from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S, C, sympify from sympy.core.function import Function from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt from sympy.core.cache import cacheit import sympy.polys from sympy.core import diff from sympy.utilities.decorator import deprecated ############################################################################### ################################ DELTA FUNCTION ############################### ############################################################################### class DiracDelta(Function): """DiracDelta function, and the derivatives. DiracDelta function has the following properties: 1) diff(Heaviside(x),x) = DiracDelta(x) 2) integrate(DiracDelta(x-a)*f(x),(x,-oo,oo)) = f(a) integrate(DiracDelta(x-a)*f(x),(x,a-e,a+e)) = f(a) 3) DiracDelta(x) = 0, for all x != 0 4) DiracDelta(g(x)) = Sum_i(DiracDelta(x-xi)/abs(g'(xi))) Where xis are the roots of g Derivatives of k order of DiraDelta have the following property: 5) DiracDelta(x,k) = 0, for all x!=0 For more information, see: """ nargs = (1,2) def fdiff(self, argindex = 1): if argindex == 1: #I didn't know if there is a better way to handle default arguments k = 0 if len(self.args) > 1: k = self.args[1] return DiracDelta(self.args[0],k+1) else: raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex) @classmethod @deprecated def canonize(cls, arg, k = 0): return cls.eval(arg, k) @classmethod def eval(cls, arg, k=0): k = sympify(k) if not k.is_Integer or k.is_negative: raise ValueError("Error: the second argument of DiracDelta must be \ a non-negative integer, %s given instead." %(k,)) arg = sympify(arg) if arg is S.NaN: return S.NaN if arg.is_positive or arg.is_negative: return S.Zero elif arg.is_zero: return S.Infinity def simplify(self, x): """simplify(self, x) Compute a simplified representation of the function using property number 4. x can be: - a symbol Examples -------- >>> from sympy import * >>> x, y = symbols('xy') >>> DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(x) DiracDelta(x)/abs(y) >>> DiracDelta(x*y).simplify(y) DiracDelta(y)/abs(x) >>> DiracDelta(x**2+x-2).simplify(x) DiracDelta(-1 + x)/3 + DiracDelta(2 + x)/3 """ if not self.args[0].has(x) or (len(self.args)>1 and self.args[1] != 0 ): return self try: argroots = sympy.polys.rootfinding.roots(self.args[0],x, \ multiple=True) result = 0 valid = True darg = diff(self.args[0], x) for r in argroots: #should I care about multiplicities of roots? if r.is_real and not darg.subs(x,r).is_zero: result = result + DiracDelta(x - r)/abs(darg.subs(x,r)) else: valid = False break if valid: return result except Exception,e : print e raise pass return self def is_simple(self,x): """is_simple(self, x) Tells wether the argument(args[0]) of DiracDelta is a linear expression in x. x can be: - a symbol Examples -------- >>> from sympy import * >>> x, y = symbols('xy') >>> DiracDelta(x*y).is_simple(x) True >>> DiracDelta(x*y).is_simple(y) True >>> DiracDelta(x**2+x-2).is_simple(x) False >>> DiracDelta(cos(x)).is_simple(x) False """ p = self.args[0].as_poly(x) if p: return == 1 return False ############################################################################### ############################## HEAVISIDE FUNCTION ############################# ############################################################################### class Heaviside(Function): """Heaviside Piecewise function. Heaviside function has the following properties: 1) diff(Heaviside(x),x) = DiracDelta(x) ( 0, if x<0 2) Heaviside(x) = < [*] 1/2 if x==0 ( 1, if x>0 [*]Regarding to the value at 0, Mathemathica adopt the value H(0)=1, and Maple H(0)=undefined I think is better to have H(0)=1/2, due to the following: integrate(DiracDelta(x),x) = Heaviside(x) integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,-oo,oo)) = 1 and since DiracDelta is a symmetric function, integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,0,oo)) should be 1/2 in fact, that is what maple returns. If we take Heaviside(0)=1/2, we would have integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,0,oo)) = Heaviside(oo)-Heaviside(0)=1-1/2= 1/2 and integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,-oo,0)) = Heaviside(0)-Heaviside(-oo)=1/2-0= 1/2 If we consider, instead Heaviside(0)=1, we would have integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,0,oo)) = Heaviside(oo)-Heaviside(0) = 0 and integrate(DiracDelta(x),(x,-oo,0)) = Heaviside(0)-Heaviside(-oo) = 1 For more information, see: """ nargs = 1 def fdiff(self, argindex = 1): if argindex == 1: # property number 1 return DiracDelta(self.args[0]) else: raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex) @classmethod @deprecated def canonize(cls, arg): return cls.eval(arg) @classmethod def eval(cls, arg): arg = sympify(arg) if arg is S.NaN: return S.NaN elif arg.is_negative: return S.Zero elif arg.is_zero: return S.Half elif arg.is_positive: return S.One