part of output conversion - clean typemap conception - should a multi-typemap for m3wrapouttype skip the corresponding input parameters? when yes - How to handle inout-arguments? In this case like in-argument. - C++ classes - C++ exceptions - allow for moving RECORD and OBJECT definitions to separate files, with the main type called T - call-back functions - special option: fast access to class members by pointer arithmetic, member offsets can be determined by a C++ program that print them. - emit enumeration definitions when its first item is declared, currently enumerations are emitted at the beginning of the file Done: - addThrow should convert the typemap by itself - not possible because routine for attaching mapped types to parameter nodes won't work for the function node - turning error codes into exceptions -> part of output value checking - create WeakRefs for resources allocated by the library -> part of output conversion - TRY..FINALLY..END; can be omitted - if there is no m3wrapfreearg - no exception can be raised in the body (empty RAISES) list */ #include "swigmod.h" #include // for INT_MAX #include #define USAGE_ARG_DIR "m3wrapargdir typemap expect values: in, out, inout\n" class MODULA3:public Language { public: enum block_type { no_block, constant, variable, blocktype, revelation }; private: struct M3File { String *f; Hash *import; block_type bt; /* VC++ 6 doesn't allow the access to 'no_block' if it is a private member of MODULA3 class */ M3File():f(NewString("")), import(NewHash()), bt(no_block) { } ~M3File() { Delete(f); Delete(import); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * enterBlock() * * Make sure that a given declaration is written to the right declaration block, * that is constants are written after "CONST" and so on ... * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void enterBlock(block_type newbt) { static const char *ident[] = { "", "\nCONST\n", "\nVAR\n", "\nTYPE\n", "\nREVEAL\n" }; #ifdef DEBUG if ((bt < 0) || (4 < bt)) { printf("bt %d out of range\n", bt); } #endif if (newbt != bt) { Append(f, ident[newbt]); bt = newbt; } } }; static const char *usage; const String *empty_string; Hash *swig_types_hash; File *f_begin; File *f_runtime; File *f_header; File *f_wrappers; File *f_init; bool proxy_flag; // Flag for generating proxy classes bool have_default_constructor_flag; bool native_function_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a native function bool enum_constant_flag; // Flag for when wrapping an enum or constant bool static_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a static functions or member variables bool variable_wrapper_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a nonstatic member variable bool wrapping_member_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a member variable/enum/const bool global_variable_flag; // Flag for when wrapping a global variable bool old_variable_names; // Flag for old style variable names in the intermediary class bool unsafe_module; String *m3raw_name; // raw interface name M3File m3raw_intf; // raw interface M3File m3raw_impl; // raw implementation (usually empty) String *m3wrap_name; // wrapper module M3File m3wrap_intf; M3File m3wrap_impl; String *m3makefile; String *targetlibrary; String *proxy_class_def; String *proxy_class_code; String *proxy_class_name; String *variable_name; //Name of a variable being wrapped String *variable_type; //Type of this variable String *enumeration_name; //Name of the current enumeration type Hash *enumeration_items; //and its members int enumeration_max; Hash *enumeration_coll; //Collection of all enumerations. /* The items are nodes with members: "items" - hash of with key 'itemname' and content 'itemvalue' "max" - maximum value in item list */ String *constant_values; String *constantfilename; String *renamefilename; String *typemapfilename; String *m3raw_imports; //intermediary class imports from %pragma String *module_imports; //module imports from %pragma String *m3raw_baseclass; //inheritance for intermediary class class from %pragma String *module_baseclass; //inheritance for module class from %pragma String *m3raw_interfaces; //interfaces for intermediary class class from %pragma String *module_interfaces; //interfaces for module class from %pragma String *m3raw_class_modifiers; //class modifiers for intermediary class overriden by %pragma String *m3wrap_modifiers; //class modifiers for module class overriden by %pragma String *upcasts_code; //C++ casts for inheritance hierarchies C++ code String *m3raw_cppcasts_code; //C++ casts up inheritance hierarchies intermediary class code String *destructor_call; //C++ destructor call if any String *outfile; enum type_additions { none, pointer, reference }; public: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MODULA3() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MODULA3(): empty_string(NewString("")), swig_types_hash(NULL), f_begin(NULL), f_runtime(NULL), f_header(NULL), f_wrappers(NULL), f_init(NULL), proxy_flag(true), have_default_constructor_flag(false), native_function_flag(false), enum_constant_flag(false), static_flag(false), variable_wrapper_flag(false), wrapping_member_flag(false), global_variable_flag(false), old_variable_names(false), unsafe_module(false), m3raw_name(NULL), m3raw_intf(), m3raw_impl(), m3wrap_name(NULL), m3wrap_intf(), m3wrap_impl(), m3makefile(NULL), targetlibrary(NULL), proxy_class_def(NULL), proxy_class_code(NULL), proxy_class_name(NULL), variable_name(NULL), variable_type(NULL), enumeration_name(NULL), enumeration_items(NULL), enumeration_max(0), enumeration_coll(NULL), constant_values(NULL), constantfilename(NULL), renamefilename(NULL), typemapfilename(NULL), m3raw_imports(NULL), module_imports(NULL), m3raw_baseclass(NULL), module_baseclass(NULL), m3raw_interfaces(NULL), module_interfaces(NULL), m3raw_class_modifiers(NULL), m3wrap_modifiers(NULL), upcasts_code(NULL), m3raw_cppcasts_code(NULL), destructor_call(NULL), outfile(NULL) { } /************** some utility functions ***************/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * getMappedType() * * Return the type of 'p' mapped by 'map'. * Print a standard warning if 'p' can't be mapped. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getMappedType(Node *p, const char *map) { String *mapattr = NewString("tmap:"); Append(mapattr, map); String *tm = Getattr(p, mapattr); if (tm == NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_TYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No '%s' typemap defined for type '%s'\n", map, SwigType_str(Getattr(p, "type"), 0)); } Delete(mapattr); return tm; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * getMappedTypeNew() * * Similar to getMappedType but uses Swig_type_lookup_new. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getMappedTypeNew(Node *n, const char *map, const char *lname = "", bool warn = true) { String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup(map, n, lname, 0); if ((tm == NIL) && warn) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_TYPE_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "No '%s' typemap defined for type '%s'\n", map, SwigType_str(Getattr(n, "type"), 0)); } return tm; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * attachMappedType() * * Obtain the type mapped by 'map' and attach it to the node * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void attachMappedType(Node *n, const char *map, const char *lname = "") { String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup(map, n, lname, 0); if (tm != NIL) { String *attr = NewStringf("tmap:%s", map); Setattr(n, attr, tm); Delete(attr); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * skipIgnored() * * Skip all parameters that have 'numinputs=0' * with respect to a given typemap. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Node *skipIgnored(Node *p, const char *map) { String *niattr = NewStringf("tmap:%s:numinputs", map); String *nextattr = NewStringf("tmap:%s:next", map); while ((p != NIL) && checkAttribute(p, niattr, "0")) { p = Getattr(p, nextattr); } Delete(nextattr); Delete(niattr); return p; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * isInParam() * isOutParam() * * Check if the parameter is intended for input or for output. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool isInParam(Node *p) { String *dir = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargdir"); //printf("dir for %s: %s\n", Char(Getattr(p,"name")), Char(dir)); if ((dir == NIL) || (Strcmp(dir, "in") == 0) || (Strcmp(dir, "inout") == 0)) { return true; } else if (Strcmp(dir, "out") == 0) { return false; } else { printf("%s", USAGE_ARG_DIR); return false; } } bool isOutParam(Node *p) { String *dir = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargdir"); if ((dir == NIL) || (Strcmp(dir, "in") == 0)) { return false; } else if ((Strcmp(dir, "out") == 0) || (Strcmp(dir, "inout") == 0)) { return true; } else { printf("%s", USAGE_ARG_DIR); return false; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * printAttrs() * * For debugging: Show all attributes of a node and their values. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void printAttrs(Node *n) { Iterator it; for (it = First(n); it.key != NIL; it = Next(it)) { printf("%s = %s\n", Char(it.key), Char(Getattr(n, it.key))); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * hasPrefix() * * Check if a string have a given prefix. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool hasPrefix(const String *str, const String *prefix) { int len_prefix = Len(prefix); return (Len(str) > len_prefix) && (Strncmp(str, prefix, len_prefix) == 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * getQualifiedName() * * Return fully qualified identifier of n. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if 0 // Swig_symbol_qualified returns NIL for enumeration nodes String *getQualifiedName(Node *n) { String *qual = Swig_symbol_qualified(n); String *name = Getattr(n, "name"); if (hasContent(qual)) { return NewStringf("%s::%s", qual, name); } else { return name; } } #else String *getQualifiedName(Node *n) { String *name = Copy(Getattr(n, "name")); n = parentNode(n); while (n != NIL) { const String *type = nodeType(n); if ((Strcmp(type, "class") == 0) || (Strcmp(type, "struct") == 0) || (Strcmp(type, "namespace") == 0)) { String *newname = NewStringf("%s::%s", Getattr(n, "name"), name); Delete(name); //name = newname; // Hmpf, the class name is already qualified. return newname; } n = parentNode(n); } //printf("qualified name: %s\n", Char(name)); return name; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * nameToModula3() * * Turn usual C identifiers like "this_is_an_identifier" * into usual Modula 3 identifier like "thisIsAnIdentifier" * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *nameToModula3(const String *sym, bool leadingCap) { int len_sym = Len(sym); char *csym = Char(sym); char *m3sym = new char[len_sym + 1]; int i, j; bool cap = leadingCap; for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len_sym; j++) { char c = csym[j]; if ((c == '_') || (c == ':')) { cap = true; } else { if (isdigit(c)) { m3sym[i] = c; cap = true; } else { if (cap) { m3sym[i] = (char)toupper(c); } else { m3sym[i] = (char)tolower(c); } cap = false; } i++; } } m3sym[i] = 0; String *result = NewString(m3sym); delete[]m3sym; return result; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * capitalizeFirst() * * Make the first character upper case. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *capitalizeFirst(const String *str) { return NewStringf("%c%s", toupper(*Char(str)), Char(str) + 1); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * prefixedNameToModula3() * * If feature modula3:oldprefix and modula3:newprefix is present * and the C identifier has leading 'oldprefix' * then it is replaced by the 'newprefix'. * The rest is converted to Modula style. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *prefixedNameToModula3(Node *n, const String *sym, bool leadingCap) { String *oldPrefix = Getattr(n, "feature:modula3:oldprefix"); String *newPrefix = Getattr(n, "feature:modula3:newprefix"); String *result = NewString(""); char *short_sym = Char(sym); // if at least one prefix feature is present // the replacement takes place if ((oldPrefix != NIL) || (newPrefix != NIL)) { if ((oldPrefix == NIL) || hasPrefix(sym, oldPrefix)) { short_sym += Len(oldPrefix); if (newPrefix != NIL) { Append(result, newPrefix); } } } String *suffix = nameToModula3(short_sym, leadingCap || hasContent(newPrefix)); Append(result, suffix); Delete(suffix); return result; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * hasContent() * * Check if the string exists and contains something. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool hasContent(const String *str) { return (str != NIL) && (Strcmp(str, "") != 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * openWriteFile() * * Caution: The file must be freshly allocated and will be destroyed * by this routine. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ File *openWriteFile(String *name) { File *file = NewFile(name, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!file) { FileErrorDisplay(name); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Delete(name); return file; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * aToL() * * like atol but with additional user warning * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ long aToL(const String *value) { char *endptr; long numvalue = strtol(Char(value), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != 0) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "The string <%s> does not denote a numeric value.\n", value); } return numvalue; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * strToL() * * like strtol but returns if the conversion was successful * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool strToL(const String *value, long &numvalue) { char *endptr; numvalue = strtol(Char(value), &endptr, 0); return (*endptr == 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * evalExpr() * * Evaluate simple expression as they may occur in "enumvalue" attributes. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool evalExpr(String *value, long &numvalue) { // Split changes file status of String and thus cannot receive 'const' strings //printf("evaluate <%s>\n", Char(value)); List *summands = Split(value, '+', INT_MAX); Iterator sm = First(summands); numvalue = 0; for (; sm.item != NIL; sm = Next(sm)) { String *smvalue = Getattr(constant_values, sm.item); long smnumvalue; if (smvalue != NIL) { if (!strToL(smvalue, smnumvalue)) { //printf("evaluation: abort 0 <%s>\n", Char(smvalue)); return false; } } else { if (!strToL(sm.item, smnumvalue)) { //printf("evaluation: abort 1 <%s>\n", Char(sm)); return false; } } numvalue += smnumvalue; } //printf("evaluation: return %ld\n", numvalue); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * log2() * * Determine the position of the single bit of a power of two. * Returns true if the given number is a power of two. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool log2(long n, long &exp) { exp = 0; while (n > 0) { if ((n & 1) != 0) { return n == 1; } exp++; n >>= 1; } return false; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * writeArg * * Write a function argument or RECORD entry definition. * Bundles arguments of same type and default value. * 'name.next==NIL' denotes the end of the entry or argument list. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool equalNilStr(const String *str0, const String *str1) { if (str0 == NIL) { return (str1 == NIL); //return (str0==NIL) == (str1==NIL); } else { return (str1 != NIL) && (Cmp(str0, str1) == 0); //return Cmp(str0,str1)==0; } } struct writeArgState { String *mode, *name, *type, *value; bool hold; writeArgState():mode(NIL), name(NIL), type(NIL), value(NIL), hold(false) { } }; void writeArg(File *f, writeArgState & state, String *mode, String *name, String *type, String *value) { /* skip the first argument, only store the information for the next call in this case */ if (state.name != NIL) { if ((!state.hold) && (state.mode != NIL)) { Printf(f, "%s ", state.mode); } if ((name != NIL) && equalNilStr(state.mode, mode) && equalNilStr(state.type, type) && (state.value == NIL) && (value == NIL) /* the same expression may have different values due to side effects of the called function */ /*equalNilStr(state.value,value) */ ) { Printf(f, "%s, ", state.name); state.hold = true; } else { Append(f, state.name); if (state.type != NIL) { Printf(f, ": %s", state.type); } if (state.value != NIL) { Printf(f, ":= %s", state.value); } Append(f, ";\n"); state.hold = false; } } /* at the next call the current argument will be the previous one */ state.mode = mode; state.name = name; state.type = type; state.value = value; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * getProxyName() * * Test to see if a type corresponds to something wrapped with a proxy class * Return NULL if not otherwise the proxy class name * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getProxyName(SwigType *t) { if (proxy_flag) { Node *n = classLookup(t); if (n) { return Getattr(n, "sym:name"); } } return NULL; } /*************** language processing ********************/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * main() * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SWIG_library_directory("modula3"); // Look for certain command line options for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i]) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-generateconst") == 0) { if (argv[i + 1]) { constantfilename = NewString(argv[i + 1]); Swig_mark_arg(i); Swig_mark_arg(i + 1); i++; } else { Swig_arg_error(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-generaterename") == 0) { if (argv[i + 1]) { renamefilename = NewString(argv[i + 1]); Swig_mark_arg(i); Swig_mark_arg(i + 1); i++; } else { Swig_arg_error(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-generatetypemap") == 0) { if (argv[i + 1]) { typemapfilename = NewString(argv[i + 1]); Swig_mark_arg(i); Swig_mark_arg(i + 1); i++; } else { Swig_arg_error(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noproxy") == 0) { Swig_mark_arg(i); proxy_flag = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-oldvarnames") == 0) { Swig_mark_arg(i); old_variable_names = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) { Printf(stdout, "%s\n", usage); } } } // Add a symbol to the parser for conditional compilation Preprocessor_define("SWIGMODULA3 1", 0); // Add typemap definitions SWIG_typemap_lang("modula3"); SWIG_config_file("modula3.swg"); allow_overloading(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * top() * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int top(Node *n) { if (hasContent(constantfilename) || hasContent(renamefilename) || hasContent(typemapfilename)) { int result = SWIG_OK; if (hasContent(constantfilename)) { result = generateConstantTop(n) && result; } if (hasContent(renamefilename)) { result = generateRenameTop(n) && result; } if (hasContent(typemapfilename)) { result = generateTypemapTop(n) && result; } return result; } else { return generateM3Top(n); } } void scanConstant(File *file, Node *n) { Node *child = firstChild(n); while (child != NIL) { String *constname = NIL; String *type = nodeType(child); if ((Strcmp(type, "enumitem") == 0) || (Strcmp(type, "constant") == 0)) { #if 1 constname = getQualifiedName(child); #else constname = Getattr(child, "value"); if ((!hasContent(constname)) || (('0' <= *Char(constname)) && (*Char(constname) <= '9'))) { constname = Getattr(child, "name"); } #endif } if (constname != NIL) { Printf(file, " printf(\"%%%%constnumeric(%%Lg) %s;\\n\", (long double)%s);\n", constname, constname); } scanConstant(file, child); child = nextSibling(child); } } int generateConstantTop(Node *n) { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s.c", constantfilename)); if (CPlusPlus) { Printf(file, "#include \n"); } else { Printf(file, "#include \n"); } Printf(file, "#include \"%s\"\n", input_file); Printf(file, "\n"); Printf(file, "int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {\n"); Printf(file, "\ /*This progam must work for floating point numbers and integers.\n\ Thus all numbers are converted to double precision floating point format.*/\n"); scanConstant(file, n); Printf(file, " return 0;\n"); Printf(file, "}\n"); Close(file); return SWIG_OK; } void scanRename(File *file, Node *n) { Node *child = firstChild(n); while (child != NIL) { String *type = nodeType(child); if (Strcmp(type, "cdecl") == 0) { ParmList *p = Getattr(child, "parms"); if (p != NIL) { String *name = getQualifiedName(child); String *m3name = nameToModula3(name, true); /*don't know how to get the original C type identifiers */ //String *arguments = createCSignature (child); Printf(file, "%%rename(\"%s\") %s;\n", m3name, name); /*Printf(file, "%%rename(\"%s\") %s %s(%s);\n", m3name, Getattr(n,"type"), name, arguments); */ Delete(name); Delete(m3name); //Delete (arguments); } } scanRename(file, child); child = nextSibling(child); } } int generateRenameTop(Node *n) { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s.i", renamefilename)); Printf(file, "\ /* This file was generated from %s\n\ by SWIG with option -generaterename. */\n\ \n", input_file); scanRename(file, n); Close(file); return SWIG_OK; } void scanTypemap(File *file, Node *n) { Node *child = firstChild(n); while (child != NIL) { String *type = nodeType(child); //printf("nodetype %s\n", Char(type)); String *storage = Getattr(child, "storage"); if ((Strcmp(type, "class") == 0) || ((Strcmp(type, "cdecl") == 0) && (storage != NIL) && (Strcmp(storage, "typedef") == 0))) { String *name = getQualifiedName(child); String *m3name = nameToModula3(name, true); Printf(file, "%%typemap(\"m3wrapintype\") %s %%{%s%%}\n", name, m3name); Printf(file, "%%typemap(\"m3rawintype\") %s %%{%s%%}\n", name, m3name); Printf(file, "\n"); } scanTypemap(file, child); child = nextSibling(child); } } int generateTypemapTop(Node *n) { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s.i", typemapfilename)); Printf(file, "\ /* This file was generated from %s\n\ by SWIG with option -generatetypemap. */\n\ \n", input_file); scanTypemap(file, n); Close(file); return SWIG_OK; } int generateM3Top(Node *n) { /* Initialize all of the output files */ outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile"); f_begin = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!f_begin) { FileErrorDisplay(outfile); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } f_runtime = NewString(""); f_init = NewString(""); f_header = NewString(""); f_wrappers = NewString(""); m3makefile = NewString(""); /* Register file targets with the SWIG file handler */ Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_header); Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_wrappers); Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_begin); Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_runtime); Swig_register_filebyname("init", f_init); Swig_register_filebyname("m3rawintf", m3raw_intf.f); Swig_register_filebyname("m3rawimpl", m3raw_impl.f); Swig_register_filebyname("m3wrapintf", m3wrap_intf.f); Swig_register_filebyname("m3wrapimpl", m3wrap_impl.f); Swig_register_filebyname("m3makefile", m3makefile); swig_types_hash = NewHash(); String *name = Getattr(n, "name"); // Make the intermediary class and module class names. The intermediary class name can be set in the module directive. Node *optionsnode = Getattr(Getattr(n, "module"), "options"); if (optionsnode != NIL) { String *m3raw_name_tmp = Getattr(optionsnode, "m3rawname"); if (m3raw_name_tmp != NIL) { m3raw_name = Copy(m3raw_name_tmp); } } if (m3raw_name == NIL) { m3raw_name = NewStringf("%sRaw", name); } Setattr(m3wrap_impl.import, m3raw_name, ""); m3wrap_name = Copy(name); proxy_class_def = NewString(""); proxy_class_code = NewString(""); m3raw_baseclass = NewString(""); m3raw_interfaces = NewString(""); m3raw_class_modifiers = NewString(""); // package access only to the intermediary class by default m3raw_imports = NewString(""); m3raw_cppcasts_code = NewString(""); m3wrap_modifiers = NewString("public"); module_baseclass = NewString(""); module_interfaces = NewString(""); module_imports = NewString(""); upcasts_code = NewString(""); Swig_banner(f_begin); Printf(f_runtime, "\n"); Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIGMODULA3\n"); Printf(f_runtime, "\n"); Swig_name_register("wrapper", "Modula3_%f"); if (old_variable_names) { Swig_name_register("set", "set_%n%v"); Swig_name_register("get", "get_%n%v"); } Printf(f_wrappers, "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n"); Printf(f_wrappers, "extern \"C\" {\n"); Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n\n"); constant_values = NewHash(); scanForConstPragmas(n); enumeration_coll = NewHash(); collectEnumerations(enumeration_coll, n); /* Emit code */ Language::top(n); // Generate m3makefile // This will be unnecessary if SWIG is invoked from Quake. { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%sm3makefile", Swig_file_dirname(outfile))); Printf(file, "%% automatically generated quake file for %s\n\n", name); /* Write the fragments written by '%insert' collected while 'top' processed the parse tree */ Printv(file, m3makefile, NIL); Printf(file, "import(\"libm3\")\n"); //Printf(file, "import_lib(\"%s\",\"/usr/lib\")\n", name); Printf(file, "module(\"%s\")\n", m3raw_name); Printf(file, "module(\"%s\")\n\n", m3wrap_name); if (targetlibrary != NIL) { Printf(file, "library(\"%s\")\n", targetlibrary); } else { Printf(file, "library(\"m3%s\")\n", name); } Close(file); } // Generate the raw interface { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s%s.i3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), m3raw_name)); emitBanner(file); Printf(file, "INTERFACE %s;\n\n", m3raw_name); emitImportStatements(m3raw_intf.import, file); Printf(file, "\n"); // Write the interface generated within 'top' Printv(file, m3raw_intf.f, NIL); Printf(file, "\nEND %s.\n", m3raw_name); Close(file); } // Generate the raw module { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s%s.m3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), m3raw_name)); emitBanner(file); Printf(file, "MODULE %s;\n\n", m3raw_name); emitImportStatements(m3raw_impl.import, file); Printf(file, "\n"); // will be empty usually Printv(file, m3raw_impl.f, NIL); Printf(file, "BEGIN\nEND %s.\n", m3raw_name); Close(file); } // Generate the interface for the comfort wrappers { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s%s.i3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), m3wrap_name)); emitBanner(file); Printf(file, "INTERFACE %s;\n", m3wrap_name); emitImportStatements(m3wrap_intf.import, file); Printf(file, "\n"); { Iterator it = First(enumeration_coll); if (it.key != NIL) { Printf(file, "TYPE\n"); } for (; it.key != NIL; it = Next(it)) { Printf(file, "\n"); emitEnumeration(file, it.key, it.item); } } // Add the wrapper methods Printv(file, m3wrap_intf.f, NIL); // Finish off the class Printf(file, "\nEND %s.\n", m3wrap_name); Close(file); } // Generate the wrapper routines implemented in Modula 3 { File *file = openWriteFile(NewStringf("%s%s.m3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), m3wrap_name)); emitBanner(file); if (unsafe_module) { Printf(file, "UNSAFE "); } Printf(file, "MODULE %s;\n\n", m3wrap_name); emitImportStatements(m3wrap_impl.import, file); Printf(file, "\n"); // Add the wrapper methods Printv(file, m3wrap_impl.f, NIL); Printf(file, "\nBEGIN\nEND %s.\n", m3wrap_name); Close(file); } if (upcasts_code) Printv(f_wrappers, upcasts_code, NIL); Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n"); Printf(f_wrappers, "}\n"); Printf(f_wrappers, "#endif\n"); // Output a Modula 3 type wrapper class for each SWIG type for (Iterator swig_type = First(swig_types_hash); swig_type.item != NIL; swig_type = Next(swig_type)) { emitTypeWrapperClass(swig_type.key, swig_type.item); } Delete(swig_types_hash); swig_types_hash = NULL; Delete(constant_values); constant_values = NULL; Delete(enumeration_coll); enumeration_coll = NULL; Delete(m3raw_name); m3raw_name = NULL; Delete(m3raw_baseclass); m3raw_baseclass = NULL; Delete(m3raw_interfaces); m3raw_interfaces = NULL; Delete(m3raw_class_modifiers); m3raw_class_modifiers = NULL; Delete(m3raw_imports); m3raw_imports = NULL; Delete(m3raw_cppcasts_code); m3raw_cppcasts_code = NULL; Delete(proxy_class_def); proxy_class_def = NULL; Delete(proxy_class_code); proxy_class_code = NULL; Delete(m3wrap_name); m3wrap_name = NULL; Delete(m3wrap_modifiers); m3wrap_modifiers = NULL; Delete(targetlibrary); targetlibrary = NULL; Delete(module_baseclass); module_baseclass = NULL; Delete(module_interfaces); module_interfaces = NULL; Delete(module_imports); module_imports = NULL; Delete(upcasts_code); upcasts_code = NULL; Delete(constantfilename); constantfilename = NULL; Delete(renamefilename); renamefilename = NULL; Delete(typemapfilename); typemapfilename = NULL; /* Close all of the files */ Dump(f_runtime, f_begin); Dump(f_header, f_begin); Dump(f_wrappers, f_begin); Wrapper_pretty_print(f_init, f_begin); Delete(f_header); Delete(f_wrappers); Delete(f_init); Close(f_begin); Delete(f_runtime); Delete(f_begin); return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitBanner() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void emitBanner(File *f) { Printf(f, "(*******************************************************************************\n"); Swig_banner_target_lang(f, " *"); Printf(f, "*******************************************************************************)\n\n"); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * nativeWrapper() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int nativeWrapper(Node *n) { String *wrapname = Getattr(n, "wrap:name"); if (!addSymbol(wrapname, n)) return SWIG_ERROR; if (Getattr(n, "type")) { Swig_save("nativeWrapper", n, "name", NIL); Setattr(n, "name", wrapname); native_function_flag = true; functionWrapper(n); Swig_restore(n); native_function_flag = false; } else { Swig_error(input_file, line_number, "No return type for %%native method %s.\n", Getattr(n, "wrap:name")); } return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * functionWrapper() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n) { String *type = nodeType(n); String *funcType = Getattr(n, "modula3:functype"); String *rawname = Getattr(n, "name"); String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); String *capname = capitalizeFirst(symname); //String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(symname); //printf("function: %s\n", Char(symname)); //printf(" purpose: %s\n", Char(funcType)); if (Strcmp(type, "cdecl") == 0) { if (funcType == NIL) { // no wrapper needed for plain functions emitM3RawPrototype(n, rawname, symname); emitM3Wrapper(n, symname); } else if (Strcmp(funcType, "method") == 0) { Setattr(n, "modula3:funcname", capname); emitCWrapper(n, capname); emitM3RawPrototype(n, capname, capname); emitM3Wrapper(n, capname); } else if (Strcmp(funcType, "accessor") == 0) { /* * Generate the proxy class properties for public member variables. * Not for enums and constants. */ if (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag) { // Capitalize the first letter in the function name Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", capname); Setattr(n, "imfuncname", symname); if (hasPrefix(capname, "Set")) { Setattr(n, "modula3:setname", capname); } else { Setattr(n, "modula3:getname", capname); } emitCWrapper(n, capname); emitM3RawPrototype(n, capname, capname); emitM3Wrapper(n, capname); //proxyClassFunctionHandler(n); } #ifdef DEBUG } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Function type <%s> unknown.\n", Char(funcType)); #endif } } else if ((Strcmp(type, "constructor") == 0) || (Strcmp(type, "destructor") == 0)) { emitCWrapper(n, capname); emitM3RawPrototype(n, capname, capname); emitM3Wrapper(n, capname); } // a Java relict #if 0 if (!(proxy_flag && is_wrapping_class()) && !enum_constant_flag) { emitM3Wrapper(n, capname); } #endif Delete(capname); return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitCWrapper() * * Generate the wrapper in C which calls C++ methods. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int emitCWrapper(Node *n, const String *wname) { String *rawname = Getattr(n, "name"); String *c_return_type = NewString(""); String *cleanup = NewString(""); String *outarg = NewString(""); String *body = NewString(""); Hash *throws_hash = NewHash(); ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms"); SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); if (!Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) { if (!addSymbol(wname, n)) { return SWIG_ERROR; } } // A new wrapper function object Wrapper *f = NewWrapper(); /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list. */ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("ctype", l, f); /* Get return types */ { String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "ctype", ""); if (tm != NIL) { Printf(c_return_type, "%s", tm); } } bool is_void_return = (Cmp(c_return_type, "void") == 0); if (!is_void_return) { Wrapper_add_localv(f, "cresult", c_return_type, "cresult = 0", NIL); } Printv(f->def, " SWIGEXPORT ", c_return_type, " ", wname, "(", NIL); // Emit all of the local variables for holding arguments. emit_parameter_variables(l, f); /* Attach the standard typemaps */ emit_attach_parmmaps(l, f); Setattr(n, "wrap:parms", l); // Generate signature and argument conversion for C wrapper { Parm *p; attachParameterNames(n, "tmap:name", "c:wrapname", "m3arg%d"); bool gencomma = false; for (p = skipIgnored(l, "in"); p; p = skipIgnored(p, "in")) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "c:wrapname"); { /* Get the ctype types of the parameter */ String *c_param_type = getMappedType(p, "ctype"); // Add parameter to C function Printv(f->def, gencomma ? ", " : "", c_param_type, " ", arg, NIL); Delete(c_param_type); gencomma = true; } // Get typemap for this argument String *tm = getMappedType(p, "in"); if (tm != NIL) { addThrows(throws_hash, "in", p); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Setattr(p, "emit:input", arg); /*??? */ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Insert constraint checking code */ { Parm *p; for (p = l; p;) { String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:check"); if (tm != NIL) { addThrows(throws_hash, "check", p); Replaceall(tm, "$target", Getattr(p, "lname")); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:check:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Insert cleanup code */ { Parm *p; for (p = l; p;) { String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg"); if (tm != NIL) { addThrows(throws_hash, "freearg", p); Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */ Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Insert argument output code */ { Parm *p; for (p = l; p;) { String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout"); if (tm != NIL) { addThrows(throws_hash, "argout", p); Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$target", Getattr(p, "lname")); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); /* deprecated? */ Replaceall(tm, "$result", "cresult"); Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input")); Printv(outarg, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } // Get any Modula 3 exception classes in the throws typemap ParmList *throw_parm_list = NULL; if ((throw_parm_list = Getattr(n, "catchlist"))) { Swig_typemap_attach_parms("throws", throw_parm_list, f); Parm *p; for (p = throw_parm_list; p; p = nextSibling(p)) { addThrows(throws_hash, "throws", p); } } if (Cmp(nodeType(n), "constant") == 0) { // Wrapping a constant hack Swig_save("functionWrapper", n, "wrap:action", NIL); // below based on Swig_VargetToFunction() SwigType *ty = Swig_wrapped_var_type(Getattr(n, "type"), use_naturalvar_mode(n)); Setattr(n, "wrap:action", NewStringf("result = (%s)(%s);", SwigType_lstr(ty, 0), Getattr(n, "value"))); } Setattr(n, "wrap:name", wname); // Now write code to make the function call if (!native_function_flag) { String *actioncode = emit_action(n); if (Cmp(nodeType(n), "constant") == 0) { Swig_restore(n); } /* Return value if necessary */ String *tm; if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", n, "result", f, actioncode))) { addThrows(throws_hash, "out", n); Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result"); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$target", "cresult"); /* deprecated */ Replaceall(tm, "$result", "cresult"); Printf(f->code, "%s", tm); if (hasContent(tm)) Printf(f->code, "\n"); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(t, 0), rawname); } emit_return_variable(n, t, f); } /* Output argument output code */ Printv(f->code, outarg, NIL); /* Output cleanup code */ Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL); /* Look to see if there is any newfree cleanup code */ if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) { String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("newfree", n, "result", 0); if (tm != NIL) { addThrows(throws_hash, "newfree", n); Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result"); /* deprecated */ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm); } } /* See if there is any return cleanup code */ if (!native_function_flag) { String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ret", n, "result", 0); if (tm != NIL) { Replaceall(tm, "$source", "result"); /* deprecated */ Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm); } } /* Finish C wrapper */ Printf(f->def, ") {"); if (!is_void_return) Printv(f->code, " return cresult;\n", NIL); Printf(f->code, "}\n"); /* Substitute the cleanup code */ Replaceall(f->code, "$cleanup", cleanup); /* Substitute the function name */ Replaceall(f->code, "$symname", symname); if (!is_void_return) { Replaceall(f->code, "$null", "0"); } else { Replaceall(f->code, "$null", ""); } /* Dump the function out */ if (!native_function_flag) { Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers); } Delete(c_return_type); Delete(cleanup); Delete(outarg); Delete(body); Delete(throws_hash); DelWrapper(f); return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitM3RawPrototype() * * Generate an EXTERNAL procedure declaration in Modula 3 * which is the interface to an existing C routine or a C wrapper. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int emitM3RawPrototype(Node *n, const String *cname, const String *m3name) { String *im_return_type = NewString(""); //String *symname = Getattr(n,"sym:name"); ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms"); /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list. */ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3rawinmode", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3rawintype", l, NULL); /* Get return types */ bool has_return; { String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3rawrettype", ""); if (tm != NIL) { Printf(im_return_type, "%s", tm); } has_return = hasContent(tm); } /* cname is the original name if 'n' denotes a C function and it is the relabeled name (sym:name) if 'n' denotes a C++ method or similar */ m3raw_intf.enterBlock(no_block); Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "\n<* EXTERNAL %s *>\nPROCEDURE %s (", cname, m3name); // Generate signature for raw interface { Parm *p; writeArgState state; attachParameterNames(n, "tmap:rawinname", "modula3:rawname", "arg%d"); for (p = skipIgnored(l, "m3rawintype"); p; p = skipIgnored(p, "m3rawintype")) { /* Get argument passing mode, should be one of VALUE, VAR, READONLY */ String *mode = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3rawinmode"); String *argname = Getattr(p, "modula3:rawname"); String *im_param_type = getMappedType(p, "m3rawintype"); addImports(m3raw_intf.import, "m3rawintype", p); writeArg(m3raw_intf.f, state, mode, argname, im_param_type, NIL); if (im_param_type != NIL) { p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3rawintype:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } writeArg(m3raw_intf.f, state, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL); } /* Finish M3 raw prototype */ Printf(m3raw_intf.f, ")"); // neither a C wrapper nor a plain C function may throw an exception //generateThrowsClause(throws_hash, m3raw_intf.f); if (has_return) { Printf(m3raw_intf.f, ": %s", im_return_type); } Printf(m3raw_intf.f, ";\n"); Delete(im_return_type); return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * variableWrapper() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n) { Language::variableWrapper(n); return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * globalvariableHandler() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int globalvariableHandler(Node *n) { SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); String *tm; // Get the variable type if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wraptype", ""))) { substituteClassname(t, tm); } variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); variable_type = Copy(tm); // Get the variable type expressed in terms of Modula 3 equivalents of C types if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3rawtype", ""))) { m3raw_intf.enterBlock(no_block); Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "\n<* EXTERNAL *> VAR %s: %s;\n", variable_name, tm); } // Output the property's accessor methods /* global_variable_flag = true; int ret = Language::globalvariableHandler(n); global_variable_flag = false; */ Printf(m3wrap_impl.f, "\n\n"); //return ret; return 1; } long getConstNumeric(Node *n) { String *constnumeric = Getfeature(n, "constnumeric"); String *name = Getattr(n, "name"); long numvalue; if (constnumeric == NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Feature 'constnumeric' is necessary to obtain value of %s.\n", name); return 0; } else if (!strToL(constnumeric, numvalue)) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "The feature 'constnumeric' of %s specifies value <%s> which is not an integer constant.\n", name, constnumeric); return 0; } else { return numvalue; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * generateIntConstant() * * Considers node as an integer constant definition * and generate a Modula 3 constant definition. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void generateIntConstant(Node *n, String *name) { String *value = Getattr(n, "value"); String *type = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constint:type"); String *conv = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constint:conv"); if (name == NIL) { name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); } long numvalue; bool isSimpleNum = strToL(value, numvalue); if (!isSimpleNum) { numvalue = getConstNumeric(n); } String *m3value; if ((conv == NIL) || ((Strcmp(conv, "set:int") != 0) && (Strcmp(conv, "int:set") != 0))) { /* The original value of the constant has precedence over 'constnumeric' feature since we like to keep the style (that is the base) of simple numeric constants */ if (isSimpleNum) { if (hasPrefix(value, "0x")) { m3value = NewStringf("16_%s", Char(value) + 2); } else if ((Len(value) > 1) && (*Char(value) == '0')) { m3value = NewStringf("8_%s", Char(value) + 1); } else { m3value = Copy(value); } /* If we cannot easily obtain the value of a numeric constant, we use the results given by a C compiler. */ } else { m3value = Copy(Getfeature(n, "constnumeric")); } } else { // if the value can't be converted, it is ignored if (convertInt(numvalue, numvalue, conv)) { m3value = NewStringf("%d", numvalue); } else { m3value = NIL; } } if (m3value != NIL) { m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(constant); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s", name); if (hasContent(type)) { Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, ": %s", type); } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, " = %s;\n", m3value); Delete(m3value); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * generateSetConstant() * * Considers node as a set constant definition * and generate a Modula 3 constant definition. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void generateSetConstant(Node *n, String *name) { String *value = Getattr(n, "value"); String *type = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constset:type"); String *setname = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constset:set"); String *basename = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constset:base"); String *conv = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constset:conv"); m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(constant); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s", name); if (type != NIL) { Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, ":%s ", type); } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, " = %s{", setname); long numvalue = 0; if (!strToL(value, numvalue)) { numvalue = getConstNumeric(n); } convertInt(numvalue, numvalue, conv); bool isIntType = Strcmp(basename, "CARDINAL") == 0; Hash *items = NIL; if (!isIntType) { Hash *enumeration = Getattr(enumeration_coll, basename); if (enumeration == NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "There is no enumeration <%s> as needed for the set.\n", setname); isIntType = true; } else { items = Getattr(enumeration, "items"); } } bool gencomma = false; int bitpos = 0; while (numvalue > 0) { if ((numvalue & 1) != 0) { if (isIntType) { if (gencomma) { Printv(m3wrap_intf.f, ",", NIL); } gencomma = true; Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%d", bitpos); } else { char bitval[15]; sprintf(bitval, "%d", bitpos); String *bitname = Getattr(items, bitval); if (bitname == NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Enumeration <%s> has no value <%s>.\n", setname, bitval); } else { if (gencomma) { Printv(m3wrap_intf.f, ",", NIL); } gencomma = true; Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s.%s", basename, bitname); } } } numvalue >>= 1; bitpos++; } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "};\n"); } void generateConstant(Node *n) { // any of the special interpretation disables the default behaviour String *enumitem = Getfeature(n, "modula3:enumitem:name"); String *constset = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constset:name"); String *constint = Getfeature(n, "modula3:constint:name"); if (hasContent(enumitem) || hasContent(constset) || hasContent(constint)) { if (hasContent(constset)) { generateSetConstant(n, constset); } if (hasContent(constint)) { generateIntConstant(n, constint); } } else { String *value = Getattr(n, "value"); String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); if (name == NIL) { name = Getattr(n, "name"); } m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(constant); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s = %s;\n", name, value); } } #if 0 void generateEnumerationItem(const String *name, const String *value, int numvalue) { String *oldsymname = Getattr(enumeration_items, value); if (oldsymname != NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "The value <%s> is already assigned to <%s>.\n", value, oldsymname); } Setattr(enumeration_items, value, name); if (enumeration_max < numvalue) { enumeration_max = numvalue; } } #endif void emitEnumeration(File *file, String *name, Node *n) { Printf(file, "%s = {", name); int i; bool gencomma = false; int max = aToL(Getattr(n, "max")); Hash *items = Getattr(n, "items"); for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) { if (gencomma) { Printf(file, ","); } Printf(file, "\n"); gencomma = true; char numstr[15]; sprintf(numstr, "%d", i); String *name = Getattr(items, numstr); if (name != NIL) { Printv(file, name, NIL); } else { Printf(file, "Dummy%d", i); } } Printf(file, "\n};\n"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * constantWrapper() * * Handles constants and enumeration items. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n) { generateConstant(n); return SWIG_OK; } #if 0 // enumerations are handled like constant definitions /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * enumDeclaration() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int enumDeclaration(Node *n) { String *symname = nameToModula3(Getattr(n, "sym:name"), true); enumerationStart(symname); int result = Language::enumDeclaration(n); enumerationStop(); Delete(symname); return result; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * enumvalueDeclaration() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int enumvalueDeclaration(Node *n) { generateConstant(n); /* This call would continue processing in the constantWrapper which cannot handle values like "RED+1". return Language::enumvalueDeclaration(n); */ return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pragmaDirective() * * Valid Pragmas: * imclassbase - base (extends) for the intermediary class * imclassclassmodifiers - class modifiers for the intermediary class * imclasscode - text (Modula 3 code) is copied verbatim to the intermediary class * imclassimports - import statements for the intermediary class * imclassinterfaces - interface (implements) for the intermediary class * * modulebase - base (extends) for the module class * moduleclassmodifiers - class modifiers for the module class * modulecode - text (Modula 3 code) is copied verbatim to the module class * moduleimports - import statements for the module class * moduleinterfaces - interface (implements) for the module class * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int pragmaDirective(Node *n) { if (!ImportMode) { String *lang = Getattr(n, "lang"); String *code = Getattr(n, "name"); String *value = Getattr(n, "value"); if (Strcmp(lang, "modula3") == 0) { String *strvalue = NewString(value); Replaceall(strvalue, "\\\"", "\""); /* bool isEnumItem = Strcmp(code, "enumitem") == 0; bool isSetItem = Strcmp(code, "setitem") == 0; */ if (Strcmp(code, "imclassbase") == 0) { Delete(m3raw_baseclass); m3raw_baseclass = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "imclassclassmodifiers") == 0) { Delete(m3raw_class_modifiers); m3raw_class_modifiers = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "imclasscode") == 0) { Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "%s\n", strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "imclassimports") == 0) { Delete(m3raw_imports); m3raw_imports = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "imclassinterfaces") == 0) { Delete(m3raw_interfaces); m3raw_interfaces = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "modulebase") == 0) { Delete(module_baseclass); module_baseclass = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleclassmodifiers") == 0) { Delete(m3wrap_modifiers); m3wrap_modifiers = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "modulecode") == 0) { Printf(m3wrap_impl.f, "%s\n", strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleimports") == 0) { Delete(module_imports); module_imports = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "moduleinterfaces") == 0) { Delete(module_interfaces); module_interfaces = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "unsafe") == 0) { unsafe_module = true; } else if (Strcmp(code, "library") == 0) { if (targetlibrary) { Delete(targetlibrary); } targetlibrary = Copy(strvalue); } else if (Strcmp(code, "enumitem") == 0) { } else if (Strcmp(code, "constset") == 0) { } else if (Strcmp(code, "constint") == 0) { } else if (Strcmp(code, "makesetofenum") == 0) { m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%sSet = SET OF %s;\n", value, value); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_UNKNOWN_PRAGMA, input_file, line_number, "Unrecognized pragma <%s>.\n", code); } Delete(strvalue); } } return Language::pragmaDirective(n); } void Setfeature(Node *n, const char *feature, const String *value, bool warn = false) { //printf("tag feature <%s> with value <%s>\n", feature, Char(value)); String *attr = NewStringf("feature:%s", feature); if ((Setattr(n, attr, value) != 0) && warn) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Feature <%s> of %s did already exist.\n", feature, Getattr(n, "name")); } Delete(attr); } String *Getfeature(Node *n, const char *feature) { //printf("retrieve feature <%s> with value <%s>\n", feature, Char(value)); String *attr = NewStringf("feature:%s", feature); String *result = Getattr(n, attr); Delete(attr); return result; } bool convertInt(long in, long &out, const String *mode) { if ((mode == NIL) || (Strcmp(mode, "int:int") == 0) || (Strcmp(mode, "set:set") == 0)) { out = in; return true; } else if (Strcmp(mode, "set:int") == 0) { return log2(in, out); } else if (Strcmp(mode, "int:set") == 0) { out = 1L << in; return unsigned (in) < (sizeof(out) * 8); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Unknown integer conversion method <%s>.\n", mode); return false; } } void collectEnumerations(Hash *enums, Node *n) { Node *child = firstChild(n); while (child != NIL) { String *name = Getattr(child, "name"); const bool isConstant = Strcmp(nodeType(child), "constant") == 0; const bool isEnumItem = Strcmp(nodeType(child), "enumitem") == 0; if (isConstant || isEnumItem) { //printf("%s%s name %s\n", isConstant?"constant":"", isEnumItem?"enumitem":"", Char(name)); { String *m3name = Getfeature(child, "modula3:enumitem:name"); String *m3enum = Getfeature(child, "modula3:enumitem:enum"); String *conv = Getfeature(child, "modula3:enumitem:conv"); if (m3enum != NIL) { //printf("m3enum %s\n", Char(m3enum)); if (m3name == NIL) { m3name = name; } long max = -1; Hash *items; Hash *enumnode = Getattr(enums, m3enum); if (enumnode == NIL) { enumnode = NewHash(); items = NewHash(); Setattr(enumnode, "items", items); Setattr(enums, m3enum, enumnode); } else { String *maxstr = Getattr(enumnode, "max"); if (maxstr != NIL) { max = aToL(maxstr); } items = Getattr(enumnode, "items"); } long numvalue; String *value = Getattr(child, "value"); //printf("value: %s\n", Char(value)); if ((value == NIL) || (!strToL(value, numvalue))) { value = Getattr(child, "enumvalue"); if ((value == NIL) || (!evalExpr(value, numvalue))) { numvalue = getConstNumeric(child); } //printf("constnumeric: %s\n", Char(value)); } Setattr(constant_values, name, NewStringf("%d", numvalue)); if (convertInt(numvalue, numvalue, conv)) { String *newvalue = NewStringf("%d", numvalue); String *oldname = Getattr(items, newvalue); if (oldname != NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "The value <%s> is already assigned to <%s>.\n", value, oldname); } //printf("items %lx, set %s = %s\n", (long) items, Char(newvalue), Char(m3name)); Setattr(items, newvalue, m3name); if (max < numvalue) { max = numvalue; } Setattr(enumnode, "max", NewStringf("%d", max)); } } } } collectEnumerations(enums, child); child = nextSibling(child); } } enum const_pragma_type { cpt_none, cpt_constint, cpt_constset, cpt_enumitem }; struct const_id_pattern { String *prefix, *parentEnum; }; void tagConstants(Node *first, String *parentEnum, const const_id_pattern & pat, const String *pragma, List *convdesc) { Node *n = first; while (n != NIL) { String *name = getQualifiedName(n); bool isConstant = Strcmp(nodeType(n), "constant") == 0; bool isEnumItem = Strcmp(nodeType(n), "enumitem") == 0; if ((isConstant || isEnumItem) && ((pat.prefix == NIL) || (hasPrefix(name, pat.prefix))) && ((pat.parentEnum == NIL) || ((parentEnum != NIL) && (Strcmp (pat.parentEnum, parentEnum) == 0)))) { //printf("tag %s\n", Char(name)); String *srctype = Getitem(convdesc, 1); String *relationstr = Getitem(convdesc, 3); List *relationdesc = Split(relationstr, ',', 2); // transform name from C to Modula3 style String *srcstyle = NIL; String *newprefix = NIL; { //printf("name conversion <%s>\n", Char(Getitem(convdesc,2))); List *namedesc = Split(Getitem(convdesc, 2), ',', INT_MAX); Iterator nameit = First(namedesc); for (; nameit.item != NIL; nameit = Next(nameit)) { List *nameassign = Split(nameit.item, '=', 2); String *tag = Getitem(nameassign, 0); String *data = Getitem(nameassign, 1); //printf("name conv <%s> = <%s>\n", Char(tag), Char(data)); if (Strcmp(tag, "srcstyle") == 0) { srcstyle = Copy(data); } else if (Strcmp(tag, "prefix") == 0) { newprefix = Copy(data); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Unknown name conversion tag <%s> with value <%s>.\n", tag, data); } Delete(nameassign); } Delete(namedesc); } const char *stem = Char(name); if (pat.prefix != NIL) { //printf("pat.prefix %s for %s\n", Char(pat.prefix), Char(name)); stem += Len(pat.prefix); } String *newname; if (Strcmp(srcstyle, "underscore") == 0) { if (newprefix != NIL) { String *newstem = nameToModula3(stem, true); newname = NewStringf("%s%s", newprefix, newstem); Delete(newstem); } else { newname = nameToModula3(stem, true); } } else { if (srcstyle != NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Unknown C identifier style <%s>.\n", srcstyle); } newname = Copy(name); } if (Strcmp(pragma, "enumitem") == 0) { if (Len(relationdesc) != 1) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Expected , got <%s>.\n", relationstr); } Setfeature(n, "modula3:enumitem:name", newname, true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:enumitem:enum", relationstr, true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:enumitem:conv", NewStringf("%s:int", srctype), true); } else if (Strcmp(pragma, "constint") == 0) { if (Len(relationdesc) != 1) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Expected , got <%s>.\n", relationstr); } Setfeature(n, "modula3:constint:name", newname, true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constint:type", Getitem(relationdesc, 0), true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constint:conv", NewStringf("%s:int", srctype), true); } else if (Strcmp(pragma, "constset") == 0) { if (Len(relationdesc) != 2) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Expected , got <%s>.\n", relationstr); } String *settype = Getitem(relationdesc, 0); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constset:name", newname, true); //Setfeature(n,"modula3:constset:type",settype,true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constset:set", settype, true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constset:base", Getitem(relationdesc, 1), true); Setfeature(n, "modula3:constset:conv", NewStringf("%s:set", srctype), true); } Delete(newname); Delete(relationdesc); } if (Strcmp(nodeType(n), "enum") == 0) { //printf("explore enum %s, qualification %s\n", Char(name), Char(Swig_symbol_qualified(n))); tagConstants(firstChild(n), name, pat, pragma, convdesc); } else { tagConstants(firstChild(n), NIL, pat, pragma, convdesc); } n = nextSibling(n); } } void scanForConstPragmas(Node *n) { Node *child = firstChild(n); while (child != NIL) { const String *type = nodeType(child); if (Strcmp(type, "pragma") == 0) { const String *lang = Getattr(child, "lang"); const String *code = Getattr(child, "name"); String *value = Getattr(child, "value"); if (Strcmp(lang, "modula3") == 0) { const_pragma_type cpt = cpt_none; if (Strcmp(code, "constint") == 0) { cpt = cpt_constint; } else if (Strcmp(code, "constset") == 0) { cpt = cpt_constset; } else if (Strcmp(code, "enumitem") == 0) { cpt = cpt_enumitem; } if (cpt != cpt_none) { const_id_pattern pat = { NIL, NIL }; List *convdesc = Split(value, ';', 4); List *patterndesc = Split(Getitem(convdesc, 0), ',', INT_MAX); Iterator patternit; for (patternit = First(patterndesc); patternit.item != NIL; patternit = Next(patternit)) { List *patternassign = Split(patternit.item, '=', 2); String *tag = Getitem(patternassign, 0); String *data = Getitem(patternassign, 1); if (Strcmp(tag, "prefix") == 0) { pat.prefix = Copy(data); } else if (Strcmp(tag, "enum") == 0) { pat.parentEnum = Copy(data); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_ENUMERATION, input_file, line_number, "Unknown identification tag <%s> with value <%s>.\n", tag, data); } Delete(patternassign); } tagConstants(child, NIL, pat, code, convdesc); Delete(patterndesc); } } } scanForConstPragmas(child); child = nextSibling(child); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts(Node *n) { String *c_classname = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(n, "name")); String *c_baseclass = NULL; String *baseclass = NULL; String *c_baseclassname = NULL; String *classDeclarationName = Getattr(n, "classDeclaration:name"); /* Deal with inheritance */ List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases"); if (baselist != NIL) { Iterator base = First(baselist); c_baseclassname = Getattr(base.item, "name"); baseclass = Copy(getProxyName(c_baseclassname)); if (baseclass) { c_baseclass = SwigType_namestr(Getattr(base.item, "name")); } base = Next(base); if (base.item != NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "Warning for %s proxy: Base %s ignored. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Modula 3.\n", classDeclarationName, Getattr(base.item, "name")); } } bool derived = baseclass && getProxyName(c_baseclassname); if (!baseclass) baseclass = NewString(""); // Inheritance from pure Modula 3 classes const String *pure_baseclass = typemapLookup(n, "m3base", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE); if (hasContent(pure_baseclass) && hasContent(baseclass)) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "Warning for %s proxy: Base %s ignored. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Modula 3.\n", classDeclarationName, pure_baseclass); } // Pure Modula 3 interfaces const String *pure_interfaces = typemapLookup(n, derived ? "m3interfaces_derived" : "m3interfaces", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE); // Start writing the proxy class Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "m3imports", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE), // Import statements "\n", typemapLookup(n, "m3classmodifiers", classDeclarationName, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_CLASSMOD_UNDEF), // Class modifiers " class $m3classname", // Class name and bases (derived || *Char(pure_baseclass) || *Char(pure_interfaces)) ? " : " : "", baseclass, pure_baseclass, ((derived || *Char(pure_baseclass)) && *Char(pure_interfaces)) ? // Interfaces ", " : "", pure_interfaces, " {\n", " private IntPtr swigCPtr;\n", // Member variables for memory handling derived ? "" : " protected bool swigCMemOwn;\n", "\n", " ", typemapLookup(n, "m3ptrconstructormodifiers", classDeclarationName, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_PTRCONSTMOD_UNDEF), // pointer constructor modifiers " $m3classname(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) ", // Constructor used for wrapping pointers derived ? ": base($imclassname.$m3classnameTo$baseclass(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {\n" : "{\n swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;\n", " swigCPtr = cPtr;\n", " }\n", NIL); if (!have_default_constructor_flag) { // All proxy classes need a constructor Printv(proxy_class_def, "\n", " protected $m3classname() : this(IntPtr.Zero, false) {\n", " }\n", NIL); } // C++ destructor is wrapped by the Dispose method // Note that the method name is specified in a typemap attribute called methodname String *destruct = NewString(""); const String *tm = NULL; Node *attributes = NewHash(); String *destruct_methodname = NULL; if (derived) { tm = typemapLookup(n, "m3destruct_derived", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE, attributes); destruct_methodname = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:m3destruct_derived:methodname"); } else { tm = typemapLookup(n, "m3destruct", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE, attributes); destruct_methodname = Getattr(attributes, "tmap:m3destruct:methodname"); } if (!destruct_methodname) { Swig_error(Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No methodname attribute defined in m3destruct%s typemap for %s\n", (derived ? "_derived" : ""), proxy_class_name); } // Emit the Finalize and Dispose methods if (tm) { // Finalize method if (*Char(destructor_call)) { Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "m3finalize", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE), NIL); } // Dispose method Printv(destruct, tm, NIL); if (*Char(destructor_call)) Replaceall(destruct, "$imcall", destructor_call); else Replaceall(destruct, "$imcall", "throw new MethodAccessException(\"C++ destructor does not have public access\")"); if (*Char(destruct)) Printv(proxy_class_def, "\n public ", derived ? "override" : "virtual", " void ", destruct_methodname, "() ", destruct, "\n", NIL); } Delete(attributes); Delete(destruct); // Emit various other methods Printv(proxy_class_def, typemapLookup(n, "m3getcptr", classDeclarationName, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_GETCPTR_UNDEF), // getCPtr method typemapLookup(n, "m3code", classDeclarationName, WARN_NONE), // extra Modula 3 code "\n", NIL); // Substitute various strings into the above template Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$m3classname", proxy_class_name); Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$m3classname", proxy_class_name); Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$baseclass", baseclass); Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$baseclass", baseclass); Replaceall(proxy_class_def, "$imclassname", m3raw_name); Replaceall(proxy_class_code, "$imclassname", m3raw_name); // Add code to do C++ casting to base class (only for classes in an inheritance hierarchy) if (derived) { Printv(m3raw_cppcasts_code, "\n [DllImport(\"", m3wrap_name, "\", EntryPoint=\"Modula3_", proxy_class_name, "To", baseclass, "\")]\n", NIL); Printv(m3raw_cppcasts_code, " public static extern IntPtr ", "$m3classnameTo$baseclass(IntPtr objectRef);\n", NIL); Replaceall(m3raw_cppcasts_code, "$m3classname", proxy_class_name); Replaceall(m3raw_cppcasts_code, "$baseclass", baseclass); Printv(upcasts_code, "SWIGEXPORT long Modula3_$imclazznameTo$imbaseclass", "(long objectRef) {\n", " long baseptr = 0;\n" " *($cbaseclass **)&baseptr = *($cclass **)&objectRef;\n" " return baseptr;\n" "}\n", "\n", NIL); Replaceall(upcasts_code, "$imbaseclass", baseclass); Replaceall(upcasts_code, "$cbaseclass", c_baseclass); Replaceall(upcasts_code, "$imclazzname", proxy_class_name); Replaceall(upcasts_code, "$cclass", c_classname); } Delete(baseclass); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * getAttrString() * * If necessary create and return the string * associated with a certain attribute of 'n'. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getAttrString(Node *n, const char *attr) { String *str = Getattr(n, attr); if (str == NIL) { str = NewString(""); Setattr(n, attr, str); } return str; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * getMethodDeclarations() * * If necessary create and return the handle * where the methods of the current access can be written to. * 'n' must be a member of a struct or a class. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getMethodDeclarations(Node *n) { String *acc_str = Getattr(n, "access"); String *methodattr; if (acc_str == NIL) { methodattr = NewString("modula3:method:public"); } else { methodattr = NewStringf("modula3:method:%s", acc_str); } String *methods = getAttrString(parentNode(n), Char(methodattr)); Delete(methodattr); return methods; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * classHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int classHandler(Node *n) { File *f_proxy = NULL; proxy_class_name = Copy(Getattr(n, "sym:name")); //String *rawname = Getattr(n,"name"); if (proxy_flag) { if (!addSymbol(proxy_class_name, n)) return SWIG_ERROR; if (Cmp(proxy_class_name, m3raw_name) == 0) { Printf(stderr, "Class name cannot be equal to intermediary class name: %s\n", proxy_class_name); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (Cmp(proxy_class_name, m3wrap_name) == 0) { Printf(stderr, "Class name cannot be equal to module class name: %s\n", proxy_class_name); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.m3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), proxy_class_name); f_proxy = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!f_proxy) { FileErrorDisplay(filen); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Delete(filen); filen = NULL; emitBanner(f_proxy); Clear(proxy_class_def); Clear(proxy_class_code); have_default_constructor_flag = false; destructor_call = NewString(""); } /* This will invoke memberfunctionHandler, membervariableHandler ... and finally it may invoke functionWrapper for wrappers and member variable accessors. It will invoke Language:constructorDeclaration which decides whether to call MODULA3::constructorHandler */ Language::classHandler(n); { String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind"); if (Cmp(kind, "struct") == 0) { String *entries = NewString(""); Node *child; writeArgState state; for (child = firstChild(n); child != NIL; child = nextSibling(child)) { String *childType = nodeType(child); if (Strcmp(childType, "cdecl") == 0) { String *member = Getattr(child, "sym:name"); ParmList *pl = Getattr(child, "parms"); if (pl == NIL) { // Get the variable type in Modula 3 type equivalents String *m3ct = getMappedTypeNew(child, "m3rawtype", ""); writeArg(entries, state, NIL, member, m3ct, NIL); } } } writeArg(entries, state, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL); m3raw_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "%s =\nRECORD\n%sEND;\n", proxy_class_name, entries); Delete(entries); } else if (Cmp(kind, "class") == 0) { enum access_privilege { acc_public, acc_protected, acc_private }; int max_acc = acc_public; const char *acc_name[3] = { "public", "protected", "private" }; String *methods[3]; int acc; for (acc = acc_public; acc <= acc_private; acc++) { String *methodattr = NewStringf("modula3:method:%s", acc_name[acc]); methods[acc] = Getattr(n, methodattr); Delete(methodattr); max_acc = max_acc > acc ? max_acc : acc; } /* Determine the name of the base class */ String *baseclassname = NewString(""); { List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases"); if (baselist) { /* Look for the first (principal?) base class - Modula 3 does not support multiple inheritance */ Iterator base = First(baselist); Append(baseclassname, Getattr(base.item, "sym:name")); base = Next(base); if (base.item != NIL) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "Warning for %s proxy: Base %s ignored. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Modula 3.\n", proxy_class_name, Getattr(base.item, "name")); } } } /* the private class of the base class and only this need a pointer to the C++ object */ bool need_private = !hasContent(baseclassname); max_acc = need_private ? acc_private : max_acc; /* Declare C++ object as abstract pointer in Modula 3 */ /* The revelation system does not allow us to imitate the whole class hierarchy of the C++ library, but at least we can distinguish between classes of different roots. */ if (hasContent(baseclassname)) { m3raw_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "%s = %s;\n", proxy_class_name, baseclassname); } else { m3raw_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3raw_intf.f, "%s <: ADDRESS;\n", proxy_class_name); m3raw_impl.enterBlock(revelation); Printf(m3raw_impl.f, "%s = UNTRACED BRANDED REF RECORD (*Dummy*) END;\n", proxy_class_name); } String *superclass; m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); if (hasContent(methods[acc_public])) { superclass = NewStringf("%sPublic", proxy_class_name); } else if (hasContent(baseclassname)) { superclass = Copy(baseclassname); } else { superclass = NewString("ROOT"); } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s <: %s;\n", proxy_class_name, superclass); Delete(superclass); { static const char *acc_m3suffix[] = { "Public", "Protected", "Private" }; int acc; for (acc = acc_public; acc <= acc_private; acc++) { bool process_private = (acc == acc_private) && need_private; if (hasContent(methods[acc]) || process_private) { String *subclass = NewStringf("%s%s", proxy_class_name, acc_m3suffix[acc]); /* m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(revelation); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s <: %s;\n", proxy_class_name, subclass); */ if (acc == max_acc) { m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(revelation); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s =\n", proxy_class_name); } else { m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s =\n", subclass); } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s BRANDED OBJECT\n", baseclassname); if (process_private) { Setattr(m3wrap_intf.import, m3raw_name, ""); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "cxxObj:%s.%s;\n", m3raw_name, proxy_class_name); } if (hasContent(methods[acc])) { Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "METHODS\n%s", methods[acc]); } if (acc == max_acc) { String *overrides = Getattr(n, "modula3:override"); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "OVERRIDES\n%s", overrides); } Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "END;\n"); Delete(baseclassname); baseclassname = subclass; } } } Delete(methods[acc_public]); Delete(methods[acc_protected]); Delete(methods[acc_private]); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_TYPECONSTRUCTOR_UNKNOWN, input_file, line_number, "Unknown type constructor %s\n", kind); } } if (proxy_flag) { emitProxyClassDefAndCPPCasts(n); Printv(f_proxy, proxy_class_def, proxy_class_code, NIL); Printf(f_proxy, "}\n"); Close(f_proxy); f_proxy = NULL; Delete(proxy_class_name); proxy_class_name = NULL; Delete(destructor_call); destructor_call = NULL; } return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * memberfunctionHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n) { //printf("begin memberfunctionHandler(%s)\n", Char(Getattr(n,"name"))); Setattr(n, "modula3:functype", "method"); Language::memberfunctionHandler(n); { /* Language::memberfunctionHandler will remove the mapped types that emitM3Wrapper may attach */ ParmList *pl = Getattr(n, "parms"); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinmode", pl, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinname", pl, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapintype", pl, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapindefault", pl, NULL); attachParameterNames(n, "tmap:m3wrapinname", "autoname", "arg%d"); String *rettype = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapouttype", ""); String *methodname = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); /* if (methodname==NIL) { methodname = Getattr(n,"name"); } */ String *arguments = createM3Signature(n); String *storage = Getattr(n, "storage"); String *overridden = Getattr(n, "override"); bool isVirtual = (storage != NIL) && (Strcmp(storage, "virtual") == 0); bool isOverridden = (overridden != NIL) && (Strcmp(overridden, "1") == 0); if ((!isVirtual) || (!isOverridden)) { { String *methods = getMethodDeclarations(n); Printf(methods, "%s(%s)%s%s;%s\n", methodname, arguments, hasContent(rettype) ? ": " : "", hasContent(rettype) ? (const String *) rettype : "", isVirtual ? " (* base method *)" : ""); } { /* this was attached by functionWrapper invoked by Language::memberfunctionHandler */ String *fname = Getattr(n, "modula3:funcname"); String *overrides = getAttrString(parentNode(n), "modula3:override"); Printf(overrides, "%s := %s;\n", methodname, fname); } } } if (proxy_flag) { String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n); String *intermediary_function_name = Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, proxy_class_name, overloaded_name); Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", Getattr(n, "sym:name")); Setattr(n, "imfuncname", intermediary_function_name); proxyClassFunctionHandler(n); Delete(overloaded_name); } //printf("end memberfunctionHandler(%s)\n", Char(Getattr(n,"name"))); return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * staticmemberfunctionHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int staticmemberfunctionHandler(Node *n) { static_flag = true; Language::staticmemberfunctionHandler(n); if (proxy_flag) { String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n); String *intermediary_function_name = Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, proxy_class_name, overloaded_name); Setattr(n, "proxyfuncname", Getattr(n, "sym:name")); Setattr(n, "imfuncname", intermediary_function_name); proxyClassFunctionHandler(n); Delete(overloaded_name); } static_flag = false; return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * proxyClassFunctionHandler() * * Function called for creating a Modula 3 wrapper function around a c++ function in the * proxy class. Used for both static and non-static C++ class functions. * C++ class static functions map to Modula 3 static functions. * Two extra attributes in the Node must be available. These are "proxyfuncname" - * the name of the Modula 3 class proxy function, which in turn will call "imfuncname" - * the intermediary (PInvoke) function name in the intermediary class. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void proxyClassFunctionHandler(Node *n) { SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms"); Hash *throws_hash = NewHash(); String *intermediary_function_name = Getattr(n, "imfuncname"); String *proxy_function_name = Getattr(n, "proxyfuncname"); String *tm; Parm *p; int i; String *imcall = NewString(""); String *return_type = NewString(""); String *function_code = NewString(""); bool setter_flag = false; if (!proxy_flag) return; if (l) { if (SwigType_type(Getattr(l, "type")) == T_VOID) { l = nextSibling(l); } } /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wraptype", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3in", l, NULL); /* Get return types */ if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wraptype", ""))) { substituteClassname(t, tm); Printf(return_type, "%s", tm); } if (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag) { // Properties setter_flag = (Cmp(Getattr(n, "sym:name"), Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, proxy_class_name, variable_name))) == 0); } /* Start generating the proxy function */ Printf(function_code, " %s ", Getattr(n, "feature:modula3:methodmodifiers")); if (static_flag) Printf(function_code, "static "); if (Getattr(n, "override")) Printf(function_code, "override "); else if (checkAttribute(n, "storage", "virtual")) Printf(function_code, "virtual "); Printf(function_code, "%s %s(", return_type, proxy_function_name); Printv(imcall, m3raw_name, ".", intermediary_function_name, "(", NIL); if (!static_flag) Printv(imcall, "swigCPtr", NIL); emit_mark_varargs(l); int gencomma = !static_flag; /* Output each parameter */ for (i = 0, p = l; p; i++) { /* Ignored varargs */ if (checkAttribute(p, "varargs:ignore", "1")) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } /* Ignored parameters */ if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) { p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next"); continue; } /* Ignore the 'this' argument for variable wrappers */ if (!(variable_wrapper_flag && i == 0)) { SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type"); String *param_type = NewString(""); /* Get the Modula 3 parameter type */ if ((tm = getMappedType(p, "m3wraptype"))) { substituteClassname(pt, tm); Printf(param_type, "%s", tm); } if (gencomma) Printf(imcall, ", "); String *arg = variable_wrapper_flag ? NewString("value") : makeParameterName(n, p, i); // Use typemaps to transform type used in Modula 3 wrapper function (in proxy class) to type used in PInvoke function (in intermediary class) if ((tm = getMappedType(p, "in"))) { addThrows(throws_hash, "in", p); substituteClassname(pt, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(imcall, tm, NIL); } /* Add parameter to proxy function */ if (gencomma >= 2) Printf(function_code, ", "); gencomma = 2; Printf(function_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg); Delete(arg); Delete(param_type); } p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next"); } Printf(imcall, ")"); Printf(function_code, ")"); // Transform return type used in PInvoke function (in intermediary class) to type used in Modula 3 wrapper function (in proxy class) if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3out", ""))) { addThrows(throws_hash, "m3out", n); if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true"); else Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false"); substituteClassname(t, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$imcall", imcall); } generateThrowsClause(throws_hash, function_code); Printf(function_code, " %s\n\n", tm ? (const String *) tm : empty_string); if (proxy_flag && wrapping_member_flag && !enum_constant_flag) { // Properties if (setter_flag) { // Setter method if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3varin", ""))) { if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true"); else Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false"); substituteClassname(t, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$imcall", imcall); Printf(proxy_class_code, "%s", tm); } } else { // Getter method if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3varout", ""))) { if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true"); else Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false"); substituteClassname(t, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$imcall", imcall); Printf(proxy_class_code, "%s", tm); } } } else { // Normal function call Printv(proxy_class_code, function_code, NIL); } Delete(function_code); Delete(return_type); Delete(imcall); Delete(throws_hash); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * constructorHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int constructorHandler(Node *n) { // this invokes functionWrapper Language::constructorHandler(n); if (proxy_flag) { ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms"); Hash *throws_hash = NewHash(); String *overloaded_name = getOverloadedName(n); String *imcall = NewString(""); Printf(proxy_class_code, " %s %s(", Getattr(n, "feature:modula3:methodmodifiers"), proxy_class_name); Printv(imcall, " : this(", m3raw_name, ".", Swig_name_construct(NSPACE_TODO, overloaded_name), "(", NIL); /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("in", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wraptype", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3in", l, NULL); emit_mark_varargs(l); int gencomma = 0; String *tm; Parm *p = l; int i; /* Output each parameter */ for (i = 0; p; i++) { /* Ignored varargs */ if (checkAttribute(p, "varargs:ignore", "1")) { p = nextSibling(p); continue; } /* Ignored parameters */ if (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) { p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next"); continue; } SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type"); String *param_type = NewString(""); /* Get the Modula 3 parameter type */ if ((tm = getMappedType(p, "m3wraptype"))) { substituteClassname(pt, tm); Printf(param_type, "%s", tm); } if (gencomma) Printf(imcall, ", "); String *arg = makeParameterName(n, p, i); // Use typemaps to transform type used in Modula 3 wrapper function (in proxy class) to type used in PInvoke function (in intermediary class) if ((tm = getMappedType(p, "in"))) { addThrows(throws_hash, "in", p); substituteClassname(pt, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(imcall, tm, NIL); } /* Add parameter to proxy function */ if (gencomma) Printf(proxy_class_code, ", "); Printf(proxy_class_code, "%s %s", param_type, arg); gencomma = 1; Delete(arg); Delete(param_type); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next"); } Printf(imcall, "), true)"); Printf(proxy_class_code, ")"); Printf(proxy_class_code, "%s", imcall); generateThrowsClause(throws_hash, proxy_class_code); Printf(proxy_class_code, " {\n"); Printf(proxy_class_code, " }\n\n"); if (!gencomma) // We must have a default constructor have_default_constructor_flag = true; Delete(overloaded_name); Delete(imcall); Delete(throws_hash); } return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * destructorHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int destructorHandler(Node *n) { Language::destructorHandler(n); String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); if (proxy_flag) { Printv(destructor_call, m3raw_name, ".", Swig_name_destroy(NSPACE_TODO, symname), "(swigCPtr)", NIL); } return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * membervariableHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n) { //printf("begin membervariableHandler(%s)\n", Char(Getattr(n,"name"))); SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); String *tm; // Get the variable type if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wraptype", ""))) { substituteClassname(t, tm); } variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); //printf("member variable: %s\n", Char(variable_name)); // Output the property's field declaration and accessor methods Printf(proxy_class_code, " public %s %s {", tm, variable_name); Setattr(n, "modula3:functype", "accessor"); wrapping_member_flag = true; variable_wrapper_flag = true; Language::membervariableHandler(n); wrapping_member_flag = false; variable_wrapper_flag = false; Printf(proxy_class_code, "\n }\n\n"); { String *methods = getMethodDeclarations(n); String *overrides = getAttrString(parentNode(n), "modula3:override"); SwigType *type = Getattr(n, "type"); String *m3name = capitalizeFirst(variable_name); //String *m3name = nameToModula3(variable_name,true); if (!SwigType_isconst(type)) { { String *inmode = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapinmode", "", false); String *intype = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapintype", ""); Printf(methods, "set%s(%s val:%s);\n", m3name, (inmode != NIL) ? (const String *) inmode : "", intype); } { /* this was attached by functionWrapper invoked by Language::memberfunctionHandler */ String *fname = Getattr(n, "modula3:setname"); Printf(overrides, "set%s := %s;\n", m3name, fname); } } { { String *outtype = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapouttype", ""); Printf(methods, "get%s():%s;\n", m3name, outtype); } { /* this was attached by functionWrapper invoked by Language::memberfunctionHandler */ String *fname = Getattr(n, "modula3:getname"); Printf(overrides, "get%s := %s;\n", m3name, fname); } } Delete(m3name); } //printf("end membervariableHandler(%s)\n", Char(Getattr(n,"name"))); return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * staticmembervariableHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int staticmembervariableHandler(Node *n) { bool static_const_member_flag = (Getattr(n, "value") == 0); if (static_const_member_flag) { SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); String *tm; // Get the variable type if ((tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wraptype", ""))) { substituteClassname(t, tm); } // Output the property's field declaration and accessor methods Printf(proxy_class_code, " public static %s %s {", tm, Getattr(n, "sym:name")); } variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); wrapping_member_flag = true; static_flag = true; Language::staticmembervariableHandler(n); wrapping_member_flag = false; static_flag = false; if (static_const_member_flag) Printf(proxy_class_code, "\n }\n\n"); return SWIG_OK; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * memberconstantHandler() * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ virtual int memberconstantHandler(Node *n) { variable_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name"); wrapping_member_flag = true; Language::memberconstantHandler(n); wrapping_member_flag = false; return SWIG_OK; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * getOverloadedName() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *getOverloadedName(Node *n) { String *overloaded_name = Copy(Getattr(n, "sym:name")); if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) { Printv(overloaded_name, Getattr(n, "sym:overname"), NIL); } return overloaded_name; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitM3Wrapper() * It is also used for set and get methods of global variables. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void emitM3Wrapper(Node *n, const String *func_name) { SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type"); ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms"); Hash *throws_hash = NewHash(); int num_exceptions = 0; int num_returns = 0; String *rawcall = NewString(""); String *reccall = NewString(""); String *local_variables = NewString(""); String *local_constants = NewString(""); String *incheck = NewString(""); String *outcheck = NewString(""); String *setup = NewString(""); String *cleanup = NewString(""); String *outarg = NewString(""); /* don't mix up with 'autark' :-] */ String *storeout = NewString(""); String *result_name = NewString(""); String *return_variables = NewString(""); const char *result_return = "ret"; String *function_code = NewString(""); /*several names for the same function */ String *raw_name = Getattr(n, "name"); /*original C function name */ //String *func_name = Getattr(n,"sym:name"); /*final Modula3 name chosen by the user*/ bool setter_flag = false; int multiretval = GetFlag(n, "feature:modula3:multiretval"); if (l) { if (SwigType_type(Getattr(l, "type")) == T_VOID) { l = nextSibling(l); } } /* Attach the non-standard typemaps to the parameter list */ Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargvar", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargconst", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargraw", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargdir", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinmode", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinname", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapintype", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapindefault", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinconv", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapincheck", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapoutname", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapouttype", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapoutconv", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapoutcheck", l, NULL); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretraw"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretname"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wraprettype"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretvar"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretconv"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretcheck"); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapfreearg", l, NULL); /* Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargvar:throws", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapargraw:throws", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapinconv:throws", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapincheck:throws", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapoutconv:throws", l, NULL); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapoutcheck:throws", l, NULL); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretvar:throws"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretconv:throws"); attachMappedType(n, "m3wrapretcheck:throws"); Swig_typemap_attach_parms("m3wrapfreearg:throws", l, NULL); */ /* Attach argument names to the parameter list */ /* should be a separate procedure making use of hashes */ attachParameterNames(n, "tmap:m3wrapinname", "autoname", "arg%d"); /* Get return types */ String *result_m3rawtype = Copy(getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3rawrettype", "")); String *result_m3wraptype = Copy(getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wraprettype", "")); bool has_return_raw = hasContent(result_m3rawtype); bool has_return_m3 = hasContent(result_m3wraptype); if (has_return_m3) { num_returns++; //printf("%s: %s\n", Char(func_name),Char(result_m3wraptype)); } String *arguments = createM3Signature(n); /* Create local variables or RECORD fields for return values and determine return type that might result from a converted VAR argument. */ { writeArgState state; if (multiretval && has_return_m3) { writeArg(return_variables, state, NIL, NewString(result_return), result_m3wraptype, NIL); } Parm *p = skipIgnored(l, "m3wrapouttype"); while (p != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutname"); if (arg == NIL) { arg = Getattr(p, "name"); } String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapouttype"); if (tm != NIL) { if (isOutParam(p)) { if (!multiretval) { if (num_returns == 0) { Printv(result_name, arg, NIL); Clear(result_m3wraptype); Printv(result_m3wraptype, tm, NIL); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_MULTIPLE_RETURN, input_file, line_number, "Typemap m3wrapargdir set to 'out' for %s implies a RETURN value, but the routine %s has already one.\nUse %%multiretval feature.\n", SwigType_str(Getattr(p, "type"), 0), raw_name); } } num_returns++; addImports(m3wrap_intf.import, "m3wrapouttype", p); writeArg(return_variables, state, NIL, arg, tm, NIL); } p = skipIgnored(Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapouttype:next"), "m3wrapouttype"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } writeArg(return_variables, state, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL); if (multiretval) { Printv(result_name, "result", NIL); Printf(result_m3wraptype, "%sResult", func_name); m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(blocktype); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s =\nRECORD\n%sEND;\n", result_m3wraptype, return_variables); Printf(local_variables, "%s: %s;\n", result_name, result_m3wraptype); } else { Append(local_variables, return_variables); } } /* Declare local constants e.g. for storing argument names. */ { Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargconst"); if (tm != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapargconst", p); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(local_constants, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargconst:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Declare local variables e.g. for converted input values. */ { String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapretvar", "", false); if (tm != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapretvar", n); addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapretvar", n); Printv(local_variables, tm, "\n", NIL); } Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargvar"); if (tm != NIL) { /* exceptions that may be raised but can't be catched, thus we won't count them in num_exceptions */ addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapargvar", p); addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapargvar", p); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(local_variables, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargvar:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Convert input values from Modula 3 to C. */ { Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapinconv"); if (tm != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapinconv", p); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapinconv", p); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(setup, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapinconv:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Generate checks for input value integrity. */ { Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapincheck"); if (tm != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapincheck", p); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapincheck", p); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Printv(incheck, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapincheck:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } Printv(rawcall, m3raw_name, ".", func_name, "(", NIL); /* Arguments to the raw C function */ { bool gencomma = false; Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { if (gencomma) { Printf(rawcall, ", "); } gencomma = true; addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapargraw", p); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapargraw", p); String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *qualarg = NewString(""); if (!isInParam(p)) { String *tmparg = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutname"); if (tmparg != NIL) { arg = tmparg; } if (multiretval /*&& isOutParam(p) - automatically fulfilled */ ) { Printf(qualarg, "%s.", result_name); } } Append(qualarg, arg); Setattr(p, "m3outarg", qualarg); String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargraw"); if (tm != NIL) { Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Replaceall(tm, "$output", qualarg); Printv(rawcall, tm, NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapargraw:next"); } else { //Printv(rawcall, Getattr(p,"lname"), NIL); Printv(rawcall, qualarg, NIL); p = nextSibling(p); } Delete(qualarg); } } Printf(rawcall, ")"); /* Check for error codes and integrity of results */ { String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapretcheck", "", false); if (tm != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapretcheck", n); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapretcheck", n); Printv(outcheck, tm, "\n", NIL); } Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutcheck"); if (tm != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *outarg = Getattr(p, "m3outarg"); addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapoutcheck", p); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapoutcheck", p); //substituteClassname(Getattr(p,"type"), tm); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Replaceall(tm, "$output", outarg); Printv(outcheck, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutcheck:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Convert the results to Modula 3 data structures and put them in the record prepared for returning */ { /* m3wrapretconv is processed when it is clear if there is some output conversion and checking code */ Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutconv"); if (tm != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *outarg = Getattr(p, "m3outarg"); addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapoutconv", n); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapoutconv", p); //substituteClassname(Getattr(p,"type"), tm); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Replaceall(tm, "$output", outarg); Printf(storeout, "%s := %s;\n", outarg, tm); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapoutconv:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } /* Generate cleanup code */ { Parm *p = l; while (p != NIL) { String *tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapfreearg"); if (tm != NIL) { String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); String *outarg = Getattr(p, "m3outarg"); addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapfreearg", p); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapfreearg", p); //substituteClassname(Getattr(p,"type"), tm); Replaceall(tm, "$input", arg); Replaceall(tm, "$output", outarg); Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL); p = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapfreearg:next"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } } { /* Currently I don't know how a typemap similar to the original 'out' typemap could help returning the return value. */ /* Receive result from call to raw library function */ if (!has_return_raw) { /* rawcall(arg1); result.val := arg1; RETURN result; */ /* rawcall(arg1); RETURN arg1; */ Printf(reccall, "%s;\n", rawcall); if (hasContent(result_name)) { Printf(outarg, "RETURN %s;\n", result_name); } } else { /* arg0 := rawcall(arg1); result.ret := Convert(arg0); result.val := arg1; RETURN result; */ /* arg0 := rawcall(); RETURN Convert(arg0); */ /* RETURN rawcall(); */ String *return_raw = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapretraw", "", false); String *return_conv = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3wrapretconv", "", false); /* immediate RETURN would skip result checking */ if ((hasContent(outcheck) || hasContent(storeout) || hasContent(cleanup)) && (!hasContent(result_name)) && (return_raw == NIL)) { Printv(result_name, "result", NIL); Printf(local_variables, "%s: %s;\n", result_name, result_m3wraptype); } String *result_lvalue = Copy(result_name); if (multiretval) { Printf(result_lvalue, ".%s", result_return); } if (return_raw != NIL) { Printf(reccall, "%s := %s;\n", return_raw, rawcall); } else if (hasContent(result_name)) { Printf(reccall, "%s := %s;\n", result_lvalue, rawcall); } else { Printf(outarg, "RETURN %s;\n", rawcall); } if (return_conv != NIL) { addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapretconv", n); num_exceptions += addThrows(throws_hash, "m3wrapretconv", n); if (hasContent(result_name)) { Printf(reccall, "%s := %s;\n", result_lvalue, return_conv); Printf(outarg, "RETURN %s;\n", result_name); } else { Printf(outarg, "RETURN %s;\n", return_conv); } } else { if (hasContent(result_name)) { Printf(outarg, "RETURN %s;\n", result_name); } } } } /* Create procedure header */ { String *header = NewStringf("PROCEDURE %s (%s)", func_name, arguments); if ((num_returns > 0) || multiretval) { Printf(header, ": %s", result_m3wraptype); } generateThrowsClause(throws_hash, header); Append(function_code, header); m3wrap_intf.enterBlock(no_block); Printf(m3wrap_intf.f, "%s;\n\n", header); } { String *body = NewStringf("%s%s%s%s%s", incheck, setup, reccall, outcheck, storeout); String *exc_handler; if (hasContent(cleanup) && (num_exceptions > 0)) { exc_handler = NewStringf("TRY\n%sFINALLY\n%sEND;\n", body, cleanup); } else { exc_handler = NewStringf("%s%s", body, cleanup); } Printf(function_code, " =\n%s%s%s%sBEGIN\n%s%sEND %s;\n\n", hasContent(local_constants) ? "CONST\n" : "", local_constants, hasContent(local_variables) ? "VAR\n" : "", local_variables, exc_handler, outarg, func_name); Delete(exc_handler); Delete(body); } m3wrap_impl.enterBlock(no_block); if (proxy_flag && global_variable_flag) { // Properties if (setter_flag) { // Setter method String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3varin", ""); if (tm != NIL) { if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) { Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true"); } else { Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false"); } substituteClassname(t, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$rawcall", rawcall); Replaceall(tm, "$vartype", variable_type); /* $type is already replaced by some super class */ Replaceall(tm, "$var", variable_name); Printf(m3wrap_impl.f, "%s", tm); } } else { // Getter method String *tm = getMappedTypeNew(n, "m3varout", ""); if (tm != NIL) { if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "true"); else Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "false"); substituteClassname(t, tm); Replaceall(tm, "$rawcall", rawcall); Replaceall(tm, "$vartype", variable_type); Replaceall(tm, "$var", variable_name); Printf(m3wrap_impl.f, "%s", tm); } } } else { // Normal function call Printv(m3wrap_impl.f, function_code, NIL); } Delete(arguments); Delete(return_variables); Delete(local_variables); Delete(local_constants); Delete(outarg); Delete(incheck); Delete(outcheck); Delete(setup); Delete(cleanup); Delete(storeout); Delete(function_code); Delete(result_name); Delete(result_m3wraptype); Delete(reccall); Delete(rawcall); Delete(throws_hash); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * replaceSpecialVariables() *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ virtual void replaceSpecialVariables(String *method, String *tm, Parm *parm) { (void)method; SwigType *type = Getattr(parm, "type"); substituteClassname(type, tm); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * substituteClassname() * * Substitute the special variable $m3classname with the proxy class name for classes/structs/unions * that SWIG knows about. * Otherwise use the $descriptor name for the Modula 3 class name. Note that the $&m3classname substitution * is the same as a $&descriptor substitution, ie one pointer added to descriptor name. * Inputs: * pt - parameter type * tm - typemap contents that might contain the special variable to be replaced * Outputs: * tm - typemap contents complete with the special variable substitution * Return: * substitution_performed - flag indicating if a substitution was performed * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool substituteClassname(SwigType *pt, String *tm) { bool substitution_performed = false; if (Strstr(tm, "$m3classname") || Strstr(tm, "$&m3classname")) { String *classname = getProxyName(pt); if (classname) { Replaceall(tm, "$&m3classname", classname); // getProxyName() works for pointers to classes too Replaceall(tm, "$m3classname", classname); } else { // use $descriptor if SWIG does not know anything about this type. Note that any typedefs are resolved. String *descriptor = NULL; SwigType *type = Copy(SwigType_typedef_resolve_all(pt)); if (Strstr(tm, "$&m3classname")) { SwigType_add_pointer(type); descriptor = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(type)); Replaceall(tm, "$&m3classname", descriptor); } else { // $m3classname descriptor = NewStringf("SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(type)); Replaceall(tm, "$m3classname", descriptor); } // Add to hash table so that the type wrapper classes can be created later Setattr(swig_types_hash, descriptor, type); Delete(descriptor); Delete(type); } substitution_performed = true; } return substitution_performed; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * makeParameterName() * * Inputs: * n - Node * p - parameter node * arg_num - parameter argument number * Return: * arg - a unique parameter name * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *makeParameterName(Node *n, Parm *p, int arg_num) { // Use C parameter name unless it is a duplicate or an empty parameter name String *pn = Getattr(p, "name"); int count = 0; ParmList *plist = Getattr(n, "parms"); while (plist) { if ((Cmp(pn, Getattr(plist, "name")) == 0)) count++; plist = nextSibling(plist); } String *arg = (!pn || (count > 1)) ? NewStringf("arg%d", arg_num) : Copy(Getattr(p, "name")); return arg; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * attachParameterNames() * * Inputs: * n - Node of a function declaration * tmid - attribute name for overriding C argument names, * e.g. "tmap:m3wrapinname", * don't forget to attach the mapped types before * nameid - attribute for attaching the names, * e.g. "modula3:inname" * fmt - format for the argument name containing %d * e.g. "arg%d" * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void attachParameterNames(Node *n, const char *tmid, const char *nameid, const char *fmt) { /* Use C parameter name if present and unique, otherwise create an 'arg%d' name */ Hash *hash = NewHash(); Parm *p = Getattr(n, "parms"); int count = 0; while (p != NIL) { String *name = Getattr(p, tmid); if (name == NIL) { name = Getattr(p, "name"); } String *newname; if ((!hasContent(name)) || (Getattr(hash, name) != NIL)) { newname = NewStringf(fmt, count); } else { newname = Copy(name); } if (1 == Setattr(hash, newname, "1")) { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_DOUBLE_ID, input_file, line_number, "Argument '%s' twice.\n", newname); } Setattr(p, nameid, newname); // Delete(newname); p = nextSibling(p); count++; } Delete(hash); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * createM3Signature() * * Create signature of M3 wrapper procedure * Call attachParameterNames and attach mapped types before! * m3wrapintype, m3wrapinmode, m3wrapindefault * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *createM3Signature(Node *n) { String *arguments = NewString(""); Parm *p = skipIgnored(Getattr(n, "parms"), "m3wrapintype"); writeArgState state; while (p != NIL) { /* Get the M3 parameter type */ String *tm = getMappedType(p, "m3wrapintype"); if (tm != NIL) { if (isInParam(p)) { addImports(m3wrap_intf.import, "m3wrapintype", p); addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, "m3wrapintype", p); String *mode = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapinmode"); String *deflt = Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapindefault"); String *arg = Getattr(p, "autoname"); SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type"); substituteClassname(pt, tm); /* do we need this ? */ writeArg(arguments, state, mode, arg, tm, deflt); } p = skipIgnored(Getattr(p, "tmap:m3wrapintype:next"), "m3wrapintype"); } else { p = nextSibling(p); } } writeArg(arguments, state, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL); return (arguments); } /* not used any longer - try SwigType_str if required again */ #if 0 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * createCSignature() * * Create signature of C function * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ String *createCSignature(Node *n) { String *arguments = NewString(""); bool gencomma = false; Node *p; for (p = Getattr(n, "parms"); p != NIL; p = nextSibling(p)) { if (gencomma) { Append(arguments, ","); } gencomma = true; String *type = Getattr(p, "type"); String *ctype = getMappedTypeNew(type, "ctype"); Append(arguments, ctype); } return arguments; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitTypeWrapperClass() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void emitTypeWrapperClass(String *classname, SwigType *type) { Node *n = NewHash(); Setfile(n, input_file); Setline(n, line_number); String *filen = NewStringf("%s%s.m3", Swig_file_dirname(outfile), classname); File *f_swigtype = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files()); if (!f_swigtype) { FileErrorDisplay(filen); SWIG_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } String *swigtype = NewString(""); // Emit banner name emitBanner(f_swigtype); // Pure Modula 3 baseclass and interfaces const String *pure_baseclass = typemapLookup(n, "m3base", type, WARN_NONE); const String *pure_interfaces = typemapLookup(n, "m3interfaces", type, WARN_NONE); // Emit the class Printv(swigtype, typemapLookup(n, "m3imports", type, WARN_NONE), // Import statements "\n", typemapLookup(n, "m3classmodifiers", type, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_CLASSMOD_UNDEF), // Class modifiers " class $m3classname", // Class name and bases *Char(pure_baseclass) ? " : " : "", pure_baseclass, *Char(pure_interfaces) ? // Interfaces " : " : "", pure_interfaces, " {\n", " private IntPtr swigCPtr;\n", "\n", " ", typemapLookup(n, "m3ptrconstructormodifiers", type, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_PTRCONSTMOD_UNDEF), // pointer constructor modifiers " $m3classname(IntPtr cPtr, bool bFutureUse) {\n", // Constructor used for wrapping pointers " swigCPtr = cPtr;\n", " }\n", "\n", " protected $m3classname() {\n", // Default constructor " swigCPtr = IntPtr.Zero;\n", " }\n", typemapLookup(n, "m3getcptr", type, WARN_MODULA3_TYPEMAP_GETCPTR_UNDEF), // getCPtr method typemapLookup(n, "m3code", type, WARN_NONE), // extra Modula 3 code "}\n", "\n", NIL); Replaceall(swigtype, "$m3classname", classname); Printv(f_swigtype, swigtype, NIL); Close(f_swigtype); Delete(filen); Delete(swigtype); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * typemapLookup() * n - for input only and must contain info for Getfile(n) and Getline(n) to work * tmap_method - typemap method name * type - typemap type to lookup * warning - warning number to issue if no typemaps found * typemap_attributes - the typemap attributes are attached to this node and will * also be used for temporary storage if non null * return is never NULL, unlike Swig_typemap_lookup() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const String *typemapLookup(Node *n, const_String_or_char_ptr tmap_method, SwigType *type, int warning, Node *typemap_attributes = 0) { Node *node = !typemap_attributes ? NewHash() : typemap_attributes; Setattr(node, "type", type); Setfile(node, Getfile(n)); Setline(node, Getline(n)); const String *tm = Swig_typemap_lookup(tmap_method, node, "", 0); if (!tm) { tm = empty_string; if (warning != WARN_NONE) Swig_warning(warning, Getfile(n), Getline(n), "No %s typemap defined for %s\n", tmap_method, SwigType_str(type, 0)); } if (!typemap_attributes) Delete(node); return tm; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * addThrows() * * Add all exceptions to a hash that are associated with the 'typemap'. * Return number the number of these exceptions. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int addThrows(Hash *throws_hash, const String *typemap, Node *parameter) { // Get the comma separated throws clause - held in "throws" attribute in the typemap passed in int len = 0; String *throws_attribute = NewStringf("%s:throws", typemap); addImports(m3wrap_intf.import, throws_attribute, parameter); addImports(m3wrap_impl.import, throws_attribute, parameter); String *throws = getMappedTypeNew(parameter, Char(throws_attribute), "", false); //printf("got exceptions %s for %s\n", Char(throws), Char(throws_attribute)); if (throws) { // Put the exception classes in the throws clause into a temporary List List *temp_classes_list = Split(throws, ',', INT_MAX); len = Len(temp_classes_list); // Add the exception classes to the node throws list, but don't duplicate if already in list if (temp_classes_list /*&& hasContent(temp_classes_list) */ ) { for (Iterator cls = First(temp_classes_list); cls.item != NIL; cls = Next(cls)) { String *exception_class = NewString(cls.item); Replaceall(exception_class, " ", ""); // remove spaces Replaceall(exception_class, "\t", ""); // remove tabs if (hasContent(exception_class)) { // $m3classname substitution SwigType *pt = Getattr(parameter, "type"); substituteClassname(pt, exception_class); // Don't duplicate the exception class in the throws clause //printf("add exception %s\n", Char(exception_class)); Setattr(throws_hash, exception_class, "1"); } Delete(exception_class); } } Delete(temp_classes_list); } Delete(throws_attribute); return len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * generateThrowsClause() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void generateThrowsClause(Hash *throws_hash, String *code) { // Add the throws clause into code if (Len(throws_hash) > 0) { Iterator cls = First(throws_hash); Printf(code, " RAISES {%s", cls.key); for (cls = Next(cls); cls.key != NIL; cls = Next(cls)) { Printf(code, ", %s", cls.key); } Printf(code, "}"); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * addImports() * * Add all imports that are needed for contents of 'typemap'. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void addImports(Hash *imports_hash, const String *typemap, Node *node) { // Get the comma separated throws clause - held in "throws" attribute in the typemap passed in String *imports_attribute = NewStringf("%s:import", typemap); String *imports = getMappedTypeNew(node, Char(imports_attribute), "", false); //printf("got imports %s for %s\n", Char(imports), Char(imports_attribute)); if (imports != NIL) { List *import_list = Split(imports, ',', INT_MAX); // Add the exception classes to the node imports list, but don't duplicate if already in list if (import_list != NIL) { for (Iterator imp = First(import_list); imp.item != NIL; imp = Next(imp)) { List *import_pair = Split(imp.item, ' ', 3); if (Len(import_pair) == 1) { Setattr(imports_hash, Getitem(import_pair, 0), ""); } else if ((Len(import_pair) == 3) && Strcmp(Getitem(import_pair, 1), "AS") == 0) { Setattr(imports_hash, Getitem(import_pair, 0), Getitem(import_pair, 2)); } else { Swig_warning(WARN_MODULA3_BAD_IMPORT, input_file, line_number, "Malformed import '%s' for typemap '%s' defined for type '%s'\n", imp, typemap, SwigType_str(Getattr(node, "type"), 0)); } Delete(import_pair); } } Delete(import_list); } Delete(imports_attribute); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * emitImportStatements() * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void emitImportStatements(Hash *imports_hash, String *code) { // Add the imports statements into code Iterator imp = First(imports_hash); while (imp.key != NIL) { Printf(code, "IMPORT %s", imp.key); String *imp_as = imp.item; if (hasContent(imp_as)) { Printf(code, " AS %s", imp_as); } Printf(code, ";\n"); imp = Next(imp); } } }; /* class MODULA3 */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * swig_modula3() - Instantiate module * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern "C" Language *swig_modula3(void) { return new MODULA3(); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Static member variables * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *MODULA3::usage = (char *) "\ Modula 3 Options (available with -modula3)\n\ -generateconst - Generate code for computing numeric values of constants\n\ -generaterename - Generate suggestions for %rename\n\ -generatetypemap - Generate templates for some basic typemaps\n\ -oldvarnames - Old intermediary method names for variable wrappers\n\ \n"; /* -generateconst - stem of the .c source file for computing the numeric values of constants\n\ -generaterename - stem of the .i source file containing %rename suggestions\n\ -generatetypemap - stem of the .i source file containing typemap patterns\n\ */