# - Internal Use file for Geant4 # This file is designed for inclusion by the UseGeant4.cmake file, but # only in the build tree. It contains functions and macros that are only # intended to help in building the Geant4 tests. # # IT SHOULD NOT BE INSTALLED! #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special internal functions for building tests. # # - We need some internal helper modules, these should be available in # the buildtree include(CMakeMacroParseArguments) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function GEANT4_LINK_LIBRARY( <name> source1 source2 ... # [TYPE STATIC|SHARED] # LIBRARIES library1 library2 ... ) # function(GEANT4_LINK_LIBRARY library) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ARG "TYPE;LIBRARIES" "" ${ARGN}) set(sources) # - Fill sources foreach(fp ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${fp}) file(GLOB files ${fp}) else() file(GLOB files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${fp}) endif() if(files) set(sources ${sources} ${files}) else() set(sources ${sources} ${fp}) endif() endforeach() # - Shared library unless specified if(NOT ARG_TYPE) set(ARG_TYPE SHARED) endif() # - Make sure we can access our own headers include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) # - Deal with Win32 DLLs that don't export via declspec if(WIN32 AND ARG_TYPE STREQUAL SHARED) # - Dummy archive library add_library( ${library}-arc STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${sources}) # - Use genwindef to create .def file listing symbols add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${library}.def COMMAND ${genwindef_cmd} -o ${library}.def -l ${library} ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${library}-arc.lib DEPENDS ${library}-arc genwindef) #- Dummy cpp file needed to satisfy Visual Studio. file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${library}.cpp "// empty file\n" ) add_library( ${library} SHARED ${library}.cpp ${library}.def) target_link_libraries(${library} ${library}-arc ${ARG_LIBRARIES}) set_target_properties(${library} PROPERTIES LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES ${ARG_LIBRARIES} ${Geant4_LIBRARIES}) else() add_library( ${library} ${ARG_TYPE} ${sources}) target_link_libraries(${library} ${ARG_LIBRARIES} ${Geant4_LIBRARIES}) endif() endfunction() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function GEANT4_EXECUTABLE( <name> source1 source2 ... # LIBRARIES library1 library2 ... ) # function(GEANT4_EXECUTABLE executable) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ARG "" "" "LIBRARIES" ${ARGN}) set(sources) foreach( fp ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) file(GLOB files ${fp}) if(files) set( sources ${sources} ${files}) else() set( sources ${sources} ${fp}) endif() endforeach() include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${GEANT4_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_executable(${executable} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${sources}) target_link_libraries(${executable} ${ARG_LIBRARIES} ${Geant4_LIBRARIES} ) set_target_properties(${executable} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${executable}) endfunction() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function GEANT4_ADD_TEST( <name> COMMAND cmd [arg1... ] # [PRECMD cmd [arg1...]] [POSTCMD cmd [arg1...]] # [OUTPUT outfile] [ERROR errfile] # [WORKING_DIRECTORY directory] # [ENVIRONMENT var1=val1 var2=val2 ... # [DEPENDS test1 ...] # [TIMEOUT seconds] # [DEBUG] # [SOURCE_DIR dir] [BINARY_DIR dir] # [BUILD target] [PROJECT project] # [PASSREGEX exp] [FAILREGEX epx] # [LABELS label1 label2 ...]) # function(GEANT4_ADD_TEST test) if(NOT CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL Geant4) message(WARNING "function GEANT4_ADD_TEST is only for internal Geant4 usage") return() endif() CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ARG "DEBUG" "TIMEOUT;BUILD;OUTPUT;ERROR;SOURCE_DIR;BINARY_DIR;PROJECT;PASSREGEX;FAILREGEX;WORKING_DIRECTORY" "COMMAND;PRECMD;POSTCMD;ENVIRONMENT;DEPENDS;LABELS" ${ARGN}) if(NOT CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Makefiles) set(_cfg $<CONFIGURATION>/) endif() #- Handle COMMAND argument list(LENGTH ARG_COMMAND _len) if(_len LESS 1) if(NOT ARG_BUILD) message(FATAL_ERROR "GEANT4_ADD_TEST: command is mandatory (without build)") endif() else() list(GET ARG_COMMAND 0 _prg) list(REMOVE_AT ARG_COMMAND 0) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${_prg}) set(_prg ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_cfg}${_prg}) elseif(EXISTS ${_prg}) else() get_filename_component(_path ${_prg} PATH) get_filename_component(_file ${_prg} NAME) set(_prg ${_path}/${_cfg}${_file}) endif() set(_cmd ${_prg} ${ARG_COMMAND}) string(REPLACE ";" "#" _cmd "${_cmd}") endif() set(_command ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DTST=${test} -DCMD=${_cmd}) #- Handle PRE and POST commands if(ARG_PRECMD) set(_pre ${ARG_PRECMD}) string(REPLACE ";" "#" _pre "${_pre}") set(_command ${_command} -DPRE=${_pre}) endif() if(ARG_POSTCMD) set(_post ${ARG_POSTCMD}) string(REPLACE ";" "#" _post "${_post}") set(_command ${_command} -DPOST=${_post}) endif() #- Handle OUTPUT, ERROR, DEBUG arguments if(ARG_OUTPUT) set(_command ${_command} -DOUT=${ARG_OUTPUT}) endif() if(ARG_ERROR) set(_command ${_command} -DERR=${ARG_ERROR}) endif() if(ARG_DEBUG) set(_command ${_command} -DDBG=ON) endif() if(ARG_WORKING_DIRECTORY) set(_command ${_command} -DCWD=${ARG_WORKING_DIRECTORY}) endif() if(ARG_TIMEOUT) set(_command ${_command} -DTIM=${ARG_TIMEOUT}) endif() #- Handle ENVIRONMENT argument if(ARG_ENVIRONMENT) string(REPLACE ";" "#" _env "${ARG_ENVIRONMENT}") string(REPLACE "=" "@" _env "${_env}") set(_command ${_command} -DENV=${_env}) endif() #- Locate the test driver set(_driver ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/Geant4TestDriver.cmake) if(NOT EXISTS ${_driver}) message(FATAL_ERROR "GEANT4_ADD_TEST: Geant4TestDriver.cmake not found!") endif() set(_command ${_command} -P ${_driver}) #- Now we can actually add the test if(ARG_BUILD) if(NOT ARG_SOURCE_DIR) set(ARG_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() if(NOT ARG_BINARY_DIR) set(ARG_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() if(NOT ARG_PROJECT) if(NOT PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "Geant4") set(ARG_PROJECT ${PROJECT_NAME}) else() set(ARG_PROJECT ${ARG_BUILD}) endif() endif() add_test(NAME ${test} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} --build-and-test ${ARG_SOURCE_DIR} ${ARG_BINARY_DIR} --build-generator ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} --build-makeprogram ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} --build-target ${ARG_BUILD} --build-project ${ARG_PROJECT} --build-config $<CONFIGURATION> --build-noclean --test-command ${_command} ) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY ENVIRONMENT Geant4_DIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) if(ARG_FAILREGEX) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "warning:|(${ARG_FAILREGEX})") else() set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "warning:") endif() else() add_test(NAME ${test} COMMAND ${_command}) if(ARG_FAILREGEX) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${ARG_FAILREGEX}) endif() endif() #- Handle TIMOUT and DEPENDS arguments if(ARG_TIMEOUT) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY TIMEOUT ${ARG_TIMEOUT}) endif() if(ARG_DEPENDS) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY DEPENDS ${ARG_DEPENDS}) endif() if(ARG_PASSREGEX) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION ${ARG_PASSREGEX}) endif() if(ARG_LABELS) set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY LABELS ${ARG_LABELS}) else() set_property(TEST ${test} PROPERTY LABELS Nightly) endif() endfunction()