import numpy as np import scipy.stats as sp_stats from nipy.neurospin.graph.field import Field from nipy.neurospin.register.transform import apply_affine from nipy.neurospin.utils import emp_null from nipy.neurospin.glm import glm from import \ permutation_test_onesample, permutation_test_twosample # FIXME: rename permutation_test_onesample class #so that name starts with upper case # Use the brifti image object from import Nifti1Image as Image ################################################################################ # Cluster statistics ################################################################################ def bonferroni(p, n): return np.minimum(1., p*n) def simulated_pvalue(t, simu_t): return 1 - np.searchsorted(simu_t, t)/float(np.size(simu_t)) def cluster_stats(zimg, mask, height_th, height_control='fpr', cluster_th=0, nulls={}): """ Return a list of clusters, each cluster being represented by a dictionary. Clusters are sorted by descending size order. Within each cluster, local maxima are sorted by descending depth order. Parameters ---------- zimg: z-score image mask: mask image height_th: cluster forming threshold height_control: string false positive control meaning of cluster forming threshold: 'fpr'|'fdr'|'fwer' cluster_th: cluster size threshold null_s : cluster-level calibration method: None|'rft'|array """ # Masking xyz = np.where(mask.get_data().squeeze()>0) zmap = zimg.get_data().squeeze()[xyz] xyz = np.array(xyz).T nvoxels = np.size(xyz, 0) # Thresholding if height_control == 'fpr': zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th) elif height_control == 'fdr': zth = emp_null.FDR(zmap).threshold(height_th) elif height_control == 'bonferroni': zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th/nvoxels) else: ## Brute-force thresholding zth = height_th pth = sp_stats.norm.sf(zth) above_th = zmap>zth if len(np.where(above_th)[0]) == 0: return None, None ## FIXME zmap_th = zmap[above_th] xyz_th = xyz[above_th,:] # Clustering ## Extract local maxima and connex components above some threshold ff = Field(np.size(zmap_th), field=zmap_th) ff.from_3d_grid(xyz_th, k=18) maxima, depth = ff.get_local_maxima(th=zth) labels = ## Make list of clusters, each cluster being a dictionary clusters = [] for k in range(labels.max() + 1): s = np.sum(labels == k) if s >= cluster_th: in_cluster = labels[maxima] == k m = maxima[in_cluster] d = depth[in_cluster] sorted = d.argsort()[::-1] clusters.append({'size':s, 'maxima':m[sorted], 'depth':d[sorted]}) ## Sort clusters by descending size order def smaller(c1, c2): return np.sign(c2['size']-c1['size']) clusters.sort(cmp=smaller) # FDR-corrected p-values fdr_pvalue = emp_null.FDR(zmap).all_fdr()[above_th] # Default "nulls" if not nulls.has_key('zmax'): nulls['zmax'] = 'bonferroni' if not nulls.has_key('smax'): nulls['smax'] = None if not nulls.has_key('s'): nulls['s'] = None # Report significance levels in each cluster for c in clusters: maxima = c['maxima'] zscore = zmap_th[maxima] pval = sp_stats.norm.sf(zscore) # Replace array indices with real coordinates c['maxima'] = apply_affine(zimg.get_affine(), xyz_th[maxima].T).T c['zscore'] = zscore c['pvalue'] = pval c['fdr_pvalue'] = fdr_pvalue[maxima] # Voxel-level corrected p-values p = None if nulls['zmax'] == 'bonferroni': p = bonferroni(pval, nvoxels) elif isinstance(nulls['zmax'], np.ndarray): p = simulated_pvalue(zscore, nulls['zmax']) c['fwer_pvalue'] = p # Cluster-level p-values (corrected) p = None if isinstance(nulls['smax'], np.ndarray): p = simulated_pvalue(c['size'], nulls['smax']) c['cluster_fwer_pvalue'] = p # Cluster-level p-values (uncorrected) p = None if isinstance(nulls['s'], np.ndarray): p = simulated_pvalue(c['size'], nulls['s']) c['cluster_pvalue'] = p # General info info = {'nvoxels': nvoxels, 'threshold_z': zth, 'threshold_p': pth, 'threshold_pcorr': bonferroni(pth, nvoxels)} return clusters, info ################################################################################ # Statistical tests ################################################################################ def mask_intersection(masks): """ Compute mask intersection """ mask = masks[0] for m in masks[1:]: mask = mask * m mask[mask != 0] = 1 return mask def prepare_arrays(data_images, vardata_images, mask_images): # Compute mask intersection mask = mask_intersection([mask.get_data() for mask in mask_images]) # Compute xyz coordinates from mask xyz = np.array(np.where(mask>0)) # Prepare data & vardata arrays data = np.array([d.get_data()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]] for d in data_images]).squeeze() if vardata_images == None: vardata = None else: vardata = np.array([d.get_data()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]] for d in vardata_images]).squeeze() return data, vardata, xyz, mask def onesample_test(data_images, vardata_images, mask_images, stat_id, permutations=0, cluster_forming_th=0.01): """ Helper function for permutation-based mass univariate onesample group analysis. """ # Prepare arrays data, vardata, xyz, mask = prepare_arrays(data_images, vardata_images, mask_images) # Create one-sample permutation test instance ptest = permutation_test_onesample(data, xyz, vardata=vardata, stat_id=stat_id) # Compute z-map image zmap = np.zeros(data_images[0].get_shape()).squeeze() zmap[list(xyz)] = ptest.zscore() zimg = Image(zmap, data_images[0].get_affine()) # Compute mask image maskimg = Image(mask, data_images[0].get_affine()) # Multiple comparisons if permutations <= 0: return zimg, maskimg else: # Cluster definition: (threshold, diameter) cluster_def = (ptest.height_threshold(cluster_forming_th), None) # Calibration voxel_res, cluster_res, region_res = \ ptest.calibrate(nperms=permutations, clusters=[cluster_def]) nulls = {} nulls['zmax'] = ptest.zscore(voxel_res['perm_maxT_values']) nulls['s'] = cluster_res[0]['perm_size_values'] nulls['smax'] = cluster_res[0]['perm_maxsize_values'] # Return z-map image, mask image and dictionary of null distribution # for cluster sizes (s), max cluster size (smax) and max z-score (zmax) return zimg, maskimg, nulls def twosample_test(data_images, vardata_images, mask_images, labels, stat_id, permutations=0, cluster_forming_th=0.01): """ Helper function for permutation-based mass univariate twosample group analysis. Labels is a binary vector (1-2). Regions more active for group 1 than group 2 are inferred. """ # Prepare arrays data, vardata, xyz, mask = prepare_arrays(data_images, vardata_images, mask_images) # Create two-sample permutation test instance if vardata_images == None: ptest = permutation_test_twosample(data[labels==1], data[labels==2], xyz, stat_id=stat_id) else: ptest = permutation_test_twosample(data[labels==1], data[labels==2], xyz, vardata1=vardata[labels==1], vardata2=vardata[labels==2], stat_id=stat_id) # Compute z-map image zmap = np.zeros(data_images[0].get_shape()).squeeze() zmap[list(xyz)] = ptest.zscore() zimg = Image(zmap, data_images[0].get_affine()) # Compute mask image maskimg = Image(mask, data_images[0].get_affine()) # Multiple comparisons if permutations <= 0: return zimg, maskimg else: # Cluster definition: (threshold, diameter) cluster_def = (ptest.height_threshold(cluster_forming_th), None) # Calibration voxel_res, cluster_res, region_res = \ ptest.calibrate(nperms=permutations, clusters=[cluster_def]) nulls = {} nulls['zmax'] = ptest.zscore(voxel_res['perm_maxT_values']) nulls['s'] = cluster_res[0]['perm_size_values'] nulls['smax'] = cluster_res[0]['perm_maxsize_values'] # Return z-map image, mask image and dictionary of null # distribution for cluster sizes (s), max cluster size (smax) # and max z-score (zmax) return zimg, maskimg, nulls ################################################################################ # Linear model ################################################################################ def affect_inmask(dest, src, xyz): if xyz == None: dest = src else: dest[xyz[0,:], xyz[1,:], xyz[2,:]] = src return dest def linear_model_fit(data_images, mask_images, design_matrix, vector): """ Helper function for group data analysis using arbitrary design matrix """ # Prepare arrays data, vardata, xyz, mask = prepare_arrays(data_images, None, mask_images) # Create glm instance G = glm(data, design_matrix) # Compute requested contrast c = G.contrast(vector) # Compute z-map image zmap = np.zeros(data_images[0].get_shape()).squeeze() zmap[list(xyz)] = c.zscore() zimg = Image(zmap, data_images[0].get_affine()) return zimg class LinearModel(object): def __init__(self, data=None, design_matrix=None, mask=None, formula=None, model='spherical', method=None, niter=2): if data == None: = None = None self.glm = None else: if not isinstance(design_matrix, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Invalid design matrix') = data if mask == None: = None Y = data.get_data() axis = 3 else: = np.where(mask.get_data()>0) Y = data.get_data()[] axis = 1 self.glm = glm(Y, design_matrix, formula=formula, axis=axis, model=model, method=method, niter=niter) def dump(self, filename): """ Dump GLM fit as NPZ file. """ def contrast(self, vector): """ Compute images of contrast and contrast variance. """ c = self.glm.contrast(vector) con = np.zeros([1:4]) con_img = Image(affect_inmask(con, c.effect,, vcon = np.zeros([1:4]) vcon_img = Image(affect_inmask(vcon, c.variance,, z = np.zeros([1:4]) z_img = Image(affect_inmask(z, c.zscore(),, dof = c.dof return con_img, vcon_img, z_img, dof ################################################################################ # Hack to have nose skip onesample_test, which is not a unit test onesample_test.__test__ = False twosample_test.__test__ = False