from geo import AitoffAxes, HammerAxes, LambertAxes, MollweideAxes from polar import PolarAxes from matplotlib import axes class ProjectionRegistry(object): """ Manages the set of projections available to the system. """ def __init__(self): self._all_projection_types = {} def register(self, *projections): """ Register a new set of projection(s). """ for projection in projections: name = self._all_projection_types[name] = projection def get_projection_class(self, name): """ Get a projection class from its *name*. """ return self._all_projection_types[name] def get_projection_names(self): """ Get a list of the names of all projections currently registered. """ names = self._all_projection_types.keys() names.sort() return names projection_registry = ProjectionRegistry() projection_registry.register( axes.Axes, PolarAxes, AitoffAxes, HammerAxes, LambertAxes, MollweideAxes) def register_projection(cls): projection_registry.register(cls) def get_projection_class(projection=None): """ Get a projection class from its name. If *projection* is None, a standard rectilinear projection is returned. """ if projection is None: projection = 'rectilinear' try: return projection_registry.get_projection_class(projection) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown projection '%s'" % projection) def projection_factory(projection, figure, rect, **kwargs): """ Get a new projection instance. *projection* is a projection name. *figure* is a figure to add the axes to. *rect* is a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` object specifying the location of the axes within the figure. Any other kwargs are passed along to the specific projection constructor being used. """ return get_projection_class(projection)(figure, rect, **kwargs) def get_projection_names(): """ Get a list of acceptable projection names. """ return projection_registry.get_projection_names()