def intersection(*entities): """ Finds the intersection between a list GeometryEntity instances. Returns a list of all the intersections, Will raise a NotImplementedError exception if unable to calculate the intersection. Examples: ========= >>> from sympy.geometry import * >>> p1,p2,p3 = Point(0,0), Point(1,1), Point(-1, 5) >>> l1, l2 = Line(p1, p2), Line(p3, p2) >>> c = Circle(p2, 1) >>> intersection(l1, p2) [Point(1, 1)] >>> intersection(l1, l2) [Point(1, 1)] >>> intersection(c, p2) [] >>> intersection(c, Point(1, 0)) [Point(1, 0)] >>> intersection(c, l2) [Point(1 - 5**(1/2)/5, 1 + 2*5**(1/2)/5), Point(1 + 5**(1/2)/5, 1 - 2*5**(1/2)/5)] Notes: ====== - The intersection of any geometrical entity with itself should return a list with one item: the entity in question. - An intersection requires two or more entities. If only a single entity is given then one will receive an empty intersection list. - It is possible for intersection() to miss intersections that one knows exists because the required quantities were not fully simplified internally. """ from entity import GeometryEntity entities = GeometryEntity.extract_entities(entities, False) if len(entities) <= 1: return [] res = GeometryEntity.do_intersection(entities[0], entities[1]) for entity in entities[2:]: newres = [] for x in res: newres.extend( GeometryEntity.do_intersection(x, entity) ) res = newres return res def convex_hull(*args): """ Returns a Polygon representing the convex hull of a set of 2D points. Notes: ====== This can only be performed on a set of non-symbolic points. Example: ======== >>> from sympy.geometry import Point >>> points = [ Point(x) for x in [(1,1), (1,2), (3,1), (-5,2), (15,4)] ] >>> convex_hull(points) Polygon(Point(-5, 2), Point(1, 1), Point(3, 1), Point(15, 4)) Description of method used: =========================== See """ from point import Point from line import Segment from polygon import Polygon def uniquify(a): ret = {} # not order preserving map(ret.__setitem__, a, []) return ret.keys() p = args[0] if isinstance(p, Point): p = uniquify(args) if len(p) is 1: return p[0] else: if len(p) is 2: return Segment(p[0],p[1]) def orientation(p,q,r): '''Return positive if p-q-r are clockwise, neg if ccw, zero if colinear.''' return (q[1]-p[1])*(r[0]-p[0]) - (q[0]-p[0])*(r[1]-p[1]) '''scan to find upper and lower convex hulls of a set of 2d points.''' U = [] L = [] #print "[graham] points:",Points p.sort() for p_i in p: while len(U) > 1 and orientation(U[-2],U[-1],p_i) <= 0: U.pop() while len(L) > 1 and orientation(L[-2],L[-1],p_i) >= 0: L.pop() U.append(p_i) L.append(p_i) #print "[graham] result:", U,L U.reverse() convexHull = tuple(L+U[1:-1]) #convexHull = uniquify(convexHull) #print "U:",U.reverse() #print "L:",L #print "ch(",len(convexHull),"):",convexHull if len(convexHull) is 2: return Segment(convexHull[0],convexHull[1]) return Polygon(convexHull) def are_similar(e1, e2): """ Returns True if e1 and e2 are similar (one can be uniformly scaled to the other) or False otherwise. Notes: ====== - If the two objects are equal then they are always similar. """ if e1 == e2: return True try: return e1.is_similar(e2) except AttributeError: try: return e2.is_similar(e1) except AttributeError: n1 = e1.__class__.__name__ n2 = e2.__class__.__name__ raise GeometryError("Cannot test similarity between %s and %s" % (n1, n2))