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Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id$ // // ---------------- G4QCandidate ---------------- // by Mikhail Kossov, Sept 1999. // class header for Quasmon initiated Candidates used by the CHIPS Model // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Short description: A candidate for hadronization. The candidates // (hadrons or nuclear fragments) are competative, each quark of a // Quasmon select which candidate to use for hadronization // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef G4QCandidate_h #define G4QCandidate_h 1 #include "G4QHadron.hh" #include "G4QParentClusterVector.hh" #include <algorithm> class G4QCandidate : public G4QHadron { public: G4QCandidate(); // Default Constructor G4QCandidate(G4int PDGcode); // Constructor by PDG Code G4QCandidate(const G4QCandidate& right); // Copy Constructor by value G4QCandidate(G4QCandidate* right); // Copy Constructor by pointer ~G4QCandidate(); // Public Destructor // Overloaded Operators const G4QCandidate& operator=(const G4QCandidate& right); G4bool operator==(const G4QCandidate &right) const; G4bool operator!=(const G4QCandidate &right) const; // Specific Selectors G4QParentCluster* TakeParClust(G4int nPC);// Get pointer to ParentClust from ParClastVect G4int GetPClustEntries() const; // Get a#of Parent Clusters in ParClastVector G4bool GetPossibility() const; // Get possibility(true)/forbid(false) hadr/fr G4bool GetParPossibility() const; // Get possibility(true)/forbidi(false) parent G4double GetKMin() const; // Get k-minimal for the candidate G4double GetEBMass() const; // Get bound mass in respect to Environment G4double GetNBMass() const; // Get bound mass in respect to TotalNucleus G4double GetDenseProbability() const; // Get dense-probability for the candidate G4double GetPreProbability() const; // Get pre-probability for the candidate G4double GetRelProbability() const; // Get the relative probility of hadronization G4double GetIntegProbability() const; // Get integrated probability for randomization G4double GetSecondRelProb() const; // Get 2nd relative probility of hadronization G4double GetSecondIntProb() const; // Get 2nd integ. probability for randomization // Specific Modifiers void ClearParClustVector(); // Clear theParentClasterVector of theCandidate void FillPClustVec(G4QParentCluster* pCl);// Set pointer to ParentClust in ParClastVector void SetPossibility(G4bool choice); // Set possibility(true)/forbid(false) hadr/fr void SetParPossibility(G4bool choice); // Set possibility(true)/forbid(false) parent void SetKMin(G4double kmin); // Set k-minimal for the candidate void SetDenseProbability(G4double prep); // Set dense-probability for the candidate void SetPreProbability(G4double prep); // Set pre-probability for the candidate void SetRelProbability(G4double relP); // Set the relative probility of hadronization void SetIntegProbability(G4double intP); // Set integrated probability for randomization void SetSecondRelProb(G4double relP); // Set 2nd relative probility of hadronization void SetSecondIntProb(G4double intP); // Set 2nd integrProbability for randomization void SetEBMass(G4double newMass); // Set mass bounded to Environment void SetNBMass(G4double newMass); // Set mass bounded to Total Nucleus // Body private: G4bool possible; // permission/forbiding preFlag to be a hadron/fragment G4bool parPossible; // permission/forbiding preFlag to be a parent G4double kMin; // mu^2/2M (Q-case), ~BindingEnergy (Clust.-case) G4double denseProbability; // a#of clusters of the type in dense region G4double preProbability; // a#of clusters of the type or Q-suppression G4double relativeProbability; // relative probability of hadronization G4double integralProbability; // integrated probability of randomization G4double secondRelProbability; // spare relative probability of hadronization G4double secondIntProbability; // spare integrated probability of randomization G4QParentClusterVector thePClusters; // vector of parent clusters for candid.-fragment G4double EBMass; // Bound Mass of the cluster in the Environment G4double NBMass; // Bound Mass of the cluster in the Total Nucleus }; inline G4bool G4QCandidate::operator==(const G4QCandidate &rhs) const {return this==&rhs;} inline G4bool G4QCandidate::operator!=(const G4QCandidate &rhs) const {return this!=&rhs;} inline G4QParentCluster* G4QCandidate::TakeParClust(G4int nPC){return thePClusters[nPC];} inline G4int G4QCandidate::GetPClustEntries() const {return thePClusters.size();} inline G4bool G4QCandidate::GetPossibility() const {return possible;} inline G4bool G4QCandidate::GetParPossibility() const {return parPossible;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetKMin() const {return kMin;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetEBMass() const {return EBMass;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetNBMass() const {return NBMass;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetDenseProbability() const {return denseProbability;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetPreProbability() const {return preProbability;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetRelProbability() const {return relativeProbability;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetIntegProbability() const {return integralProbability;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetSecondRelProb() const {return secondRelProbability;} inline G4double G4QCandidate::GetSecondIntProb() const {return secondIntProbability;} inline void G4QCandidate::ClearParClustVector() { std::for_each(thePClusters.begin(), thePClusters.end(), DeleteQParentCluster()); thePClusters.clear(); } inline void G4QCandidate::FillPClustVec(G4QParentCluster* pCl) { thePClusters.push_back(pCl); // Fill new instance of PCl } inline void G4QCandidate::SetPossibility(G4bool choice) {possible=choice;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetParPossibility(G4bool choice) {parPossible=choice;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetKMin(G4double kmin) {kMin=kmin;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetDenseProbability(G4double prep) {denseProbability=prep;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetPreProbability(G4double prep) {preProbability=prep;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetRelProbability(G4double relP) {relativeProbability=relP;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetIntegProbability(G4double intP) {integralProbability=intP;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetSecondRelProb(G4double relP) {secondRelProbability=relP;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetSecondIntProb(G4double intP) {secondIntProbability=intP;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetEBMass(G4double newM) {EBMass=newM;} inline void G4QCandidate::SetNBMass(G4double newM) {NBMass=newM;} #endif