from sympy import Basic, Symbol, symbols, sympify from plot_interval import PlotInterval from plot_object import PlotObject from color_scheme import ColorScheme from util import parse_option_string from sympy.geometry.entity import GeometryEntity class PlotMode(PlotObject): """ Grandparent class for plotting modes. Serves as interface for registration, lookup, and init of modes. To create a new plot mode, inherit from PlotModeBase or one of its children, such as PlotSurface or PlotCurve. """ ## Class-level attributes ## used to register and lookup ## plot modes. See PlotModeBase ## for descriptions and usage. i_vars, d_vars = '', '' intervals = [] aliases = [] is_default = False ## Draw is the only method here which ## is meant to be overridden in child ## classes, and PlotModeBase provides ## a base implementation. def draw(self): raise NotImplementedError() ## Everything else in this file has to ## do with registration and retrieval ## of plot modes. This is where I've ## hidden much of the ugliness of automatic ## plot mode divination... ## Plot mode registry data structures _mode_alias_list = [] _mode_map = { 1: {1: {}, 2: {}}, 2: {1: {}, 2: {}}, 3: {1: {}, 2: {}}, } # [d][i][alias_str]: class _mode_default_map = { 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, } # [d][i]: class _i_var_max, _d_var_max = 2, 3 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This is the function which interprets arguments given to Plot.__init__ and Plot.__setattr__. Returns an initialized instance of the appropriate child class. """ nargs, nkwargs = PlotMode._extract_options(args, kwargs) mode_arg = nkwargs.get('mode', '') # Interpret the arguments d_vars, intervals = PlotMode._interpret_args(nargs) i_vars = PlotMode._find_i_vars(d_vars, intervals) i, d = max([len(i_vars), len(intervals)]), len(d_vars) # Find the appropriate mode subcls = PlotMode._get_mode(mode_arg, i, d) # Create the object o = object.__new__(subcls) # Do some setup for the mode instance o.d_vars = d_vars o._fill_i_vars(i_vars) o._fill_intervals(intervals) o.options = nkwargs return o @staticmethod def _get_mode(mode_arg, i_var_count, d_var_count): """ Tries to return an appropriate mode class. Intended to be called only by __new__. mode_arg Can be a string or a class. If it is a PlotMode subclass, it is simply returned. If it is a string, it can an alias for a mode or an empty string. In the latter case, we try to find a default mode for the i_var_count and d_var_count. i_var_count The number of independent variables needed to evaluate the d_vars. d_var_count The number of dependent variables; usually the number of functions to be evaluated in plotting. For example, a cartesian function y = f(x) has one i_var (x) and one d_var (y). A parametric form x,y,z = f(u,v), f(u,v), f(u,v) has two two i_vars (u,v) and three d_vars (x,y,z). """ # if the mode_arg is simply a PlotMode class, # check that the mode supports the numbers # of independent and dependent vars, then # return it try: m = None if issubclass(mode_arg, PlotMode): m = mode_arg except: pass if m: if not m._was_initialized: raise ValueError(("To use unregistered plot mode %s " "you must first call %s._init_mode().") % (m.__name__, m.__name__)) if d_var_count != m.d_var_count: raise ValueError(("%s can only plot functions " "with %i dependent variables.") % (m.__name__, m.d_var_count)) if i_var_count > m.i_var_count: raise ValueError(("%s cannot plot functions " "with more than %i independent " "variables.") % (m.__name__, m.i_var_count)) return m # If it is a string, there are two possibilities. if isinstance(mode_arg, str): i, d = i_var_count, d_var_count if i > PlotMode._i_var_max: raise ValueError(var_count_error(True, True)) if d > PlotMode._d_var_max: raise ValueError(var_count_error(False, True)) # If the string is '', try to find a suitable # default mode if not mode_arg: return PlotMode._get_default_mode(i, d) # Otherwise, interpret the string as a mode # alias (e.g. 'cartesian', 'parametric', etc) else: return PlotMode._get_aliased_mode(mode_arg, i, d) else: raise ValueError("PlotMode argument must be " "a class or a string") @staticmethod def _get_default_mode(i, d, i_vars=-1): if i_vars == -1: i_vars = i try: return PlotMode._mode_default_map[d][i] except: # Keep looking for modes in higher i var counts # which support the given d var count until we # reach the max i_var count. if i < PlotMode._i_var_max: return PlotMode._get_default_mode(i+1, d, i_vars) else: raise ValueError(("Couldn't find a default mode " "for %i independent and %i " "dependent variables.") % (i_vars, d)) @staticmethod def _get_aliased_mode(alias, i, d, i_vars=-1): if i_vars == -1: i_vars = i if alias not in PlotMode._mode_alias_list: raise ValueError(("Couldn't find a mode called" " %s. Known modes: %s.") % (alias, ", ".join(PlotMode._mode_alias_list))) try: return PlotMode._mode_map[d][i][alias] except: # Keep looking for modes in higher i var counts # which support the given d var count and alias # until we reach the max i_var count. if i < PlotMode._i_var_max: return PlotMode._get_aliased_mode(alias, i+1, d, i_vars) else: raise ValueError(("Couldn't find a %s mode " "for %i independent and %i " "dependent variables.") % (alias, i_vars, d)) @classmethod def _register(cls): """ Called once for each user-usable plot mode. For Cartesian2D, it is invoked after the class definition: Cartesian2D._register() """ name = cls.__name__ #try: cls._init_mode() #except Exception, e: # raise RuntimeError( ("Failed to initialize " # "plot mode %s. Reason: %s") # % (name, (str(e))) ) try: i, d = cls.i_var_count, cls.d_var_count # Add the mode to _mode_map under all # given aliases for a in cls.aliases: if a not in PlotMode._mode_alias_list: # Also track valid aliases, so # we can quickly know when given # an invalid one in _get_mode. PlotMode._mode_alias_list.append(a) PlotMode._mode_map[d][i][a] = cls if cls.is_default: # If this mode was marked as the # default for this d,i combination, # also set that. PlotMode._mode_default_map[d][i] = cls except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError( ("Failed to register " "plot mode %s. Reason: %s") % (name, (str(e))) ) @classmethod def _init_mode(cls): """ Initializes the plot mode based on the 'mode-specific parameters' above. Only intended to be called by PlotMode._register(). To use a mode without registering it, you can directly call ModeSubclass._init_mode(). """ def symbols_list(symbol_str): """ symbols() doesn't behave exactly like I need. I need a list even when len(str) == 1 or 0. """ if len(symbol_str) == 0: return [] if len(symbol_str) == 1: return [Symbol(symbol_str)] return symbols(symbol_str) # Convert the vars strs into # lists of symbols. cls.i_vars = symbols_list(cls.i_vars) cls.d_vars = symbols_list(cls.d_vars) # Var count is used often, calculate # it once here cls.i_var_count = len(cls.i_vars) cls.d_var_count = len(cls.d_vars) if cls.i_var_count > PlotMode._i_var_max: raise ValueError(var_count_error(True, False)) if cls.d_var_count > PlotMode._d_var_max: raise ValueError(var_count_error(False, False)) # Try to use first alias as primary_alias if len(cls.aliases) > 0: cls.primary_alias = cls.aliases[0] else: cls.primary_alias = cls.__name__ di = cls.intervals if len(di) != cls.i_var_count: raise ValueError("Plot mode must provide a " "default interval for each i_var.") for i in range(cls.i_var_count): assert len(di[i]) == 3 # default intervals # must be given # [min,max,steps] # # (no var, but they # must be in the same # order as i_vars) # Initialize an incomplete interval, # to later be filled with a var when # the mode is instantiated. di[i] = PlotInterval(None, *di[i]) # To prevent people from using modes # without these required fields set up. cls._was_initialized = True _was_initialized = False ## Initializer Helper Methods @staticmethod def _find_i_vars(functions, intervals): i_vars = [] # First, collect i_vars in the # order they are given in any # intervals. for i in intervals: if i.v is None: continue elif i.v in i_vars: raise ValueError(("Multiple intervals given " "for %s.") % (str(i.v))) i_vars.append(i.v) # Then, find any remaining # i_vars in given functions # (aka d_vars) for f in functions: for a in f.atoms(Symbol): if a not in i_vars: i_vars.append(a) return i_vars def _fill_i_vars(self, i_vars): # copy default i_vars self.i_vars = [Symbol(str(i)) for i in self.i_vars] # replace with given i_vars for i in range(len(i_vars)): self.i_vars[i] = i_vars[i] def _fill_intervals(self, intervals): # copy default intervals self.intervals = [PlotInterval(i) for i in self.intervals] # track i_vars used so far v_used = [] # fill copy of default # intervals with given info for i in range(len(intervals)): self.intervals[i].fill_from(intervals[i]) if self.intervals[i].v is not None: v_used.append(self.intervals[i].v) # Find any orphan intervals and # assign them i_vars for i in range(len(self.intervals)): if self.intervals[i].v is None: u = [v for v in self.i_vars if v not in v_used] assert len(u) != 0 self.intervals[i].v = u[0] v_used.append(u[0]) @staticmethod def _interpret_args(args): interval_wrong_order = "PlotInterval %s was given before any function(s)." interpret_error = "Could not interpret %s as a function or interval." functions, intervals = [], [] if isinstance(args[0], GeometryEntity): for coords in list(args[0].arbitrary_point()): functions.append(coords) intervals.append(PlotInterval.try_parse(args[0].plot_interval())) else: for a in args: i = PlotInterval.try_parse(a) if i is not None: if len(functions) == 0: raise ValueError(interval_wrong_order % (str(i))) else: intervals.append(i) else: if isinstance(a, (str, list, tuple)): raise ValueError(interpret_error % (str(a))) try: f = sympify(a) functions.append(f) except: raise ValueError(interpret_error % str(a)) return functions, intervals @staticmethod def _extract_options(args, kwargs): nkwargs, nargs = {}, [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, str): nkwargs = dict(nkwargs, **parse_option_string(a)) else: nargs.append(a) nkwargs = dict(nkwargs, **kwargs) return nargs, nkwargs def var_count_error(is_independent, is_plotting): """ Used to format an error message which differs slightly in 4 places. """ if is_plotting: v = "Plotting" else: v = "Registering plot modes" if is_independent: n, s = PlotMode._i_var_max, "independent" else: n, s = PlotMode._d_var_max, "dependent" return ("%s with more than %i %s variables " "is not supported.") % (v, n, s)