import string import types import Numeric import LinearAlgebra from UserArray import UserArray, asarray from Numeric import dot, identity, multiply from MLab import squeeze # make translation table _table = [None]*256 for k in range(256): _table[k] = chr(k) _table = ''.join(_table) _numchars = string.digits + ".-+jeEL" _todelete = [] for k in _table: if k not in _numchars: _todelete.append(k) _todelete = ''.join(_todelete) def _eval(astr): return eval(astr.translate(_table,_todelete)) def _convert_from_string(data): data.find rows = data.split(';') newdata = [] count = 0 for row in rows: trow = row.split(',') newrow = [] for col in trow: temp = col.split() newrow.extend(map(_eval,temp)) if count == 0: Ncols = len(newrow) elif len(newrow) != Ncols: raise ValueError, "Rows not the same size." count += 1 newdata.append(newrow) return newdata _lkup = {'0':'000', '1':'001', '2':'010', '3':'011', '4':'100', '5':'101', '6':'110', '7':'111'} def _binary(num): ostr = oct(num) bin = '' for ch in ostr[1:]: bin += _lkup[ch] ind = 0 while bin[ind] == '0': ind += 1 return bin[ind:] class Matrix(UserArray): def __init__(self, data, typecode=None, copy=1, savespace=0): if type(data) is types.StringType: data = _convert_from_string(data) UserArray.__init__(self,data,typecode, copy, savespace) if len(self.array.shape) == 1: self.array.shape = (1,self.array.shape[0]) self.shape = self.array.shape def __getitem__(self, index): out = self._rc(self.array[index]) try: n = len(index) if n > 1 and isinstance(index[0], types.SliceType) \ and isinstance(index[1], types.IntType): sh = out.array.shape out.array.shape = (sh[1],sh[0]) out.shape = out.array.shape except TypeError: # Index not a sequence pass return out def __mul__(self, other): aother = asarray(other) if len(aother.shape) == 0: return self._rc(self.array*aother) else: return self._rc(dot(self.array, aother)) def __rmul__(self, other): aother = asarray(other) if len(aother.shape) == 0: return self._rc(aother*self.array) else: return self._rc(dot(aother, self.array)) def __imul__(self,other): aother = asarray(other) self.array = dot(self.array, aother) return self def __pow__(self, other): shape = self.array.shape if len(shape)!=2 or shape[0]!=shape[1]: raise TypeError, "matrix is not square" if type(other) in (type(1), type(1L)): if other==0: return Matrix(identity(shape[0])) if other<0: result=Matrix(LinearAlgebra.inverse(self.array)) x=Matrix(result) other=-other else: result=self x=result if other <= 3: while(other>1): result=result*x other=other-1 return result # binary decomposition to reduce the number of Matrix # Multiplies for other > 3. beta = _binary(other) t = len(beta) Z,q = x.copy(),0 while beta[t-q-1] == '0': Z *= Z q += 1 result = Z.copy() for k in range(q+1,t): Z *= Z if beta[t-k-1] == '1': result *= Z return result else: raise TypeError, "exponent must be an integer" def __rpow__(self, other): raise TypeError, "x**y not implemented for matrices y" def __invert__(self): return Matrix(Numeric.conjugate(self.array)) def __setattr__(self,attr,value): if attr=='shape': if len(value) == 0: value = (1,1) if len(value) == 1: value = (1,) + value if len(value) != 2: raise ValueError, "Can only reshape a Matrix as a 2-d array." self.array.shape=value self.__dict__[attr]=value def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == 'A': return squeeze(self.array) elif attr == 'T': return Matrix(Numeric.transpose(self.array)) elif attr == 'H': if len(self.array.shape) == 1: self.array.shape = (1,self.array.shape[0]) return Matrix(Numeric.conjugate(Numeric.transpose(self.array))) elif attr == 'I': return Matrix(LinearAlgebra.inverse(self.array)) elif attr == 'real': return Matrix(self.array.real) elif attr == 'imag': return Matrix(self.array.imag) elif attr == 'flat': return Matrix(self.array.flat) else: raise AttributeError, attr + " not found." def __setitem__(self, index, value): value = asarray(value, self._typecode) self.array[index] = squeeze(value) def __setslice__(self, i, j, value): self.array[i:j] = asarray(squeeze(value),self._typecode) def __float__(self): return float(squeeze(self.array)) def m(self,b): return Matrix(self.array * asarray(b)) def asarray(self,t=None): if t is None: return self.array else: return asarray(self.array,t) if __name__ == '__main__': from Numeric import * m = Matrix( [[1,2,3],[11,12,13],[21,22,23]]) print m*m print m.array*m.array print transpose(m) print m**-1 m = Matrix([[1,1],[1,0]]) print "Fibonacci numbers:", for i in range(10): mm=m**i print mm[0][0], print