from sympy.core import sympify, Lambda, Symbol, Integer, Rational, oo, Real, pi from sympy.functions import sqrt, exp, erf from sympy.printing import _StrPrinter as StrPrinter import random class Sample(tuple): """ Sample([x1, x2, x3, ...]) represents a collection of samples. Sample parameters like mean, variance and stddev can be accessed as properties. The sample will be sorted. """ def __new__(cls, sample): s = tuple.__new__(cls, sorted(sample)) s.mean = mean = sum(s) / Integer(len(s)) s.variance = sum([(x-mean)**2 for x in s]) / Integer(len(s)) s.stddev = sqrt(s.variance) if len(s) % 2: s.median = s[len(s)//2] else: s.median = sum(s[len(s)//2-1:len(s)//2+1]) / Integer(2) return s def __repr__(self): return StrPrinter.doprint(self) class ContinuousProbability(object): """Base class for continuous probability distributions""" def probability(s, a, b): """Calculate the probability that a random number x generated from the distribution satisfies a <= x <= b """ return s.cdf(b) - s.cdf(a) def random(s, n=None): """ random() -- generate a random number from the distribution. random(n) -- generate a Sample of n random numbers. """ if n is None: return s._random() else: return Sample([s._random() for i in xrange(n)]) def __repr__(self): return StrPrinter.doprint(self) class Normal(ContinuousProbability): """ Normal(mu, sigma) represents the normal or Gaussian distribution with mean value mu and standard deviation sigma. Example usage: >>> N = Normal(1, 2) >>> N.mean 1 >>> N.variance 4 >>> N.probability(-oo, 1) # probability on an interval 1/2 >>> N.probability(1, oo) 1/2 >>> N.probability(-oo, oo) 1 >>> N.probability(-1, 3) erf(2**(1/2)/2) >>> _.evalf() 0.682689492137086 """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma): = sympify(mu) self.sigma = sympify(sigma) mean = property(lambda s: median = property(lambda s: mode = property(lambda s: stddev = property(lambda s: s.sigma) variance = property(lambda s: s.sigma**2) def pdf(s, x): """Return the probability density function as an expression in x""" x = sympify(x) return 1/(s.sigma*sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-(**2 / (2*s.sigma**2)) def cdf(s, x): """Return the cumulative density function as an expression in x""" x = sympify(x) return (1+erf((*sqrt(2))))/2 def _random(s): return random.gauss(float(, float(s.sigma)) def confidence(s, p): """Return a symmetric (p*100)% confidence interval. For example, p=0.95 gives a 95% confidence interval. Currently this function only handles numerical values except in the trivial case p=1. Examples usage: # One standard deviation >>> N = Normal(0, 1) >>> N.confidence(0.68) (-0.994457883209753, 0.994457883209753) >>> N.probability(*_).evalf() 0.680000000000000 # Two standard deviations >>> N = Normal(0, 1) >>> N.confidence(0.95) (-1.95996398454005, 1.95996398454005) >>> N.probability(*_).evalf() 0.950000000000000 """ if p == 1: return (-oo, oo) assert p <= 1 # In terms of n*sigma, we have n = sqrt(2)*ierf(p). The inverse # error function is not yet implemented in SymPy but can easily be # computed numerically from sympy.mpmath import mpf, erfinv # calculate y = ierf(p) by solving erf(y) - p = 0 y = erfinv(mpf(p)) t = Real(str(mpf(float(s.sigma)) * mpf(2)**0.5 * y)) mu = return (mu-t, mu+t) @staticmethod def fit(sample): """Create a normal distribution fit to the mean and standard deviation of the given distribution or sample.""" if not hasattr(sample, "stddev"): sample = Sample(sample) return Normal(sample.mean, sample.stddev) class Uniform(ContinuousProbability): """ Uniform(a, b) represents a probability distribution with uniform probability density on the interval [a, b] and zero density everywhere else. """ def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = sympify(a) self.b = sympify(b) mean = property(lambda s: (s.a+s.b)/2) median = property(lambda s: (s.a+s.b)/2) mode = property(lambda s: (s.a+s.b)/2) # arbitrary variance = property(lambda s: (s.b-s.a)**2 / 12) stddev = property(lambda s: sqrt(s.variance)) def pdf(s, x): """Return the probability density function as an expression in x""" x = sympify(x) if not x.is_Number: raise NotImplementedError("SymPy does not yet support" "piecewise functions") if x < s.a or x > s.b: return Rational(0) return 1/(s.b-s.a) def cdf(s, x): """Return the cumulative density function as an expression in x""" x = sympify(x) if not x.is_Number: raise NotImplementedError("SymPy does not yet support" "piecewise functions") if x <= s.a: return Rational(0) if x >= s.b: return Rational(1) return (x-s.a)/(s.b-s.a) def _random(s): return Real(random.uniform(float(s.a), float(s.b))) def confidence(s, p): """Generate a symmetric (p*100)% confidence interval. >>> U = Uniform(1, 2) >>> U.confidence(1) (1, 2) >>> U.confidence(Rational(1,2)) (5/4, 7/4) """ p = sympify(p) assert p <= 1 d = (s.b-s.a)*p / 2 return (s.mean - d, s.mean + d) @staticmethod def fit(sample): """Create a uniform distribution fit to the mean and standard deviation of the given distribution or sample.""" if not hasattr(sample, "stddev"): sample = Sample(sample) m = sample.mean d = sqrt(12*sample.variance)/2 return Uniform(m-d, m+d) class PDF(ContinuousProbability): """ PDF(func, (x, a, b)) represents continuous probability distribution with probability distribution function func(x) on interval (a, b) If func is not normalized so that integrate(func, (x, a, b)) == 1, it can be normalized using PDF.normalize() method Example usage: >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> a = Symbol('a', positive=True) >>> exponential = PDF(exp(-x/a)/a, (x,0,oo)) >>> exponential.pdf(x) exp(-x/a)/a >>> exponential.cdf(x) 1 - exp(-x/a) >>> exponential.mean a >>> exponential.variance a**2 """ def __init__(self, pdf, var): #XXX maybe add some checking of parameters if isinstance(var, (tuple, list)): self.pdf = Lambda(var[0], pdf) self.domain = tuple(var[1:]) else: self.pdf = Lambda(var, pdf) self.domain = (-oo, oo) self._cdf = None self._mean = None self._variance = None self._stddev = None def normalize(self): """ Normalize the probability distribution function so that integrate(self.pdf(x), (x, a, b)) == 1 Example usage: >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> x = Symbol('x') >>> a = Symbol('a', positive=True) >>> exponential = PDF(exp(-x/a), (x,0,oo)) >>> exponential.normalize().pdf(x) exp(-x/a)/a """ norm = self.probability(*self.domain) if norm != 1: w = Symbol('w', real=True, dummy=True) return self.__class__(self.pdf(w)/norm, (w, self.domain[0], self.domain[1])) #self._cdf = Lambda(w, (self.cdf(w) - self.cdf(self.domain[0]))/norm) #if self._mean is not None: # self._mean /= norm #if self._variance is not None: # self._variance = (self._variance + (self._mean*norm)**2)/norm - self.mean**2 #if self._stddev is not None: # self._stddev = sqrt(self._variance) else: return self def cdf(self, x): x = sympify(x) if self._cdf is not None: return self._cdf(x) else: from sympy import integrate w = Symbol('w', real=True, dummy=True) self._cdf = integrate(self.pdf(w), w) self._cdf = Lambda(w, self._cdf - self._cdf.subs(w, self.domain[0])) return self._cdf(x) def _get_mean(self): if self._mean is not None: return self._mean else: from sympy import integrate w = Symbol('w', real=True, dummy=True) self._mean = integrate(self.pdf(w)*w,(w,self.domain[0],self.domain[1])) return self._mean def _get_variance(self): if self._variance is not None: return self._variance else: from sympy import integrate, trim, together w = Symbol('w', real=True, dummy=True) self._variance = integrate(self.pdf(w)*w**2,(w,self.domain[0],self.domain[1])) - self.mean**2 self._variance = trim(self._variance) return self._variance def _get_stddev(self): if self._stddev is not None: return self._stddev else: self._stddev = sqrt(self.variance) return self._stddev mean = property(_get_mean) variance = property(_get_variance) stddev = property(_get_stddev) def _random(s): raise NotImplementedError def transform(self,func,var): """Return a probability distribution of random variable func(x) currently only some simple injective functions are supported""" w = Symbol('w', real=True, dummy=True) from sympy import solve inverse = solve(func-w, var) newPdf = S.Zero funcdiff = func.diff(var) #TODO check if x is in domain for x in inverse: # this assignment holds only for x in domain # in general it would require implementing # piecewise defined functions in sympy newPdf += (self.pdf(var)/abs(funcdiff)).subs(var,x) return PDF(newPdf, (w, func.subs(var, self.domain[0]), func.subs(var, self.domain[1])))