""" TODO """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import gc import numpy as np from nipy.fixes.scipy.stats.models.utils import recipr def estimate_mean(Y, sd): """ Estimate the mean of a sample given information about the standard deviations of each entry. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray Data for which mean is to be estimated. Should have shape[0] == number of subjects. sd : ndarray Standard deviation (subject specific) of the data for which the mean is to be estimated. Should have shape[0] == number of subjects. Returns ------- value : dict This dictionary has keys ['effect', 'scale', 't', 'resid', 'sd'] """ nsubject = Y.shape[0] squeeze = False if Y.ndim == 1: Y = Y.reshape(Y.shape[0], 1) squeeze = True _stretch = lambda x: np.multiply.outer(np.ones(nsubject), x) W = recipr(sd**2) if W.shape in [(), (1,)]: W = np.ones(Y.shape) * W W.shape = Y.shape # Compute the mean using the optimal weights effect = (Y * W).sum(0) / W.sum(0) resid = (Y - _stretch(effect)) * np.sqrt(W) scale = np.add.reduce(np.power(resid, 2), 0) / (nsubject - 1) var_total = scale * recipr(W.sum(0)) value = {} value['resid'] = resid value['effect'] = effect value['sd'] = np.sqrt(var_total) value['t'] = value['effect'] * recipr(value['sd']) value['scale'] = np.sqrt(scale) if squeeze: for key in value.keys(): value[key] = np.squeeze(value[key]) return value def estimate_varatio(Y, sd, df=None, niter=10): """ In a one-sample random effects problem, estimate the ratio between the fixed effects variance and the random effects variance. Parameters ---------- Y : np.ndarray Data for which mean is to be estimated. Should have shape[0] == number of subjects. sd : array Standard deviation (subject specific) of the data for which the mean is to be estimated. Should have shape[0] == number of subjects. df : int or None, optional If supplied, these are used as weights when deriving the fixed effects variance. Should have length == number of subjects. niter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform (default 10) Returns ------- value : dict This dictionary has keys ['fixed', 'ratio', 'random'], where 'fixed' is the fixed effects variance implied by the input parameter 'sd'; 'random' is the random effects variance and 'ratio' is the estimated ratio of variances: 'random'/'fixed'. """ nsubject = Y.shape[0] squeeze = False if Y.ndim == 1: Y = Y.reshape(Y.shape[0], 1) squeeze = True _stretch = lambda x: np.multiply.outer(np.ones(nsubject), x) W = recipr(sd**2) if W.shape in [(), (1,)]: W = np.ones(Y.shape) * W W.shape = Y.shape S = 1. / W R = Y - np.multiply.outer(np.ones(Y.shape[0]), Y.mean(0)) sigma2 = np.squeeze((R**2).sum(0)) / (nsubject - 1) Sreduction = 0.99 minS = S.min(0) * Sreduction Sm = S - _stretch(minS) for _ in range(niter): Sms = Sm + _stretch(sigma2) W = recipr(Sms) Winv = recipr(W.sum(0)) mu = Winv * (W*Y).sum(0) R = W * (Y - _stretch(mu)) ptrS = 1 + (Sm * W).sum(0) - (Sm * W**2).sum(0) * Winv sigma2 = np.squeeze((sigma2 * ptrS + (sigma2**2) * (R**2).sum(0)) / nsubject) sigma2 = sigma2 - minS if df is None: df = np.ones(nsubject) df.shape = (1, nsubject) _Sshape = S.shape S.shape = (S.shape[0], np.product(S.shape[1:])) value = {} value['fixed'] = (np.dot(df, S) / df.sum()).reshape(_Sshape[1:]) value['ratio'] = np.nan_to_num(sigma2 / value['fixed']) value['random'] = sigma2 if squeeze: for key in value.keys(): value[key] = np.squeeze(value[key]) return value