/* This file is part of MAUS: http:// micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus * * MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MAUS. If not, see . */ #include "Recon/Global/PIDBase.hh" #include "Utils/Exception.hh" namespace MAUS { namespace recon { namespace global { PIDBase::PIDBase(std::string variable, std::string hypothesis, std::string unique_identifier, int XminBin, int XmaxBin, int XnumBins, int YminBin, int YmaxBin, int YnumBins) : _var_name(variable), _hyp(hypothesis), _unique_identifier(unique_identifier), _XminBin(XminBin), _XmaxBin(XmaxBin), _XnumBins(XnumBins), _YminBin(YminBin), _YmaxBin(YmaxBin), _YnumBins(YnumBins), _writeFile(NULL) { char* pMAUS_ROOT_DIR = getenv("MAUS_ROOT_DIR"); if (!pMAUS_ROOT_DIR) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "Could not find the $MAUS_ROOT_DIR environmental ", "variable, Recon::Global::PIDBase::PIDBase()")); } /// Set to false as default, enable behaviour within derived classes _nonZeroHistEntries = false; _varhyp = _var_name + "_" + _hyp; char pidDirectory[180]; snprintf(pidDirectory, sizeof(pidDirectory), "%s/files/PID", pMAUS_ROOT_DIR); gSystem->MakeDirectory(pidDirectory); char hypDirectory[250]; snprintf(hypDirectory, sizeof(hypDirectory), "%s/files/PID/%s_%s", pMAUS_ROOT_DIR, _hyp.c_str(), _unique_identifier.c_str()); gSystem->MakeDirectory(hypDirectory); char pidFile[300]; snprintf(pidFile, sizeof(pidFile), "%s/%s.root", hypDirectory, _varhyp.c_str()); _filename = std::string(pidFile); _directory = std::string(hypDirectory); _writeFile = new TFile(pidFile, "RECREATE"); if (_writeFile->IsZombie()) { throw(Exceptions::Exception(Exceptions::recoverable, "File to write histograms to failed to be created.", "Recon::Global::PIDBase::PIDBase()")); } }; PIDBase::PIDBase(TFile* file, std::string variable, std::string hypothesis, int Xmin, int Xmax, int Ymin, int Ymax, int XminBin, int XmaxBin, int YminBin, int YmaxBin) : _var_name(variable), _hyp(hypothesis), _Xmin(Xmin), _Xmax(Xmax), _Ymin(Ymin), _Ymax(Ymax), _XminBin(XminBin), _XmaxBin(XmaxBin), _YminBin(YminBin), _YmaxBin(YmaxBin), _writeFile(NULL) { std::string histname = _var_name + "_" + _hyp; }; PIDBase::~PIDBase() { // close file if (_writeFile) { _writeFile->Close(); _writeFile->Delete(); } }; std::string PIDBase::Get_hyp() { return PIDBase::_hyp; } std::string PIDBase::Get_var_name() { return PIDBase::_var_name; } std::string PIDBase::Get_filename() { return PIDBase::_filename; } std::string PIDBase::Get_directory() { return PIDBase::_directory; } } } }