""" This is an object-orient plotting library. A procedural interface is provided by the companion pyplot module, which may be imported directly, e.g:: from matplotlib.pyplot import * To include numpy functions too, use:: from pylab import * or using ipython:: ipython -pylab For the most part, direct use of the object-oriented library is encouraged when programming; pyplot is primarily for working interactively. The exceptions are the pyplot commands :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplot`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`, :func:`~matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg.show`, and :func:`~pyplot.savefig`, which can greatly simplify scripting. Modules include: :mod:`matplotlib.axes` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` class. Most pylab commands are wrappers for :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods. The axes module is the highest level of OO access to the library. :mod:`matplotlib.figure` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` class. :mod:`matplotlib.artist` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` base class for all classes that draw things. :mod:`matplotlib.lines` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` class for drawing lines and markers :mod:`matplotlib.patches` defines classes for drawing polygons :mod:`matplotlib.text` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`, :class:`~matplotlib.text.TextWithDash`, and :class:`~matplotlib.text.Annotate` classes :mod:`matplotlib.image` defines the :class:`~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` and :class:`~matplotlib.image.FigureImage` classes :mod:`matplotlib.collections` classes for efficient drawing of groups of lines or polygons :mod:`matplotlib.colors` classes for interpreting color specifications and for making colormaps :mod:`matplotlib.cm` colormaps and the :class:`~matplotlib.image.ScalarMappable` mixin class for providing color mapping functionality to other classes :mod:`matplotlib.ticker` classes for calculating tick mark locations and for formatting tick labels :mod:`matplotlib.backends` a subpackage with modules for various gui libraries and output formats The base matplotlib namespace includes: :data:`~matplotlib.rcParams` a global dictionary of default configuration settings. It is initialized by code which may be overridded by a matplotlibrc file. :func:`~matplotlib.rc` a function for setting groups of rcParams values :func:`~matplotlib.use` a function for setting the matplotlib backend. If used, this function must be called immediately after importing matplotlib for the first time. In particular, it must be called **before** importing pylab (if pylab is imported). matplotlib was initially written by John D. Hunter (jdh2358 at gmail.com) and is now developed and maintained by a host of others. Occasionally the internal documentation (python docstrings) will refer to MATLAB®, a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. """ from __future__ import generators __version__ = '1.1.1' __version__numpy__ = '1.4' # minimum required numpy version import os, re, shutil, subprocess, sys, warnings import distutils.sysconfig import distutils.version # Needed for toolkit setuptools support if 0: try: __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__) except ImportError: pass # must not have setuptools if not hasattr(sys, 'argv'): # for modpython sys.argv = ['modpython'] """ Manage user customizations through a rc file. The default file location is given in the following order - environment variable MATPLOTLIBRC - HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc if HOME is defined - PATH/matplotlibrc where PATH is the return value of get_data_path() """ import sys, os, tempfile from matplotlib.rcsetup import (defaultParams, validate_backend, validate_toolbar, validate_cairo_format) major, minor1, minor2, s, tmp = sys.version_info _python24 = major>=2 and minor1>=4 # the havedate check was a legacy from old matplotlib which preceeded # datetime support _havedate = True #try: # import pkg_resources # pkg_resources is part of setuptools #except ImportError: _have_pkg_resources = False #else: _have_pkg_resources = True if not _python24: raise ImportError('matplotlib requires Python 2.4 or later') import numpy from distutils import version expected_version = version.LooseVersion(__version__numpy__) found_version = version.LooseVersion(numpy.__version__) if not found_version >= expected_version: raise ImportError( 'numpy %s or later is required; you have %s' % ( __version__numpy__, numpy.__version__)) del version def is_string_like(obj): if hasattr(obj, 'shape'): return 0 try: obj + '' except (TypeError, ValueError): return 0 return 1 def _is_writable_dir(p): """ p is a string pointing to a putative writable dir -- return True p is such a string, else False """ try: p + '' # test is string like except TypeError: return False try: t = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=p) t.write('1') t.close() except OSError: return False else: return True class Verbose: """ A class to handle reporting. Set the fileo attribute to any file instance to handle the output. Default is sys.stdout """ levels = ('silent', 'helpful', 'debug', 'debug-annoying') vald = dict( [(level, i) for i,level in enumerate(levels)]) # parse the verbosity from the command line; flags look like # --verbose-silent or --verbose-helpful _commandLineVerbose = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if not arg.startswith('--verbose-'): continue _commandLineVerbose = arg[10:] def __init__(self): self.set_level('silent') self.fileo = sys.stdout def set_level(self, level): 'set the verbosity to one of the Verbose.levels strings' if self._commandLineVerbose is not None: level = self._commandLineVerbose if level not in self.levels: raise ValueError('Illegal verbose string "%s". Legal values are %s'%(level, self.levels)) self.level = level def set_fileo(self, fname): std = { 'sys.stdout': sys.stdout, 'sys.stderr': sys.stderr, } if fname in std: self.fileo = std[fname] else: try: fileo = file(fname, 'w') except IOError: raise ValueError('Verbose object could not open log file "%s" for writing.\nCheck your matplotlibrc verbose.fileo setting'%fname) else: self.fileo = fileo def report(self, s, level='helpful'): """ print message s to self.fileo if self.level>=level. Return value indicates whether a message was issued """ if self.ge(level): print >>self.fileo, s return True return False def wrap(self, fmt, func, level='helpful', always=True): """ return a callable function that wraps func and reports it output through the verbose handler if current verbosity level is higher than level if always is True, the report will occur on every function call; otherwise only on the first time the function is called """ assert callable(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if (always or not wrapper._spoke): spoke = self.report(fmt%ret, level) if not wrapper._spoke: wrapper._spoke = spoke return ret wrapper._spoke = False wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return wrapper def ge(self, level): 'return true if self.level is >= level' return self.vald[self.level]>=self.vald[level] verbose=Verbose() def checkdep_dvipng(): try: s = subprocess.Popen(['dvipng','-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) line = s.stdout.readlines()[1] v = line.split()[-1] return v except (IndexError, ValueError, OSError): return None def checkdep_ghostscript(): try: if sys.platform == 'win32': command_args = ['gswin32c', '--version'] else: command_args = ['gs', '--version'] s = subprocess.Popen(command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) v = s.stdout.read()[:-1] return v except (IndexError, ValueError, OSError): return None def checkdep_tex(): try: s = subprocess.Popen(['tex','-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) line = s.stdout.readlines()[0] pattern = '3\.1\d+' match = re.search(pattern, line) v = match.group(0) return v except (IndexError, ValueError, AttributeError, OSError): return None def checkdep_pdftops(): try: s = subprocess.Popen(['pdftops','-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in s.stderr: if 'version' in line: v = line.split()[-1] return v except (IndexError, ValueError, UnboundLocalError, OSError): return None def checkdep_inkscape(): try: s = subprocess.Popen(['inkscape','-V'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in s.stdout: if 'Inkscape' in line: v = line.split()[1] break return v except (IndexError, ValueError, UnboundLocalError, OSError): return None def checkdep_xmllint(): try: s = subprocess.Popen(['xmllint','--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in s.stderr: if 'version' in line: v = line.split()[-1] break return v except (IndexError, ValueError, UnboundLocalError, OSError): return None def compare_versions(a, b): "return True if a is greater than or equal to b" if a: a = distutils.version.LooseVersion(a) b = distutils.version.LooseVersion(b) if a>=b: return True else: return False else: return False def checkdep_ps_distiller(s): if not s: return False flag = True gs_req = '7.07' gs_sugg = '7.07' gs_v = checkdep_ghostscript() if compare_versions(gs_v, gs_sugg): pass elif compare_versions(gs_v, gs_req): verbose.report(('ghostscript-%s found. ghostscript-%s or later ' 'is recommended to use the ps.usedistiller option.') % (gs_v, gs_sugg)) else: flag = False warnings.warn(('matplotlibrc ps.usedistiller option can not be used ' 'unless ghostscript-%s or later is installed on your system') % gs_req) if s == 'xpdf': pdftops_req = '3.0' pdftops_req_alt = '0.9' # poppler version numbers, ugh pdftops_v = checkdep_pdftops() if compare_versions(pdftops_v, pdftops_req): pass elif compare_versions(pdftops_v, pdftops_req_alt) and not \ compare_versions(pdftops_v, '1.0'): pass else: flag = False warnings.warn(('matplotlibrc ps.usedistiller can not be set to ' 'xpdf unless xpdf-%s or later is installed on your system') % pdftops_req) if flag: return s else: return False def checkdep_usetex(s): if not s: return False tex_req = '3.1415' gs_req = '7.07' gs_sugg = '7.07' dvipng_req = '1.5' flag = True tex_v = checkdep_tex() if compare_versions(tex_v, tex_req): pass else: flag = False warnings.warn(('matplotlibrc text.usetex option can not be used ' 'unless TeX-%s or later is ' 'installed on your system') % tex_req) dvipng_v = checkdep_dvipng() if compare_versions(dvipng_v, dvipng_req): pass else: flag = False warnings.warn( 'matplotlibrc text.usetex can not be used with *Agg ' 'backend unless dvipng-1.5 or later is ' 'installed on your system') gs_v = checkdep_ghostscript() if compare_versions(gs_v, gs_sugg): pass elif compare_versions(gs_v, gs_req): verbose.report(('ghostscript-%s found. ghostscript-%s or later is ' 'recommended for use with the text.usetex ' 'option.') % (gs_v, gs_sugg)) else: flag = False warnings.warn(('matplotlibrc text.usetex can not be used ' 'unless ghostscript-%s or later is ' 'installed on your system') % gs_req) return flag def _get_home(): """Find user's home directory if possible. Otherwise raise error. :see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-February/263921.html """ path='' try: path=os.path.expanduser("~") except: pass if not os.path.isdir(path): for evar in ('HOME', 'USERPROFILE', 'TMP'): try: path = os.environ[evar] if os.path.isdir(path): break except: pass if path: return path else: raise RuntimeError('please define environment variable $HOME') get_home = verbose.wrap('$HOME=%s', _get_home, always=False) def _get_configdir(): """ Return the string representing the configuration dir. default is HOME/.matplotlib. you can override this with the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable """ configdir = os.environ.get('MPLCONFIGDIR') if configdir is not None: if not os.path.exists(configdir): os.makedirs(configdir) if not _is_writable_dir(configdir): raise RuntimeError('Could not write to MPLCONFIGDIR="%s"'%configdir) return configdir h = get_home() p = os.path.join(get_home(), '.matplotlib') if os.path.exists(p): if not _is_writable_dir(p): raise RuntimeError("'%s' is not a writable dir; you must set %s/.matplotlib to be a writable dir. You can also set environment variable MPLCONFIGDIR to any writable directory where you want matplotlib data stored "% (h, h)) else: if not _is_writable_dir(h): raise RuntimeError("Failed to create %s/.matplotlib; consider setting MPLCONFIGDIR to a writable directory for matplotlib configuration data"%h) os.mkdir(p) return p get_configdir = verbose.wrap('CONFIGDIR=%s', _get_configdir, always=False) def _get_data_path(): 'get the path to matplotlib data' if 'MATPLOTLIBDATA' in os.environ: path = os.environ['MATPLOTLIBDATA'] if not os.path.isdir(path): raise RuntimeError('Path in environment MATPLOTLIBDATA not a directory') return path path = os.sep.join([os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mpl-data']) if os.path.isdir(path): return path # setuptools' namespace_packages may highjack this init file # so need to try something known to be in matplotlib, not basemap import matplotlib.afm path = os.sep.join([os.path.dirname(matplotlib.afm.__file__), 'mpl-data']) if os.path.isdir(path): return path # py2exe zips pure python, so still need special check if getattr(sys,'frozen',None): exe_path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) path = os.path.join(exe_path, 'mpl-data') if os.path.isdir(path): return path # Try again assuming we need to step up one more directory path = os.path.join(os.path.split(exe_path)[0], 'mpl-data') if os.path.isdir(path): return path # Try again assuming sys.path[0] is a dir not a exe path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'mpl-data') if os.path.isdir(path): return path raise RuntimeError('Could not find the matplotlib data files') def _get_data_path_cached(): if defaultParams['datapath'][0] is None: defaultParams['datapath'][0] = _get_data_path() return defaultParams['datapath'][0] get_data_path = verbose.wrap('matplotlib data path %s', _get_data_path_cached, always=False) def get_example_data(fname): """ get_example_data is deprecated -- use matplotlib.cbook.get_sample_data instead """ raise NotImplementedError('get_example_data is deprecated -- use matplotlib.cbook.get_sample_data instead') def get_py2exe_datafiles(): datapath = get_data_path() head, tail = os.path.split(datapath) d = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(datapath): # Need to explicitly remove cocoa_agg files or py2exe complains # NOTE I dont know why, but do as previous version if 'Matplotlib.nib' in files: files.remove('Matplotlib.nib') files = [os.path.join(root, filename) for filename in files] root = root.replace(tail, 'mpl-data') root = root[root.index('mpl-data'):] d[root] = files return d.items() def matplotlib_fname(): """ Return the path to the rc file Search order: * current working dir * environ var MATPLOTLIBRC * HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc * MATPLOTLIBDATA/matplotlibrc """ oldname = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), '.matplotlibrc') if os.path.exists(oldname): print >> sys.stderr, """\ WARNING: Old rc filename ".matplotlibrc" found in working dir and and renamed to new default rc file name "matplotlibrc" (no leading"dot"). """ shutil.move('.matplotlibrc', 'matplotlibrc') home = get_home() oldname = os.path.join( home, '.matplotlibrc') if os.path.exists(oldname): configdir = get_configdir() newname = os.path.join(configdir, 'matplotlibrc') print >> sys.stderr, """\ WARNING: Old rc filename "%s" found and renamed to new default rc file name "%s"."""%(oldname, newname) shutil.move(oldname, newname) fname = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'matplotlibrc') if os.path.exists(fname): return fname if 'MATPLOTLIBRC' in os.environ: path = os.environ['MATPLOTLIBRC'] if os.path.exists(path): fname = os.path.join(path, 'matplotlibrc') if os.path.exists(fname): return fname fname = os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'matplotlibrc') if os.path.exists(fname): return fname path = get_data_path() # guaranteed to exist or raise fname = os.path.join(path, 'matplotlibrc') if not os.path.exists(fname): warnings.warn('Could not find matplotlibrc; using defaults') return fname _deprecated_map = { 'text.fontstyle': 'font.style', 'text.fontangle': 'font.style', 'text.fontvariant': 'font.variant', 'text.fontweight': 'font.weight', 'text.fontsize': 'font.size', 'tick.size' : 'tick.major.size', 'svg.embed_char_paths' : 'svg.fonttype' } _deprecated_ignore_map = { 'legend.pad' : 'legend.borderpad', 'legend.labelsep' : 'legend.labelspacing', 'legend.handlelen' : 'legend.handlelength', 'legend.handletextsep' : 'legend.handletextpad', 'legend.axespad' : 'legend.borderaxespad', } class RcParams(dict): """ A dictionary object including validation validating functions are defined and associated with rc parameters in :mod:`matplotlib.rcsetup` """ validate = dict([ (key, converter) for key, (default, converter) in \ defaultParams.iteritems() ]) msg_depr = "%s is deprecated and replaced with %s; please use the latter." msg_depr_ignore = "%s is deprecated and ignored. Use %s" def __setitem__(self, key, val): try: if key in _deprecated_map: alt = _deprecated_map[key] warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt)) key = alt elif key in _deprecated_ignore_map: alt = _deprecated_ignore_map[key] warnings.warn(self.msg_depr_ignore % (key, alt)) return cval = self.validate[key](val) dict.__setitem__(self, key, cval) except KeyError: raise KeyError('%s is not a valid rc parameter.\ See rcParams.keys() for a list of valid parameters.' % (key,)) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in _deprecated_map: alt = _deprecated_map[key] warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt)) key = alt elif key in _deprecated_ignore_map: alt = _deprecated_ignore_map[key] warnings.warn(self.msg_depr_ignore % (key, alt)) key = alt return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def keys(self): """ Return sorted list of keys. """ k = dict.keys(self) k.sort() return k def values(self): """ Return values in order of sorted keys. """ return [self[k] for k in self.keys()] def rc_params(fail_on_error=False): 'Return the default params updated from the values in the rc file' fname = matplotlib_fname() if not os.path.exists(fname): # this should never happen, default in mpl-data should always be found message = 'could not find rc file; returning defaults' ret = RcParams([ (key, default) for key, (default, converter) in \ defaultParams.iteritems() ]) warnings.warn(message) return ret cnt = 0 rc_temp = {} for line in file(fname): cnt += 1 strippedline = line.split('#',1)[0].strip() if not strippedline: continue tup = strippedline.split(':',1) if len(tup) !=2: warnings.warn('Illegal line #%d\n\t%s\n\tin file "%s"'%\ (cnt, line, fname)) continue key, val = tup key = key.strip() val = val.strip() if key in rc_temp: warnings.warn('Duplicate key in file "%s", line #%d'%(fname,cnt)) rc_temp[key] = (val, line, cnt) ret = RcParams([ (key, default) for key, (default, converter) in \ defaultParams.iteritems() ]) for key in ('verbose.level', 'verbose.fileo'): if key in rc_temp: val, line, cnt = rc_temp.pop(key) if fail_on_error: ret[key] = val # try to convert to proper type or raise else: try: ret[key] = val # try to convert to proper type or skip except Exception, msg: warnings.warn('Bad val "%s" on line #%d\n\t"%s"\n\tin file \ "%s"\n\t%s' % (val, cnt, line, fname, msg)) verbose.set_level(ret['verbose.level']) verbose.set_fileo(ret['verbose.fileo']) for key, (val, line, cnt) in rc_temp.iteritems(): if key in defaultParams: if fail_on_error: ret[key] = val # try to convert to proper type or raise else: try: ret[key] = val # try to convert to proper type or skip except Exception, msg: warnings.warn('Bad val "%s" on line #%d\n\t"%s"\n\tin file \ "%s"\n\t%s' % (val, cnt, line, fname, msg)) elif key in _deprecated_ignore_map: warnings.warn('%s is deprecated. Update your matplotlibrc to use %s instead.'% (key, _deprecated_ignore_map[key])) else: print >> sys.stderr, """ Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s. You probably need to get an updated matplotlibrc file from http://matplotlib.sf.net/_static/matplotlibrc or from the matplotlib source distribution""" % (key, cnt, fname) if ret['datapath'] is None: ret['datapath'] = get_data_path() if not ret['text.latex.preamble'] == ['']: verbose.report(""" ***************************************************************** You have the following UNSUPPORTED LaTeX preamble customizations: %s Please do not ask for support with these customizations active. ***************************************************************** """% '\n'.join(ret['text.latex.preamble']), 'helpful') verbose.report('loaded rc file %s'%fname) return ret # this is the instance used by the matplotlib classes rcParams = rc_params() if rcParams['examples.directory']: # paths that are intended to be relative to matplotlib_fname() # are allowed for the examples.directory parameter. # However, we will need to fully qualify the path because # Sphinx requires absolute paths. if not os.path.isabs(rcParams['examples.directory']): _basedir, _fname = os.path.split(matplotlib_fname()) # Sometimes matplotlib_fname() can return relative paths, # Also, using realpath() guarentees that Sphinx will use # the same path that matplotlib sees (in case of weird symlinks). _basedir = os.path.realpath(_basedir) _fullpath = os.path.join(_basedir, rcParams['examples.directory']) rcParams['examples.directory'] = _fullpath rcParamsOrig = rcParams.copy() rcParamsDefault = RcParams([ (key, default) for key, (default, converter) in \ defaultParams.iteritems() ]) rcParams['ps.usedistiller'] = checkdep_ps_distiller(rcParams['ps.usedistiller']) rcParams['text.usetex'] = checkdep_usetex(rcParams['text.usetex']) if rcParams['axes.formatter.use_locale']: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') def rc(group, **kwargs): """ Set the current rc params. Group is the grouping for the rc, eg. for ``lines.linewidth`` the group is ``lines``, for ``axes.facecolor``, the group is ``axes``, and so on. Group may also be a list or tuple of group names, eg. (*xtick*, *ytick*). *kwargs* is a dictionary attribute name/value pairs, eg:: rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='r') sets the current rc params and is equivalent to:: rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r' The following aliases are available to save typing for interactive users: ===== ================= Alias Property ===== ================= 'lw' 'linewidth' 'ls' 'linestyle' 'c' 'color' 'fc' 'facecolor' 'ec' 'edgecolor' 'mew' 'markeredgewidth' 'aa' 'antialiased' ===== ================= Thus you could abbreviate the above rc command as:: rc('lines', lw=2, c='r') Note you can use python's kwargs dictionary facility to store dictionaries of default parameters. Eg, you can customize the font rc as follows:: font = {'family' : 'monospace', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size' : 'larger'} rc('font', **font) # pass in the font dict as kwargs This enables you to easily switch between several configurations. Use :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.rcdefaults` to restore the default rc params after changes. """ aliases = { 'lw' : 'linewidth', 'ls' : 'linestyle', 'c' : 'color', 'fc' : 'facecolor', 'ec' : 'edgecolor', 'mew' : 'markeredgewidth', 'aa' : 'antialiased', } if is_string_like(group): group = (group,) for g in group: for k,v in kwargs.items(): name = aliases.get(k) or k key = '%s.%s' % (g, name) try: rcParams[key] = v except KeyError: raise KeyError('Unrecognized key "%s" for group "%s" and name "%s"' % (key, g, name)) def rcdefaults(): """ Restore the default rc params - these are not the params loaded by the rc file, but mpl's internal params. See rc_file_defaults for reloading the default params from the rc file """ rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault) def rc_file_defaults(): """ Restore the default rc params from the original matplotlib rc that was loaded """ rcParams.update(rcParamsOrig) _use_error_msg = """ This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time. """ def use(arg, warn=True): """ Set the matplotlib backend to one of the known backends. The argument is case-insensitive. For the Cairo backend, the argument can have an extension to indicate the type of output. Example: use('cairo.pdf') will specify a default of pdf output generated by Cairo. .. note:: This function must be called *before* importing pyplot for the first time; or, if you are not using pyplot, it must be called before importing matplotlib.backends. If warn is True, a warning is issued if you try and call this after pylab or pyplot have been loaded. In certain black magic use cases, e.g. :func:`pyplot.switch_backends`, we are doing the reloading necessary to make the backend switch work (in some cases, e.g. pure image backends) so one can set warn=False to supporess the warnings. To find out which backend is currently set, see :func:`matplotlib.get_backend`. """ if 'matplotlib.backends' in sys.modules: if warn: warnings.warn(_use_error_msg) return if arg.startswith('module://'): name = arg else: # Lowercase only non-module backend names (modules are case-sensitive) arg = arg.lower() be_parts = arg.split('.') name = validate_backend(be_parts[0]) if len(be_parts) > 1: if name == 'cairo': rcParams['cairo.format'] = validate_cairo_format(be_parts[1]) else: raise ValueError('Only cairo backend has a format option') rcParams['backend'] = name def get_backend(): "Returns the current backend." return rcParams['backend'] def interactive(b): """ Set interactive mode to boolean b. If b is True, then draw after every plotting command, eg, after xlabel """ rcParams['interactive'] = b def is_interactive(): 'Return true if plot mode is interactive' b = rcParams['interactive'] return b def tk_window_focus(): """Return true if focus maintenance under TkAgg on win32 is on. This currently works only for python.exe and IPython.exe. Both IDLE and Pythonwin.exe fail badly when tk_window_focus is on.""" if rcParams['backend'] != 'TkAgg': return False return rcParams['tk.window_focus'] # Now allow command line to override # Allow command line access to the backend with -d (MATLAB compatible # flag) for s in sys.argv[1:]: if s.startswith('-d') and len(s) > 2: # look for a -d flag try: use(s[2:]) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass # we don't want to assume all -d flags are backends, eg -debug default_test_modules = [ 'matplotlib.tests.test_agg', 'matplotlib.tests.test_backend_svg', 'matplotlib.tests.test_basic', 'matplotlib.tests.test_cbook', 'matplotlib.tests.test_mlab', 'matplotlib.tests.test_transforms', 'matplotlib.tests.test_axes', 'matplotlib.tests.test_figure', 'matplotlib.tests.test_dates', 'matplotlib.tests.test_spines', 'matplotlib.tests.test_image', 'matplotlib.tests.test_simplification', 'matplotlib.tests.test_mathtext', 'matplotlib.tests.test_text', 'matplotlib.tests.test_tightlayout', 'matplotlib.tests.test_delaunay', 'matplotlib.tests.test_legend' ] def test(verbosity=1): """run the matplotlib test suite""" old_backend = rcParams['backend'] try: use('agg') import nose import nose.plugins.builtin from testing.noseclasses import KnownFailure from nose.plugins.manager import PluginManager # store the old values before overriding plugins = [] plugins.append( KnownFailure() ) plugins.extend( [plugin() for plugin in nose.plugins.builtin.plugins] ) manager = PluginManager(plugins=plugins) config = nose.config.Config(verbosity=verbosity, plugins=manager) success = nose.run( defaultTest=default_test_modules, config=config, ) finally: if old_backend.lower() != 'agg': use(old_backend) return success test.__test__ = False # nose: this function is not a test verbose.report('matplotlib version %s'%__version__) verbose.report('verbose.level %s'%verbose.level) verbose.report('interactive is %s'%rcParams['interactive']) verbose.report('platform is %s'%sys.platform) verbose.report('loaded modules: %s'%sys.modules.keys(), 'debug')