from __future__ import division import os import numpy from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, GraphicsContextBase,\ FigureManagerBase, FigureCanvasBase, NavigationToolbar2, TimerBase from matplotlib.backend_bases import ShowBase from matplotlib.cbook import maxdict from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter from matplotlib.widgets import SubplotTool import matplotlib from matplotlib.backends import _macosx class Show(ShowBase): def mainloop(self): show = Show() class RendererMac(RendererBase): """ The renderer handles drawing/rendering operations. Most of the renderer's methods forward the command to the renderer's graphics context. The renderer does not wrap a C object and is written in pure Python. """ texd = maxdict(50) # a cache of tex image rasters def __init__(self, dpi, width, height): RendererBase.__init__(self) self.dpi = dpi self.width = width self.height = height self.gc = GraphicsContextMac() self.mathtext_parser = MathTextParser('MacOSX') def set_width_height (self, width, height): self.width, self.height = width, height def draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace=None): if rgbFace is not None: rgbFace = tuple(rgbFace[:3]) linewidth = gc.get_linewidth() gc.draw_path(path, transform, linewidth, rgbFace) def draw_markers(self, gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace=None): if rgbFace is not None: rgbFace = tuple(rgbFace[:3]) linewidth = gc.get_linewidth() gc.draw_markers(marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, linewidth, rgbFace) def draw_path_collection(self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls): cliprect = gc.get_clip_rectangle() clippath, clippath_transform = gc.get_clip_path() if all_transforms: transforms = [, t) for t in all_transforms] else: transforms = [master_transform] gc.draw_path_collection(cliprect, clippath, clippath_transform, paths, transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds) def draw_quad_mesh(self, gc, master_transform, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, antialiased, showedges): cliprect = gc.get_clip_rectangle() clippath, clippath_transform = gc.get_clip_path() gc.draw_quad_mesh(master_transform, cliprect, clippath, clippath_transform, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, antialiased, showedges) def new_gc(self): self.gc.set_hatch(None) self.gc._alpha = 1.0 self.gc._forced_alpha = False # if True, _alpha overrides A from RGBA return self.gc def draw_gouraud_triangle(self, gc, points, colors, transform): points = transform.transform(points) gc.draw_gouraud_triangle(points, colors) def draw_image(self, gc, x, y, im): im.flipud_out() nrows, ncols, data = im.as_rgba_str() gc.draw_image(x, y, nrows, ncols, data, gc.get_clip_rectangle(), *gc.get_clip_path()) im.flipud_out() def draw_tex(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle): # todo, handle props, angle, origins size = prop.get_size_in_points() texmanager = self.get_texmanager() key = s, size, self.dpi, angle, texmanager.get_font_config() im = self.texd.get(key) # Not sure what this does; just copied from if im is None: Z = texmanager.get_grey(s, size, self.dpi) Z = numpy.array(255.0 - Z * 255.0, numpy.uint8) gc.draw_mathtext(x, y, angle, Z) def _draw_mathtext(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle): ox, oy, width, height, descent, image, used_characters = \ self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop) gc.draw_mathtext(x, y, angle, 255 - image.as_array()) def draw_text(self, gc, x, y, s, prop, angle, ismath=False): if ismath: self._draw_mathtext(gc, x, y, s, prop, angle) else: family = prop.get_family() weight = prop.get_weight() style = prop.get_style() points = prop.get_size_in_points() size = self.points_to_pixels(points) gc.draw_text(x, y, unicode(s), family, size, weight, style, angle) def get_text_width_height_descent(self, s, prop, ismath): if ismath=='TeX': # todo: handle props texmanager = self.get_texmanager() fontsize = prop.get_size_in_points() w, h, d = texmanager.get_text_width_height_descent(s, fontsize, renderer=self) return w, h, d if ismath: ox, oy, width, height, descent, fonts, used_characters = \ self.mathtext_parser.parse(s, self.dpi, prop) return width, height, descent family = prop.get_family() weight = prop.get_weight() style = prop.get_style() points = prop.get_size_in_points() size = self.points_to_pixels(points) width, height, descent = self.gc.get_text_width_height_descent(unicode(s), family, size, weight, style) return width, height, 0.0*descent def flipy(self): return False def points_to_pixels(self, points): return points/72.0 * self.dpi def option_image_nocomposite(self): return True class GraphicsContextMac(_macosx.GraphicsContext, GraphicsContextBase): """ The GraphicsContext wraps a Quartz graphics context. All methods are implemented at the C-level in macosx.GraphicsContext. These methods set drawing properties such as the line style, fill color, etc. The actual drawing is done by the Renderer, which draws into the GraphicsContext. """ def __init__(self): GraphicsContextBase.__init__(self) _macosx.GraphicsContext.__init__(self) def set_alpha(self, alpha): GraphicsContextBase.set_alpha(self, alpha) _alpha = self.get_alpha() _macosx.GraphicsContext.set_alpha(self, _alpha) def set_foreground(self, fg, isRGB=False): GraphicsContextBase.set_foreground(self, fg, isRGB) rgb = self.get_rgb() _macosx.GraphicsContext.set_foreground(self, rgb[:3]) def set_graylevel(self, fg): GraphicsContextBase.set_graylevel(self, fg) _macosx.GraphicsContext.set_graylevel(self, fg) def set_clip_rectangle(self, box): GraphicsContextBase.set_clip_rectangle(self, box) if not box: return _macosx.GraphicsContext.set_clip_rectangle(self, box.bounds) def set_clip_path(self, path): GraphicsContextBase.set_clip_path(self, path) if not path: return path = path.get_fully_transformed_path() _macosx.GraphicsContext.set_clip_path(self, path) ######################################################################## # # The following functions and classes are for pylab and implement # window/figure managers, etc... # ######################################################################## def draw_if_interactive(): """ For performance reasons, we don't want to redraw the figure after each draw command. Instead, we mark the figure as invalid, so that it will be redrawn as soon as the event loop resumes via PyOS_InputHook. This function should be called after each draw event, even if matplotlib is not running interactively. """ if matplotlib.is_interactive(): figManager = Gcf.get_active() if figManager is not None: figManager.canvas.invalidate() def new_figure_manager(num, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new figure manager instance """ if not _macosx.verify_main_display(): import warnings warnings.warn("Python is not installed as a framework. The MacOSX backend may not work correctly if Python is not installed as a framework. Please see the Python documentation for more information on installing Python as a framework on Mac OS X") FigureClass = kwargs.pop('FigureClass', Figure) figure = FigureClass(*args, **kwargs) canvas = FigureCanvasMac(figure) manager = FigureManagerMac(canvas, num) return manager class TimerMac(_macosx.Timer, TimerBase): ''' Subclass of :class:`backend_bases.TimerBase` that uses CoreFoundation run loops for timer events. Attributes: * interval: The time between timer events in milliseconds. Default is 1000 ms. * single_shot: Boolean flag indicating whether this timer should operate as single shot (run once and then stop). Defaults to False. * callbacks: Stores list of (func, args) tuples that will be called upon timer events. This list can be manipulated directly, or the functions add_callback and remove_callback can be used. ''' # completely implemented at the C-level (in _macosx.Timer) class FigureCanvasMac(_macosx.FigureCanvas, FigureCanvasBase): """ The canvas the figure renders into. Calls the draw and print fig methods, creates the renderers, etc... Public attribute figure - A Figure instance Events such as button presses, mouse movements, and key presses are handled in the C code and the base class methods button_press_event, button_release_event, motion_notify_event, key_press_event, and key_release_event are called from there. """ filetypes = FigureCanvasBase.filetypes.copy() filetypes['bmp'] = 'Windows bitmap' filetypes['jpeg'] = 'JPEG' filetypes['jpg'] = 'JPEG' filetypes['gif'] = 'Graphics Interchange Format' filetypes['tif'] = 'Tagged Image Format File' filetypes['tiff'] = 'Tagged Image Format File' def __init__(self, figure): FigureCanvasBase.__init__(self, figure) width, height = self.get_width_height() self.renderer = RendererMac(figure.dpi, width, height) _macosx.FigureCanvas.__init__(self, width, height) def resize(self, width, height): self.renderer.set_width_height(width, height) dpi = self.figure.dpi width /= dpi height /= dpi self.figure.set_size_inches(width, height) def _print_bitmap(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): # In, print_figure changes the dpi of the figure. # But since we are essentially redrawing the picture, we need the # original dpi. Pick it up from the renderer. dpi = kwargs['dpi'] old_dpi = self.figure.dpi self.figure.dpi = self.renderer.dpi width, height = self.figure.get_size_inches() width, height = width*dpi, height*dpi filename = unicode(filename) self.write_bitmap(filename, width, height) self.figure.dpi = old_dpi def print_bmp(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def print_jpg(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def print_jpeg(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def print_tif(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def print_tiff(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def print_gif(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): self._print_bitmap(filename, *args, **kwargs) def get_default_filetype(self): return 'png' def new_timer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new backend-specific subclass of :class:`backend_bases.Timer`. This is useful for getting periodic events through the backend's native event loop. Implemented only for backends with GUIs. optional arguments: *interval* Timer interval in milliseconds *callbacks* Sequence of (func, args, kwargs) where func(*args, **kwargs) will be executed by the timer every *interval*. """ return TimerMac(*args, **kwargs) class FigureManagerMac(_macosx.FigureManager, FigureManagerBase): """ Wrap everything up into a window for the pylab interface """ def __init__(self, canvas, num): FigureManagerBase.__init__(self, canvas, num) title = "Figure %d" % num _macosx.FigureManager.__init__(self, canvas, title) if matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar']=='classic': self.toolbar = NavigationToolbarMac(canvas) elif matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar']=='toolbar2': self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Mac(canvas) else: self.toolbar = None if self.toolbar is not None: self.toolbar.update() def notify_axes_change(fig): 'this will be called whenever the current axes is changed' if self.toolbar != None: self.toolbar.update() self.canvas.figure.add_axobserver(notify_axes_change) # This is ugly, but this is what tkagg and gtk are doing. # It is needed to get ginput() working. = lambda *args: if matplotlib.is_interactive(): def close(self): Gcf.destroy(self.num) class NavigationToolbarMac(_macosx.NavigationToolbar): def __init__(self, canvas): self.canvas = canvas basedir = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'], "images") images = {} for imagename in ("stock_left", "stock_right", "stock_up", "stock_down", "stock_zoom-in", "stock_zoom-out", "stock_save_as"): filename = os.path.join(basedir, imagename+".ppm") images[imagename] = self._read_ppm_image(filename) _macosx.NavigationToolbar.__init__(self, images) self.message = None def _read_ppm_image(self, filename): data = "" imagefile = open(filename) for line in imagefile: if "#" in line: i = line.index("#") line = line[:i] + "\n" data += line imagefile.close() magic, width, height, maxcolor, imagedata = data.split(None, 4) width, height = int(width), int(height) assert magic=="P6" assert len(imagedata)==width*height*3 # 3 colors in RGB return (width, height, imagedata) def panx(self, direction): axes = self.canvas.figure.axes selected = self.get_active() for i in selected: axes[i].xaxis.pan(direction) self.canvas.invalidate() def pany(self, direction): axes = self.canvas.figure.axes selected = self.get_active() for i in selected: axes[i].yaxis.pan(direction) self.canvas.invalidate() def zoomx(self, direction): axes = self.canvas.figure.axes selected = self.get_active() for i in selected: axes[i].xaxis.zoom(direction) self.canvas.invalidate() def zoomy(self, direction): axes = self.canvas.figure.axes selected = self.get_active() for i in selected: axes[i].yaxis.zoom(direction) self.canvas.invalidate() def save_figure(self, *args): filename = _macosx.choose_save_file('Save the figure') if filename is None: # Cancel return self.canvas.print_figure(filename) class NavigationToolbar2Mac(_macosx.NavigationToolbar2, NavigationToolbar2): def __init__(self, canvas): NavigationToolbar2.__init__(self, canvas) def _init_toolbar(self): basedir = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'], "images") _macosx.NavigationToolbar2.__init__(self, basedir) def draw_rubberband(self, event, x0, y0, x1, y1): self.canvas.set_rubberband(int(x0), int(y0), int(x1), int(y1)) def release(self, event): self.canvas.remove_rubberband() def set_cursor(self, cursor): _macosx.set_cursor(cursor) def save_figure(self, *args): filename = _macosx.choose_save_file('Save the figure') if filename is None: # Cancel return self.canvas.print_figure(filename) def prepare_configure_subplots(self): toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6,3)) canvas = FigureCanvasMac(toolfig) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) tool = SubplotTool(self.canvas.figure, toolfig) return canvas def set_message(self, message): _macosx.NavigationToolbar2.set_message(self, message.encode('utf-8')) ######################################################################## # # Now just provide the standard names that backend.__init__ is expecting # ######################################################################## FigureManager = FigureManagerMac