The Configuration defaults
These are the default values for MAUS and its components. Please DO NOT CHANGE
this unless you want to change this quantity for everybody. Values can be
overridden by setting configuration_file parameter on the comamnd line, for
bin/simulate_mice.py --configuration_file my_configuration.py
# This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
# MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MAUS. If not, see .
# NOTE: please use lower_case_and_underscores for new configuration cards
import os
# cuts_parameters holds the parameters that are needed to determine the cuts
recon_cuts = {
primary_correction = { 'scale' : 1.0, 'shift' : -10.0 }
type_of_dataflow = 'pipeline_single_thread'
input_json_file_name = "maus_input.json"
input_json_file_type = "text"
output_json_file_name = "maus_output.json"
output_json_file_type = "text"
input_root_file_name = "maus_input.root"
output_root_file_name = "maus_output.root"
# For InputCppRoot Enter an array of spill numbers here to select them from the
# input root file. Leaving the array empty automatically loads all spills.
# (Note present version emits selected spills for all input run numbers)
# e.g. selected_spills = [ 2, 34, 432, 3464 ]
selected_spills = []
data_maximum_reference_count = 110
# one_big_file - puts everything in output_root_file_name
# one_file_per_run - splits and inserts xxx_.xxx for each run, like
# maus_output_1111.root
# end_of_run_file_per_run - as above, and places in
# //
# users responsibility to ensure that
# exists but MAUS will make subdirectories
output_root_file_mode = "one_big_file"
end_of_run_output_root_directory = os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW")+"/end_of_run/" \
if (os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW") != None) else os.getcwd()
# Used, for now, to determine what level of
# c++ log messages are reported to the user:
# 0 = debug info (and std::cout)
# 1 = run info
# 2 = warnings
# 3 = errors (and std::cerr)
# 4 = fatal
# >4 = silent
# Doesnt effect python
verbose_level = 1
# Used for switching the general maus running log on or off
# 0 = off
# 1 = on
log_level = 0
errors_to_stderr = None # None = from verbose_level; else True or False
errors_to_json = True
on_error = 'none' # none, halt or raise
will_do_stack_trace = verbose_level < 1 # set to True to make stack trace on C++
# exception
# set how headers and footers are handled - "append" will set to
# append headers and footers to the output; dont_append will set to not append
# headers and footers to the output. Affects JobHeader, JobFooter, RunHeader and
# RunFooter
# For example, if the user wants to copy data from one format to another, he
# should set to dont_append to avoid header and footer information being taken
# to the output
header_and_footer_mode = "append" #append or dont_append
# Dictionary of variable to be set when using G4BL to generate particles. If
# "get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb" is set to True magnet currents & proton absorber
# thickness will be retrieved from the CDB for the run_number specified
g4bl = {"run_number":2873,"q_1":1.066,"q_2":-1.332,"q_3":0.927,"d_1":-1.302,"d_2":-0.396,\
# Used by MapPyRemoveTracks.
keep_only_muon_tracks = False
# Used by MapCppSimulation
keep_tracks = False # set to true to keep start and end point of every track
keep_steps = False # set to true to keep start and end point of every track and
# every step point
#simulation_geometry_filename = "Stage4.dat" # geometry used by simulation - should be replaced by CDB version
simulation_geometry_filename = "Test.dat" # geometry used by simulation - should be replaced by CDB version
simulation_geometry_debug = False
check_volume_overlaps = False
maximum_number_of_steps = 50000000 # particles are killed after this number of
# steps (assumed to be stuck in the fields)
simulation_reference_particle = { # used for setting particle phase
"position":{"x":0.0, "y":-0.0, "z":-6400.0},
"momentum":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0},
"particle_id":-13, "energy":226.0, "time":0.0, "random_seed":10,
"spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0}
# "beam_polarisation" : "Flat"
everything_special_virtual = False
# geant4 physics model
physics_model = "QGSP_BERT" # Physics package loaded by MAUS to set default values; modifications can be made
reference_physics_processes = "mean_energy_loss" # controls the physics processes of the reference particle. Set to "none" to disable all physics processes; or "mean_energy_loss" to make the reference particle see deterministic energy loss only
physics_processes = "standard" # controls the physics processes of normal particles. Set to "none" to disable all physics processes; "mean_energy_loss" to enable deterministic energy loss only; or "standard" to enable all physics processes
particle_decay = True # set to true to activate particle decay, or False to inactivate particle decay
polarised_decay = False # set to true to make muons decay with the correct distribution if the beam is polarised; if true, will force spin tracking on (if spin tracking is off, spin vectors will not be propagated to the decay point)
charged_pion_half_life = -1. # set the pi+, pi- half life [ns]. Negative value means use geant4 default
muon_half_life = -1. # set the mu+, mu- half life [ns]. Negative value means use geant4 default
production_threshold = 0.5 # set the threshold for delta ray production [mm]
fine_grained_production_threshold = { # set the production threshold per pid and per Geant4 region; regions are defined in MiceModules
# "region_name":{"11":0.5, "-11":100.}
# "another_region_name":{"11":0.5, "-11":100.}
default_keep_or_kill = True
# map of string pdg pids; always keep particles on creation if their pdg maps to True; always kill particles on creation if their pdg maps to False. Default comes from default_keep_or_kill
keep_or_kill_particles = {"mu+":True, "mu-":True,
"nu_e":False, "anti_nu_e":False,
"nu_mu":False, "anti_nu_mu":False,
"nu_tau":False, "anti_nu_tau":False,
max_step_length = 100. # default maximum step size during tracking (override with G4StepMax in MiceModule)
max_track_time = 1.e9 # kill tracks with time above max_time (override with G4TimeMax in MiceModule)
max_track_length = 1.e8 # kill tracks with track length above max_track_length (override with G4TrackMax in MiceModule)
kinetic_energy_threshold = 0.1 # kill tracks with initial kinetic energy below energy_threshold (override with G4KinMin in MiceModule)
field_tracker_absolute_error = 1.e-4 # set absolute error on MAUS internal stepping routines - used by e.g. VirtualPlanes to control accuracy of interpolation
field_tracker_relative_error = 1.e-4 # set relative error on MAUS internal stepping routines - used by e.g. VirtualPlanes to control accuracy of interpolation
stepping_algorithm = "ClassicalRK4" # numerical integration routine
spin_tracking = False # set to true to use G4 routines to precess the spin vector as particles go through EM fields
delta_one_step = -1. # Geant4 step accuracy parameter
delta_intersection = -1.
epsilon_min = -1.
epsilon_max = -1.
miss_distance = -1.
maximum_module_depth = 10 # maximum depth for MiceModules as used by the simulation
# geant4 visualisation (not event display)
geant4_visualisation = False
visualisation_viewer = "VRML2FILE" # only supported option
visualisation_theta = 90.
visualisation_phi = 90.
visualisation_zoom = 1.
accumulate_tracks = 0 # this accumulates the tracks into one vrml file 1 = yes, 0 = no
#particle colour alterations
default_vis_colour = {"red":0. , "green":100. ,"blue":0.} #green
pi_plus_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":250. ,"blue":240.} # white
pi_minus_vis_colour = {"red":105. , "green":105. ,"blue":105.} # grey
mu_plus_vis_colour = {"red":25. , "green":25. ,"blue":112.} # dark blue
mu_minus_vis_colour = {"red":135. , "green":206. ,"blue":250.} # light blue
e_plus_vis_colour = {"red":250. , "green":0. ,"blue":0.} # red
e_minus_vis_colour = {"red":250. , "green":69. ,"blue":0.} # orange red
gamma_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":20. ,"blue":147.} # pink
neutron_vis_colour = {"red":139. , "green":69. ,"blue":19.} # brown
photon_vis_colour = {"red":255. , "green":255. ,"blue":0.} # yellow
# used by InputPySpillGenerator to determine the number of empty spills that
# will be generated by the simulation
spill_generator_number_of_spills = 100
# used by MapPyBeamMaker to generate input particle data
# This is a sample beam distribution based on guesses by Chris Rogers of what
# an optimised beam might look like
beam = {
"particle_generator":"binomial", # routine for generating empty primaries
"binomial_n":50, # number of coin tosses
"binomial_p":0.5, # probability of making a particle on each toss
"random_seed":5, # random seed for beam generation; controls also how the MC
# seeds are generated
# "particle_generator":"g4bl", # Uses G4BL as input for MAUS
# "g4bl_generator":"True", # Call G4BL each time new spill is created
# "random_seed":5,
##### MUONS #######
"reference":simulation_reference_particle, # reference particle
"random_seed_algorithm":"incrementing_random", # algorithm for seeding MC
"weight":90., # probability of generating a particle
"transverse_mode":"constant_solenoid", # transverse distribution matched to constant solenoid field
"emittance_4d":6., # 4d emittance
"normalised_angular_momentum":0.1, # angular momentum from diffuser
"bz":4.e-3 # magnetic field strength for angular momentum calculation
"longitudinal":{"longitudinal_mode":"sawtooth_time", # longitudinal distribution sawtooth in time
"momentum_variable":"p", # Gaussian in total momentum (options energy, pz)
"sigma_p":25., # RMS total momentum
"t_start":-1.e6, # start time of sawtooth
"t_end":+1.e6}, # end time of sawtooth
"coupling":{"coupling_mode":"none"} # no dispersion
#"spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0}
##### PIONS #####
{ # as above...
"position":{"x":0.0, "y":-0.0, "z":-6400.0},
"momentum":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0},
"spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0},
"particle_id":211, "energy":285.0, "time":0.0, "random_seed":10
"transverse":{"transverse_mode":"constant_solenoid", "emittance_4d":6.,
"normalised_angular_momentum":0.1, "bz":4.e-3},
# "spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0}
##### ELECTRONS #####
{ # as above...
"position":{"x":0.0, "y":-0.0, "z":-6400.0},
"momentum":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0},
"spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0},
"particle_id":-11, "energy":200.0, "time":0.0, "random_seed":10
"transverse":{"transverse_mode":"constant_solenoid", "emittance_4d":6.,
"normalised_angular_momentum":0.1, "bz":4.e-3},
# "spin":{"x":0.0, "y":0.0, "z":1.0}
# this is used by reconstruction; if set to an empty string, automatically
# acquires simulation_geometry_filename
reconstruction_geometry_filename = ""
# scifi tracker digitization
SciFi_BG_VLPCOn = 1
SciFi_BG_VLPCRate = 0.05
SciFiKunoSum = 318.5 # Sum of channel #s in 3 planes if they form a spoint
SciFiKunoSumT1S5 = 320.0 # Sum of channel #s in 3 planes if they form a spoint for T1 S5
SciFiKunoTolerance = 3.0 # Kuno conjecture tolerance
SciFiDigitizationNPECut = 2.0
SciFiDigitizationADCNoiseCut = False
SciFiConfigDir = os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") if (os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") != None) else None
SciFiMappingFileName = "scifi_mapping.txt"
SciFiCalibrationFileName = "scifi_calibration.txt"
SciFiBadChannelsFileName = "scifi_bad_channels.txt"
SciFiCalibMethod = "Current" # Date/Current/Run
SciFiCalibSrc = 7057 # exmple: "Date" - 1984-09-14 00:10:00.0 "Run" - 7057
SciFiMUXNum = 7
SciFiFiberDecayConst = 2.7
SciFiFiberConvFactor = 3047.1
SciFiFiberTrappingEff = 0.056
SciFiFiberMirrorEff = 0.6
SciFiFiberTransmissionEff = 0.8
SciFiMUXTransmissionEff = 1.0
SciFivlpcQE = 0.8
SciFivlpcEnergyRes = 4.0 # MeV
SciFivlpcTimeRes = 0.2 # ns
SciFiadcBits = 8.0
SciFitdcBits = 16
SciFitdcFactor = 1.0
SciFinPlanes = 3
SciFinStations = 5
SciFinTrackers = 2
SciFiCalibrateMC = True
SciFiNPECut = 2.0 # photoelectrons
SciFiClustExcept = 100 # exception is thrown
SciFi_sigma_tracker0_station5 = 0.4298 # Position error associated with station 5 (mm)
SciFi_sigma_triplet = 0.3844 # Position error for stations 1 to 4 (mm)
SciFi_sigma_z = 0.081 # mm
SciFi_sigma_duplet = 0.6197 # mm
SciFi_sigma_phi_1to4 = 1.0
SciFi_sigma_phi_5 = 1.0
SciFiMCSStationError = 2.0 # mm
SciFiClusterReconOn = True
SciFiSpacepointReconOn = True
SciFiPRHelicalTkUSOn = 0 # TkUS helical pattern recognition: 0 = auto, 1 = off, 2 = on
SciFiPRHelicalTkDSOn = 0 # TkDS helical pattern recognition: 0 = auto, 1 = off, 2 = on
SciFiPRStraightTkUSOn = 0 # TkUS straight pattern recognition: 0 = auto, 1 = off, 2 = on
SciFiPRStraightTkDSOn = 0 # TDUS straight pattern recognition: 0 = auto, 1 = off, 2 = on
SciFiPatRecMissingSpSearchOn = False # Do we seach for seed spoints missed by helical fit?
SciFiPatRecMissingSpCut = 2 # Distance (mm) below which a missing spoint should added to a track
SciFiPatRecSErrorMethod = 0 # How to calc error on s, 0 = station res, 1 = error prop
SciFiPatRecVerbosity = 0 # The verbosity of the pat rec (0 - quiet, 1 - more)
SciFiPatRecLongitudinalFitter = 1 # 0 - ntruns and linear s-z fit, 1 - ROOT and MINUIT
SciFiPatRecLineFitter = 0 # Choose the patrec straight line fitter, 0 = custom lsq, 1 = ROOT
SciFiPatRecCircleFitter = 1 # Choose the patrec circle fitter, 0 = custom lsq, 1 = MINUIT
SciFiStraightRoadCut = 7.0 # The road cut in pat rec for straights (mm)
SciFiStraightChi2Cut = 50.0 # Chi^2 on pat rec straight track fit
SciFiHelicalRadiusLimit = 5.0 # The point at which we call it a straight track if we have TOF information.
SciFiRadiusResCut = 150.0 # Helix radius cut (mm) for pattern recognition
SciFiPatRecCircleChi2Cut = 5.0 # Chi^2 on pat rec least squares circle fit
SciFiPatRecCircleMinuitChi2Cut = 10 # Chi^2 on pat rec minuit circle fit
SciFiNTurnsCut = 1.0 # Cut used when resolving number of turns between tracker stations (mm)
SciFiPatRecSZChi2Cut = 150.0 # Chi^2 cut on pat rec s-z fit
SciFiPatRecLongMinuitChi2Cut = 65.0 # Chi^2 cut on pat rec minuit longitudinal fit
SciFiPatRecCircleErrorWeight = 1.0 # Weight to artificially scale the error going to xy fit
SciFiPatRecSZErrorWeight = 1.0 # Weight to artificially scale the error going to sz fit
SciFiMaxPt = 180.0 # Transverse momentum upper limit cut used in pattern recognition
SciFiMinPz = 50.0 # Longitudinal momentum lower limit cut used in pattern recognition
SciFiPatRecDebugOn = False # Set Pattern Recogntition to debug mode
SciFiPatRecDebugFileName = "pattern_recognition_debug.root" # Output file name for patrec debug
SciFiParams_Pitch = 1.4945
SciFiParams_Station_Radius = 160. # Used as cut by SpacePointReconstruction
SciFiParams_RMS = 370.
SciFiMinuitSearchNStepsNormal = 100 # steps used when searching for seed chisq min location
SciFiMinuitSearchNStepsLowRadius = 200 # steps used when searching for seed chisq min location
SciFiMinuitStepSize = 0.01 # minuit step size
SciFiMinuitMaxFunctionCalls = 1000000 # Max calls minuit is allowed when doing a minimisation
SciFiMinuitMaxIterations = 100000 # Max num of iterations minuit is allowed
SciFiMinuitTolerance = 0.001 # minuit tolerance
SciFiMinuitMaxSZChisq = 50.0 # Max chisq a candidate minuit ds/dz value can have
SciFiMinuitDsDzLowerLimit = -0.35 # Minimum allowed value for ds/dz
SciFiMinuitDsDzUpperLimit = 0.35 # Maximum allowed value for ds/dz
SciFiPatRecLowRadius = 10.0 # values below 10mm imply a "low radius" when patrec fits struggle
# Parameters used for MCS and E loss correction
#SciFiParams_Z = 5.61291
#SciFiParams_A = 104.15 # g/mol
SciFiParams_Z = 3.5
SciFiParams_A = 6.5
SciFiParams_Plane_Width = 0.6273 # mm
SciFiParams_Radiation_Length = 413.124 # mm
SciFiParams_Density = 1.06 #g/cm3, 0.00106 g/mm3
SciFiParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy = 68.7 / 1.0E6 # MeV
SciFiParams_Density_Correction = 0.164541
#MylarParams_Z = 5.
#MylarParams_A = 192.2 # g/mol
MylarParams_Z = 8.727
MylarParams_A = 4.545 # g/mol
MylarParams_Plane_Width = 0.025 # mm
MylarParams_Radiation_Length = 285.364 # mm
MylarParams_Density = 1.4 #g/cm3, 0.0014 g/mm3
MylarParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy = 78.7 / 1.0E6 # eV
MylarParams_Density_Correction = 0.126782
GasParams_Z = 2.
GasParams_A = 4. # g/mol
GasParams_Radiation_Length = 5671130. # mm
GasParams_Density = 0.000166322 # 1.66322e-04 g/cm3
GasParams_Mean_Excitation_Energy = 41.8 / 1.0E6 # eV
GasParams_Density_Correction = 0.13443
SciFiTestVirtualTracksStraight = {"rms_position" : 70.0, "rms_angle" : 0.19} # Description of straight tracks to simulate
SciFiTestVirtualTracksHelix = {"rms_position" : 70.0, "rms_pt" : 30.0, "pz" : 200.0} # Description of helical tracks to simulate
SciFiTestVirtualMethod = "virtual" # How to test the scifi recon. Choose from "straight", "helical" or "virtual"
SciFiTestVirtualMakeDigits = False
SciFiTestVirtualMakeClusters = True
SciFiTestVirtualMakeSpacepoints = False
SciFiTestVirtualSmear = 0.431425 # Simulate measurement error on alpha with Gaussian Smearing this is the Std Dev.
# Set the smear value to negative to force a quantisation of alpha - like a real measurement
SciFiPRCorrection = 1.1776
SciFiPRBias = 0.2269
SciFiPRCorrectionsOutputFile = "SciFiMomentumCorrections.root" #File to output momentum correction data to (produced by reducer)
SciFiPRCorrectSeed = 0 # 0 : Don't correct PR seed, 1 : apply corretions from corrections file
SciFiPRCorrectionsFile = "SciFiMomentumCorrections.root" # File to use to apply seed corrections (used in PR Mapper)
SciFiSeedCovariance = 1000.0 # Error estimate for Seed values of the Kalman Fit
SciFiSeedPatRec = True
SciFiKalmanOn = True # Flag to turn on the tracker Kalman Fit
SciFiKalmanCorrectPz = True # Flag to turn on the Kalman Pz correlations
SciFiPatRecOn = True # Flag to turn on the tracker Pattern Recognition
SciFiKalman_use_MCS = True # flag to add MCS to the Kalman Fit
SciFiKalman_use_Eloss = True # flag to add Eloss to the Kalman Fit
SciFiKalmanVerbose = False # Dump information per fitted track
SciFiDefaultMomentum = 200.0 # Default momentum to assume for straight tracks
# How we determine the track ratings:
SciFiExcellentNumTrackpoints = 15
SciFiGoodNumTrackpoints = 10
SciFiPoorNumTrackpoints = 10
SciFiExcellentNumSpacepoints = 5
SciFiGoodNumSpacepoints = 5
SciFiPoorNumSpacepoints = 4
SciFiExcellentPValue = 0.05
SciFiGoodPValue = 0.01
SciFiPoorPValue = 0.0
SciFi_CalibratedNoiseFile = "LEDNoisePlots.root"
SciFi_CalibratedNoiseRateScaling = 1.0
SciFi_CalibratedNoiseNPEScaling = 1.5
# configuration database
cdb_upload_url = "http://cdb.mice.rl.ac.uk/cdb/" # target URL for configuration database uploads TestServer::http://rgma19.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/cdb/
cdb_download_url = "http://cdb.mice.rl.ac.uk/cdb/" # target URL for configuration database downloads
#cdb_download_url = "http://preprodcdb.mice.rl.ac.uk:8080/cdb/" # target URL for configuration database downloads
cdb_cc_download_url = "" # "http://preprodcdb.mice.rl.ac.uk" # target URL for cooling channel configuration database downloads.
# geometry download
geometry_download_wsdl = "geometry?wsdl" # name of the web service used for downloads
geometry_download_directory = "%s/files/geometry/download" % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # name of the local directory where downloads will be placed
geometry_download_by = 'run_number' # choose 'run_number' to download by run number, 'current' to use
# the currently valid geometry or 'id' to use the cdb internal id
# (e.g. if it is desired to access an old version of a particular
# geometry)
geometry_download_beamline_for_run = 0
geometry_download_beamline_tag = ''
geometry_download_coolingchannel_tag = ''
geometry_download_run_number = 7469
geometry_download_id = 160
geometry_download_apply_corrections = True
geometry_download_cleanup = True # set to True to clean up after download
g4_step_max = 5.0 # this is the value which shall be placed in the Mice Modules which have been translated from CAD
geometry_use_active_rotations = False # Changes SciFiGeometryHelper to use active rotations for Mice Moduel only running.
# geometry upload
geometry_upload_wsdl = "geometrySuperMouse?wsdl" # name of the web service used for uploads
geometry_upload_directory = "%s/files/geometry/upload" % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # name of the local directory where uploads are drawn from
geometry_upload_note = "" # note, pushed to the server to describe the geometry. A note must be specified here (default will throw an exception).
geometry_upload_valid_from = "" # date-time in format like: that the specified installation was made in the experiment. A date-time must be specified here (default will throw an exception).
technical_drawing_name = "" #name and version of the technical drawing from which the CAD model came from.
geometry_upload_cleanup = True # set to True to clean up after upload
technical_drawing_name = "" #name and version of the technical drawing from which the CAD model came from.
#dates need to get geomtry ids
get_ids_start_time = "2012-05-08 09:00:00"
get_ids_stop_time = "2012-05-22 15:47:34.856000"
get_ids_create_file = True
#get beamline information
# This executable will give the run numbers of the runs which the CDB has information on.
# The information is the magnet currents, reasons for run and other information which
# is specific to that run. When downloading a geometry by run number the beamline
# information is merged with the geometrical infomation. Options for querying
# beamline information are; 'all_entries' returns a list of all run numbers with beamline info.
# 'run_number' prints whether info is held for this run number or not.
# 'dates' returns a list of run numbers with info during specified time period.
get_beamline_by = "all_entries"
get_beamline_run_number = ""
get_beamline_start_time = ""
get_beamline_stop_time = ""
# File Numbers
# This following section gives the files numbers of each detector. The numbers speficy the technical drawing
# number for the sphere which represents each detector in the CAD model. These tags are seen in the style sheet
# and are used to replace the location sphere with the detecor geometry whether it is legacy or GDML.
tof_0_file_number = "Iges_10"
tof_1_file_number = "Iges_11"
tof_2_file_number = "Iges_13"
ckov1_file_number = "Iges_19"
ckov2_file_number = "Iges_21"
kl_file_number = "Iges_14"
emr_file_number = "Iges_15"
tracker0_file_number = "Iges_17"
tracker1_file_number = "Iges_18"
absorber0_file_number = "9999"
absorber1_file_number = "Iges_16"
# absorber1_file_number = "9999"
absorber2_file_number = "9999"
# Survey fit information
survey_measurement_record = ""
# This file should include position references and true locations of each detector.
survey_reference_position = ""
use_gdml_source = True
# Survey targets
survey_target_detectors = []
# geometry substitutions for cooling channel current scales
# SSU and SSD rescaled according to C.Rogers
geometry_coolingchannel_scales = {
"SSU-E2": 1.02,
"SSU-C": 1.02,
"SSU-E1": 1.02,
"SSU-M2": 1.02,
"SSU-M1": 1.02,
"FCU-C": 1.0,
"SSD-E2": 1.018,
"SSD-C": 1.018,
"SSD-E1": 1.018,
"SSD-M1": 1.018,
"SSD-M2": 1.018
# this is used by ImputCppRealData
Number_of_DAQ_Events = -1
Input_Use_JSON = False
Phys_Events_Only = False
Calib_Events_Only = False
Enable_V1495_Unpacking = False
Enable_EI_Unpacking = True
Enable_V1290_Unpacking = True
Enable_V1731_Unpacking = True
Enable_V1724_Unpacking = True
Enable_V830_Unpacking = True
Enable_VLSB_Unpacking = True
Enable_VLSB_C_Unpacking = False
Enable_DBB_Unpacking = True
Enable_DBBChain_Unpacking = True
Do_V1731_Zero_Suppression = False
V1731_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 100
Do_V1724_Zero_Suppression = True
V1724_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 100
Do_VLSB_Zero_Suppression = True
VLSB_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 1 # in PE count rather than ADC count.
Do_VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression = False
VLSB_C_Zero_Suppression_Threshold = 30
Enable_TOF = True
Enable_EMR = True
Enable_KL = True
Enable_CKOV = True
# DAQ cabling maps
# set the source for cabling to either 'CDB' or 'file'
# if set to 'file' the DAQ_cabling_file card will be used
DAQ_cabling_source = "CDB"
# set the method for retrieving cabling from CDB
# options are: 'run_number' or 'date'
# if DAQ_cabling_by is set to 'date', the DAQ_cabling_date card is used
# Default is to get the map based on run number
DAQ_cabling_by = "run_number"
# date can be 'current' or a date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
# e.g. DAQ_cabling_date = '2015-06-30 01:02:03 00:00:00'
# or DAQ_cabling_date = 'current'
DAQ_cabling_date = 'current'
# the DAQ_cabling_file card is used only if DAQ_cabling_source above is set to 'file'
DAQ_cabling_file = "/files/cabling/DAQChannelMap.txt"
DAQ_cabling_file_StepI = "/files/cabling/DAQChannelMap_preRun6541.txt"
DAQ_hostname = 'miceraid5'
DAQ_monitor_name = 'MICE_Online_Monitor'
daq_online_file = '' # set to a file name to force InputCppDAQOnlineData to take
# data from a file - mock-up of online for testing, not for
# production use (use offline recon here)
daq_online_spill_delay_time = 0. # delay in seconds between daq reads, intended
# for mocking MICE target pulses
# tof digitization
TOFconversionFactor = 0.005 # MeV
TOFpmtTimeResolution = 0.1 # nanosecond
TOFattenuationLength = 140 * 10 # mm
TOFadcConversionFactor = 0.125
TOFtdcConversionFactor = 0.025 # nanosecond
TOFpmtQuantumEfficiency = 0.25
TOFscintLightSpeed = 170.0 # mm/ns
# KL digitization
KLconversionFactor = 0.000125 # MeV
KLlightCollectionEff = 0.031
KLlightGuideEff = 0.85
KLquantumEff = 0.26
KLlightSpeed = 170.0 # mm/ns
KLattLengthLong = 2400.0 # mm
KLattLengthShort = 200.0 # mm
KLattLengthLongNorm = 0.655 # mm
KLattLengthShortNorm = 0.345 # mm
KLadcConversionFactor = 250000 # nphe/adc
KLpmtGain = 2000000
KLpmtSigmaGain = 1000000
# EMR characteristics
EMRnumberOfPlanes = 48
EMRnumberOfBars = 60 # number of bars in one plane (+ test channel 0)
EMRnBars = 2832 # total number of bars in the EMR
EMRbarLength = 1100 # mm, length of a scintillating bar
EMRbarWidth = 33 # mm, base of the triangle
EMRbarHeight = 17 # mm, height of the triangle
EMRgap = 0.5 # mm, gap between two adjacent bars
# EMR event pre-selection
EMRreferenceDBB = 7 # Reference DBB id for absolute time
EMRprimaryTotUp = 100 # DBB counts, tune down unrealistic signals
#EMRprimaryDeltatLow = -240 # DBB counts, Step I
EMRprimaryDeltatLow = -230 # DBB counts, Step IV
#EMRprimaryDeltatUp = -220 # DBB counts, Step I
EMRprimaryDeltatUp = -210 # DBB counts, Step IV
EMRsecondaryNLow = 2
EMRsecondaryTotLow = 4 # DBB counts
EMRsecondaryBunchingWidth = 10 # ADC counts, 25ns
EMRfom = "median" # figure_Of-Merit for signal calibration
# EMR digitization
EMRdoSampling = 1 # sample as a Poisson distribution
EMRnphPerMeV = 2000 # number of photons per MeV
EMRtrapEff = 0.04 # photon trapping efficiency
EMRseed = 2 # seed state of the pseudorandom number generator, change equivalent to a power cycle of fADC
EMRattenWLSf = 2.0 # dB/m, attentuation factor of the WLS fibres
EMRattenCLRf = 0.35 # dB/m, attentuation factor of the clear fibres
EMRbirksConstant = 0.126 # mm/MeV
EMRsignalEnergyThreshold = 0.8 # MeV
EMRdbbCount = 2.5 # ns, duration of a DBB cycle (f=400MHz)
EMRqeMAPMT = 0.25 # MAPMT quantum efficiency
EMRnadcPerPeMAPMT = 3 # number of ADC counts per photoelectron in the MAPMT
EMRelectronicsResponseSpreadMAPMT = 1 # ADC counts
EMRtimeResponseSpread = 1 # ADC counts
EMRtotFuncP1 = 12.55 # a in a*log(b*Q+c) (Shaping factor)
EMRtotFuncP2 = 0.0252 # b in a*log(b*Q+c) (Scaling factor)
EMRtotFuncP3 = 1.015 # c in a*log(b*Q+c) (Offset factor)
EMRdeltatShift = 12 # ADC counts, distance from the trigger
EMRfadcCount = 2.0 # ns, duration of an fADC cycle (f=500MHz)
#EMRqeSAPMT = 0.11 # SAPMT quantum efficiency, Step I
EMRqeSAPMT = 0.24 # SAPMT quantum efficiency, Step IV
#EMRnadcPerPeSAPMT = 2 # number of ADC counts per photoelectron in the SAPMT, Step I
EMRnadcPerPeSAPMT = 3 # number of ADC counts per photoelectron in the SAPMT, Step IV
EMRelectronicsResponseSpreadSAPMT = 1 # ADC count, Step I
EMRbaselinePosition = 123 # SAPMT signal baseline
EMRbaselineSpread = 10 # SAPMT signal baseline spread
EMRmaximumNoiseLevel = 50 # SAPMT noise maximum value
EMRacquisitionWindow = 302 # ADC counts
EMRsignalIntegrationWindow = 40 # ADC counts
EMRarrivalTimeShift = 40
EMRarrivalTimeSpread = 33
EMRarrivalTimeGausWidth = 3
EMRarrivalTimeUniformWidth = 12.5
EMRpulseShapeLandauWidth = 2
# EMR reconstruction
EMRchargeThreshold = 10 # ADC counts, rejects noise for plane density
EMRpolynomialOrder = 1 # Order of the polynomial to fit the tracks with
EMRmaxMotherDaughterTime = 15000 # ns, ~ 7 decay constants, 99.9% of muons
EMRmaxMotherDaughterDistance = 100 # mm, max distance between mother and daughter
EMRholeFraction = 0.02117 # percentage of the EMR volume that is not PS
# EMR reducer
EMRdensityCut = 0.9
EMRchi2Cut = 2
# this is used by the reconstuction of the TOF detectors
TOF_trigger_station = "tof1"
# this sets the source for the calibrations and cabling
# by default it is from CDB
# set it to 'file' if you want to load local files
# if you set file, then uncomment the calib files below
TOF_calib_source = "CDB"
TOF_cabling_source = "CDB"
#TOF_cabling_file = "/files/cabling/TOFChannelMap.txt"
#TOF_TW_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/tofcalibTW_dec2011.txt"
#TOF_T0_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/tofcalibT0_trTOF1_dec2011.txt"
#TOF_T0_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/tofcalibT0_trTOF0.txt"
#TOF_Trigger_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/tofcalibTrigger_trTOF1_dec2011.txt"
#TOF_Trigger_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/tofcalibTrigger_trTOF0.txt"
TOF_findTriggerPixelCut = 3.0 # nanosecond
TOF_makeSpacePointCut = 3.0 # nanosecond
# get cabling and calibrations by either a) run_number or b) date
# default is by run_number
# if set to "date" then set the appropriate TOF_calib_date_from flag below
TOF_calib_by = "run_number"
TOF_cabling_by = "run_number"
# the date for which we want the cabling and calibration
# date can be 'current' or a date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
TOF_calib_date_from = 'current'
TOF_cabling_date_from = 'current'
Enable_timeWalk_correction = True
Enable_triggerDelay_correction = True
Enable_t0_correction = True
# tof bad channel correction
# give the run range in which the channel is bad
# the correction is hard-coded in TOFSlabHits
TOF_badchan_start = 7200
TOF_badchan_end = 10603
# this is used by the reconstuction of the KL detectors
# this sets the source for the calibrations
# by default it is from CDB
# set it to 'file' if you want to load local files
# if you set file, then uncomment the calib files below
KL_calib_source = "CDB"
KL_calib_date_from = 'current'
# uncomment the KL_calibration_file card below if you set KL_calib_source=file
#KL_calibration_file = "/files/calibration/klcalib.txt"
KL_cabling_file = "/files/cabling/KLChannelMap.txt"
Enable_klgain_correction = True
# this is used by the reconstuction of the EMR detectors
EMR_cabling_file = "/files/cabling/EMRChannelMap.txt"
# this sets the source of the EMR clear fiber length map
EMR_clear_fiber_length_map = "/files/cabling/EMRClearFiberLengthMap.txt"
# this sets the source of the EMR connector attenuation map
EMR_connector_attenuation_map = "/files/cabling/EMRConnectorAttenuationMap.txt"
# this sets the source of the calibrations for the EMR detector
EMR_calib_source = "CDB"
EMR_calib_date_from = 'current'
# EMR_calibration_file card below if you set EMR_calib_source=file
EMR_calib_file = "/files/calibration/emrcalib_cosmics_july2015.txt"
daq_data_path = '%s/src/input/InputCppDAQData' % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR") # path to daq data. Multiple locations can be specified with a space
# daq_data_file = '05466.001' # file name for daq data; if this is just a integer string, MAUS assumes this is a run number. Multiple entries can be specified separated by a space
daq_data_file = '06008.000'
maus_version = "" # set at runtime - do not edit this (changes are ignored)
configuration_file = "" # should be set on the command line only (else ignored)
doc_store_class = "docstore.MongoDBDocumentStore.MongoDBDocumentStore"
doc_collection_name = "spills" # Default document collection name. Only needed if using multi_process mode. If "auto" then a collection name will be auto-generated for spills output by input-transform workflows.
doc_store_event_cache_size = 10**8 # Maximum size of the Mongo cache to cache at any one time in multiprocessing mode, as used by e.g. online code. Corresponds to ~ n/3 spills.
mongodb_host = "localhost" # Default MongoDB host name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore.
mongodb_port = 27017 # Default MongoDB port. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore.
mongodb_database_name = "mausdb" # Default MongoDB database name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocumentStore.
mongodb_collection_name = "spills" # Default MongoDB collection name. Only needed if using MongoDBDocucmentStore.
# in multiprocessing mode, the timeout after which reconstruction of an event will be abandonded [s]
reconstruction_timeout = 10
# refresh rate for refreshing the plots
reduce_plot_refresh_rate = 10
# Default OutputPyImage image directory. MAUS web application directory.
image_directory = os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW") if (os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW") != None) else os.getcwd()
# Default OutputPyImage image directory for end of run data. Will end up as image_directory+"/end_of_run/"
end_of_run_image_directory = ''
# Default OutputPyFile output directory. MAUS web application directory.
output_file_directory = os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW") if (os.environ.get("MAUS_WEB_MEDIA_RAW") != None) else os.getcwd()
# Default image types of OutputCppRootImage
image_types = ['png']
PolynomialOpticsModel_order = 1
PolynomialOpticsModel_algorithms = ["LeastSquares",
"ConstrainedLeastSquares", "ConstrainedChiSquared",
"SweepingChiSquared", "SweepingChiSquaredWithVariableWalls"]
PolynomialOpticsModel_algorithm = "LeastSquares"
# deltas for numerical derivative calculation of Optics transfer maps
TransferMapOpticsModel_Deltas = {"t":0.01, "E":0.1,
"x":0.1, "Px":0.1,
"y":0.1, "Py":0.01}
root_document_store_timeout = 10
root_document_store_poll_time = 1
geometry_validation = { # see bin/utilities/geometry_validation.py for docs
"plot_formats":["root", "png"],
# Default location of root file containing PDF histograms used for Global PID
PID_PDFs_file = '%s/src/map/MapCppGlobalPID/PIDhists.root' % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR")
#PID_PDFs_file = '%s/src/map/MapCppGlobalPID/com_pid_hists.root' % os.environ.get("MAUS_ROOT_DIR")
# Tag used by both MapCppGlobalPID and ReduceCppGlobalPID, determines which PDFs to perform PID
# against/which PDFs to produce (in this case, set based upon input MC beam). A typical tag here
# would be the emittance and momentum, e.g. 3-140, 6-200, etc.
pid_beam_setting = "6-200"
# Unique identifier used when creating PDFs in Global PID to distinguish between PDFs for
# the same hypothesis generated at different times. For PDFs to be produced, this must be set.
# Any string can be used but date and time is recommended, by using python datetime module and
# the line unique_identifier = (datetime.datetime.now()).strftime("%Y_%m_%dT%H_%M_%S_%f")
unique_identifier = ""
# Polarity of running mode, used by pid to select whether to run pid against positive or
# negative particles, value can be positive or negative.
pid_beamline_polarity = "positive"
# Bounds set on values of PID variables when running PID
pid_bounds = {
# Bounds for PIDVarA
"XminB":10, "XmaxB":250, "YminB":20, "YmaxB":40,
"XminC":50, "XmaxC":350, "YminC":0, "YmaxC":8000,
"minD":0, "maxD":8000,
"minE":0, "maxE":1000,
"XminF":50, "XmaxF":350, "YminF":0, "YmaxF":1000,
"minG":0, "maxG":1,
"XminH":50, "XmaxH":350, "YminH":0, "YmaxH":1,
"XminI":50, "XmaxI":350, "YminI":0, "YmaxI":140,
"XminJ":50, "XmaxJ":350, "YminJ":0, "YmaxJ":140,
# ComPIDVarA
"minComA":20, "maxComA":50,
# ComPIDVarB
"XminComB":20, "XmaxComB":50, "YminComB":0, "YmaxComB":8000,
# ComPIDVarC
"minComC":0, "maxComC":8000,
# ComPIDVarD
"minComD":0, "maxComD":1000,
# ComPIDVarE
"XminComE":20, "XmaxComE":60, "YminComE":0, "YmaxComE":1000,
# ComPIDVarF
"minComF":0, "maxComF":1,
# ComPIDVarG
"XminComG":20, "XmaxComG":50, "YminComG":0, "YmaxComG":1,
# ComPIDVarH
"XminComH":20, "XmaxComH":50, "YminComH":0, "YmaxComH":140,
# ComPIDVarI
"XminComI":20, "XmaxComI":50, "YminComI":0, "YmaxComI":140
# PID MICE configuration, 'step_4' for Step IV running, 'commissioning' for field free commissioning data
pid_config = "step_4"
# PID running mode - selects which PID variables are used. 'online' corresponds to less beam (momentum)
# dependent variables, 'offline' uses all variables and requires that specific PDFs for the beam already
# exist. 'custom' allows user to choose which variables to use, and these should then be set as datacards.
# However it is not recommended to use the custom setting unless you are the person currently developing
# the Global PID.
pid_mode = "offline"
# If pid_mode = "custom", variables to use should be set here as a space separated list, i.e.
# custom_pid_set = "PIDVarA PIDVarC PIDVarD".
custom_pid_set = "PIDVarB"
# PID confidence level- set the margin (in %) between the confidence levels of competing pid hypotheses before they
# are selected as the correct hypothesis
pid_confidence_level = 10
# PID track selection- select which tracks from TrackMatching to perform PID on. Can perform PID on all tracks by
# setting to "all", on through tracks only (constituent tracks will be PID'd, so this excludes orphans) with
# "through" or on all upstream and downstream tracks (ignoring whether tracks have been through-matched) with
# "us_and_ds"
pid_track_selection = "all"
# Determines for which pid hypotheses track matching should be attempted. Default is "all"
# meaning electrons, muons, and pions of both charges (unless tracker recon produces a
# charge hypothesis). Alternatively, force/limit to either one (never several) of
# kEPlus, kEMinus, kMuPlus, kMuMinus, kPiPlus, kPiMinus
track_matching_pid_hypothesis = "all"
# Global track matching tolerances (in mm) for the various subdetectors. KL only provides a
# y coordinate, hence x does not need to be configurable. EMR uses reconstructed error
# so a multiplier is used.
track_matching_tolerances = {
"TOF0t":10.0, # ns between actual and expected TOF0-1 Delta t
"EMRx":1000.0, # Multiplier for the standard tolerance which is the reconstructed error*sqrt(12)
"TOF12maxSpeed":1.0, # fraction of c to calculate travel time between TOFs for through matching
"TKDpos":1e6, # position
"TKDp":1e6, # momentum
# Whether to use energy loss calculations for global track matching
track_matching_energy_loss = "most_probable_energy_loss"
# Whether propagation matching should not be performed if each detector has no more than one hit
track_matching_no_single_event_check = {
# Controls how geometry lookups (and tracking dynamic stepping) are done:
# "geant4" use full geant4 lookup
# "axial" assume cylindrical symmetry with materials and thicknesses determined by materials detected on-axis
# "geant4_alt" alternative version of the full geant4 lookup
track_matching_geometry_algorithm = "axial"
# Set to false to disable through matching (track matching between TKU and TKD)
# Set to true to enable through matching
track_matching_through_matching = True
# Controls the through matching logic
# no_through_matching - don't do any through matching
# tof12 - Match tracks if they have a tof1 space point, tof2 space point and the
# delta tof12 is compatible with track_matching_tolerances. The
# resultant track is a merge of the upstream and downstream tracks.
# propagate - Match tracks if they have a tku st 1 space point, a tku st2 space
# point and the residual position and momentum between propagated tku
# tracks and tkd tracks is compatible with track_matching_tolerances.
# The resultant track is the upstream track extrapolated to all other
# detectors (so e.g. don't use this track if you want to know what was
# reconstructed in TKD); the downstream track and extrapolation is
# stored in the "constituent tracks" data.
# propagate_requiring_tof12 - if tof12 matching is successful, attempt to do a
# propagate matching. Record the propagate matching if it is successful,
# else the tof12 matching
# propagate_and_tof12 - do a propagate matching and a tof12 matching. Record the
# propagate matching if it is successful, else the tof12 matching
track_matching_through_matching_logic = "propagate_and_tof12"
# Whether residuals should be generated during track matching. In this case,
# track_matching_pid_hypothesis should be set to the most common PID expected in the beam.
# Output files will be placed in the directory in which MAUS is executed.
track_matching_residuals = False
# Choose to add additional z positions for tracking output
# "none": don't add any additional z-positions
# "virtual": use virtual planes as additional z-positions
# Will add track points to the matched tracking output when track propagation crosses
# a virtual plane
track_matching_z_planes = "virtual"
# Whether multiple adjacent cell hits in the KL should be merged into single spacepoints on import
# into the global datastructure
global_merge_kl_cell_hits = True
# Event viewer settings
# EVOnlineSpillStep in an integer value that defines number of spills after which events from one spill will be exported
EVOnlineSpillStep = 100