import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as npl def orth(X, tol=1.0e-07): """ Compute orthonormal basis for the column span of X. Rank is determined by zeroing all singular values, u, less than or equal to tol*u.max(). INPUTS: X -- n-by-p matrix OUTPUTS: B -- n-by-rank(X) matrix with orthonormal columns spanning the column rank of X """ B, u, _ = npl.svd(X, full_matrices=False) nkeep = np.greater(u, tol*u.max()).astype( return B[:,:nkeep] def reml(sigma, components, design=None, n=1, niter=128, penalty_cov=np.exp(-32), penalty_mean=0): """ Adapted from spm_reml.m ReML estimation of covariance components from sigma using design matrix. INPUTS: sigma -- m-by-m covariance matrix components -- q-by-m-by-m array of variance components mean of sigma is modeled as a some over components[i] design -- m-by-p design matrix whose effect is to be removed for ReML. If None, no effect removed (???) n -- degrees of freedom of sigma penalty_cov -- quadratic penalty to be applied in Fisher algorithm. If the value is a float, f, the penalty is f * identity(m). If the value is a 1d array, this is the diagonal of the penalty. penalty_mean -- mean of quadratic penalty to be applied in Fisher algorithm. If the value is a float, f, the location is f * np.ones(m). OUTPUTS: C -- estimated mean of sigma h -- array of length q representing coefficients of variance components cov_h -- estimated covariance matrix of h """ # initialise coefficient, gradient, Hessian Q = components PQ = np.zeros(Q.shape) q = Q.shape[0] m = Q.shape[1] # coefficient h = np.array([np.diag(Q[i]).mean() for i in range(q)]) ## SPM initialization ## h = np.array([np.any(np.diag(Q[i])) for i in range(q)]).astype(np.float) C = np.sum([h[i] * Q[i] for i in range(Q.shape[0])], axis=0) # gradient in Fisher algorithm dFdh = np.zeros(q) # Hessian in Fisher algorithm dFdhh = np.zeros((q,q)) # penalty terms penalty_cov = np.asarray(penalty_cov) if penalty_cov.shape == (): penalty_cov = penalty_cov * np.identity(q) elif penalty_cov.shape == (q,): penalty_cov = np.diag(penalty_cov) penalty_mean = np.asarray(penalty_mean) if penalty_mean.shape == (): penalty_mean = np.ones(q) * penalty_mean # compute orthonormal basis of design space if design is not None: X = orth(design) else: X = None _iter = 0 _F = np.inf while True: # Current estimate of mean parameter iC = npl.inv(C + np.identity(m) / np.exp(32)) # E-step: conditional covariance if X is not None: iCX =, X) Cq = npl.inv(X.T, iCX) P = iC -,, iCX)) else: P = iC # M-step: ReML estimate of hyperparameters # Gradient dF/dh (first derivatives) # Expected curvature (second derivatives) U = np.identity(m) -, sigma) / n for i in range(q): PQ[i] =, Q[i]) dFdh[i] = -(PQ[i] * U).sum() * n / 2 for j in range(i+1): dFdhh[i,j] = -(PQ[i]*PQ[j]).sum() * n / 2 dFdhh[j,i] = dFdhh[i,j] # Enforce penalties: dFdh = dFdh -, h - penalty_mean) dFdhh = dFdhh - penalty_cov dh = npl.solve(dFdhh, dFdh) h -= dh C = np.sum([h[i] * Q[i] for i in range(Q.shape[0])], axis=0) df = (dFdh * dh).sum() if np.fabs(df) < 1.0e-01: break _iter += 1 if _iter >= niter: break return C, h, -dFdhh if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy.random as R X = R.standard_normal((500,3)) Q = np.array([np.identity(3), np.array([[0,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]]), np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,1,1]])], np.float) print reml(,X), Q),