######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: October 1, 2002 # Author: Francesc Altet - faltet@carabos.com # # $Id: __init__.py 3246 2007-09-13 11:10:59Z faltet $ # ######################################################################## """ PyTables, hierarchical datasets in Python :URL: http://www.pytables.org/ PyTables is a package for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to efficiently cope with extremely large amounts of data. You can support the development of PyTables by purchasing the PyTables Professional edition available at http://www.carabos.com/products/pytables-pro Most Important Classes ====================== Nodes ~~~~~ Group, Table, Array, CArray, EArray, VLArray, UnImplemented Declarative ~~~~~~~~~~~ IsDescription, {Type}Atom, {Type}Col Helpers ~~~~~~~ File, Filters, Cols, Column First Level Functions ===================== openFile, copyFile, test, print_versions, whichLibVersion, isPyTablesFile, isHDF5File Misc variables ============== __version__, hdf5Version, is_pro """ # Necessary imports to get versions stored on the Pyrex extension from tables.utilsExtension import getPyTablesVersion, getHDF5Version __version__ = getPyTablesVersion() """The PyTables version number.""" hdf5Version = getHDF5Version() """The underlying HDF5 library version number.""" is_pro = __version__.endswith('pro') """True for PyTables Professional edition, false otherwise.""" from tables.utilsExtension import ( isHDF5File, isPyTablesFile, whichLibVersion, lrange ) from tables.misc.enum import Enum from tables.atom import * from tables.flavor import restrict_flavors from tables.description import * from tables.filters import Filters # Import the user classes from the proper modules from tables.exceptions import * from tables.file import File, openFile, copyFile from tables.node import Node from tables.group import Group from tables.leaf import Leaf from tables.table import Table, Cols, Column from tables.array import Array from tables.carray import CArray from tables.earray import EArray from tables.vlarray import VLArray from tables.unimplemented import UnImplemented from tables.tests import print_versions, test # List here only the objects we want to be publicly available __all__ = [ # Exceptions and warnings: 'HDF5ExtError', 'ClosedNodeError', 'ClosedFileError', 'FileModeError', 'NaturalNameWarning', 'NodeError', 'NoSuchNodeError', 'UndoRedoError', 'UndoRedoWarning', 'PerformanceWarning', 'FlavorError', 'FlavorWarning', 'FiltersWarning', # Functions: 'isHDF5File', 'isPyTablesFile', 'whichLibVersion', 'copyFile', 'openFile', 'print_versions', 'test', 'split_type', 'restrict_flavors', 'lrange', # Helper classes: 'IsDescription', 'Description', 'Filters', 'Cols', 'Column', # Types: 'Enum', # Atom types: 'Atom', 'StringAtom', 'BoolAtom', 'IntAtom', 'UIntAtom', 'Int8Atom', 'UInt8Atom', 'Int16Atom', 'UInt16Atom', 'Int32Atom', 'UInt32Atom', 'Int64Atom', 'UInt64Atom', 'FloatAtom', 'Float32Atom', 'Float64Atom', 'ComplexAtom', 'Complex32Atom', 'Complex64Atom', 'Complex128Atom', 'TimeAtom', 'Time32Atom', 'Time64Atom', 'EnumAtom', 'PseudoAtom', 'ObjectAtom', 'VLStringAtom', 'VLUnicodeAtom', # Column types: 'Col', 'StringCol', 'BoolCol', 'IntCol', 'UIntCol', 'Int8Col', 'UInt8Col', 'Int16Col', 'UInt16Col', 'Int32Col', 'UInt32Col', 'Int64Col', 'UInt64Col', 'FloatCol', 'Float32Col', 'Float64Col', 'ComplexCol', 'Complex32Col', 'Complex64Col', 'Complex128Col', 'TimeCol', 'Time32Col', 'Time64Col', 'EnumCol', # Node classes: 'Node', 'Group', 'Leaf', 'Table', 'Array', 'CArray', 'EArray', 'VLArray', 'UnImplemented', # The File class: 'File', # Testing functions: #'createNestedType', ]