# import either NumPy, or numarray, or Numeric for name in ('numpy', 'numarray', 'Numeric'): failed = False try: eval(compile('from %s import *' % name, 'eval', 'exec')) if name == 'numpy': from numpy.oldnumeric.compat import * Float = float UInt8 = uint8 except ImportError: failed = True if not failed: break else: import PyQt4.Qt as Qt if not Qt.QCoreApplication.instance(): a = Qt.QApplication([]) Qt.QMessageBox.critical( None, 'Numerical Python Extension Required', 'This example requires a Numerical Python Extension, but\n' 'failed to import either NumPy, or numarray, or Numeric.\n' 'NumPy is available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy' ) raise SystemExit, ( 'Failed to import either NumPy, or numarray, or Numeric.\n' 'NumPy is available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy' ) # Local Variables: *** # mode: python *** # End: ***