from sympy.core.basic import Basic, S, C, sympify from sympy.simplify import simplify from sympy.geometry.exceptions import GeometryError from entity import GeometryEntity from point import Point from ellipse import Circle from line import Line, Segment class Polygon(GeometryEntity): """ A simple polygon in space. Can be constructed from a sequence or list of points. Notes: ====== - Polygons are treated as closed paths rather than 2D areas so some calculations can be be negative or positive (e.g., area) based on the orientation of the points. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): vertices = GeometryEntity.extract_entities(args, remove_duplicates=False) if len(vertices) < 3: raise GeometryError("Polygon.__new__ requires at least three points") for p in vertices: if not isinstance(p, Point): raise GeometryError("Polygon.__new__ requires points") if len(vertices) == 3: return Triangle(*vertices, **kwargs) return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *vertices, **kwargs) @property def area(self): """ Returns the area of the polygon. Notes: ====== - The area calculation can be positive or negative based on the orientation of the points. """ area = 0 for ind in xrange(-1, len(self.vertices)-1): pi = self.vertices[ind] pii = self.vertices[ind+1] area += pi[0]*pii[1]-pii[0]*pi[1] return simplify(area) / 2 @property def angles(self): """ Returns a dictionary of {point: angle} entries containing the measure of all the internal angles of this polygon formed at each vertex. Examples: ====== >>> from sympy.geometry import * >>> p1,p2,p3,p4 = map(Point, [(0,0), (1,0), (5,1), (0,1)]) >>> poly = Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4) >>> poly.angles[p1] pi/2 >>> poly.angles[p2] acos(-4*17**(1/2)/17) """ def tarea(a, b, c): return (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[1] - a[1]) def isright(a, b, c): return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0) # Determine orientation of points cw = isright(self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0], self.vertices[1]) ret = {} for i in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)): a,b,c = self.vertices[i-2], self.vertices[i-1], self.vertices[i] ang = Line.angle_between(Line(b, a), Line(b, c)) if cw ^ isright(a, b, c): ret[b] = 2*S.Pi - ang else: ret[b] = ang return ret @property def perimeter(self): """Returns the perimeter of the polygon.""" p = 0 for ind in xrange(-1, len(self.vertices)-1): p += Point.distance(self.vertices[ind], self.vertices[ind+1]) return simplify(p) @property def vertices(self): """The vertices that define the polygon.""" return self[:] @property def centroid(self): """The centroid of the polygon.""" A = 1 / (6*self.area) cx,cy = 0,0 for ind in xrange(-1, len(self.vertices)-1): pi = self.vertices[ind] pii = self.vertices[ind+1] v = pi[0]*pii[1]-pii[0]*pi[1] cx += v*(pi[0] + pii[0]) cy += v*(pi[1] + pii[1]) return Point(simplify(A*cx), simplify(A*cy)) @property def sides(self): """A list of the segments that form the sides fo the polygon.""" res = [] for ind in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)-1): res.append( Segment(self.vertices[ind], self.vertices[ind+1]) ) res.append( Segment(self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0]) ) return res def is_convex(self): """Returns True if this polygon is convex, False otherwise.""" def tarea(a, b, c): return (b[0] - a[0])*(c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0])*(b[1] - a[1]) def isright(a, b, c): return bool(tarea(a, b, c) <= 0) # Determine orientation of points cw = isright(self.vertices[-2], self.vertices[-1], self.vertices[0]) for i in xrange(0, len(self.vertices)): if cw ^ isright(self.vertices[i-2], self.vertices[i-1], self.vertices[i]): return False return True def intersection(self, o): res = [] for side in self.sides: inter = GeometryEntity.do_intersection(side, o) if inter is not None: res.extend(inter) return res def __eq__(self, o): if not isinstance(o, Polygon): return False # Find indices of points that are the same as the first point # in the other polygon n1,n2 = len(self.vertices), len(o.vertices) start_indices = [] for ind in xrange(0, n1): if self.vertices[ind] == o.vertices[0]: start_indices.append(ind) if len(start_indices) == 0: return False # Check vertices clockwise and counterclockwise for equality imax = max(n1, n2) for start_ind in start_indices: i = start_ind # Check to see what orientation we should check dir = 0 if self.vertices[(i + 1) % n1] == o.vertices[1]: dir = 1 elif self.vertices[(i - 1) % n1] == o.vertices[1]: dir = -1 # If either point to the left or right if the first point # is value (i.e., dir is nonzero) then check in that direction if dir != 0: areEqual = True for ind in xrange(2, imax): if self.vertices[(i + dir*ind) % n1] != o.vertices[ind % n2]: areEqual = False break if areEqual: return True return False def __contains__(self, o): if isinstance(o, Polygon): return self == o elif isinstance(o, Segment): return o in self.sides elif isinstance(o, Point): if o in self.vertices: return True for side in self.sides: if o in side: return True return False else: return False class RegularPolygon(Polygon): """ A polygon which is regular. Such a polygon has all internal angles equal and all sides the same length. Usage: ====== The polygon is constructed from a center point, a radius value, and the number of sides. The radius value is the distance from the center to a vertex. Example: ======== >>> RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5) RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5) """ def __new__(self, c, r, n, **kwargs): r = sympify(r) if not isinstance(c, Point): raise GeometryError("RegularPolygon.__new__ requires c to be a Point instance") if not isinstance(r, Basic): raise GeometryError("RegularPolygon.__new__ requires r to be a number or Basic instance") if n < 3: raise GeometryError("RegularPolygon.__new__ requires n >= 3") obj = GeometryEntity.__new__(self, c, r, n, **kwargs) return obj @property def vertices(self): points = [] c, r, n = self[:] v = 2*S.Pi/n for k in xrange(0, n): points.append( Point(c[0] + r*C.cos(k*v), c[1] + r*C.sin(k*v)) ) return points @property def center(self): """ Returns the center of the regular polygon (i.e., the center of the circumscribing circle). """ return self.__getitem__(0) @property def radius(self): """ Returns the radius of the regular polygon (i.e., the radius of the circumscribing circle). """ return self.__getitem__(1) @property def apothem(self): """ Returns the apothem/inradius of the regular polygon (i.e., the radius of the inscribed circle). """ n = self.__getitem__(2) return self.radius * C.cos(S.Pi/n) @property def interior_angle(self): """Returns the measure of the interior angles.""" n = self.__getitem__(2) return (n-2)*S.Pi/n @property def exterior_angle(self): """Returns the measure of the exterior angles.""" n = self.__getitem__(2) return 2*S.Pi/n @property def circumcircle(self): """Returns a Circle instance describing the circumcircle.""" return Circle(, self.radius) @property def incircle(self): """Returns a Circle instance describing the inscribed circle.""" return Circle(, self.apothem) @property def angles(self): ret = {} ang = self.interior_angle for v in self.vertices: ret[v] = ang return ret class Triangle(Polygon): """Any 3-sided polygon.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): vertices = GeometryEntity.extract_entities(args, remove_duplicates=False) if len(vertices) != 3: raise GeometryError("Triangle.__new__ requires three points") for p in vertices: if not isinstance(p, Point): raise GeometryError("Triangle.__new__ requires three points") return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *vertices, **kwargs) @property def vertices(self): return self[:] def is_similar(t1, t2): if not isinstance(t2, Polygon) or len(t2) != 3: return False s1_1, s1_2, s1_3 = [side.length for side in t1.sides] s2 = [side.length for side in t2.sides] def _are_similar(u1, u2, u3, v1, v2, v3): e1 = simplify(u1/v1) e2 = simplify(u2/v2) e3 = simplify(u3/v3) return bool(e1 == e2) and bool(e2 == e3) # There's only 6 permutations, so write them out return _are_similar(s1_1, s1_2, s1_3, *s2) or \ _are_similar(s1_1, s1_3, s1_2, *s2) or \ _are_similar(s1_2, s1_1, s1_3, *s2) or \ _are_similar(s1_2, s1_3, s1_1, *s2) or \ _are_similar(s1_3, s1_1, s1_2, *s2) or \ _are_similar(s1_3, s1_2, s1_1, *s2) def is_equilateral(self): """Returns True if the triangle is equilateral, False otherwise.""" s = self.sides return bool(s[0].length == s[1].length) and bool(s[1].length == s[2].length) def is_right(self): """Returns True if the triangle is right-angled, False otherwise.""" s = self.sides return Segment.is_perpendicular(s[0], s[1]) or \ Segment.is_perpendicular(s[1], s[2]) or \ Segment.is_perpendicular(s[0], s[2]) @property def altitudes(self): """ The altitudes of the triangle in a dictionary where the key is the vertex and the value is the altitude at that point. Example: ======== >>> p1,p2,p3 = Point(0,0), Point(1,0), Point(0,1) >>> t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3) >>> t.altitudes[p1] Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1/2, 1/2)) """ s = self.sides v = self.vertices return {v[0]: s[1].perpendicular_segment(v[0]), v[1]: s[2].perpendicular_segment(v[1]), v[2]: s[0].perpendicular_segment(v[2])} @property def orthocenter(self): """The orthocenter of the triangle.""" a = self.altitudes return GeometryEntity.intersect(a[1], a[2])[0] @property def circumcenter(self): """The circumcenter of the triangle.""" a,b,c = [x.perpendicular_bisector() for x in self.sides] return GeometryEntity.do_intersection(a, b)[0] @property def circumradius(self): """The radius of the circumcircle of the triangle.""" return Point.distance(self.circumcenter, self.vertices[0]) @property def circumcircle(self): """The circumcircle of the triangle.""" return Circle(self.circumcenter, self.circumradius) @property def bisectors(self): """ The angle bisectors of the triangle in a dictionary where the key is the vertex and the value is the bisector at that point. Example: ======== >>> p1,p2,p3 = Point(0,0), Point(1,0), Point(0,1) >>> t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3) >>> from sympy import sqrt >>> t.bisectors[p2] == Segment(Point(0, sqrt(2)-1), Point(1, 0)) True """ s = self.sides v = self.vertices c = self.incenter l1 = Segment(v[0], GeometryEntity.do_intersection(Line(v[0], c), s[1])[0]) l2 = Segment(v[1], GeometryEntity.do_intersection(Line(v[1], c), s[2])[0]) l3 = Segment(v[2], GeometryEntity.do_intersection(Line(v[2], c), s[0])[0]) return {v[0]: l1, v[1]: l2, v[2]: l3} @property def incenter(self): """The incenter of the triangle.""" s = self.sides v = self.vertices A,B,C = v[0],v[1],v[2] a,b,c = s[1].length,s[2].length,s[0].length x = simplify( (a*A[0] + b*B[0] + c*C[0]) / (a+b+c) ) y = simplify( (a*A[1] + b*B[1] + c*C[1]) / (a+b+c) ) return Point(x, y) @property def inradius(self): """The inradius of the triangle.""" return simplify(self.area / self.perimeter) @property def incircle(self): """The incircle of the triangle.""" return Circle(self.incenter, self.inradius) @property def medians(self): """ The medians of the triangle in a dictionary where the key is the vertex and the value is the median at that point. Example: ======== >>> p1,p2,p3 = Point(0,0), Point(1,0), Point(0,1) >>> t = Triangle(p1, p2, p3) >>> t.medians[p1] Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1/2, 1/2)) """ s = self.sides v = self.vertices return {v[0]: Segment(s[1].midpoint, v[0]), v[1]: Segment(s[2].midpoint, v[1]), v[2]: Segment(s[0].midpoint, v[2])} @property def medial(self): """ The medial triangle of the triangle, the triangle which is formed from the midpoints of the three sides. """ s = self.sides return Triangle(s[0].midpoint, s[1].midpoint, s[2].midpoint) #@property #def excircles(self): # """Returns a list of the three excircles for this triangle.""" # pass