""" Nipy uses a set of test data that is installed separately. The test data should be located in the directory ``~/.nipy/tests/data``. If the test data is not installed the user should be prompted with the option to download and install it when they run the examples. The module nipy/utils/get_data.py performs this. Alternatively one could install the data from the svn repository, but this is much slower:: $ mkdir -p .nipy/tests/data $ svn co http://neuroimaging.scipy.org/svn/ni/data/trunk/fmri .nipy/tests/data """ import os from nipy.utils.get_data import get_data, dest_dir # data directory should be: $HOME/.nipy/tests/data datapath = dest_dir # If the data directory does not exist, download it. if not os.path.exists(datapath): get_data() def datapjoin(filename): ''' Return result of os.path.join of `filename` to NIPY data path ''' return os.path.join(datapath, filename)