/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus
 * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MAUS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <vector>

#include "src/common_cpp/Utils/VersionNumber.hh"

#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/PrimaryChain.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/Track.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/TrackPoint.hh"
#include "src/common_cpp/DataStructure/Global/SpacePoint.hh"

namespace MAUS {

/** @class GlobalEvent comment
 *  @author Ian Taylor, University of Warwick
 *  @date 2013/03/01 - Expanded from original 'blank slate'

class GlobalEvent {
  /** Default constructor - initialises to 0/NULL */

  /** Copy constructor - any pointers are deep copied */
  GlobalEvent(const GlobalEvent& globalevent);

  /** Equality operator - any pointers are deep copied */
  GlobalEvent& operator=(const GlobalEvent& globalevent);

  /** Destructor - any member pointers are deleted */
  virtual ~GlobalEvent();

  /** Add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain object, daughter objects
   * are ignored. */
  void add_primary_chain(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain* pchain);

  /** Return the std::vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*,
   *  #_primary_chains. */
  get_primary_chains() const;

  /** Set the std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*>. */
  void set_primary_chains(
      std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> *primary_chains);

  /** Add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track object, daughter
   *  objects are ignored. */
  void add_track(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track);

  /** If a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track object is not already a
   *  member of the GlobalEvent, add it in.  Otherwise, return false,
   *  to signify already added.*/
  bool add_track_check(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track);

  /** Recursively add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track object and
   *  the associated daughter objects */
  void add_track_recursive(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track* track);

  /** Return the std::vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*,
   *  #_tracks. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*>* get_tracks() const;

  /** Set the std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*>. */
  void set_tracks(std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*> *tracks);

  /** Add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint object, daughter
   *  objects are ignored. */
  void add_track_point(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point);

  /** If a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint object is not
   *  already a member of the GlobalEvent, add it in.  Otherwise,
   *  return false, to signify already added.*/
  bool add_track_point_check(
      MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point);

  /** Recursively add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint object
   *  and the associated daughter objects */
  void add_track_point_recursive(
      MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint* track_point);

  /** Return the std::vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*,
   *  #_track_points. */
  get_track_points() const;

  /** Set the std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*>. */
  void set_track_points(
      std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*> *track_points);

  /** Add a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint object. */
  void add_space_point(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint* space_point);

  /** If a MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint object is not already a
   *  member of the GlobalEvent, add it in.  Otherwise, return false,
   *  to signify already added.*/
  bool add_space_point_check(
      MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint* space_point);

  /** Return the std::vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint*,
   *  #_space_points. */
  get_space_points() const;

  /** Set the std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint*>,
   *  #_space_points. */
  void set_space_points(
      std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint*> *space_points);

  /** Return a vector of all upstream primary chains that are not orphans */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetUSPrimaryChains() const;

  /** Return a vector of all downstream primary chains that are not orphans */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetDSPrimaryChains() const;

  /** Return a vector of all through primary chains */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetThroughPrimaryChains() const;

  /** Return a vector of all primary chain orphans, i.e. chains whose tracks have
   *  not been matched into a through track */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetPrimaryChainOrphans() const;

  /** Return a vector of all upstream primary chain orphans, i.e. upstream chains whose tracks
   *  have not been matched into a through track */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetUSPrimaryChainOrphans() const;

  /** Return a vector of all downstream primary chain orphans, i.e. downstream chains whose tracks
   *  have not been matched into a through track */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetDSPrimaryChainOrphans() const;

  /** Return a vector of all non-through primary chains, i.e. all upstream and downstream
   *  chains, whether they are orphans or not. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> GetNonThroughPrimaryChains() const;

  /** Return a vector of tracks from local reconstruction, i.e. tracker and EMR tracks */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*> GetLRTracks() const;

  /** Return a vector of tracks from local reconstruction, i.e. tracker and EMR tracks, if they
   *  contain a hit in the selected detector. */
      GetLRTracks(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector) const;

  /** Return a vector of space points from local reconstruction, i.e. from the
   *  TOFs, Chkovs, and KL */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint*> GetLRSpacePoints() const;

  /** Return a vector of space points from local reconstruction corresponding to the chosen
   *  DetectorPoint (corresponding to one of the TOFs or Chkovs or the KL */
      GetLRSpacePoints(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::DetectorPoint detector) const;

  /** Return all primary chains corresponding to the given type. Is called by the respective
   *  public functions */
      GetPrimaryChains(MAUS::DataStructure::Global::ChainType chain_type) const;

  /** A vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain pointers
   *  associated with this event. Different reconstruction steps can
   *  be distinguished by mapper_name. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain*> *_primary_chains;

  /** A vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track pointers associated with
   *  this event. These should be accessed through the
   *  MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain pointers stored in
   *  #_primary_chains. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::Track*> *_tracks;

  /** A vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint pointers
   *  associated with this event. These should be accessed through the
   *  MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain pointers stored in
   *  #_primary_chains. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::TrackPoint*> *_track_points;

  /** A vector of MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint pointers
   *  associated with this event. These should be accessed through the
   *  MAUS::DataStructure::Global::PrimaryChain pointers stored in
   *  #_primary_chains. */
  std::vector<MAUS::DataStructure::Global::SpacePoint*> *_space_points;

}; // ~GlobalEvent
} // ~MAUS