import sympy import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import svdvals from aliased import aliased_function, _add_aliases_to_namespace, vectorize class Term(sympy.Symbol): """ A Term is a term in a linear regression model. Terms can be added to other sympy expressions with the single convention that a term plus itself returns itself. """ def _getformula(self): return Formula([self]) formula = property(_getformula, doc="Return a Formula with only terms=[self].") def __add__(self, other): if self == other: return self else: return sympy.Symbol.__add__(self, other) class FactorTerm(Term): """ Boolean Term derived from a Factor. """ def __new__(cls, name, level): new = Term.__new__(cls, "%s_%s" % (name, level)) new.level = level new.factor_name = name return new def __mul__(self, other): if self == other: return self else: return sympy.Symbol.__mul__(self, other) class Beta(sympy.symbol.Dummy): def __new__(cls, name, term): new = sympy.symbol.Dummy.__new__(cls, name) new._term = term return new def getparams(expression): """ Return the parameters of an expression that are not Term but are sympy.Symbols. """ atoms = set([]) expression = np.array(expression) if expression.shape == (): expression.shape = (1,) if expression.ndim > 1: expression.shape = np.product(expression.shape) for term in expression: atoms = atoms.union(sympy.sympify(term).atoms()) params = [] for atom in atoms: if not isinstance(atom, Term) and isinstance(atom, sympy.Symbol): params.append(atom) params.sort() return params def getterms(expression): """ Return the Terms of an expression. """ atoms = set([]) expression = np.array(expression) if expression.shape == (): expression.shape = (1,) for term in expression: atoms = atoms.union(term.atoms()) terms = [] for atom in atoms: if isinstance(atom, Term): terms.append(atom) terms.sort() return terms def make_recarray(rows, names, dtypes=None): """ Create a recarray with named column from a list of rows and names for the columns. If dtype is None, the dtype is based on rows if it is an np.ndarray, else the data is cast as np.float. If dtypes are supplied, it uses the dtypes to create a np.dtype unless rows is an np.ndarray, in which case dtypes are ignored Parameters ---------- rows: [] Rows that will be turned into an array. names: [str] Names for the columns. dtypes: [str or np.dtype] Used to create a np.dtype, can be np.dtypes or string. Returns ------- v : np.ndarray Examples -------- The following tests depend on machine byte order to pass >>> arr = np.array([[3,4],[4,6],[6,8]]) >>> make_recarray(arr, ['x','y']) array([[(3, 4)], [(4, 6)], [(6, 8)]], dtype=[('x', '>> r = make_recarray(arr, ['w', 'u']) >>> make_recarray(r, ['x','y']) array([[(3, 4)], [(4, 6)], [(6, 8)]], dtype=[('x', '>> make_recarray([[3,4],[4,6],[7,9]], 'wv', [np.float,]) array([(3.0, 4), (4.0, 6), (7.0, 9)], dtype=[('w', '>> """ if isinstance(rows, np.ndarray): if rows.dtype.isbuiltin: dtype = np.dtype([(n, rows.dtype) for n in names]) else: dtype = np.dtype([(n, d[1]) for n, d in zip(names, rows.dtype.descr)]) if dtypes is not None: raise ValueError('dtypes not used if rows is an ndarray') return rows.view(dtype) if dtypes is None: dtype = np.dtype([(n, np.float) for n in names]) else: dtype = np.dtype([(n, d) for n, d in zip(names, dtypes)]) nrows = [] vector = -1 for r in rows: if vector < 0: a = np.array(r) if a.shape == (): vector = True else: vector = False if not vector: nrows.append(tuple(r)) else: nrows.append(r) if vector: if len(names) != 1: # a 'row vector' nrows = tuple(nrows) return np.array(nrows, dtype) else: nrows = np.array([(r,) for r in nrows], dtype) return np.array(nrows, dtype) class Formula(object): """ A Formula is a model for a mean in a regression model. It is often given by a sequence of sympy expressions, with the mean model being the sum of each term multiplied by a linear regression coefficient. The expressions depend on additional Symbols, giving a non-linear regression model. """ def __init__(self, seq, char = 'b'): """ Inputs: ------- seq : [``sympy.Basic``] char : character for regression coefficient """ self._terms = np.asarray(seq) self._counter = 0 self.char = char def subs(self, old, new): """ Perform a sympy substitution on all terms in the Formula, returning a new Formula. Parameters ---------- old : sympy.Basic The expression to be changed new : sympy.Basic The value to change it to. Returns ------- newf : Formula Examples -------- >>> s, t= [Term(l) for l in 'st'] >>> f, g = [sympy.Function(l) for l in 'sg'] >>> ff = Formula([f(t),f(s)]) >>> ff.mean _b0*f(t) + _b1*f(s) >>> gf = ff.subs(f,g) >>> gf.mean _b0*g(t) + _b1*g(s) """ return Formula([term.subs(old, new) for term in self.terms]) def _getcoefs(self): if not hasattr(self, '_coefs'): self._coefs = {} for term in self.terms: self._coefs.setdefault(term, Beta("%s%d" % (self.char, self._counter), term)) self._counter += 1 return self._coefs coefs = property(_getcoefs, doc='Coefficients in the linear regression formula.') def _getterms(self): t = self._terms Rmode = False if Rmode: if sympy.Number(1) not in self._terms: t = np.array(list(t) + [sympy.Number(1)]) return t terms = property(_getterms, doc='Terms in the linear regression formula.') def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Formula): raise ValueError('only Formula objects can be added together') f = Formula(np.hstack([self.terms, other.terms])) return f def __array__(self): return self.terms def _getparams(self): return getparams(self.mean) params = property(_getparams, doc='The parameters in the Formula.') def _getmean(self): """ Expression for the mean, expressed as a linear combination of terms, each with dummy variables in front. """ b = [self.coefs[term] for term in self.terms] return np.sum(np.array(b)*self.terms) mean = property(_getmean, doc="Expression for the mean, expressed as a linear combination of terms, each with dummy variables in front.") def _getdiff(self): p = list(set(getparams(self.mean))) p.sort() return sympy.diff(self.mean, p) design_expr = property(_getdiff) def _getdtype(self): vnames = [str(s) for s in self.design_expr] return np.dtype([(n, np.float) for n in vnames]) dtype = property(_getdtype, doc='The dtype of the design matrix of the Formula.') def __mul__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'terms'): raise ValueError('must have terms to be multiplied') if isinstance(self, Factor): if self == other: return self v = [] for sterm in self.terms: for oterm in other.terms: if isinstance(sterm, Term): v.append(Term.__mul__(sterm, oterm)) elif isinstance(oterm, Term): v.append(Term.__mul__(oterm, sterm)) else: v.append(sterm*oterm) return Formula(tuple(np.unique(v))) def __eq__(self, other): s = np.array(self) o = np.array(other) if s.shape != o.shape: return False return np.alltrue(np.equal(np.array(self), np.array(other))) def _setup_design(self): """ Create a callable object to evaluate the design matrix at a given set of parameter values and observed Term values. """ d = self.design_expr # Before evaluating, we 'recreate' the formula # with numbered terms, and numbered parameters terms = getterms(self.mean) newterms = [] for i, t in enumerate(terms): newt = sympy.DeferredVector("t%d" % i) for j, _ in enumerate(d): d[j] = d[j].subs(t, newt) newterms.append(newt) params = getparams(self.design_expr) newparams = [] for i, p in enumerate(params): newp = sympy.Symbol("p%d" % i, dummy=True) for j, _ in enumerate(d): d[j] = d[j].subs(p, newp) newparams.append(newp) self.n = {}; for _d in d: _add_aliases_to_namespace(_d, self.n) #TODO: use aliased.lambdify for this? self._f = sympy.lambdify(newparams + newterms, d, (self.n, "numpy")) ptnames = [] for t in terms: if not isinstance(t, FactorTerm): ptnames.append(str(t)) else: ptnames.append(t.factor_name) ptnames = list(set(ptnames)) self.dtypes = {'param':np.dtype([(str(p), np.float) for p in params]), 'term':np.dtype([(str(t), np.float) for t in terms]), 'preterm':np.dtype([(na, np.float) for na in ptnames])} self.__terms = terms def design(self, term, param=None, return_float=False, contrasts=None): """ Construct the design matrix, and optional contrast matrices. Parameters ---------- term : np.recarray Recarray including fields corresponding to the Terms in getparams(self.design_expr). param : None or np.recarray Recarray including fields that are not Terms in getparams(self.design_expr) return_float : bool, optional If True, return a np.float array rather than a np.recarray contrasts : None or dict, optional Contrasts. The items in this dictionary should be (str, Formula) pairs where a contrast matrix is constructed for each Formula by evaluating its design at the same parameters as """ if contrasts is None: contrasts = {} self._setup_design() preterm_recarray = term param_recarray = param if not set(preterm_recarray.dtype.names).issuperset(self.dtypes['preterm'].names): raise ValueError("for term, expecting a recarray with dtype having the following names: %s" % `self.dtypes['preterm'].names`) if param_recarray is not None: if not set(param_recarray.dtype.names).issuperset(self.dtypes['param'].names): raise ValueError("for param, expecting a recarray with dtype having the following names: %s" % `self.dtypes['param'].names`) if self.dtypes['term'] == np.dtype([]): a = np.ones(preterm_recarray.shape[0], np.float) if not return_float: a = a.view(np.dtype([('1', np.float)])) return a term_recarray = np.zeros(preterm_recarray.shape[0], dtype=self.dtypes['term']) for t in self.__terms: if not isinstance(t, FactorTerm): term_recarray[] = preterm_recarray[] else: term_recarray['%s_%s' % (t.factor_name, t.level)] = \ np.array(map(lambda x: x == t.level, preterm_recarray[t.factor_name])) tnames = list(term_recarray.dtype.names) torder = [tnames.index(_term) for _term in self.dtypes['term'].names] float_array = term_recarray.view(np.float) float_array.shape = (term_recarray.shape[0], len(torder)) float_tuple = tuple([float_array[:,i] for i in range(float_array.shape[1])]) if param_recarray is not None: param = tuple(float(param_recarray[n]) for n in self.dtypes['param'].names) else: param = () v = self._f(*(param+float_tuple)) varr = [np.array(w) for w in v] m = [] l = [] for i, w in enumerate(varr): if w.shape in [(),(1,)]: m.append(i) else: l.append(w.shape[0]) if l and not np.alltrue(np.equal(l, l[0])): raise ValueError, 'shape mismatch' # Make sure that each array has the correct shape # The columns in m will be usually just # be the intercept column, which evaluates to have shape == (). # This makes sure that it has the correct number of rows for i in m: varr[i].shape = () varr[i] = np.multiply.outer(varr[i], np.ones(preterm_recarray.shape[0])) v = np.array(varr).T if return_float or contrasts: D = np.squeeze(v.astype(np.float)) if contrasts: if D.ndim == 1: _D = D.reshape((D.shape[0], 1)) else: _D = D pinvD = np.linalg.pinv(_D) else: D = np.array([tuple(r) for r in v], self.dtype) cmatrices = {} for key, cf in contrasts.items(): if not isinstance(cf, Formula): cf = Formula([cf]) L =, param=param_recarray, return_float=True) cmatrices[key] = contrast_from_cols_or_rows(L, _D, pseudo=pinvD) if not contrasts: return D return D, cmatrices def natural_spline(t, knots=None, order=3, intercept=False): """ Return a Formula containing a natural spline Spline for a Term with specified `knots` and `order`. Parameters ---------- t : ``Term`` knots : None or sequence, optional Sequence of float. Default None (same as empty list) order : int, optional Order of the spline. Defaults to a cubic (==3) intercept : bool, optional If True, include a constant function in the natural spline. Default is False Returns ------- formula : Formula A Formula with (len(knots) + order) Terms (if intercept=False, otherwise includes one more Term), made up of the natural spline functions. Examples -------- The following results depend on machine byte order >>> x = Term('x') >>> n = natural_spline(x, knots=[1,3,4], order=3) >>> xval = np.array([3,5,7.]).view(np.dtype([('x', np.float)])) >>> array([(3.0, 9.0, 27.0, 8.0, 0.0, -0.0), (5.0, 25.0, 125.0, 64.0, 8.0, 1.0), (7.0, 49.0, 343.0, 216.0, 64.0, 27.0)], dtype=[('ns_1(x)', '>> subj = make_recarray([2,2,2,3,3], 's') >>> subj_factor = Factor('s', [2,3]) >>> c = RandomEffects(subj_factor.terms) >>> c.cov(s) array([[_s2_0, _s2_0, _s2_0, 0, 0], [_s2_0, _s2_0, _s2_0, 0, 0], [_s2_0, _s2_0, _s2_0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, _s2_1, _s2_1], [0, 0, 0, _s2_1, _s2_1]], dtype=object) >>> c = RandomEffects(subj_factor.terms, sigma=np.array([[4,1],[1,6]])) >>> c.cov(s) array([[ 4., 4., 4., 1., 1.], [ 4., 4., 4., 1., 1.], [ 4., 4., 4., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., 6., 6.], [ 1., 1., 1., 6., 6.]]) """ def __init__(self, seq, sigma=None, char = 'e'): """ Parameters ---------- seq : [``sympy.Basic``] sigma : ndarray Covariance of the random effects. Defaults to a diagonal with entries for each random effect. char : character for regression coefficient """ self._terms = np.asarray(seq) q = self._terms.shape[0] self._counter = 0 if sigma is None: self.sigma = np.diag([sympy.Symbol('s2_%d' % i, dummy=True) for i in range(q)]) else: self.sigma = sigma if self.sigma.shape != (q,q): raise ValueError('incorrect shape for covariance ' 'of random effects, ' 'should have shape %s' % repr(q,q)) self.char = char def cov(self, term, param=None): """ Compute the covariance matrix for some given data. Parameters: ----------- term : np.recarray Recarray including fields corresponding to the Terms in getparams(self.design_expr). param : np.recarray Recarray including fields that are not Terms in getparams(self.design_expr) Outputs: -------- C : ndarray Covariance matrix implied by design and self.sigma. """ D =, param=param, return_float=True) return,, D.T)) def define(name, expr): """ Take an expression of 't' (possibly complicated) and make it a '%s(t)' % name, such that when it evaluates it has the right values. Parameters ---------- expr : sympy expression, with only 't' as a Symbol name : str Returns ------- nexpr: sympy expression Examples -------- >>> t = Term('t') >>> expr = t**2 + 3*t >>> print expr 3*t + t**2 >>> newexpr = define('f', expr) >>> print newexpr f(t) >>> import aliased >>> f = aliased.lambdify(t, newexpr) >>> f(4) 28 >>> 3*4+4**2 28 >>> """ v = vectorize(expr) return aliased_function(name, v)(Term('t'))