# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
#      Institut Federatif de Recherche 49
#      CEA/NeuroSpin, Batiment 145,
#      91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
#      France
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license version 2 under
# French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
# You can  use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the 
# terms of the CeCILL license version 2 as circulated by CEA, CNRS
# and INRIA at the following URL "http://www.cecill.info". 
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
# economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the 
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license version 2 and that you accept its terms.

from brainvisa.processes import *
from brainvisa import shelltools
import os, string, stat

name = 'Sulcal Model Graph Learning'
userLevel = 2

learningbase_data_graphs_signature = ListOf( ReadDiskItem( \
  "Data graph", 'Graph',
  requiredAttributes = {  'labelled' : 'Yes',
                          'manually_labelled': 'Yes' } ))
testbase_data_graphs_signature = ListOf( ReadDiskItem( \
  "Data graph", 'Graph',
  requiredAttributes = {  'labelled' : 'Yes',
                          'manually_labelled': 'Yes' } ))

package_dir = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'neurospin', 'research', 'Fedora-4')
def createPackageSignature():
  list = ['default']
  if os.path.isdir(package_dir): list += os.listdir(package_dir)
  return Choice(*list)

signature = Signature(
  'model_graph', ReadDiskItem( 'Model Graph', 'Graph' ),
    ReadDiskItem( 'Label Translation',
                  [ 'Label Translation', 'DEF Label translation' ] ),
  'learner', ReadDiskItem( 'Sigraph Learner', 'Sigraph Learner' ),
  'stopDelay', Integer(),
  'learning_mode', Choice( 'generateOnly', 'generateAndTrain',
                           'readAndTrain' ), 
  'learningbase_data_graphs', learningbase_data_graphs_signature,
  'testbase_data_graphs', testbase_data_graphs_signature,
  'cycles', Integer(),
  'cycles_tst', Integer(),
  'parallelism_mode', Choice( 'local',
                              ( 'lag (soma.workflow)', 'soma.workflow' ),
                              'grid', 'duch', 'LSF' ) )

def cleanSignature(self):
  def delItem(signature, item):
    if signature.has_key(item): del signature[item]
  items = ['learning_mode', 'parallelism_mode', 'time', 'email',
           'learningbase_data_graphs', 'testbase_data_graphs',
           'parallel_config_directory', 'package', 'cycles', 'cycles_tst']
  for x in items : delItem(self.signature, x)

def parallel_config_directory_callback(self, *args, **kwargs):
  if self.model_graph is None : return
  if self.signature.has_key( 'parallel_config_directory' ):
    self.parallel_config_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
      self.model_graph.fullPath()), 'tasks', self.learning_mode)

def updateSignature(self):
  self.addLink(None, 'learning_mode', self.signature_callback)
  self.addLink(None, 'parallelism_mode', self.signature_callback)
  self.addLink(None, 'model_graph', self.parallel_config_directory_callback)
  self.addLink(None, 'learning_mode', self.parallel_config_directory_callback)

def signature_callback( self, learning_mode, **kwargs):
  learning_mode = self.learning_mode
  self.signature['learning_mode'] = Choice('generateOnly',
                                           'generateAndTrain', 'readAndTrain')
  if learning_mode in ['generateOnly', 'generateAndTrain']:
    self.signature['learningbase_data_graphs'] = \
    self.signature['testbase_data_graphs'] = \
    self.signature['cycles'] = Integer()
    self.signature['cycles_tst'] = Integer()
  parmodes = [ 'local', 'grid', 'duch', 'LSF' ]
  if self.soma_workflow:
    parmodes.insert( 1, ( 'lag (soma.workflow)', 'soma.workflow' ) )
  self.signature['parallelism_mode'] = Choice( *parmodes )
  if self.parallelism_mode in ['grid', 'duch', 'LSF', 'soma.workflow']:
    self.signature['parallel_config_directory'] = \
  if self.parallelism_mode == 'LSF':
    self.signature['time'] = String()
    self.signature['email'] = String()
  if self.parallelism_mode in ['grid', 'duch', 'LSF']:
    packslist = createPackageSignature()
    if len(packslist.values) != 1:
      self.signature['package'] = packslist
      self.signature['package'].userLevel = 2

def initialization( self ):
  self.setOptional( 'labels_translation_map' )
  self.labels_translation_map = \
    self.signature[ 'labels_translation_map' ].findValue(
        { 'filename_variable' : 'sulci_model_noroots' } )

  self.learner = self.signature[ 'learner' ].findValue( {} )
  self.cycles = 2000
  self.cycles_tst = 400
  self.stopDelay = 950
  self.time = '00:30'
  self.parallel_config_directory = None

    import pwd
    names = pwd.getpwnam(os.getlogin())[4]
    self.email = '.'.join(names.split(' ')[:2]) + '@cea.fr'
  except:	self.email = ''
    import Pyro, soma.workflow
    self.soma_workflow = True
    self.soma_workflow = False
  self.addLink(None, 'learning_mode', self.signature_callback)
  self.addLink(None, 'parallelism_mode', self.signature_callback)

 #   self.setOptional( 'time' )

def execution( self, context ):
  if self.learning_mode in ['generateOnly', 'generateAndTrain']:
    if len( self.learningbase_data_graphs ) == 0:
      raise RuntimeError( 'learningbase_data_graphs must not be empty' )
    #if len( self.testbase_data_graphs ) == 0:
    #    raise RuntimeError( 'testbase_data_graphs must not be empty' )
  if self.parallelism_mode not in ( 'local', 'soma.workflow' ) and \
    ( not hasattr( self, 'parallel_config_directory' ) or \
    self.parallel_config_directory is None ):
    raise RuntimeError( 'parallel_config_directory must be specified in '
                        'parallel execution mode' )

  sil = context.temporary( 'config file' )
  conf = sil.fullPath()
  if self.parallel_config_directory is not None:
    odir = self.parallel_config_directory.fullPath()
    if not os.path.isdir( odir ):
      os.makedirs( odir )
      context.log("directory '%s' created" % odir)
    conf = os.path.join( odir, 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode +'.cfg' )
  elif self.parallelism_mode != 'local':
    odirdi = context.temporary( 'Directory' )
    odir = odordi.fullPath()
  f = open( conf, 'w' )
  f.write( '*BEGIN TREE 1.0 siLearn\n' 
           'modelFile\t' + self.model_graph.fullPath() + '\n'
           'mode\t' + self.learning_mode + '\n' 
           'stopDelay\t' + str( self.stopDelay ) + '\n'
           'trainschemeFile\t' + self.learner.fullPath() + '\n')
  if self.learning_mode in ['generateOnly', 'generateAndTrain']:
    f.write( 'cycles\t' + str( self.cycles ) + '\n'
             'cycles_tst\t' + str( self.cycles_tst ) + '\n'
             'graphFiles\t' )
    f.write( string.join( [ x.fullPath() \
                            for x in self.learningbase_data_graphs ] ) + '\n' )
    if len( self.testbase_data_graphs ) != 0:
      f.write( 'testGraphFiles\t' )
      f.write( string.join( [ x.fullPath() \
                              for x in self.testbase_data_graphs ] ) + '\n' )
  if self.labels_translation_map is not None:
    f.write( 'labelsMapFile\t' + self.labels_translation_map.fullPath() \
                 + '\n' )
  f.write( '*END\n' )
  f = open( conf )
  context.log( 'siLearn config file', html=f.read() )

  if not hasattr( self, 'package' ) or self.package == 'default':
    silcmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'siLearn.py' )
    silcmd = os.path.join(package_dir, self.package, 'bin', 'siLearn.py')
  try: os.stat(silcmd)
  except OSError: raise RuntimeError("'%s' does not exist!" % silcmd)
  if self.parallelism_mode == 'local':
    context.write( 'local learning mode' )
    context.system( 'python', silcmd, conf )
  elif self.parallelism_mode == 'duch':
    context.write( 'Duch parallelism mode' )
    sglt = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'siGenerateLearningTasks.py' )
    batchname = 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode + '-duch_batch'
    batchout = os.path.join(odir, batchname)
    context.system( 'python', sglt, '-m', self.model_graph, '-o', batchout,
                    '-p', 'duch', '-c', conf, '-b', silcmd)
    scriptname = 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode + '-duch.sh'
    scriptout = os.path.join(odir, scriptname)
    distcmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'distributed_computing.py' )
    if distcmd is None:
       context.write("<font color=red>error</font> : can't find "
                     "distributed_computing.py program. It may be found in "
    fd = open(scriptout, 'w')
    print >> fd, "#!/bin/bash\n"
    print >> fd, "python %s -l 1 -v ~/hosts '%s' '%s'" % \
          (distcmd, batchout, batchout + '.log')
    os.chmod(scriptout, 0750)
  elif self.parallelism_mode == 'grid':
    context.write( 'Grid (Matthieu) parallelism mode' )
    sglt = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'siGenerateLearningTasks.py' )
    batchname = 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode + '-grid_batch'
    batchout = os.path.join(odir, batchname)
    context.system( 'python', sglt, '-m', self.model_graph, '-o', batchout,
                    '-p', 'grid', '-c', conf, '-b', silcmd)
    scriptname = 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode + '-grid.sh'
    scriptout = os.path.join(odir, scriptname)
    distcmd = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'grid.py' )
    if distcmd is None:
       context.write("<font color=red>error</font> : can't find "
                     "grid.py program. It may be found in "
    fd = open(scriptout, 'w')
    print >> fd, "#!/bin/bash\n"
    print >> fd, "python %s  --host ~/neurospin-distcc-hosts --tasks %s --log %s --timeslot -" % (distcmd, batchout, batchout + '.log')
    os.chmod(scriptout, 0750)
  elif self.parallelism_mode == 'LSF':
    context.write( 'LSF (CCRT) mode' )
    sglt = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'siGenerateLearningTasks.py' )
    out = os.path.join(odir, 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode +'-LSF_batch')
    context.system( 'python', sglt, '-m', self.model_graph, '-o', out,
                    '-p', 'LSF', '-c', conf, '-b', silcmd,
                    '-t', self.time, '-e', self.email)
  elif self.parallelism_mode == 'soma.workflow':
    context.write( 'Lag (soma.workflow/Laguitton) mode' )
    sglt = distutils.spawn.find_executable( 'siGenerateLearningTasks.py' )
    out = os.path.join(odir, 'siLearn-' + self.learning_mode +'-somaworkflow_batch')
    context.system( 'python', sglt, '-m', self.model_graph, '-o', out,
                    '-p', 'somaworkflow', '-c', conf, '-b', silcmd )
    raise RuntimeError( 'Mode ' + self.parallelism_mode \
                        + ' is not implemented yet' )

  import time
  time.sleep( 1 ) # avoid bug in BV