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// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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// $Id: G4VoxelNavigation.hh,v 1.8 2010-11-04 12:13:30 japost Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
// class G4VoxelNavigation
// Class description:
// Utility for navigation in volumes containing only G4PVPlacement
// daughter volumes for which voxels have been constructed.

// History:
// - Created. Paul Kent, Aug 96
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "geomdefs.hh"
#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"
#include "G4NavigationLogger.hh"
#include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
#include "G4VSolid.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"

#include "G4BlockingList.hh"

class G4VoxelSafety; 

// Required for inline implementation
#include "G4AuxiliaryNavServices.hh"

// Required for voxel handling & voxel stack
#include <vector>
#include "G4SmartVoxelProxy.hh"
#include "G4SmartVoxelNode.hh"
#include "G4SmartVoxelHeader.hh"

class G4VoxelNavigation
  public:  // with description

    virtual ~G4VoxelNavigation();

    G4SmartVoxelNode* VoxelLocate( G4SmartVoxelHeader* pHead,
                             const G4ThreeVector& localPoint );

    virtual G4bool LevelLocate( G4NavigationHistory& history,
                          const G4VPhysicalVolume* blockedVol,
                          const G4int blockedNum,
                          const G4ThreeVector& globalPoint,
                          const G4ThreeVector* globalDirection,
                          const G4bool pLocatedOnEdge, 
                                G4ThreeVector& localPoint );

    virtual G4double ComputeStep( const G4ThreeVector& globalPoint,
                                  const G4ThreeVector& globalDirection,
                                  const G4double currentProposedStepLength,
                                        G4double& newSafety,
                                        G4NavigationHistory& history,
                                        G4bool& validExitNormal,
                                        G4ThreeVector& exitNormal,
                                        G4bool& exiting,
                                        G4bool& entering,
                                        G4VPhysicalVolume *(*pBlockedPhysical),
                                        G4int& blockedReplicaNo );

    virtual G4double ComputeSafety( const G4ThreeVector& globalpoint,
                                    const G4NavigationHistory& history,
                                    const G4double pMaxLength=DBL_MAX );

    inline G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;
    void  SetVerboseLevel(G4int level);
      // Get/Set Verbose(ness) level.
      // [if level>0 && G4VERBOSE, printout can occur]

    inline void  CheckMode(G4bool mode);
      // Run navigation in "check-mode", therefore using additional
      // verifications and more strict correctness conditions.
      // Is effective only with G4VERBOSE set.

    inline void  EnableBestSafety( G4bool flag= false );
      // Enable best-possible evaluation of isotropic safety


    G4double ComputeVoxelSafety( const G4ThreeVector& localPoint ) const;
    G4bool LocateNextVoxel( const G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
                            const G4ThreeVector& localDirection,
                            const G4double currentStep );

    G4SmartVoxelNode* VoxelLocateLight( G4SmartVoxelHeader* pHead,
					const G4ThreeVector& localPoint ) const;

  private:  // Logging functions

    void PreComputeStepLog  (const G4VPhysicalVolume* motherPhysical,
                                   G4double motherSafety,
                             const G4ThreeVector& localPoint);
    void AlongComputeStepLog(const G4VSolid* sampleSolid,
                             const G4ThreeVector& samplePoint,
                             const G4ThreeVector& sampleDirection,
                             const G4ThreeVector& localDirection,
                                   G4double sampleSafety,
                                   G4double sampleStep);
    void PostComputeStepLog (const G4VSolid* motherSolid,
                             const G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
                             const G4ThreeVector& localDirection,
                                   G4double motherStep,
                                   G4double motherSafety);
    void ComputeSafetyLog   (const G4VSolid* solid,
                             const G4ThreeVector& point,
                                   G4double safety,
                                   G4bool banner);
    inline void PrintDaughterLog (const G4VSolid* sampleSolid,
                                  const G4ThreeVector& samplePoint,
                                        G4double sampleSafety,
                                        G4double sampleStep);   

    G4BlockingList fBList;
      // Blocked volumes

    //  BEGIN Voxel Stack information

    G4int fVoxelDepth;
      // Note: fVoxelDepth==0+ => fVoxelAxisStack(0+) contains axes of voxel
      //       fVoxelDepth==-1 -> not in voxel

    std::vector<EAxis> fVoxelAxisStack;
      // Voxel axes

    std::vector<G4int> fVoxelNoSlicesStack;
      // No slices per voxel at each level

    std::vector<G4double> fVoxelSliceWidthStack; 
      // Width of voxels at each level 

    std::vector<G4int> fVoxelNodeNoStack;    
      // Node no point is inside at each level 

    std::vector<G4SmartVoxelHeader*> fVoxelHeaderStack;
      // Voxel headers at each level

    G4SmartVoxelNode* fVoxelNode;
      // Node containing last located point

    //  END Voxel Stack information

    G4VoxelSafety  *fpVoxelSafety;
    //  Helper object for Voxel Safety

    G4bool fCheck;
    G4bool fBestSafety; 

    G4NavigationLogger* fLogger;
      // Verbosity logger

#include "G4VoxelNavigation.icc"
