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// $Id$
// class G4SafetyHelper
// Class description:
// This class is a helper for physics processes which require 
// knowledge of the safety, and the step size for the 'mass' geometry

// First version:  J. Apostolakis,  July 5th, 2006
// Modified:
//  10.04.07 V.Ivanchenko  Use unique G4SafetyHelper
// --------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <vector>

#include "G4Types.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4Navigator.hh"

class G4PathFinder;

class G4SafetyHelper
public: // with description

     // Constructor and destructor

  G4double CheckNextStep( const G4ThreeVector& position, 
                          const G4ThreeVector& direction,
                          const G4double currentMaxStep,
                                G4double& newSafety );
     // Return linear step for mass geometry

  G4double ComputeSafety( const G4ThreeVector& pGlobalPoint,
                         G4double maxRadius=DBL_MAX );   // Radius of interest
     // Return safety for all geometries.
     //  The 2nd argument is the radius of your interest (e.g. maximum displacement )
     //    Giving this you can reduce the average computational cost.
     //  If the second argument is not given, this is the real isotropic safety

  void Locate(const G4ThreeVector& pGlobalPoint,
              const G4ThreeVector& direction);
     // Locate the point for all geometries

  void ReLocateWithinVolume(const G4ThreeVector& pGlobalPoint );
     // Relocate the point in the volume of interest

  inline void EnableParallelNavigation(G4bool parallel);
     //  To have parallel worlds considered, must be true.
     //  Alternative is to use single (mass) Navigator directly

  void InitialiseNavigator();
     // Check for new navigator for tracking, and reinitialise pointer

  G4int SetVerboseLevel( G4int lev ) { G4int oldlv= fVerbose; fVerbose= lev; return oldlv; } 

  inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetWorldVolume();
  inline void SetCurrentSafety(G4double val, const G4ThreeVector& pos);

public: // without description

  void InitialiseHelper();


  G4PathFinder* fpPathFinder;
  G4Navigator*  fpMassNavigator;
  G4int         fMassNavigatorId;

  G4bool        fUseParallelGeometries; 
    // Flag whether to use PathFinder or single (mass) Navigator directly
  G4bool fFirstCall;
    // Flag of first call
  G4int         fVerbose; 
    // Whether to print warning in case of move outside safety

  // State used during tracking -- for optimisation
  G4ThreeVector fLastSafetyPosition;
  G4double      fLastSafety;
  const G4double  fRecomputeFactor;   
       // parameter for further optimisation: 
       // if ( move < fact*safety )  do fast recomputation of safety
  // End State (tracking)

// Inline definitions

void G4SafetyHelper::EnableParallelNavigation(G4bool parallel) 
  fUseParallelGeometries = parallel;

G4VPhysicalVolume* G4SafetyHelper::GetWorldVolume()
  return fpMassNavigator->GetWorldVolume();

void G4SafetyHelper::SetCurrentSafety(G4double val, const G4ThreeVector& pos)
  fLastSafety = val;
  fLastSafetyPosition = pos;
