/* This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk:8080/projects/maus
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* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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#include "src/common_cpp/Recon/EMR/TrackMomentum.hh"
#include "Utils/Squeak.hh"
namespace TrackMomentum {
// Masses
double _m; // Mass of impinging particle [MeV/c^2]
double _z; // Charge of the impinging particle [e]
double _me; // Electron mass [MeV/c^2]
// Material properties
double _Z; // Effective atomic number [e]
double _A; // Relative atomic mass [g/mole]
double _rau; // Density [g/cm^3]
double _I; // Mean excitation potential [MeV]
// Empirical parameters of the delta function
double _C;
double _a;
double _k;
double _X0;
double _X1;
// Bethe-Bloch constant
double _K; // [MeV*cm^2/g]
TF1* f(0);
double csda_momentum(double range,
std::string particle) {
if ( range < 0 )
return -1;
if ( !initialize(particle) )
return -1;
if ( !f )
f = new TF1("f", rangefunction, 0, 1000, 1);
f->SetParameter(0, _m);
double p = f->GetX(range, 0, 1000, pow(10, -6));
// delete f;
return p; // Total momentum [MeV/c]
double csda_momentum_error(double momentum,
double erange,
std::string particle) {
if ( !initialize(particle) )
return -1;
if ( momentum < .05*_m ) // Limit of Bethe-Bloch validity
return -1;
if (!f)
f = new TF1("f", rangefunction, 0, 1000, 1);
f->SetParameter(0, _m);
double dpdr = 1./(f->Derivative(momentum));
// delete f;
return dpdr*erange; // [MeV/c]
bool initialize(std::string particle) {
// !!!TODO!!! get the properties from G4
// Electron mass
_me = .511;
// Mass of impinging particle
if ( particle == "muon" ) {
_m = 105.66;
_z = 0.;
} else if ( particle == "pion" ) {
_m = 139.57;
_z = 0.;
} else if ( particle == "electron" ) {
_m = .511;
_z = -1.;
} else if ( particle == "positron" ) {
_m = .511;
_z = 1.;
} else {
<< "WARNING in csda_momentum. The particle type is not supported,"
<< " the momentum will not be reconstructed."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// Properties of polystryrene from the PDG (C8H8)
double Cfrac = 48./56;
double Hfrac = 8./56;
_Z = pow(Cfrac*pow(6., 2.94)+Hfrac*pow(1., 2.94), 1./2.94);
_A = _Z/0.53768;
_rau = 1.060;
_I = 68.7*1e-6;
_C = 3.2999;
_a = 0.16454;
_k = 3.2224;
_X0 = 0.1647;
_X1 = 2.5031;
// Bethe-Bloch mean ionization energy loss constant
_K = 0.307;
return true;
double tmax(double beta, double gamma, double M) {
return 2*_me*beta*beta*gamma*gamma/(1+2*gamma*_me/M+pow(_me/M, 2));
double tauFel(double beta, double tau) {
return 1.-pow(beta, 2)+(pow(tau, 2)/8.-(2.*tau+1.)*log(2.))/pow(tau+1., 2);
double tauFpos(double beta, double tau) {
return 2.*log(2.) - (pow(beta, 2)/12.)*(23. + 14./(tau+2.)
+ 10./pow(tau+2., 2) + 4./pow(tau+2., 3));
double deltaF(double alpha) {
double X = log(alpha)/log(10); // Base 10 logarithm of alpha
if ( X < _X0 ) {
return 0;
} else if ( X >= _X0 && X < _X1 ) {
return 2*log(10)*X - _C + _a*pow(_X1-X, _k);
} else {
return 2*log(10)*X - _C;
double bethe(double *x, double *par) {
double beta = x[0]/sqrt(pow(x[0], 2)+1);
double gamma = sqrt(pow(x[0], 2)+1);
double tau = gamma-1;
double dedx(0.);
if ( _m > _me ) { // Heavy ion Bethe-Bloch
dedx = 0.1*_K*_rau*_Z/(_A*beta*beta)
* (.5*log(2*_me*pow(x[0], 2)*tmax(beta, gamma, par[0])/pow(_I, 2))
- beta*beta - .5*deltaF(x[0]));
} else if ( _z < 0 ) { // Electron Bethe-Bloch
dedx = 0.1*_K*_rau*_Z/(_A*beta*beta)
* (log(_me*pow(x[0], 2)*tmax(beta, gamma, par[0])/(2*pow(_I, 2)))
+ tauFel(beta, tau) - deltaF(x[0]));
} else if ( _z > 0 ) { // Positron Bethe-Bloch
dedx = 0.1*_K*_rau*_Z/(_A*beta*beta)
* (log(_me*pow(x[0], 2)*tmax(beta, gamma, par[0])/(2*pow(_I, 2)))
+ tauFpos(beta, tau) - deltaF(x[0]));
return dedx; // [MeV/mm]
double bremsstrahlung(double *x, double *par) {
// Physics constants
double alpha = 1./137.036; // Fine-structure constant
double NA = 6.02214179*1e23; // Avogadro constant
double kC = 8.987*1e9; // Coulomb constant [N*m^2/C^2]
double e = 1.602*1e-19; // Electron charge [C]
double c = 299792458; // Speed of light [m/s]
double Mkg = _m*1e6*e/(c*c); // Particle mass in [kg]
// Define function
double gamma = sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+1);
double tau = gamma-1;
// - = (4*n*Z*alpha^3*(hbar*c)^2/(m_e^2*c^4))*E*ln(183/Z^{1/3})
// n = N_A*Z*rho/A, electron density in the target
// alpha = e^2/(4*pi*eps_0*hbar*c) = kC*e^2/(hbar*c), Sommerfeld's constant
double dedx = 0.1*4*alpha*(NA*_rau*_Z/_A)*_Z * 1e4*pow(kC*e*e/(Mkg*c*c), 2)
* tau*_m * log(183./pow(_Z, 1./3));
return dedx; // [MeV/mm]
double spower(double *x, double *par) {
return bethe(x, par) /*+ bremsstrahlung(x, par)*/; // [MeV/mm]
double invspower(double *x, double *par) {
return 1./spower(x, par); // [mm/MeV]
double invspower_jac(double *x, double *par) {
if ( x[0] < 0.01 )
return 0.;
double beta = x[0]/sqrt(pow(x[0], 2)+1);
double dxde = invspower(x, par);
return dxde*beta*par[0];
TF1 *f_bb(0);
double rangefunction(double *x, double *par) {
double alpha = x[0]/par[0];
if ( !f_bb )
f_bb = new TF1("f", invspower_jac, 0, 100, 1);
f_bb->SetParameter(0, par[0]);
double R = f_bb->Integral(0, alpha, f->GetParameters(), 1e-3);
// delete f_bb;
return R; // mm
} // namespace TrackMomentum