import cPickle as _cPickle import warnings as _warnings import mdp # import numeric module (scipy, Numeric or numarray) numx = mdp.numx class NodeException(mdp.MDPException): """Base class for exceptions in Node subclasses.""" pass class TrainingException(NodeException): """Base class for exceptions in the training phase.""" pass class TrainingFinishedException(TrainingException): """Raised when the 'train' function is called although the training phase is closed.""" pass class IsNotTrainableException(TrainingException): """Raised when the 'train' function is called although the node is not trainable.""" pass class IsNotInvertibleException(NodeException): """Raised when the 'inverse' function is called although the node is not invertible.""" pass class Node(object): """ Node is the basic unit in MDP and it represents a data processing element, like for example a learning algorithm, a filter, a visualization step, etc. Each Node can have one or more training phases, during which the internal structures are learned from training data (e.g. the weights of a neural network are adapted or the covariance matrix is estimated) and an execution phase, where new data can be processed forwards (by processing the data through the node) or backwards (by applying the inverse of the transformation computed by the node if defined). The Node class is designed to make the implementation of new algorithms easy and intuitive, for example by setting automatically input and output dimension and by casting the data to match the numerical type (e.g. float or double) of the internal structures. Node was designed to be applied to arbitrarily long sets of data: the internal structures can be updated incrementally by sending chunks of the input data (this is equivalent to online learning if the chunks consists of single observations, or to batch learning if the whole data is sent in a single chunk). Node subclasses should take care of overwriting (if necessary) the functions is_trainable, _train, _stop_training, _execute, is_invertible, _inverse, _get_train_seq, and _get_supported_dtypes. If you need to overwrite the getters and setters of the node's properties refer to the docstring of get/set_input_dim, get/set_output_dim, and get/set_dtype.""" def __init__(self, input_dim = None, output_dim = None, dtype = None): """If the input dimension and the output dimension are unspecified, they will be set when the 'train' or 'execute' function is called for the first time. If dtype is unspecified, it will be inherited from the data it receives at the first call of 'train' or 'execute'. Every subclass must take care of up- or down-casting the internal structures to match this argument (use _refcast private method when possible). """ # initialize basic attributes self._input_dim = None self._output_dim = None self._dtype = None # call set functions for properties self.set_input_dim(input_dim) self.set_output_dim(output_dim) self.set_dtype(dtype) # skip the training phase if the node is not trainable if not self.is_trainable(): self._training = False self._train_phase = -1 self._train_phase_started = False else: # this var stores at which point in the training sequence we are self._train_phase = 0 # this var is False if the training of the current phase hasn't # started yet, True otherwise self._train_phase_started = False # this var is False if the complete training is finished self._training = True ### properties def get_input_dim(self): """Return input dimensions.""" return self._input_dim def set_input_dim(self, n): """Set input dimensions. Performs sanity checks and then calls self._set_input_dim(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._input_dim. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_input_dim when needed.""" if n is None: pass elif (self._input_dim is not None) and (self._input_dim != n): msg = "Input dim are set already (%d)!"%(self.input_dim) raise NodeException, msg else: self._set_input_dim(n) def _set_input_dim(self, n): self._input_dim = n input_dim = property(get_input_dim, set_input_dim, doc = "Input dimensions") def get_output_dim(self): """Return output dimensions.""" return self._output_dim def set_output_dim(self, n): """Set output dimensions. Performs sanity checks and then calls self._set_output_dim(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._output_dim. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_output_dim when needed.""" if n is None: pass elif (self._output_dim is not None) and (self._output_dim != n): msg = "Output dim are set already (%d)!"%(self.output_dim) raise NodeException, msg else: self._set_output_dim(n) def _set_output_dim(self, n): self._output_dim = n output_dim = property(get_output_dim, set_output_dim, doc = "Output dimensions") def get_dtype(self): """Return dtype.""" return self._dtype def set_dtype(self, t): """Set Node's internal structures dtype. Performs sanity checks and then calls self._set_dtype(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._dtype. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_dtype when needed.""" if t is None: return t = numx.dtype(t) if (self._dtype is not None) and (self._dtype != t): errstr = "dtype is already set to '%s' " % ( raise NodeException, errstr elif t not in self.get_supported_dtypes(): errstr = "\ndtype '%s' is not supported.\n" % \ "Supported dtypes: %s" \ %([mdp.numx.dtype(t).name for t in self.get_supported_dtypes()]) raise NodeException, errstr else: self._set_dtype(t) def _set_dtype(self, t): self._dtype = t dtype = property(get_dtype, set_dtype, doc = "dtype") def _get_supported_dtypes(self): """Return the list of dtypes supported by this node. The types can be specified in any format allowed by numpy.dtype.""" return mdp.utils.get_dtypes('All') def get_supported_dtypes(self): """Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of numpy.dtype objects. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._get_supported_dtypes when needed.""" return [numx.dtype(t) for t in self._get_supported_dtypes()] supported_dtypes = property(get_supported_dtypes, doc = "Supported dtypes") _train_seq = property(lambda self: self._get_train_seq(), doc = "List of tuples: [(training-phase1, " +\ "stop-training-phase1), (training-phase2, " +\ "stop_training-phase2), ... ].\n" +\ " By default _train_seq = [(self._train," +\ " self._stop_training]") def _get_train_seq(self): return [(self._train, self._stop_training)] ### Node states def is_training(self): """Return True if the node is in the training phase, False otherwise.""" return self._training def get_current_train_phase(self): """Return the index of the current training phase. The training phases are defined in the list self._train_seq.""" return self._train_phase def get_remaining_train_phase(self): """Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.""" return len(self._train_seq) - self._train_phase ### Node capabilities def is_trainable(self): """Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise.""" return True def is_invertible(self): """Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise.""" return True ### check functions def _check_input(self, x): # check input rank if not x.ndim == 2: error_str = "x has rank %d, should be 2"\ %(x.ndim) raise NodeException, error_str # set the input dimension if necessary if self.input_dim is None: self.input_dim = x.shape[1] # set the dtype if necessary if self.dtype is None: self.dtype = x.dtype # check the input dimension if not x.shape[1] == self.input_dim: error_str = "x has dimension %d, should be %d" \ % (x.shape[1], self.input_dim) raise NodeException, error_str if x.shape[0] == 0: error_str = "x must have at least one observation (zero given)" raise NodeException, error_str def _check_output(self, y): # check output rank if not y.ndim == 2: error_str = "y has rank %d, should be 2"\ %(y.ndim) raise NodeException, error_str # check the output dimension if not y.shape[1] == self.output_dim: error_str = "y has dimension %d, should be %d" \ % (y.shape[1], self.output_dim) raise NodeException, error_str def _if_training_stop_training(self): if self.is_training(): self.stop_training() # if there is some training phases left # we shouldn't be here! if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0: raise TrainingException, \ "The training phases are not completed yet." def _pre_execution_checks(self, x): """This method contains all pre-execution checks. It can be used when a subclass defines multiple execution methods.""" self._if_training_stop_training() # control the dimension x self._check_input(x) # set the output dimension if necessary if self.output_dim is None: self.output_dim = self.input_dim def _check_train_args(self, x, *args, **kwargs): # implemented by subclasses if needed pass ### casting helper functions def _refcast(self, x): """Helper function to cast arrays to the internal dtype.""" return mdp.utils.refcast(x, self.dtype) ### Methods to be implemented by the user # this are the methods the user has to overwrite # they receive the data already casted to the correct type def _train(self, x): if self.is_trainable(): raise NotImplementedError def _stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def _execute(self, x): return x def _inverse(self, x): if self.is_invertible(): return x ### User interface to the overwritten methods def train(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """Update the internal structures according to the input data 'x'. 'x' is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows. Be default, subclasses should overwrite _train to implement their training phase. This method can be overwritten to redefine its docstring. For example: def train(self, x, arg1, arg2): ""My training method. arg1 is the first argument, arg2 the second"" super(MyNode, self).train(x, arg1, arg2) """ if not self.is_trainable(): raise IsNotTrainableException, "This node is not trainable." if not self.is_training(): raise TrainingFinishedException, \ "The training phase has already finished." self._check_input(x) self._check_train_args(x, *args, **kwargs) self._train_phase_started = True self._train_seq[self._train_phase][0](self._refcast(x), *args,**kwargs) def stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs): """Stop the training phase. Be default, subclasses should overwrite _stop_Training to implement their stop-training.""" if self.is_training() and self._train_phase_started == False: raise TrainingException, \ "The node has not been trained." if not self.is_training(): raise TrainingFinishedException, \ "The training phase has already finished." # close the current phase. self._train_seq[self._train_phase][1](*args, **kwargs) self._train_phase += 1 self._train_phase_started = False # check if we have some training phase left if self.get_remaining_train_phase() == 0: self._training = False def execute(self, x, *args, **kargs): """Process the data contained in 'x'. If the object is still in the training phase, the function 'stop_training' will be called. 'x' is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows. Subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. This method can be overwritten to redefine its docstring. For example: def execute(self, x, arg1, karg2=0.): ""My execute method. arg1 is the first argument, karg2 the second"" super(MyNode, self).execute(x, arg1, karg2=karg2) """ self._pre_execution_checks(x) return self._execute(self._refcast(x), *args, **kargs) def inverse(self, y, *args, **kargs): """Invert 'y'. If the node is invertible, compute the input x such that y = execute(x). Subclasses should overwrite _inverse to implement their inverse function. This method can be overwritten to redefine its docstring. For example: def inverse(self, x, arg1, karg2=0.): ""My inverse method. arg1 is the first argument, karg2 the second"" super(MyNode, self).inverse(x, arg1, karg2=karg2) """ if not self.is_invertible(): raise IsNotInvertibleException, "This node is not invertible." self._if_training_stop_training() # set the output dimension if necessary if self.output_dim is None: # if the input_dim is not defined, raise an exception if self.input_dim is None: errstr = "Number of input dimensions undefined. Inversion"+\ "not possible." raise NodeException, errstr self.output_dim = self.input_dim # control the dimension of y self._check_output(y) return self._inverse(self._refcast(y), *args, **kargs) def __call__(self, x): """Calling an instance if Node is equivalent to call its 'execute' method.""" return self.execute(x) ###### string representation def __str__(self): return str(type(self).__name__) def __repr__(self): # print input_dim, output_dim, dtype name = type(self).__name__ inp = "input_dim=%s"%str(self.input_dim) out = "output_dim=%s"%str(self.output_dim) if self.dtype is None: typ = 'dtype=None' else: typ = "dtype='%s'" args = ', '.join((inp, out, typ)) return name+'('+args+')' def copy(self, protocol = -1): """Return a deep copy of the node. Protocol is the pickle protocol.""" as_str = _cPickle.dumps(self, protocol) return _cPickle.loads(as_str) def save(self, filename, protocol = -1): """Save a pickled representation of the node to 'filename'. If 'filename' is None, return a string. Note: the pickled Node is not guaranteed to be upward or backward compatible.""" if filename is None: return _cPickle.dumps(self, protocol) else: # if protocol != 0 open the file in binary mode if protocol != 0: mode = 'wb' else: mode = 'w' flh = open(filename, mode) _cPickle.dump(self, flh, protocol) flh.close() class Cumulator(Node): """A Cumulator is a Node whose training phase simply cumulates all input data. In this way it is possible to easily implement batch-mode learning. """ def __init__(self, input_dim = None, output_dim = None, dtype = None): super(Cumulator, self).__init__(input_dim, output_dim, dtype) = [] self.tlen = 0 def _train(self, x): """Cumulate all imput data in a one dimensional list. """ self.tlen += x.shape[0] def _stop_training(self): """Transform the data list to an array object and reshape it. """ self._training = False = numx.array(, dtype = self.dtype) = (self.tlen, self.input_dim)