Unit tests for optimization routines from _root.py.

from numpy.testing import assert_
import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import root

class TestRoot(object):
    def test_tol_parameter(self):
        # Check that the minimize() tol= argument does something
        def func(z):
            x, y = z
            return np.array([x**3 - 1, y**3 - 1])
        def dfunc(z):
            x, y = z
            return np.array([[3*x**2, 0], [0, 3*y**2]])

        for method in ['hybr', 'lm', 'broyden1', 'broyden2', 'anderson',
                       'diagbroyden', 'krylov']:
            if method in ('linearmixing', 'excitingmixing'):
                # doesn't converge

            if method in ('hybr', 'lm'):
                jac = dfunc
                jac = None

            sol1 = root(func, [1.1,1.1], jac=jac, tol=1e-4, method=method)
            sol2 = root(func, [1.1,1.1], jac=jac, tol=0.5, method=method)
            msg = "%s: %s vs. %s" % (method, func(sol1.x), func(sol2.x))
            assert_(sol1.success, msg)
            assert_(sol2.success, msg)
            assert_(abs(func(sol1.x)).max() < abs(func(sol2.x)).max(),