# MPLConfig - plaintext (in .conf format) # This is a sample matplotlib configuration file. It should be placed # in HOME/.matplotlib (unix/linux like systems) and # C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\.matplotlib (win32 systems) # # By default, the installer will overwrite the existing file in the install # path, so if you want to preserve yours, please move it to your HOME dir and # set the environment variable if necessary. # # This file is best viewed in a editor which supports ini or conf mode syntax # highlighting. # # Blank lines, or lines starting with a comment symbol, are ignored, # as are trailing comments. Other lines must have the format # # key = val optional comment # # val should be valid python syntax, just as you would use when setting # properties using rcParams. This should become more obvious by inspecting # the default values listed herein. # # Colors: for the color values below, you can either use # - a matplotlib color string, such as r | k | b # - an rgb tuple, such as (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) # - a hex string, such as #ff00ff or ff00ff # - a scalar grayscale intensity such as 0.75 # - a legal html color name, eg red | blue | darkslategray # # Interactivity: see http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/interactive.html. # # ### CONFIGURATION BEGINS HERE ### # a value of type 'str' #datapath = '/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data' # one of: 0 | on | false | 1 | no | n | y | off | yes | true interactive = False # a boolean maskedarray = False # 'numpy' or 'numeric' or 'numarray' numerix = 'numpy' # 'Africa/Abidjan' or 'Africa/Accra' or 'Africa/Addis_Ababa' or # 'Africa/Algiers' or 'Africa/Asmara' or 'Africa/Asmera' or 'Africa/Bamako' or # 'Africa/Bangui' or 'Africa/Banjul' or 'Africa/Bissau' or 'Africa/Blantyre' # <...snipped 156 lines...> # 'US/Michigan' or 'US/Mountain' or 'US/Pacific' or 'US/Pacific-New' or # 'US/Samoa' or 'UTC' or 'Universal' or 'W-SU' or 'WET' or 'Zulu' or # 'posixrules' timezone = 'UTC' # 'toolbar2' or None toolbar = 'toolbar2' # a boolean units = False [axes] # a boolean axisbelow = False # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) edgecolor = 'black' # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) facecolor = 'white' # one of: 0 | on | false | 1 | no | n | y | off | yes | true grid = False # one of: 0 | on | false | 1 | no | n | y | off | yes | true hold = True # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) labelcolor = 'black' # a float or 'xx-small' or 'x-small' or 'small' or 'medium' or 'large' or # 'x-large' or 'xx-large' labelsize = 'medium' # a float linewidth = 1.0 # one of: 0 | on | false | 1 | no | n | y | off | yes | true polargrid = True # a float or 'xx-small' or 'x-small' or 'small' or 'medium' or 'large' or # 'x-large' or 'xx-large' titlesize = 'large' [[formatter]] # a list of from 2 to 2 items which are a float limits = [-7.0, 7.0] [backend] # one of: ps | qt4agg | fltkagg | gtkagg | agg | cairo | gtk | gtkcairo | # wxagg | tkagg | qtagg | template | svg | cocoaagg | pdf | wx use = 'TkAgg' [[cairo]] # 'png' or 'ps' or 'pdf' or 'svg' format = 'png' [[pdf]] # 0 <= an integer <= 9 compression = 6 # 3 or 42 fonttype = 3 # a boolean inheritcolor = False # a boolean use14corefonts = False [[ps]] # 3 or 42 fonttype = 3 # 'auto' or 'letter' or 'legal' or 'ledger' or 'A0' or 'A1' or 'A2' or # 'A3' or 'A4' or 'A5' or 'A6' or 'A7' or 'A8' or 'A9' or 'A10' or # 'B0' or 'B1' or 'B2' or 'B3' or 'B4' or 'B5' or 'B6' or 'B7' or 'B8' # or 'B9' or 'B10' papersize = 'letter' # a boolean useafm = False [[[distiller]]] # a float resolution = 6000 # an implementor of, or can be adapted to implement, bool or None # or None or 'ghostscript' or 'xpdf' use = None [[svg]] # a boolean embed_chars = True # a boolean image_inline = True # a boolean image_noscale = False [[tk]] # window_focus : Maintain shell focus for TkAgg # pythoninspect: tk sets PYTHONINSPECT # a boolean pythoninspect = False # a boolean window_focus = False [contour] # 'dashed' or 'solid' negative_linestyle = 'dashed' [figure] # a float dpi = 80 # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) edgecolor = 'white' # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) facecolor = '0.75' # a list of from 2 to 2 items which are a float figsize = [8.0, 6.0] [[subplot]] # The figure subplot parameters. All dimensions are fraction # of the figure width or height # a float bottom = 0.10000000000000001 # a float hspace = 0.20000000000000001 # a float left = 0.125 # a float right = 0.90000000000000002 # a float top = 0.90000000000000002 # a float wspace = 0.20000000000000001 [font] # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' cursive = ['Apple Chancery', 'Textile', 'Zapf Chancery', 'Sand', 'cursive'] # 'sans-serif' or 'serif' or 'cursive' or 'fantasy' or 'monospace' family = 'sans-serif' # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' fantasy = ['Comic Sans MS', 'Chicago', 'Charcoal', 'Impact', 'Western', 'fantasy'] # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' monospace = ['Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Andale Mono', 'Nimbus Mono L', 'Courier New', 'Courier', 'Fixed', 'Terminal', 'monospace'] # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' sans_serif = ['Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Verdana', 'Geneva', 'Lucid', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', 'Avant Garde', 'sans-serif'] # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' serif = ['Bitstream Vera Serif', 'New Century Schoolbook', 'Century Schoolbook L', 'Utopia', 'ITC Bookman', 'Bookman', 'Nimbus Roman No9 L', 'Times New Roman', 'Times', 'Palatino', 'Charter', 'serif'] # a float size = 12.0 # 'ultra-condensed' or 'extra-condensed' or 'condensed' or # 'semi-condensed' or 'normal' or 'semi-expanded' or 'expanded' or # 'extra-expanded' or 'ultra-expanded' or 'wider' or 'narrower' stretch = 'normal' # 'normal' or 'italic' or 'oblique' style = 'normal' # 'normal' or 'small-caps' variant = 'normal' # 'normal' or 'bold' or 'bolder' or 'lighter' or 100 or 200 or 300 or 400 # or 500 or 600 or 700 or 800 or 900 weight = 'normal' [grid] # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) color = 'black' # '-' or '--' or '-.' or ':' or 'steps' or '' or ' ' linestyle = ':' # a float linewidth = 0.5 [image] # a float or 'equal' or 'auto' aspect = 'equal' # 'Accent' or 'Accent_r' or 'Blues' or 'Blues_r' or 'BrBG' or 'BrBG_r' or # 'BuGn' or 'BuGn_r' or 'BuPu' or 'BuPu_r' or 'Dark2' or 'Dark2_r' or # 'GnBu' or 'GnBu_r' or 'Greens' or 'Greens_r' or 'Greys' or 'Greys_r' or # <...snipped 16 lines...> # 'pink_r' or 'prism' or 'prism_r' or 'spectral' or 'spectral_r' or # 'spring' or 'spring_r' or 'summer' or 'summer_r' or 'winter' or # 'winter_r' cmap = 'jet' # 'bilinear' or 'nearest' or 'bicubic' or 'spline16' or 'spline36' or # 'hanning' or 'hamming' or 'hermite' or 'kaiser' or 'quadric' or 'catrom' # or 'gaussian' or 'bessel' or 'mitchell' or 'sinc' or 'lanczos' or # 'blackman' interpolation = 'bilinear' # an integer lut = 256 # 'upper' or 'lower' origin = 'upper' [legend] # a float or 'xx-small' or 'x-small' or 'small' or 'medium' or 'large' or # 'x-large' or 'xx-large' fontsize = 'medium' # a boolean isaxes = True # 'best' or 'upper right' or 'upper left' or 'lower left' or 'lower right' # or 'right' or 'center left' or 'center right' or 'lower center' or # 'upper center' or 'center' loc = 'upper right' # a float markerscale = 1.0 # an integer numpoints = 3 # a boolean shadow = False # float borderpad = 0.4 # float labelspacing = 0.5 # float handlelength = 2. # float handletextpad = 0.8 # float borderaxespad = 0.5 # float columnspacing = 2. [lines] # a boolean antialiased = True # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) color = 'blue' # 'butt' or 'round' or 'projecting' dash_capstyle = 'butt' # 'miter' or 'round' or 'bevel' dash_joinstyle = 'miter' # '-' or '--' or '-.' or ':' or 'steps' or '' or ' ' or None linestyle = '-' # a float linewidth = 1.0 # 'None' or 'o' or '.' or ',' or '^' or 'v' or '<' or '>' or 's' or '+' or # 'x' or 'D' or 'd' or '1' or '2' or '3' or '4' or 'h' or 'H' or 'p' or # '|' or '_' marker = 'None' # a float markeredgewidth = 0.5 # a float markersize = 6 # 'butt' or 'round' or 'projecting' solid_capstyle = 'butt' # 'miter' or 'round' or 'bevel' solid_joinstyle = 'miter' [mathtext] # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. bf = 'serif:bold' # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. cal = 'cursive' # a boolean fallback_to_cm = True # 'cm' or 'stix' or 'stixsans' or 'custom' fontset = 'cm' # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. it = 'serif:oblique' # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. rm = 'serif' # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. sf = 'sans' # A fontconfig pattern. See the fontconfig user manual for more # information. tt = 'monospace' [patch] # a boolean antialiased = True # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) edgecolor = 'black' # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) facecolor = 'blue' # a float linewidth = 1.0 [savefig] # a float dpi = 100 # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) edgecolor = 'white' # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) facecolor = 'white' # 'portrait' or 'landscape' orientation = 'portrait' [text] # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) color = 'black' # a boolean usetex = False [[latex]] # a boolean dvipnghack = False # a list of items which are a value of type 'str' preamble = [] # a boolean unicode = False # a boolean preview = False [verbose] # a file name or 'sys.stdout' fileo = 'sys.stdout' # 'silent' or 'helpful' or 'debug' or 'debug-annoying' level = 'silent' [xticks] # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) color = 'black' # 'in' or 'out' direction = 'in' # a float or 'xx-small' or 'x-small' or 'small' or 'medium' or 'large' or # 'x-large' or 'xx-large' labelsize = 'small' [[major]] # a float pad = 4 # a float size = 4 [[minor]] # a float pad = 4 # a float size = 2 [yticks] # any valid matplotlib color, eg an abbreviation like 'r' for red, a full # name like 'orange', a hex color like '#efefef', a grayscale intensity # like '0.5', or an RGBA tuple (1,0,0,1) color = 'black' # 'in' or 'out' direction = 'in' # a float or 'xx-small' or 'x-small' or 'small' or 'medium' or 'large' or # 'x-large' or 'xx-large' labelsize = 'small' [[major]] # a float pad = 4 # a float size = 4 [[minor]] # a float pad = 4 # a float size = 2