""" M. Littlefield """ # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import unittest import glob from geometry.GDMLPacker import Packer from geometry.GDMLPacker import Unpacker class TestPacker(unittest.TestCase): #pylint: disable = R0904 """ class test_packer This class tests the packer class from the GDMLPacker.py file to ensure it is working correctly. """ def setUp(self): #pylint: disable = C0103 """ TestPacker::set_up This method set up a Packer object ready for testing. """ self.constructor_test = None self.testcases_dir = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + \ '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/' self.testgeom_dir = self.testcases_dir+'testGeometry/' self.testpacker_dir = self.testcases_dir+'testPacker/' testcase = self.testpacker_dir+'/FileList.txt' fin = open(testcase, 'w') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_0.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_1.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_2.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_3.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_4.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/Step_5.gdml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/fastradModel_materials.xml \n') fin.write(self.testgeom_dir+'/fastradModel.gdml \n') fin.close() self.gdml_test_case = Packer(testcase) def tearDown(self): #pylint: disable = C0103 """ TestPacker::tearDown This method cleans up any new files. """ os.remove(self.testpacker_dir+'/FileList.txt') for filename in glob.glob(self.testpacker_dir+'/*.zip'): os.remove(filename) def test_constructor(self): """ TestPacker::test_constructor This method tests the constructor by passing argument which are not valid and seeing if errors are raised. """ self.assertRaises(IOError, Packer, "geometry.not_txt") blank_txt = self.testpacker_dir+'test.txt' self.assertRaises(StandardError, Packer, blank_txt) def test_zipfile(self): """ TestPacker::test_zipfile This method tests the zipfile method by calling the method and checking the file size i.e. make sure its not empty. """ zippath = self.testpacker_dir self.gdml_test_case.zipfile(path = zippath) output = os.listdir(zippath) for fname in output: if fname[-4:] == '.zip': zfile = zippath + '/' + fname self.assertTrue(os.path.getsize(zfile) != 0, \ "zipped file size is zero, test_GDMLPacker::test_zipfile") class TestUnpacker(unittest.TestCase): #pylint: disable = R0904 """ TestUnpacker This class test the unpacker class from GDMLPacker.py """ def setUp(self): #pylint: disable = C0103 """ method set_up This method sets up an Unpacker object ready for testing. """ self.constructor_test = None self.testpath = os.environ['MAUS_ROOT_DIR'] + \ '/tests/py_unit/test_geometry/testCases/' output = os.listdir(self.testpath) zfile = '' for fname in output: if fname[-4:] == '.zip': zfile = self.testpath + '/' + fname if zfile == '': raise RuntimeError('Expected to find zip file in '+self.testpath) self.extraction_test = Unpacker(zfile, self.testpath) def test_constructor(self): """ TestUnpacker::test_constructor This method tests the constructor by passing argument which are not valid and seeing if errors are raised. """ self.assertRaises(IOError, Unpacker, 'Geometry.not_zip', self.testpath) self.assertRaises(IOError, Unpacker, self.testpath, 'Not_a_path') def test_unzip_file(self): """ TestUnpacker::test_unzip_file This method tests the unzip_file method. It does this by unzipping the testcase zipfile and checking that the correct files are there. """ self.extraction_test.unzip_file() output = os.listdir(self.extraction_test.extract_path) for fname in output: if fname != 'FileList.txt' and fname[-5:] == '.gdml': fname = self.extraction_test.extract_path + '/' + fname os.remove(fname) if fname != 'FileList.txt' and fname[-4:] == '.xml': fname = self.extraction_test.extract_path + '/' + fname os.remove(fname) if fname == 'FileList.txt': fname = self.extraction_test.extract_path + '/' + fname text_file = fname self.assertEqual(text_file, self.testpath+'/FileList.txt', \ 'File not unzipped, Test_Unpakcer::test_unzip_file') # os.remove(self.extraction_test.input_file) os.remove(text_file) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()