""" This module is to support *bbox_inches* option in savefig command. """ import warnings from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, TransformedBbox, Affine2D def adjust_bbox(fig, format, bbox_inches): """ Temporarily adjust the figure so that only the specified area (bbox_inches) is saved. It modifies fig.bbox, fig.bbox_inches, fig.transFigure._boxout, and fig.patch. While the figure size changes, the scale of the original figure is conserved. A function which restores the original values are returned. """ origBbox = fig.bbox origBboxInches = fig.bbox_inches _boxout = fig.transFigure._boxout asp_list = [] locator_list = [] for ax in fig.axes: pos = ax.get_position(original=False).frozen() locator_list.append(ax.get_axes_locator()) asp_list.append(ax.get_aspect()) def _l(a, r, pos=pos): return pos ax.set_axes_locator(_l) ax.set_aspect("auto") def restore_bbox(): for ax, asp, loc in zip(fig.axes, asp_list, locator_list): ax.set_aspect(asp) ax.set_axes_locator(loc) fig.bbox = origBbox fig.bbox_inches = origBboxInches fig.transFigure._boxout = _boxout fig.transFigure.invalidate() fig.patch.set_bounds(0, 0, 1, 1) adjust_bbox_handler = _adjust_bbox_handler_d.get(format) if adjust_bbox_handler is not None: adjust_bbox_handler(fig, bbox_inches) return restore_bbox else: warnings.warn("bbox_inches option for %s backend is not implemented yet." % (format)) return None def adjust_bbox_png(fig, bbox_inches): """ adjust_bbox for png (Agg) format """ tr = fig.dpi_scale_trans _bbox = TransformedBbox(bbox_inches, tr) x0, y0 = _bbox.x0, _bbox.y0 fig.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, bbox_inches.width, bbox_inches.height) x0, y0 = _bbox.x0, _bbox.y0 w1, h1 = fig.bbox.width, fig.bbox.height fig.transFigure._boxout = Bbox.from_bounds(-x0, -y0, w1, h1) fig.transFigure.invalidate() fig.bbox = TransformedBbox(fig.bbox_inches, tr) fig.patch.set_bounds(x0/w1, y0/h1, fig.bbox.width/w1, fig.bbox.height/h1) def adjust_bbox_pdf(fig, bbox_inches): """ adjust_bbox for pdf & eps format """ tr = Affine2D().scale(72) _bbox = TransformedBbox(bbox_inches, tr) fig.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, bbox_inches.width, bbox_inches.height) x0, y0 = _bbox.x0, _bbox.y0 f = 72. / fig.dpi w1, h1 = fig.bbox.width*f, fig.bbox.height*f fig.transFigure._boxout = Bbox.from_bounds(-x0, -y0, w1, h1) fig.transFigure.invalidate() fig.bbox = TransformedBbox(fig.bbox_inches, tr) fig.patch.set_bounds(x0/w1, y0/h1, fig.bbox.width/w1, fig.bbox.height/h1) def process_figure_for_rasterizing(figure, bbox_inches_restore, mode): """ This need to be called when figure dpi changes during the drawing (e.g., rasterizing). It recovers the bbox and re-adjust it with the new dpi. """ bbox_inches, restore_bbox = bbox_inches_restore restore_bbox() r = adjust_bbox(figure, mode, bbox_inches) return bbox_inches, r _adjust_bbox_handler_d = {} for format in ["png", "raw", "rgba", "jpg", "jpeg", "tiff"]: _adjust_bbox_handler_d[format] = adjust_bbox_png for format in ["pdf", "eps", "svg", "svgz"]: _adjust_bbox_handler_d[format] = adjust_bbox_pdf