from _graph import * from _graph import __doc__ import numpy as np """ This module implements the main graph classes of fff2 Graph: basic topological graph, i.e. vertices and edges. Not well developed WeightedGraph (Graph): Idem plus values asociated with vertices BipartiteGraph (WeightedGraph): Idem but the graph is Bipartite Author: Bertrand Thirion, 2006--2009 Fixme : add graph creation routines that are more practical than current procedures """ class Graph: """ This is the basic topological (non-weighted) directed Graph class fields : - V(int) = the number of vertices - E(int) = the number of edges - edges = array of int with shape (E,2) : the edges of the graph """ def __init__(self, V, E=0): self.V = int(V) if self.V < 1: raise ValueError, 'Empty graphs cannot be created' self.E = int(E) if self.E<0: self.E = 0 self.vertices = [a for a in range(self.V)] self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), def set_edges(self,edges): """ sets self.edges=edges if 1. edges has a correct size 2. edges take values in [1..V] """ if np.shape(edges)!=np.shape(self.edges): raise ValueError, 'Incompatible size of the edge matrix' if np.size(edges)>0: if edges.max()+1>self.V: raise ValueError, 'Incorrect edge specification' self.edges = edges def get_vertices(self): return self.vertices def get_edges(self): try: temp = self.edges except: temp = [] return temp def get_V(self): return self.V def get_E(self): return self.E def adjacency(self): A = np.zeros((self.V,self.V)) for e in range(self.E): i = self.edges[e][0] j = self.edges[e][1] A[i,j] = 1 return(A) def complete(self): self.E = self.V*self.V x = np.array[np.where(np.ones((self.V,self.V)))] self.edges = np.transpose(x) def cc(self): """ Returns an array of labels corresponding to the different connex components of the graph. Returns ------- label: array of shape(self.V), labelling of the vertices """ if self.E>0: label = graph_cc(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], np.zeros(self.E),self.V) else: label = np.arange(self.V) return label def degrees(self): """ returns the degree of the graph vertices Returns ------- rdegree: array of shape self.V, the right degree ldegree: array of shape self.V, the left degree """ if self.E>0: right,left = graph_degrees(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.V) else: right = np.zeros(self.V, left = np.zeros(self.V, return right,left def main_cc(self): """ Returns the indexes of the vertices within the main cc Returns ------- idx: array of shape (sizeof main cc) """ if self.E>0: idx = graph_main_cc(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], np.zeros(self.E),self.V) else: idx = 0 return idx def show(self,figid=-1): """ show the graph as a planar graph Parameters ---------- figid = -1 the figure id in pylab by default a new figure is created Returns ------- figid """ import matplotlib.pylab as mp if figid>-1: figid = mp.figure(int(figid)) else: mp.figure() t = (2*np.pi*np.arange(self.V))/self.V mp.plot(np.cos(t),np.sin(t),'.') for e in range(self.E): A = (self.edges[e,0]*2*np.pi)/self.V B = (self.edges[e,1]*2*np.pi)/self.V mp.plot([np.cos(A),np.cos(B)],[np.sin(A),np.sin(B)],'k') mp.axis('off') return figid class WeightedGraph(Graph): """ This is the basic weighted, directed graph class implemented in fff fields : V(int) = the number of vertices E(int) = the number of edges edges = array of int with shape (E,2): the edges of the graph weihghts = array of int with shape (E): the weights/length of the graph edges """ def __init__(self, V, edges=None, weights=None): """ Parameters ---------- V (int >0): the number of edges of the graph edges=None: array of shape(E,2) the edge array of the graph weights=None: array of shape (E) the asociated weights array """ V = int(V) if V<1: raise ValueError, 'cannot create graph with no vertex' self.V = int(V) self.E = 0 if (edges==None)&(weights==None): edges = [] weights = [] else: if edges.shape[0]==np.size(weights): E = edges.shape[0] Graph.__init__(self, V, E) Graph.set_edges(self,edges) self.weights = weights else: raise ValueError, 'Incompatible size of the edges\ and weights matrices' def adjacency(self): """ Create the adjacency matrix of self Returns ------- A : an ((self.V*self.V),np.double) array adjacency matrix of the graph Caveat ------ may break if self.V is large Future version should allow sparse matrix coding """ A = np.zeros((self.V,self.V),np.double) for e in range(self.E): i = self.edges[e][0] j = self.edges[e][1] A[i,j] = self.weights[e] return(A) def from_adjacency(self,A): """ sets the edges of self according to the adjacency matrix M Parameters ---------- M: array of shape(sef.V,self.V) """ if A.shape[0] != self.V: raise ValueError,"bad size for A" if A.shape[1] != self.V: raise ValueError,"bad size for A" i,j = np.where(A) self.edges = np.transpose(np.vstack((i,j))) self.weights = (A[i,j]) self.E = np.size(i) def set_weights(self,weights): """ Parameters ---------- weights : an array of shape(self.V), edges weights """ if np.size(weights)!=self.E: raise ValueError, 'The weight size is not the edges size' else: self.weights = np.reshape(weights,(self.E)) def get_weights(self): return self.weights def from_3d_grid(self,xyz,k=18): """ set the graph to be the topological neighbours graph of the thre-dimensional coordinate set xyz, in the k-connectivity scheme Parameters ---------- xyz: array of shape (self.V,3) and type, k = 18: the number of neighbours considered. (6,18 or 26) Returns ------- E(int): the number of edges of self """ if xyz.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'xyz should have shape n*3, with n =self.V' if xyz.shape[1]!=3: raise ValueError, 'xyz should have shape n*3' graph = graph_3d_grid(xyz, k) if graph is not None: i,j,d = graph else: raise TypeError, 'Creating graph from grid failed. '\ 'Maybe the grid is too big' self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def complete(self): """ self.complete() makes self a complete graph (i.e. each pair of vertices is an edge) """ i,j,d = graph_complete(self.V) self.E = self.V*self.V self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) def eps(self,X,eps=1.): """ set the graph to be the eps-nearest-neighbours graph of the data Parameters ---------- X array of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) where p = dimension of the features data used for eps-neighbours computation eps=1. (float), the neighborhood width Returns ------- self.E the number of edges of the resulting graph Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space trivial edges (aa) are included for the sake of speed it is advisable to give a PCA-preprocessed matrix X """ if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0]!=self.V' try: eps = float(eps) except: "eps cannot be cast to a float" if np.isnan(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is nan' if np.isinf(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is inf' i,j,d = graph_eps(X,eps) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) def knn(self,X,k=1): """ E = knn(X,k) set the graph to be the k-nearest-neighbours graph of the data Parameters ---------- X array of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) where p = dimension of the features data used for eps-neighbours computation k=1 : is the number of neighbours considered Returns ------- - self.E (int): the number of edges of the resulting graph Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space the knn system is symmeterized: if (ab) is one of the edges then (ba) is also included trivial edges (aa) are not included for the sake of speed it is advisable to give a PCA-preprocessed matrix X. """ if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0] != self.V' try: k=int(k) except : "k cannot be cast to an int" if np.isnan(k): raise ValueError, 'k is nan' if np.isinf(k): raise ValueError, 'k is inf' i,j,d = graph_knn(X,k) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def mst(self,X): """ makes self the MST of the array X Parameters ---------- X: an array of shape (self.V,dim) p is the feature dimension of X Returns ------- tl (float) the total length of the mst Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space The edge system is symmeterized: if (ab) is one of the edges then (ba) is another edge As a consequence, the graph comprises (2*self.V-2) edges the algorithm uses Boruvska's method """ if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0] != self.V' i,j,d = graph_mst(X) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.weights.sum()/2 def cut_redundancies(self): """ self.cut_redudancies() Remove possibly redundant edges: if an edge (ab) is present twice in the edge matrix, only the first instance in kept. The weights are processed accordingly Returns ------- - E(int): the number of edges, self.E """ if self.E>0: i,j,d = graph_cut_redundancies( self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights, self.V) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def dijkstra(self,seed=0): """ returns all the [graph] geodesic distances starting from seed it is mandatory that the graph weights are non-negative Parameters ---------- seed (int, >-1,0: if np.size(seed)>1: dg = graph_dijkstra_multiseed( self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1],self.weights,seed,self.V) else: dg = graph_dijkstra(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1],self.weights,seed,self.V) else: dg = np.infty*np.ones(self.V,np.size(seed)) for i in range(np.size(seed)): dg[seed[i],i] = 0 return dg def floyd(self, seed=None): """ Compute all the geodesic distances starting from seeds it is mandatory that the graph weights are non-negative Parameters ---------- seed= None: array of shape (nbseed), type vertex indexes from which the distances are computed if seed==None, then every edge is a seed point Returns ------- dg array of shape (nbseed,self.V) the graph distance dg from each seed to any vertex Note ---- It is mandatory that the graph weights are non-negative The algorithm proceeds byr epeating dijkstra's algo for each seed. floyd's algo is not used (O(self.V)^3 complexity...) By convention, infinte distances are coded with sum(self.wedges)+1 """ if seed == None: seed = np.arange(self.V) if self.E==0: dg = np.infty*np.ones((self.V,np.size(seed))) for i in range(np.size(seed)): dg[seed[i],i] = 0 return dg try: if self.weights.min()<0: raise ValueError, 'some weights are non-positive' except: raise ValueError,'undefined weights' dg = graph_floyd(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights, seed, self.V) return dg def normalize(self,c=0): """ Normalize the graph according to the index c Normalization means that the sum of the edges values that go into or out each vertex must sum to 1 Parameters ---------- c=0 in {0,1,2}, optional: index that designates the way according to which D is normalized c == 0 => for each vertex a, sum{edge[e,0]=a} D[e]=1 c == 1 => for each vertex b, sum{edge[e,1]=b} D[e]=1 c == 2 => symmetric ('l2') normalization Note ---- Note that when sum(edge[e,.]=a) D[e]=0, nothing is performed """ c = int(c) if c>2: raise ValueError, 'c>2' if c<0: raise ValueError, 'c<0' if self.E==0: if c<2: return np.zeros(self.V) else: return np.zeros(self.V),np.zeros(self.V) if c<2: i,j,d,s = graph_normalize(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights,c,self.V) else: i,j,d,s,t = graph_normalize(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights,c,self.V) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = d if c<2: return s else: return s,t def reorder(self,c=0): """ Reorder the graph according to the index c Parameters ---------- c=0 in {0,1,2}, index that designates the array according to which the vectors are jointly reordered c == 0 => reordering makes edges[:,0] increasing, and edges[:,1] increasing for edges[:,0] fixed c == 1 => reordering makes edges[:,1] increasing, and edges[:,0] increasing for edges[:,1] fixed c == 2 => reordering makes weights increasing """ c = int(c) if c>2: raise ValueError, 'c>2' if c<0: raise ValueError, 'c<0' if self.E>0: i,j,d = graph_reorder(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,c,self.V) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = d def set_euclidian(self, X): """ Compute the weights of the graph as the distances between the corresponding rows of X, which represents an embdedding of self Parameters ---------- X array of shape (self.V, edim), the coordinate matrix of the embedding """ if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0] != self.V' if self.E>0: d = graph_set_euclidian(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],X) self.weights = d def set_gaussian(self, X, sigma=0): """ Compute the weights of the graph as a gaussian function of the dinstance between the corresponding rows of X, which represents an embdedding of self Parameters ---------- X array of shape (self.V,dim) the coordinate matrix of the embedding sigma=0, float : the parameter of the gaussian function Note ---- when sigma = 0, the following value is used : sigma = sqrt(mean(||X[self.edges[:,0],:]-X[self.edges[:,1],:]||^2)) """ sigma = float(sigma) if sigma<0: raise ValueError, 'sigma<0' if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0] != self.V' if self.E>0: d = graph_set_gaussian(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],X,sigma) self.weights = d def symmeterize(self): """ symmeterize the graphself , ie produces the graph whose adjacency matrix would be the symmetric part of its current adjacency matrix """ if self.E>0: i,j,d = graph_symmeterize(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1],self.weights,self.V) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = d return self.E def anti_symmeterize(self): """ self.anti_symmeterize() anti-symmeterize the self , ie produces the graph whose adjacency matrix would be the antisymmetric part of its current adjacency matrix """ if self.E>0: i,j,d = graph_antisymmeterize(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,self.V) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = d return self.E def to_neighb(self): """ converts the graph to a neighboring system The neighboring system is nothing but a (sparser) representation of the edge matrix Returns ------- ci, ne, we: arrays of shape (self.V+1), (self.E), (self.E) such that self.edges, self.weights is coded such that: for j in [ci[a] ci[a+1][, there exists en edge e so that (edge[e,0]=a,edge[e,1]=ne[j],self.weights[e] = we[j]) """ if self.E>0: ci,ne,we = graph_to_neighb(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,self.V) else: ci = [] ne = [] we = [] return ci,ne,we def Voronoi_Labelling(self,seed): """ label = self.Voronoi_Labelling(seed) performs a voronoi labelling of the graph Parameters ---------- seed array of shape (nseeds), type (, vertices from which the cells are built Returns ------- - labels : array of shape (self.V) the labelling of the vertices fixme: how is dealt the case of diconnected graph ? """ if np.size(seed)==0: raise ValueError, 'empty seed' if seed.max()>self.V-1: raise ValueError, 'seed.max()>self.V-1' labels = -np.ones(self.V, labels[seed] = np.arange(np.size(seed)) if self.E>0: labels = graph_voronoi(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights, seed,self.V) return labels def cliques(self): """ Extraction of the graphe cliques these are defined using replicator dynamics equations Returns ------- - cliques: array of shape (self.V), type ( labelling of the vertices according to the clique they belong to """ cliques = np.arange(self.V) if self.E>0: cliques = graph_rd(self.edges[:,0], self.edges[:,1], self.weights, self.V) return cliques def remove_trivial_edges(self): """ Removes trivial edges, i.e. edges that are (vv)-like self.weights and self.E are corrected accordingly Returns ------- - self.E (int): The number of edges """ i = np.nonzero(self.edges[:,0]!=self.edges[:,1])[0] self.edges = self.edges[i,:] self.weights = self.weights[i] self.E = np.size(i) return self.E def subgraph(self,valid): """ Creates a subgraph with the vertices for which valid>0 and with the correponding set of edges Parameters ---------- valid array of shape (self.V): nonzero for vertices to be retained Returns ------- G WeightedGraph instance, the desired subgraph of self Note ---- The vertices are renumbered as [1..p] where p = sum(valid>0) when sum(valid==0) then None is returned """ if np.size(valid)!= self.V: raise ValueError, "incompatible size for self anf valid" if np.sum(valid>0)==0: return None if self.E>0: win_edges = (valid[self.edges]).min(1)>0 edges = self.edges[win_edges,:] weights = self.weights[win_edges] renumb = np.hstack((0,np.cumsum(valid>0))) edges = renumb[edges] G = WeightedGraph(np.sum(valid>0),edges,weights) else: G = WeightedGraph(np.sum(valid)>0) return G def Kruskal(self): """ Creates the Minimum Spanning Tree self using Kruskal's algo. efficient is self is sparse Returns ------- K: WeightedGraph instance the resulting MST Note ---- if self contains several connected components, self.Kruskal() will also retain a graph with k connected components """ k = E = 2*self.V-2 V = self.V Kedges = np.zeros((E,2)).astype( Kweights = np.zeros(E) iw = np.argsort(self.weights) label = np.arange(V) #(2*V-1) j = 0 for i in range(V-k): a = self.edges[iw[j],0] b = self.edges[iw[j],1] d = self.weights[iw[j]] while label[a]==label[b]: j = j+1 a = self.edges[iw[j],0] b = self.edges[iw[j],1] d = self.weights[iw[j]] if label[a]!=label[b]: la = label[a] lb = label[b] label[label==lb] = la Kedges[2*i,0] = a Kedges[2*i,1] = b Kedges[2*i+1,0] = b Kedges[2*i+1,1] = a Kweights[2*i] = d Kweights[2*i+1] = d K = WeightedGraph(V,Kedges,Kweights) return K def Kruskal_dev(self): """ Creates the Minimum Spanning Tree self using Kruskal's algo. efficient is self is sparse Returns ------- K: WeightedGraph instance the resulting MST Note ---- if self contains several connected components, self.Kruskal() will also retain a graph with k connected components """ k = E = 2*self.V-2 V = self.V Kedges = np.zeros((E,2)).astype( Kweights = np.zeros(E) iw = np.argsort(self.weights) label = np.arange(2*V-1) j = 0 for i in range(V-k): a = self.edges[iw[j],0] b = self.edges[iw[j],1] d = self.weights[iw[j]] la = label[a] lb = label[b] while la != label[la]: la = label[la] while lb != label[lb]: lb = label[lb] while la==lb: j = j+1 a = self.edges[iw[j],0] b = self.edges[iw[j],1] d = self.weights[iw[j]] la = label[a] lb = label[b] while la != label[la]: la = label[la] while lb != label[lb]: lb = label[lb] if la!=lb: label[la] = V+i label[lb] = V+i Kedges[2*i,0] = a Kedges[2*i,1] = b Kedges[2*i+1,0] = b Kedges[2*i+1,1] = a Kweights[2*i] = d Kweights[2*i+1] = d K = WeightedGraph(V,Kedges,Kweights) return K def Voronoi_diagram(self,seeds,samples): """ Defines the graph as the Voronoi diagram (VD) that links the seeds. The VD is defined using the sample points. Parameters ---------- seeds: array of shape (self.V,dim) samples: array of shape (nsamples,dim) Note ---- by default, the weights are a Gaussian function of the distance The implementation is not optimal """ # checks if seeds.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError,"The numberof seeds is not as expected" if np.size(seeds) == self.V: seeds = np.reshape(seeds,(np.size(seeds),1)) if np.size(samples) == samples.shape[0]: samples = np.reshape(samples,(np.size(samples),1)) if seeds.shape[1]!=samples.shape[1]: raise ValueError,"The seeds and samples do not belong \ to the same space" #1. define the graph knn(samples,seeds,2) i,j,d = graph_cross_knn(samples,seeds,2) #2. put all the pairs i the target graph Ns = np.shape(samples)[0] self.E = Ns self.edges = np.array([j[2*np.arange(Ns)],j[2*np.arange(Ns)+1]]).T self.weights = np.ones(self.E) #3. eliminate the redundancies and set the weights self.cut_redundancies() self.symmeterize() self.set_gaussian(seeds) def show(self,X=None,figid=-1): """ a = plots the current graph in 2D Parameters ---------- X=None, array of shape (self.V,2) a set of coordinates that can be used to embed the vertices in 2D. if X.shape[1]>2, a svd reduces X for display By default, the graph is presented on a circle figid=-1: a figure id for pylab plotting by default, a new figure is created Returns ------- a = figure handle Note ---- This should be used only for small graphs... """ if np.size(self.weights)==0: fig = return fig WM = self.weights.max() import matplotlib.pylab as mp if figid >-1: fig = mp.figure(figid) else: fig = mp.figure() ml = 5. if (X==None): for e in range(self.E): A = (self.edges[e,0]*2*np.pi)/self.V B = (self.edges[e,1]*2*np.pi)/self.V C = max(1,int(self.weights[e]*ml/WM)) mp.plot([np.cos(A),np.cos(B)],[np.sin(A),np.sin(B)],'k', linewidth=C) t = (2*np.pi*np.arange(self.V))/self.V mp.plot(np.cos(t),np.sin(t),'o',linewidth=ml) mp.axis([-1.1,1.1,-1.1,1.1]) return fig if (X.shape[0]!=self.V): raise ValueError,'X.shape(0)!=self.V' if np.size(X)==self.V: X = np.reshape(X,(self.V,1)) if X.shape[1]==1: # plot the graph on a circle x = np.pi*(X-X.min())/(X.max()-X.min()) for e in range(self.E): A = x[self.edges[e,0]] B = x[self.edges[e,1]] C = max(1,int(self.weights[e]*ml/WM)) mp.plot([np.cos(A),np.cos(B)],[np.sin(A),np.sin(B)], 'k',linewidth=C) mp.plot(np.cos(x),np.sin(x),'o',linewidth=ml) mp.axis([-1.1,1.1,-0.1,1.1]) if X.shape[1]>2: Y = X.copy() import numpy.linalg as L M1,M2,M3 = L.svd(Y,0) Y =,np.diag(M2)) Y = Y[:,:1] if X.shape[1]<3: Y = X if Y.shape[1]==2: for e in range(self.E): A = self.edges[e,0] B = self.edges[e,1] C = max(1,int(self.weights[e]*ml/WM)) mp.plot([Y[A,0],Y[B,0]],[Y[A,1],Y[B,1]],'k',linewidth=C) mp.plot(Y[:,0],Y[:,1],'o',linewidth=ml) xmin = Y[:,0].min() ymin = Y[:,1].min() xmax = Y[:,0].max() ymax = Y[:,1].max() xmin = 1.1*xmin-0.1*xmax xmax = 1.1*xmax-0.1*xmin ymin = 1.1*ymin-0.1*ymax ymax = 1.1*ymax-0.1*ymin mp.axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) return fig def converse_edge(self): """ Returns the index of the edge (j,i) for each edge (i,j) Note: a C implementation might be necessary """ ci,ne,we = self.to_neighb() li = self.left_incidence() ri = self.right_incidence() tag = -np.ones(self.E, for v in range(self.V): # e = (vw) for e in li[v]: w = self.edges[e,1] # c=(wv) liw = np.array(li[w]) c = liw[self.edges[li[w],1]==v] tag[e]=c return tag def remove_edges(self,valid): """ Removes all the edges for which valid==0 Parameters ---------- valid, an array of shape (self.E) """ if np.size(valid)!=self.E: raise ValueError, "the input vector does not have the correct size" valid = np.reshape(valid,np.size(valid)) self.E = int(valid.sum()) self.edges = self.edges[valid!=0,:] self.weights = self.weights[valid!=0] def list_of_neighbors(self): """ returns the set of neighbors of self as a list of arrays """ ci,ne,we = self.to_neighb() ln = [[ne[ci[i]:ci[i+1]]] for i in range(self.V)] return ln def copy(self): """ returns a copy of self """ G = WeightedGraph(self.V,self.edges.copy(),self.weights.copy()) return G def skeleton(self): """ returns a MST that based on self.weights Note: self must be connected """ # check that self is connected u = if u.max()>0: raise ValueError, "cannot create the skeleton for \ unconnected graphs" i,j,d = graph_skeleton(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,self.V) E = np.size(i) edges = np.zeros((E,2), edges[:,0] = i edges[:,1] = j weights = np.array(d) G = WeightedGraph(self.V,edges,weights) return G def left_incidence(self): """ Returns ------- the left incidence matrix of self as a list of lists: i.e. the list[[e.0.0,..,e.0.i(0)],..,[e.V.0,E.V.i(V)]] where e.i.j is the set of edge indexes so that e.i.j[0] = i """ linc = [] for i in range(self.V): linc.append([]) for e in range(self.E): i = self.edges[e,0] a = linc[i] a.append(e) return linc def right_incidence(self): """ Returns ------- the right incidence matrix of self as a list of lists: i.e. the list[[e.0.0,..,e.0.i(0)],..,[e.V.0,E.V.i(V)]] where e.i.j is the set of edge indexes so that e.i.j[1] = i """ rinc = [] for i in range(self.V): rinc.append([]) for e in range(self.E): i = self.edges[e,1] a = rinc[i] a.append(e) return rinc def is_connected(self): """ States whether self is connected or not """ if self.V<1: raise ValueError, "empty graph" if self.V<2: return True if self.E==0: return False b = graph_is_connected(self.edges[:,0],self.edges[:,1], self.weights,self.V) if b==-1: raise ValueError, "problem in the c function" return int(b) def WeightedDegree(self,c): """ returns the sum of weighted degree of graph self Parameters ---------- c (int): side selection if c==0 considering left side if c==1 considering right side of the edges Returns ------- wd : array of shape (self.V), the resulting weighted degree Note: slow implementation """ if c==0: mlist = self.left_incidence() else: mlist = self.right_incidence() w = self.get_weights() wd = [np.sum(w[n]) for n in mlist] wd = np.array(wd) return wd class BipartiteGraph(WeightedGraph): """ This is a bipartite graph structure, i.e. a graph there are two types of nodes, such that edges can exist only between nodes of type 1 and type 2 (not within) fields of this class: V (int,>0) the number of type 1 vertices W (int,>0) the number of type 2 vertices E : (int) the number of edges edges: array of shape (self.E,2) reprensenting pairwise neighbors weights, array of shape (self.E), +1/-1 for scending/descending links """ def __init__(self, V,W, edges=None, weights=None): """ Parameters ---------- V (int), the number of vertices of subset 1 W (int), the number of vertices of subset 2 edges=None: array of shape (self.E,2) the edge array of the graph weights=None: array of shape (self.E) the asociated weights array """ V = int(V) W = int(W) if (V<1) or (W<1): raise ValueError, 'cannot create graph with no vertex' self.V = V self.W = W self.E = 0 if (edges==None)&(weights==None): self.edges = np.array([], self.weights = np.array([]) else: if edges.shape[0]==np.size(weights): E = edges.shape[0] self.E = E self.edges = -np.ones((E,2), self.set_edges(edges) #print np.shape(weights),self.E WeightedGraph.set_weights(self,weights) else: raise ValueError, 'Incompatible size of the edges and \ weights matrices' def set_edges(self,edges): """ sets self.edges=edges if 1. edges has a correct size 2. edges take values in [0..V-1]*[0..W-1] Parameters ---------- edges: array of shape(self.E,2): set of candidate edges """ if np.shape(edges)!=np.shape(self.edges): raise ValueError, 'Incompatible size of the edge matrix' if np.size(edges)>0: if edges.max(0)[0]+1>self.V: raise ValueError, 'Incorrect edge specification' if edges.max(0)[1]+1>self.W: raise ValueError, 'Incorrect edge specification' self.edges = edges def check_feature_matrices(self,X,Y): """ checks wether the dismension of X and Y is coherent with self and possibly reshape it Parameters ---------- X,Y arrays of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) and (self.W) or (self.W,p) respectively where p = common dimension of the features """ if np.size(X)==X.shape[0]: X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),1)) if np.size(Y)==Y.shape[0]: Y = np.reshape(Y,(np.size(Y),1)) if X.shape[1]!=Y.shape[1]: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[1] should = Y.shape[1]' if X.shape[0]!=self.V: raise ValueError, 'X.shape[0]!=self.V' if Y.shape[0]!=self.W: raise ValueError, 'Y.shape[0]!=self.W' def copy(self): """ returns a copy of self """ G = BipartiteGraph(self.V,self.W,self.edges.copy(), self.weights.copy()) return G def cross_eps(self,X,Y,eps=1.): """ set the graph to be the eps-neighbours graph of from X to Y Parameters ---------- X,Y arrays of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) and (self.W) or (self.W,p) respectively where p = common dimension of the features eps=1, float : the neighbourhood size considered Returns ------- self.E (int) the number of edges of the resulting graph Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space for the sake of speed it is advisable to give PCA-preprocessed matrices X and Y. """ self.check_feature_matrices(X,Y) try: eps = float(eps) except: "eps cannot be cast to a float" if np.isnan(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is nan' if np.isinf(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is inf' i,j,d = graph_cross_eps(X,Y,eps) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def cross_eps_robust(self,X,Y,eps=1.): """ Set the graph to be the eps-neighbours graph of from X to Y this procedure is robust in the sense that for each row of X at least one matching row Y is found, even though the distance is greater than eps. Parameters ---------- X,Y: arrays of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) and (self.W) or (self.W,p) respectively where p = dimension of the features eps=1, float, the neighbourhood size considered Returns ------- self.E (int) the number of edges of the resulting graph Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space for the sake of speed it is advisable to give PCA-preprocessed matrices X and Y. """ self.check_feature_matrices(X,Y) try: eps = float(eps) except: "eps cannot be cast to a float" if np.isnan(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is nan' if np.isinf(eps): raise ValueError, 'eps is inf' i,j,d = graph_cross_eps_robust(X,Y,eps) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def cross_knn(self,X,Y,k=1): """ set the graph to be the k-nearest-neighbours graph of from X to Y Parameters ---------- X,Y arrays of shape (self.V) or (self.V,p) and (self.W) or (self.W,p) respectively where p = dimension of the features k=1, int is the number of neighbours considered Returns ------- self.E, int the number of edges of the resulting graph Note ---- It is assumed that the features are embedded in a (locally) Euclidian space for the sake of speed it is advisable to give PCA-preprocessed matrices X and Y. """ self.check_feature_matrices(X,Y) try: k=int(k) except : "k cannot be cast to an int" if np.isnan(k): raise ValueError, 'k is nan' if np.isinf(k): raise ValueError, 'k is inf' i,j,d = graph_cross_knn(X,Y,k) self.E = np.size(i) self.edges = np.zeros((self.E,2), self.edges[:,0] = i self.edges[:,1] = j self.weights = np.array(d) return self.E def concatenate_graphs(G1,G2): """ Sets G as the concatenation of the graphs G1 and G2 It is thus assumed that the vertices of G1 and G2 are disjoint sets Parameters ---------- G1,G2: the two WeightedGraph instances to be concatenated Returns ------- G, WeightedGraph, the concatenated graph Note ---- this implies that the vertices of G corresponding to G2 are labeled [G1.V .. G1.V+G2.V] """ V = G1.V+G2.V edges = np.vstack((G1.edges,G1.V+G2.edges)) weights = np.hstack((G1.weights,G2.weights)) G = WeightedGraph(V,edges,weights) return G