""" Class to call G4BL and generate primaries for MAUS """ # This file is part of MAUS: http://micewww.pp.rl.ac.uk/projects/maus # # MAUS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # MAUS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with MAUS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import cdb from cdb import Beamline import random import sys from subprocess import call import json import os import fileinput import math import numpy class CallG4bl: #pylint: disable=R0903 """ Calls G4BL and writes output to python dictionary Creates primaries for MAUS depending on the parameters set in the dictionary 'g4bl' in the json configuration document - magnet currents and proton absorber thickness can be set along with the number of particles to generate - to retrieve magnet currents and proton absorber thickness from CDB set get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb to True and run_number to the run of interest in json configuration document """ def __init__(#pylint: disable=C0103, R0903, R0912, R0913, R0914, R0915 self,newline='', file_path='', theta=0, deltaz=0, path_g4bl='', output_path='', run_number=0, \ get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb='', random_seed=0): """ - particles will be a dictionary filled by G4BL - pdgid masses are input to calculate total energy, masses are in MeV/C^2 """ self.particles = 0 self.pdgid_mass = {} self.pdgid_mass = {'211':139.5700, '-211':139.5700, '2212':938.27231, \ '-13':105.6584, '13':105.6584, '11':0.5109906, '-11':0.5109906, \ '22':0, '2112':939.5653, '14':0, '-14':0, '12':0, '-12':0, \ '1000010020':1875.6, '1000010030':2808.9, '1000020030':2808.30665, \ '1000080160':14895.10000, '1000020040':3727.417000, \ '1000060140':13043.93400, '1000030070': 6535.36500, \ '1000060120':11174.90000, '1000050100':9326.98900, \ '1000060130':12112.54500, '1000050110':10255.10100} #pylint: disable=C0103 try: off = open(file_path+'/MAY09-B1B2-positives.in',"r") except IOError as err: raise IOError(err) text = off.read() if str(get_magnet_currents_pa_cdb) in ['True']: try: beamline = Beamline() sf3 = open(output_path+'/key.txt',"w") sf3.close() for k, v in beamline.get_beamline_for_run(run_number).iteritems(): #pylint: disable = C0301 for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'magnets': for k, v in v.iteritems(): newlines = str(k)+'\n' sff = open(output_path+'/key.txt',"r") text5 = sff.read() sff.close() sf2 = open(output_path+'/key.txt',"w") sf2.write(text5) sf2.write(newlines) sf2.close() if k == 'proton_absorber_thickness': newlines = str(k)+'\n' sff = open(output_path+'/key.txt',"r") text5 = sff.read() sff.close() sf2 = open(output_path+'/key.txt',"w") sf2.write(text5) sf2.write(newlines) sf2.close() line = [] for row in fileinput.input([output_path+'/key.txt']): line.append(row[:-1]) sf2.close() sf4 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") sf4.close() for k, v in beamline.get_beamline_for_run(run_number).iteritems(): #pylint: disable = C0301 for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'magnets': for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k in ['q1', 'q3']: for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'set_current': v = v / 96 newlines = str(v)+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") #pylint: disable = C0301 text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") #pylint: disable = C0301 sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() if k in ['q2']: for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'set_current': v = - v / 96 newlines = str(v)+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") #pylint: disable = C0301 text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") #pylint: disable = C0301 sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() if k in ['d2']: #pylint: disable = W0631 for k, v in v.iteritems(): #pylint: disable = W0631, C0301 if k == 'set_current': coeff = [39.59, -55.998, 256.914, -v] #pylint: disable = C0301 roots = numpy.roots(coeff) root = roots[2] newlines = str(root)[1:-4]+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") #pylint: disable = C0301 text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") #pylint: disable = C0301 sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() if k in ['ds']: for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'set_current': v = v / 174 newlines = str(v)+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") #pylint: disable = C0301 text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") #pylint: disable = C0301 sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() if k in ['d1']: for k, v in v.iteritems(): if k == 'set_current': coeff = [39.59, -55.998, 256.914, -v] #pylint: disable = C0301 roots = numpy.roots(coeff) root = roots[2] newlines = str(root)[1:-4]+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") #pylint: disable = C0301 text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") #pylint: disable = C0301 sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() if k == 'proton_absorber_thickness': newlines = str(v)+'\n' sf5 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"r") text6 = sf5.read() sf5.close() sf6 = open(output_path+'/value.txt',"w") sf6.write(text6) sf6.write(newlines) sf6.close() line2 = [] for row in fileinput.input([output_path+'/value.txt']): line2.append(row[:-1]) sf6.close() sf7 = open(output_path+'/magnet_currents.txt',"w") sf7.close() for c, d in zip(line, line2): text2 = 'param {0}={1}'.format(c, d)+'\n' sf8 = open(output_path+'/magnet_currents.txt',"r") text10 = sf8.read() sf8.close() sf9 = open(output_path+'/magnet_currents.txt',"w") sf9.write(text10) sf9.write(text2) sf9.close() sf8 = open(output_path+'/magnet_currents.txt',"r") text3 = sf8.read() os.remove(output_path+'/key.txt') os.remove(output_path+'/value.txt') except cdb.CdbTemporaryError: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) print """ Failed to run - check network connection! """ try: sf = open(output_path+'/MAY09-B1B2-positives-param.in', "w") except IOError as err: raise IOError(err) sf.write(newline) sf.write('param random_seed='+str(random_seed)+'\n') sf.write(text3) sf.write(text) sf.close() off.close() else: try: sf = open(output_path+'/MAY09-B1B2-positives-param.in', "w") except IOError as err: raise IOError(err) sf.write(newline) sf.write('param random_seed='+str(random_seed)) sf.write(text) sf.close() off.close() g4bl_command_line_input = path_g4bl + '/g4bl ' + output_path + '/MAY09-B1B2-positives-param.in' #pylint: disable = C0301 try: call(g4bl_command_line_input, shell=True) except Exception: #pylint: disable = W0703 print('Error: Cannot execute G4Beamline.') try: of = open(output_path+'/G4BLoutput.txt',"r") except IOError as err: raise IOError(err) line = [] for row in fileinput.input([output_path+'/G4BLoutput.txt']): line.append(row) of.close() for i in range(3): line.pop(0) random.shuffle(line) self.particles = {} theta = math.radians(theta) for i in range(0, len(line)): element = [] for word in line[i].split(' '): element.append(word) px = float(element[3]) py = float(element[4]) pz = float(element[5]) rest_mass = self.pdgid_mass[str(element[7])] part_energy = math.sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2+rest_mass**2) try: key = 'entry'+str(i) self.particles[key] = dict(spin = dict(\ x = float(element[21]), y = float(element[22]), z = float(element[23]))) self.particles[key].update(position = dict(\ # x = math.cos(theta) * float(element[0]) + 392.39, # x = math.cos(theta) * float(element[0]) + 99.92, x = math.cos(theta) * float(element[0]), y = float(element[1]), z = math.sin(theta) * float(element[0]) + deltaz + 26.21)) self.particles[key].update(momentum = dict(\ x = math.cos(theta) * float(element[3]) - math.sin(theta) * float(element[5]), #pylint: disable = C0301 y = float(element[4]), z = math.sin(theta) * float(element[3]) + math.cos(theta) * float(element[5]))) #pylint: disable = C0301 self.particles[key].update(time = float(element[6]), \ particle_id = int(element[7])) self.particles[key].update(random_seed = random_seed+i, \ energy = part_energy) except IOError as err: print('Bad G4beamline file, not enough elements or empty file') raise IOError(err) with open('maus_beam_output.txt', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(self.particles, outfile) # for i in range(0, len(line)): # for j in range(i + 1, len(line)): ### if self.particles['entry' + str(i)]['random_seed']\ # == self.particles['entry' + str(j)]['random_seed']: # self.particles['entry' + str(j)]['random_seed']\ # =self.particles['entry' + str(j)]['random_seed']\ # +1 if(os.path.exists(output_path + '/magnet_currents.txt') == True): os.remove(output_path + '/magnet_currents.txt')