// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id$ #ifndef G4POLYHEDRON_HH #define G4POLYHEDRON_HH // Class Description: // G4Polyhedron is an intermediate class between G4 and visualization // systems. It is intended to provide some service like: // - polygonization of the G4 shapes with triangulization // (quadrilaterization) of complex polygons; // - calculation of normals for faces and vertices. // // Inherits from HepPolyhedron, to which reference should be made for // functionality. // // Public constructors: // G4PolyhedronBox(dx,dy,dz) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Box; // G4PolyhedronTrd1(dx1,dx2,dy,dz) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Trd1; // G4PolyhedronTrd2(dx1,dx2,dy1,dy2,dz) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Trd2; // G4PolyhedronTrap(dz,theta,phi, // h1,bl1,tl1,alp1, // h2,bl2,tl2,alp2) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Trap; // G4PolyhedronPara(dx,dy,dz, // alpha,theta,phi) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Para; // // G4PolyhedronTube(rmin,rmax,dz) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Tube; // G4PolyhedronTubs(rmin,rmax,dz, // phi1,dphi) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Tubs; // G4PolyhedronCone(rmin1,rmax1, // rmin2,rmax2,dz) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Cone; // G4PolyhedronCons(rmin1,rmax1, // rmin2,rmax2,dz, // phi1,dphi) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Cons; // // G4PolyhedronPgon(phi,dphi,npdv,nz, // z(*),rmin(*),rmax(*)) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Pgon; // G4PolyhedronPcon(phi,dphi,nz, // z(*),rmin(*),rmax(*)) - create G4Polyhedron for G4 Pcon; // // G4PolyhedronSphere(rmin,rmax, // phi,dphi,the,dthe) - create G4Polyhedron for Sphere; // G4PolyhedronTorus(rmin,rmax,rtor, // phi,dphi) - create G4Polyhedron for Torus; // G4PolyhedronEllipsoid(dx,dy,dz, // zcut1,zcut2) - create G4Polyhedron for Ellipsoid; // // Public functions inherited from HepPolyhedron (this list might be // incomplete): // GetNoVertices() - returns number of vertices // GetNoFacets() - returns number of faces // GetNextVertexIndex(index, edgeFlag) - get vertex indeces of the // quadrilaterals in order; returns false when // finished each face; // GetVertex(index) - returns vertex by index; // GetNextVertex(vertex, edgeFlag) - get vertices with edge visibility // of the quadrilaterals in order; // returns false when finished each face; // GetNextVertex(vertex, edgeFlag, normal) - get vertices with edge // visibility and normal of the quadrilaterals // in order; returns false when finished each face; // GetNextNormal(normal) - get normals of each face in order; // returns false when finished all faces; // GetNextUnitNormal(normal) - get normals of unit length of each face // in order; returns false when finished all faces; // GetNextEdgeIndeces(i1, i2, edgeFlag) - get indeces of the next edge; // returns false for the last edge; // GetNextEdge(p1, p2, edgeFlag) - get next edge; // returns false for the last edge; // SetNumberOfRotationSteps(G4int n) - Set number of steps for whole circle; // History: // 21st February 2000 Evgeni Chernaev, John Allison // - Re-written to inherit HepPolyhedron. // // 11.03.05 J.Allison // - Added fNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation and access method. // (NumberOfRotationSteps is also called number of sides per circle or // line segments per circle - see // /vis/viewer/set/lineSegmentsPerCircle.) // 20.06.05 G.Cosmo // - Added G4PolyhedronEllipsoid. // 09.03.06 J.Allison // - Added operator<<. #include "globals.hh" #include "HepPolyhedron.h" #include "G4Visible.hh" class G4Polyhedron : public HepPolyhedron, public G4Visible { public: G4Polyhedron (); G4Polyhedron (const HepPolyhedron& from); // Use compiler defaults for copy contructor and assignment. (They // invoke their counterparts in HepPolyhedron and G4Visible.) virtual ~G4Polyhedron (); G4int GetNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation() const { return fNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation; } private: G4int fNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation; }; class G4PolyhedronBox: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronBox (G4double dx, G4double dy, G4double dz); virtual ~G4PolyhedronBox (); }; class G4PolyhedronCone: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronCone (G4double Rmn1, G4double Rmx1, G4double Rmn2, G4double Rmx2, G4double Dz); virtual ~G4PolyhedronCone (); }; class G4PolyhedronCons: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronCons (G4double Rmn1, G4double Rmx1, G4double Rmn2, G4double Rmx2, G4double Dz, G4double Phi1, G4double Dphi); virtual ~G4PolyhedronCons (); }; class G4PolyhedronPara: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronPara (G4double Dx, G4double Dy, G4double Dz, G4double Alpha, G4double Theta, G4double Phi); virtual ~G4PolyhedronPara (); }; class G4PolyhedronPcon: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronPcon (G4double phi, G4double dphi, G4int nz, const G4double *z, const G4double *rmin, const G4double *rmax); virtual ~G4PolyhedronPcon (); }; class G4PolyhedronPgon: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronPgon (G4double phi, G4double dphi, G4int npdv, G4int nz, const G4double *z, const G4double *rmin, const G4double *rmax); virtual ~G4PolyhedronPgon (); }; class G4PolyhedronSphere: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronSphere (G4double rmin, G4double rmax, G4double phi, G4double dphi, G4double the, G4double dthe); virtual ~G4PolyhedronSphere (); }; class G4PolyhedronTorus: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTorus (G4double rmin, G4double rmax, G4double rtor, G4double phi, G4double dphi); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTorus (); }; class G4PolyhedronTrap: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTrap (G4double Dz, G4double Theta, G4double Phi, G4double Dy1, G4double Dx1, G4double Dx2, G4double Alp1, G4double Dy2, G4double Dx3, G4double Dx4, G4double Alp2); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTrap (); }; class G4PolyhedronTrd1: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTrd1 (G4double Dx1, G4double Dx2, G4double Dy, G4double Dz); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTrd1 (); }; class G4PolyhedronTrd2: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTrd2 (G4double Dx1, G4double Dx2, G4double Dy1, G4double Dy2, G4double Dz); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTrd2 (); }; class G4PolyhedronTube: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTube (G4double Rmin, G4double Rmax, G4double Dz); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTube (); }; class G4PolyhedronTubs: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronTubs (G4double Rmin, G4double Rmax, G4double Dz, G4double Phi1, G4double Dphi); virtual ~G4PolyhedronTubs (); }; class G4PolyhedronParaboloid: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronParaboloid(G4double r1, G4double r2, G4double dz, G4double sPhi, G4double dPhi); virtual ~G4PolyhedronParaboloid (); }; class G4PolyhedronHype: public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronHype(G4double r1, G4double r2, G4double tan1, G4double tan2, G4double halfZ); virtual ~G4PolyhedronHype (); }; class G4PolyhedronEllipsoid : public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronEllipsoid(G4double dx, G4double dy, G4double dz, G4double zcut1, G4double zcut2); virtual ~G4PolyhedronEllipsoid (); }; class G4PolyhedronEllipticalCone : public G4Polyhedron { public: G4PolyhedronEllipticalCone(G4double dx, G4double dy, G4double z, G4double zcut1); virtual ~G4PolyhedronEllipticalCone (); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const G4Polyhedron&); #endif /* G4POLYHEDRON_HH */