from _field import * from _field import __doc__ import numpy as np import graph as fg """ This module implements the field structure of nipy.neurospin Author:Bertrand Thirion, 2006--2009 Fixme : add a subfield method, similar to subgraph """ class Field(fg.WeightedGraph): """ This is the basic field structure, which contains the weighted graph structure plus an array of data (the 'field') field is an array of size(n,p) where n is the number of vertices of the graph and p is the field dimension """ def __init__(self, V, edges=None, weights=None, field=None): """ Parameters ---------- V (int >0) the number of vertices of the graph edges=None: the edge array of the graph weights=None: the asociated weights array field=None: the field data itself """ V = int(V) if V<1: raise ValueError, 'cannot create graph with no vertex' self.V = int(V) self.E = 0 self.edges = [] self.weights = [] if (edges==None)&(weights==None): pass else: if edges.shape[0]==np.size(weights): E = edges.shape[0] # quick and dirty, sorry... self.V = V self.E = E self.edges = edges self.weights = weights else: raise ValueError, 'Incompatible size of the edges \ and weights matrices' self.field = [] if field==None: pass else: if np.size(field)==self.V: field = np.reshape(field,(self.V,1)) if field.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'field does not have a correct size' else: self.field = field def print_field(self): print self.field def get_field(self): return self.field def set_field(self,field): if np.size(field)==self.V: field = np.reshape(field,(self.V,1)) if field.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'field does not have a correct size' else: self.field = field def closing(self,nbiter=1): """ Morphological closing of the field data. self.field is changed Parameters ---------- nbiter=1 : the number of iterations required """ nbiter = int(nbiter) if self.E>0: if nbiter>0: for i in range (self.field.shape[1]): self.field[:,i] = closing(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.field[:,i],nbiter) def opening(self,nbiter=1): """ Morphological opening of the field data. self.field is changed Parameters ---------- nbiter=1 : the number of iterations required """ nbiter = int(nbiter) if self.E>0: if nbiter>0: for i in range (self.field.shape[1]): self.field[:,i] = opening(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.field[:,i],nbiter) def dilation(self,nbiter=1): """ Morphological dimlation of the field data. self.field is changed Parameters ---------- nbiter=1 : the number of iterations required """ nbiter = int(nbiter) if self.E>0: if nbiter>0: for i in range (self.field.shape[1]): self.field[:,i] = dilation(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1],self.field[:,i],nbiter) def erosion(self,nbiter=1): """ self.erosion(nbiter=1) Morphological openeing of the field IMPUT nbiter=1 : the number of iterations required """ nbiter = int(nbiter) if self.E>0: if nbiter>0: for i in range (self.field.shape[1]): self.field[:,i] = erosion(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.field[:,i],nbiter) def get_local_maxima(self,refdim=0,th=-np.infty): """ Look for the local maxima of one dimension (refdim) of self.field Parameters ---------- refdim (int) the field dimension over which the maxima are looked after th = -np.infty (float,optional) threshold so that only values above th are considered Returns ------- idx: array of shape (nmax) indices of the vertices that are local maxima depth: array of shape (nmax) topological depth of the local maxima : depth[idx[i]] = q means that idx[i] is a q-order maximum """ refdim = int(refdim) if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' if self.field.shape[1]-1field.shape[1]' idx = np.arange(np.sum(self.field>th)) depth = self.V*np.ones(np.sum(self.field>th),'i') if self.E>0: try: idx,depth = get_local_maxima(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.field[:,refdim],th) except: idx = [] depth = [] return idx,depth def local_maxima(self,refdim=0): """ Look for all the local maxima of a field Parameters ---------- refdim (int) field dimension over which the maxima are looked after Returns ------- depth: array of shape (nmax) a labelling of the vertices such that depth[v] = 0 if v is not a local maximum depth[v] = 1 if v is a first order maximum ... depth[v] = q if v is a q-order maximum """ refdim = int(refdim) if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' if self.field.shape[1]-1field.shape[1]' depth = self.V*np.ones(self.V,'i') if self.E>0: depth = local_maxima(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.field[:,refdim]) return depth def diffusion(self,nbiter=1): """ diffusion of a field of data in the weighted graph structure Note that this changes self.field Parameters ---------- nbiter=1: the number of iterations required (the larger the smoother) Note : The process is run for all the dimensions of the field """ nbiter = int(nbiter) if (self.E>0)&(nbiter>0)&(np.size(self.field)>0): self.field = diffusion(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,self.field,nbiter) def custom_watershed(self,refdim=0,th=-np.infty): """ watershed analysis of the field. Note that bassins are found aound each maximum (and not minimum as conventionally) Parameters ---------- th is a threshold so that only values above th are considered by default, th = -infty (numpy) Returns ------- idx: array of shape (nbassins) indices of the vertices that are local maxima depth: array of shape (nbassins) topological the depth of the bassins depth[idx[i]] = q means that idx[i] is a q-order maximum Note that this is also the diameter of the basins associated with local maxima major: array of shape (nbassins) label of the maximum which dominates each local maximum i.e. it describes the hierarchy of the local maxima label : array of shape (self.V) labelling of the vertices according to their bassin """ if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' if self.field.shape[1]-1field.shape[1]' f = self.field[:, refdim] idx = np.nonzero(f>th) idx = np.reshape(idx, np.size(idx)) depth = self.V*np.ones(np.sum(f>th), major = np.arange(np.sum(f>th)) label = np.zeros(self.V, label[idx] = major if self.E>0: idx, depth, major, label = custom_watershed(self.edges[:, 0], self.edges[:,1], f, th) return idx,depth,major,label def threshold_bifurcations(self,refdim=0,th=-np.infty): """ analysis of the level sets of the field: Bifurcations are defined as changes in the topology in the level sets when the level (threshold) is varied This can been thought of as a kind of Morse analysis Parameters ---------- th=-np.infty (float) threshold so that only values above th are considered Returns ------- idx: array of shape (nlsets) indices of the vertices that are local maxima height: array of shape (nlsets) the depth of the local maxima depth[idx[i]] = q means that idx[i] is a q-order maximum Note that this is also the diameter of the basins associated with local maxima parents: array of shape (nlsets) the label of the maximum which dominates each local maximum i.e. it describes the hierarchy of the local maxima label: array of shape (self.V) a labelling of thevertices according to their bassin """ if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' if self.field.shape[1]-1field.shape[1]' idx = np.nonzero(self.field[:,refdim]>th) height = self.V*np.ones(np.sum(self.field>th)) parents = np.arange(np.sum(self.field>th)) label = np.zeros(self.V, label[idx] = parents if self.E>0: idx,height, parents,label = threshold_bifurcations(\ self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.field[:,refdim],th) return idx,height,parents,label def constrained_voronoi(self,seed): """ performs a voronoi parcellation of the field starting from the input seed Parameters ---------- seed: int array of shape(p), the input seeds Returns ------- label: The resulting labelling of the data Fixme : what happens if there are several ccs in the graph ? """ if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' seed = seed.astype( label = field_voronoi(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.field,seed) return label def geodesic_kmeans(self, seeds=None, label=None, maxiter=100,eps=1.e-4,verbose = 0): """ Geodesic k-means algorithms: i.e. obtention of clusters that are topologically connected and minimally variable concerning the information of self.field Parameters ---------- seeds= None : array of shape (p) initial indices of the seeds within the field if seeds==None the labels are used as initialization labels= None array of shape(self.V) initial labels it is expected that labels take their values in a certain range (0..lmax) if Labels==None, this is not used if seeds==None and labels==None, an ewxception is raised maxiter=100, int: maximal number of iterations eps=1.e-4, float : increase of inertia at which convergence is declared Returns ------- seeds: array of shape (p) the final seeds label : array of shape (self.V) the resulting field label J: inertia value """ if (np.size(self.field)==0): raise ValueError, 'No field has been defined so far' if (seeds==None) and (label==None): raise ValueError, 'No initialization has been provided' k = np.size(seeds) inertia_old = np.infty if seeds==None: k = label.max()+1 if np.size(np.unique(label))!=k: raise ValueError, 'missing values, I cannot proceed' seeds = np.zeros(k).astype( for j in range(k): lj = np.nonzero(label==j)[0] cent = np.mean(self.field[lj],0) tj = np.argmin(np.sum((cent-self.field[lj])**2,1)) seeds[j] = lj[tj] else: k = np.size(seeds) for i in range(maxiter): label = field_voronoi(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.field,seeds) #update the seeds inertia = 0 pinteria = 0 for j in range(k): lj = np.nonzero(label==j)[0] pinteria += np.sum((self.field[seeds[j]]-self.field[lj])**2) cent = np.mean(self.field[lj],0) tj = np.argmin(np.sum((cent-self.field[lj])**2,1)) seeds[j] = lj[tj] #inertia += np.sum((self.field[seeds[j]]-self.field[lj])**2) inertia += np.sum((cent-self.field[lj])**2) if verbose: print i, inertia if np.absolute(inertia_old-inertia)0 Parameters ---------- valid: array of shape (self.V): nonzero for vertices to be retained Returns ------- F: Field instance, the desired subfield of self Note ---- The vertices are renumbered as [1..p] where p = sum(valid>0) when sum(valid==0) then None is returned """ G = self.subgraph(valid) if G==None: return None field = self.field[valid] return Field(G.V, G.edges, G.weights, field)