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// * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
// * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4Isotope.hh,v 1.21 2008-11-14 15:14:24 gcosmo Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $

// class description
// An isotope is a chemical isotope defined by its name,
//                                                 Z: atomic number
//                                                 N: number of nucleons 
//                                                 A: mass of a mole (optional)
//                                                 m: isomer state (optional)
// If A is not defined it is taken from Geant4 database
// The class contains as a private static member the table of defined
// isotopes (an ordered vector of isotopes).
// Isotopes can be assembled into elements via the G4Element class.


// 20.08.11: Add flag fm for isomer level (mma)
// 15.11.05: GetIsotope(isotopeName, G4bool warning=false)
// 31.03.05: A becomes optional. Taken from Nist data base by default (mma)  
// 26.02.02: fIndexInTable renewed 
// 14.09.01: fCountUse: nb of elements which use this isotope 
// 13.09.01: stl migration. Suppression of the data member fIndexInTable
// 30.03.01: suppression of the warning message in GetIsotope
// 04.08.98: new method GetIsotope(isotopeName) (mma)
// 17.01.97: aesthetic rearrangement (mma)


#ifndef G4ISOTOPE_HH
#define G4ISOTOPE_HH

#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4ios.hh"
#include <vector>

class G4Isotope;
typedef std::vector<G4Isotope*> G4IsotopeTable;


class G4Isotope
 public:  // with description

    // Make an isotope
    G4Isotope(const G4String& name,		//its name
                    G4int     z,		//atomic number
                    G4int     n,		//number of nucleons
                    G4double  a = 0.,		//mass of mole
                    G4int     m = 0);		//isomer level		    
    virtual ~G4Isotope();

    // Retrieval methods
    const G4String& GetName()  const {return fName;}
    G4int    GetZ()     const {return fZ;}
    G4int    GetN()     const {return fN;}
    G4double GetA()     const {return fA;}
    G4int    Getm()     const {return fm;}
    G4int GetCountUse() const {return fCountUse;}
    G4Isotope* GetIsotope(G4String name, G4bool warning=false);
    static const
    G4IsotopeTable* GetIsotopeTable();
    size_t GetNumberOfIsotopes();
    size_t GetIndex() const {return fIndexInTable;}
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4Isotope*);
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4Isotope&);
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, G4IsotopeTable);
 public:  // without description
    G4int operator==(const G4Isotope&) const;
    G4int operator!=(const G4Isotope&) const;

      // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
      // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
      // persistifiable objects.
    void SetName(const G4String& name) {fName=name;}
    void increaseCountUse()  {fCountUse++;}
    void decreaseCountUse()  {fCountUse--;}

    G4Isotope& operator=(const G4Isotope&);


    G4String fName;              // name of the Isotope
    G4int    fZ;                 // atomic number
    G4int    fN;                 // number of nucleons
    G4double fA;                 // mass of a mole
    G4int    fm;                 // isomer level
    G4int    fCountUse;          // nb of elements which use this isotope

    G4IsotopeTable theIsotopeTable;
    size_t fIndexInTable;        // index in the Isotope table

