#	comparecols - compare columns of real numbers with tolerance.
#	USAGE: comparecols [-v] file1 file2 1.0 2.0 3.0 ...
#	compares file1 with file2, assuming they are ASCII files containing
#	columns of real numbers. Successive arguments are the tolerances
#	for each column; additional columns in the files are ignored.
#	Lines beginning with # are ignored -- those at the top of the files
#	need not match, but elsewhere in the file the same lines must be 
#	comments (text need not match). A tolerance < 0 means ignore this
#	column (need not be numeric, such as 'z=1000').

set verbose [lindex $argv 0]
if {$verbose == "-v"} {
	set verbose 1
	set argv [lreplace $argv 0 0]
} else {
	set verbose 0

set tol [lreplace $argv 0 1]
set f1 [open [lindex $argv 0] r]
set f2 [open [lindex $argv 1] r]
set file1 [split [read $f1] "\n"]
set file2 [split [read $f2] "\n"]
close $f1
close $f2

# remove comments at the start of the file
while {[regexp "^#" [lindex $file1 0]]} {set file1 [lreplace $file1 0 0]}
while {[regexp "^#" [lindex $file2 0]]} {set file2 [lreplace $file2 0 0]}

if {[llength $file1] != [llength $file2]} {exit 1}

set n [llength $file1]
set k [llength $tol]
for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
	set l1 [string trim [lindex $file1 $i]]
	set l2 [string trim [lindex $file2 $i]]
	if {[regexp "^#" $l1] && [regexp "^#" $l2]} {continue}
	if {[string compare $l1 $l2]==0} {continue}
	for {set j 0} {$j<$k} {incr j} {
		set v1 [lindex $l1 $j]
		set v2 [lindex $l2 $j]
		set t [lindex $tol $j]
		if {$t<0.0} {continue}
		if {[expr "abs($v1-$v2)>$t"]} {
			if {$verbose} {puts "Error col=$j\nl1=$l1\nl2=$l2\n"}
			if {$verbose} {break}
			exit 1

exit 0