######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: October 2, 2004 # Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer - reverse:com.carabos@ivilata # # $Id: test_filenode.py 2490 2007-03-07 13:40:35Z faltet $ # ######################################################################## "Unit test for the filenode module." import unittest, tempfile, os import warnings import tables from tables.nodes import filenode from tables.tests import common __revision__ = '$Id: test_filenode.py 2490 2007-03-07 13:40:35Z faltet $' class NewFileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests creating a new file node with the newNode() function." def test00_NewFile(self): "Creation of a brand new file node." try: fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') node = self.h5file.getNode('/test') except LookupError: self.fail("filenode.newNode() failed to create a new node.") else: self.assertEqual( fnode.node, node, "filenode.newNode() created a node in the wrong place.") def test01_NewFileTooFewArgs(self): "Creation of a new file node without arguments for node creation." self.assertRaises(TypeError, filenode.newNode, self.h5file) def test02_NewFileWithExpectedSize(self): "Creation of a new file node with 'expectedsize' argument." try: filenode.newNode( self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test', expectedsize = 100000) except TypeError: self.fail("\ filenode.newNode() failed to accept 'expectedsize' argument.") def test03_NewFileWithExpectedRows(self): "Creation of a new file node with illegal 'expectedrows' argument." self.assertRaises( TypeError, filenode.newNode, self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test', expectedrows = 100000) class ClosedFileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests calling several methods on a closed file." def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the closed file node in '/test' """ super(ClosedFileTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') self.fnode.close() def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'h5file'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode = None super(ClosedFileTestCase, self).tearDown() # All these tests mey seem odd, but Python (2.3) files # do test whether the file is not closed regardless of their mode. def test00_Close(self): "Closing a closed file." try: self.fnode.close() except ValueError: self.fail("Could not close an already closed file.") def test01_Flush(self): "Flushing a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.flush) def test02_Next(self): "Getting the next line of a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.next) def test03_Read(self): "Reading a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.read) def test04_Readline(self): "Reading a line from a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.readline) def test05_Readlines(self): "Reading lines from a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.readlines) def test06_Seek(self): "Seeking a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.seek, 0) def test07_Tell(self): "Getting the pointer position in a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.tell) def test08_Truncate(self): "Truncating a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.truncate) def test09_Write(self): "Writing a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.write, 'foo') def test10_Writelines(self): "Writing lines to a closed file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.writelines, ['foo\n']) def copyFileToFile(srcfile, dstfile, blocksize = 4096): """copyFileToFile(srcfile, dstfile[, blocksize]) -> None Copies a readable opened file 'srcfile' to a writable opened file 'destfile' in blocks of 'blocksize' bytes (4 KiB by default). """ data = srcfile.read(blocksize) while len(data) > 0: dstfile.write(data) data = srcfile.read(blocksize) class WriteFileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests writing, seeking and truncating a new file node." datafname = 'test_filenode.dat' def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the writable file node in '/test' """ super(WriteFileTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') self.datafname = self._testFilename(self.datafname) def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode' and 'h5file'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None super(WriteFileTestCase, self).tearDown() def test00_WriteFile(self): "Writing a whole file node." datafile = file(self.datafname) try: copyFileToFile(datafile, self.fnode) finally: datafile.close() def test01_SeekFile(self): "Seeking and writing file node." self.fnode.write('0123') self.fnode.seek(8) self.fnode.write('4567') self.fnode.seek(3) data = self.fnode.read(6) self.assertEqual( data, '3\0\0\0\0''4', "Gap caused by forward seek was not properly filled.") self.fnode.seek(0) self.fnode.write('test') self.fnode.seek(0) data = self.fnode.read(4) self.assertNotEqual( data, 'test', "Data was overwritten instead of appended.") self.fnode.seek(-4, 2) data = self.fnode.read(4) self.assertEqual(data, 'test', "Written data was not appended.") self.fnode.seek(0, 2) oldendoff = self.fnode.tell() self.fnode.seek(-2, 2) self.fnode.write('test') newendoff = self.fnode.tell() self.assertEqual( newendoff, oldendoff + 4, "Pointer was not correctly moved on append.") def test02_TruncateFile(self): "Truncating a file node." self.fnode.write('test') self.fnode.seek(2) self.assertRaises(IOError, self.fnode.truncate) self.fnode.seek(6) self.fnode.truncate() self.fnode.seek(0) data = self.fnode.read() self.assertEqual( data, 'test\0\0', "File was not grown to the current offset.") self.fnode.truncate(8) self.fnode.seek(0) data = self.fnode.read() self.assertEqual( data, 'test\0\0\0\0', "File was not grown to an absolute size.") class OpenFileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests opening an existing file node for reading and writing." def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node """ super(OpenFileTestCase, self).setUp() fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') fnode.close() def test00_OpenFileRead(self): "Opening an existing file node for reading." node = self.h5file.getNode('/test') fnode = filenode.openNode(node) self.assertEqual( fnode.node, node, "filenode.openNode() opened the wrong node.") self.assertEqual( fnode.mode, 'r', "File was opened with an invalid mode %s." % repr(fnode.mode)) self.assertEqual( fnode.tell(), 0L, "Pointer is not positioned at the beginning of the file.") fnode.close() def test01_OpenFileReadAppend(self): "Opening an existing file node for reading and appending." node = self.h5file.getNode('/test') fnode = filenode.openNode(node, 'a+') self.assertEqual( fnode.node, node, "filenode.openNode() opened the wrong node.") self.assertEqual( fnode.mode, 'a+', "File was opened with an invalid mode %s." % repr(fnode.mode)) self.assertEqual( fnode.tell(), 0L, "Pointer is not positioned at the beginning of the file.") fnode.close() def test02_OpenFileInvalidMode(self): "Opening an existing file node with an invalid mode." self.assertRaises( IOError, filenode.openNode, self.h5file.getNode('/test'), 'w') # This no longer works since type and type version attributes # are now system attributes. ivb(2004-12-29) ##def test03_OpenFileNoAttrs(self): ## "Opening a node with no type attributes." ## ## node = self.h5file.getNode('/test') ## self.h5file.delNodeAttr('/test', '_type') ## # Another way to get the same result is changing the value. ## ##self.h5file.setNodeAttr('/test', '_type', 'foobar') ## self.assertRaises(ValueError, filenode.openNode, node) class ReadFileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests reading from an existing file node." datafname = 'test_filenode.xbm' def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'datafile', the opened data file * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the readable file node in '/test', with data in it """ self.datafname = self._testFilename(self.datafname) self.datafile = file(self.datafname) super(ReadFileTestCase, self).setUp() fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') copyFileToFile(self.datafile, fnode) fnode.close() self.datafile.seek(0) self.fnode = filenode.openNode(self.h5file.getNode('/test')) def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode', 'h5file' and 'datafile'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None super(ReadFileTestCase, self).tearDown() self.datafile.close() self.datafile = None def test00_CompareFile(self): "Reading and comparing a whole file node." import md5 dfiledigest = md5.new(self.datafile.read()).digest() fnodedigest = md5.new(self.fnode.read()).digest() self.assertEqual( dfiledigest, fnodedigest, "Data read from file node differs from that in the file on disk.") def test01_Write(self): "Writing on a read-only file." self.assertRaises(IOError, self.fnode.write, 'no way') def test02_UseAsImageFile(self): "Using a file node with Python Imaging Library." try: import Image Image.open(self.fnode) except ImportError: # PIL not available, nothing to do. pass except IOError: self.fail("PIL was not able to create an image from the file node.") class ReadlineTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): """ Base class for text line-reading test cases. It provides a set of tests independent of the line separator string. Sub-classes must provide the 'lineSeparator' attribute. """ def setUp(self): """ This method sets the following instance attributes: * ``h5fname``: the name of the temporary HDF5 file. * ``h5file``: the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a ``/test`` node. * ``fnode``: the readable file node in ``/test``, with text in it. """ super(ReadlineTestCase, self).setUp() linesep = self.lineSeparator # Fill the node file with some text. fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') fnode.lineSeparator = linesep fnode.write(linesep) fnode.write('short line%sshort line%s%s' % ((linesep,) * 3)) fnode.write('long line ' * 20 + linesep) fnode.write('unterminated') fnode.close() # Re-open it for reading. self.fnode = filenode.openNode(self.h5file.getNode('/test')) self.fnode.lineSeparator = linesep def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode' and 'h5file'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None super(ReadlineTestCase, self).tearDown() def test00_Readline(self): "Reading individual lines." linesep = self.lineSeparator line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, linesep) line = self.fnode.readline() # 'short line' + linesep line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'short line' + linesep) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, linesep) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'long line ' * 20 + linesep) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'unterminated') line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, '') line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, '') def test01_ReadlineSeek(self): "Reading individual lines and seeking back and forth." linesep = self.lineSeparator lseplen = len(linesep) self.fnode.readline() # linesep self.fnode.readline() # 'short line' + linesep self.fnode.seek(-(lseplen + 4), 1) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual( line, 'line' + linesep, "Seeking back yielded different data.") self.fnode.seek(lseplen + 20, 1) # Into the long line. line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual( line[-(lseplen + 10):], 'long line ' + linesep, "Seeking forth yielded unexpected data.") def test02_Iterate(self): "Iterating over the lines." linesep = self.lineSeparator # Iterate to the end. for line in self.fnode: pass self.assertRaises(StopIteration, self.fnode.next) self.fnode.seek(0) line = self.fnode.next() self.assertEqual(line, linesep) line = self.fnode.next() self.assertEqual(line, 'short line' + linesep) def test03_Readlines(self): "Reading a list of lines." linesep = self.lineSeparator lines = self.fnode.readlines() self.assertEqual( lines, [ linesep, 'short line' + linesep, 'short line' + linesep, linesep, 'long line ' * 20 + linesep, 'unterminated']) def test04_ReadlineSize(self): "Reading individual lines of limited size." linesep = self.lineSeparator lseplen = len(linesep) line = self.fnode.readline() # linesep line = self.fnode.readline(lseplen + 20) self.assertEqual(line, 'short line' + linesep) line = self.fnode.readline(5) self.assertEqual(line, 'short') line = self.fnode.readline(lseplen + 20) self.assertEqual(line, ' line' + linesep) line = self.fnode.readline(lseplen) self.assertEqual(line, linesep) self.fnode.seek(-4, 2) line = self.fnode.readline(4) self.assertEqual(line, 'ated') self.fnode.seek(-4, 2) line = self.fnode.readline(20) self.assertEqual(line, 'ated') def test05_ReadlinesSize(self): "Reading a list of lines with a limited size." linesep = self.lineSeparator lines = self.fnode.readlines( len('%sshort line%sshort' % ((linesep,) * 2))) self.assertEqual( lines, [linesep, 'short line' + linesep, 'short']) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, ' line' + linesep) class MonoReadlineTestCase(ReadlineTestCase): "Tests reading one-byte-separated text lines from an existing file node." lineSeparator = '\n' class MultiReadlineTestCase(ReadlineTestCase): "Tests reading multibyte-separated text lines from an existing file node." lineSeparator = '
' class LineSeparatorTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests text line separator manipulation in a file node." def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the writable file node in '/test' """ super(LineSeparatorTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode' and 'h5file'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None super(LineSeparatorTestCase, self).tearDown() def test00_DefaultLineSeparator(self): "Default line separator." self.assertEqual( self.fnode.lineSeparator, os.linesep, "Default line separator does not match that in os.linesep.") def test01_SetLineSeparator(self): "Setting a valid line separator." try: self.fnode.lineSeparator = 'SEPARATOR' except ValueError: self.fail("Valid line separator was not accepted.") else: self.assertEqual( self.fnode.lineSeparator, 'SEPARATOR', "Line separator was not correctly set.") def test02_SetInvalidLineSeparator(self): "Setting an invalid line separator." self.assertRaises( ValueError, setattr, self.fnode, 'lineSeparator', '') self.assertRaises( ValueError, setattr, self.fnode, 'lineSeparator', 'x' * 1024) class AttrsTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests setting and getting file node attributes." def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the writable file node in '/test' """ super(AttrsTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode' and 'h5file'; removes 'h5fname'. """ self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None super(AttrsTestCase, self).tearDown() # This no longer works since type and type version attributes # are now system attributes. ivb(2004-12-29) ##def test00_GetTypeAttr(self): ## "Getting the type attribute of a file node." ## ## self.assertEqual( ## getattr(self.fnode.attrs, '_type', None), filenode.NodeType, ## "File node has no '_type' attribute.") def test00_MangleTypeAttrs(self): "Mangling the type attributes on a file node." nodeType = getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE', None) self.assertEqual( nodeType, filenode.NodeType, "File node does not have a valid 'NODE_TYPE' attribute.") nodeTypeVersion = getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE_VERSION', None) self.assert_( nodeTypeVersion in filenode.NodeTypeVersions, "File node does not have a valid 'NODE_TYPE_VERSION' attribute.") # System attributes are now writable. ivb(2004-12-30) ##self.assertRaises( ## AttributeError, ## setattr, self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE', 'foobar') ##self.assertRaises( ## AttributeError, ## setattr, self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE_VERSION', 'foobar') # System attributes are now removables. F. Altet (2007-03-06) # self.assertRaises( # AttributeError, # delattr, self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE') # self.assertRaises( # AttributeError, # delattr, self.fnode.attrs, 'NODE_TYPE_VERSION') # System attributes are now writable. ivb(2004-12-30) ##def test01_SetSystemAttr(self): ## "Setting a system attribute on a file node." ## ## self.assertRaises( ## AttributeError, setattr, self.fnode.attrs, 'CLASS', 'foobar') def test02_SetGetDelUserAttr(self): "Setting a user attribute on a file node." self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), None, "Inexistent attribute has a value that is not 'None'.") self.fnode.attrs.userAttr = 'foobar' self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), 'foobar', "User attribute was not correctly set.") self.fnode.attrs.userAttr = 'bazquux' self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), 'bazquux', "User attribute was not correctly changed.") del self.fnode.attrs.userAttr self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), None, "User attribute was not deleted.") # Another way is looking up the attribute in the attribute list. ##if 'userAttr' in self.fnode.attrs._f_list(): ## self.fail("User attribute was not deleted.") def test03_AttrsOnClosedFile(self): "Accessing attributes on a closed file node." self.fnode.close() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.fnode, 'attrs') class ClosedH5FileTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): "Tests accessing a file node in a closed PyTables file." def setUp(self): """setUp() -> None This method sets the following instance attributes: * 'h5fname', the name of the temporary HDF5 file * 'h5file', the closed HDF5 file with a '/test' node * 'fnode', the writable file node in '/test' """ super(ClosedH5FileTestCase, self).setUp() self.fnode = filenode.newNode(self.h5file, where = '/', name = 'test') self.h5file.close() def tearDown(self): """tearDown() -> None Closes 'fnode'; removes 'h5fname'. """ # ivilata: We know that a UserWarning will be raised # because the PyTables file has already been closed. # However, we don't want it to pollute the test output. warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category = UserWarning) self.fnode.close() warnings.filterwarnings('default', category = UserWarning) self.fnode = None super(ClosedH5FileTestCase, self).tearDown() def test00_Write(self): "Writing to a file node in a closed PyTables file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.fnode.write, 'data') def test01_Attrs(self): "Accessing the attributes of a file node in a closed PyTables file." self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, self.fnode, 'attrs') class OldVersionTestCase(common.PyTablesTestCase): """ Base class for old version compatibility test cases. It provides some basic tests for file operations and attribute handling. Sub-classes must provide the 'oldversion' attribute and the 'oldh5fname' attribute. """ def setUp(self): """ This method sets the following instance attributes: * ``h5fname``: the name of the temporary HDF5 file. * ``h5file``: the writable, temporary HDF5 file with a ``/test`` node. * ``fnode``: the readable file node in ``/test``. """ self.h5fname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix = '.h5') self.oldh5fname = self._testFilename(self.oldh5fname) oldh5f = tables.openFile(self.oldh5fname) oldh5f.copyFile(self.h5fname) oldh5f.close() self.h5file = tables.openFile( self.h5fname, 'r+', title = "Test for file node old version compatibility") self.fnode = filenode.openNode(self.h5file.root.test, 'a+') def tearDown(self): """Closes ``fnode`` and ``h5file``; removes ``h5fname``.""" self.fnode.close() self.fnode = None self.h5file.close() self.h5file = None os.remove(self.h5fname) def test00_Read(self): "Reading an old version file node." self.fnode.lineSeparator = '\n' line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'This is only\n') line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'a test file\n') line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'for FileNode version %d\n' % self.oldversion) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, '') self.fnode.seek(0) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'This is only\n') def test01_Write(self): "Writing an old version file node." self.fnode.lineSeparator = '\n' self.fnode.write('foobar\n') self.fnode.seek(-7, 2) line = self.fnode.readline() self.assertEqual(line, 'foobar\n') def test02_Attributes(self): "Accessing attributes in an old version file node." self.fnode.attrs.userAttr = 'foobar' self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), 'foobar', "User attribute was not correctly set.") self.fnode.attrs.userAttr = 'bazquux' self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), 'bazquux', "User attribute was not correctly changed.") del self.fnode.attrs.userAttr self.assertEqual( getattr(self.fnode.attrs, 'userAttr', None), None, "User attribute was not deleted.") class Version1TestCase(OldVersionTestCase): "Basic test for version 1 format compatibility." oldversion = 1 oldh5fname = 'test_filenode_v1.h5' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def suite(): """suite() -> test suite Returns a test suite consisting of all the test cases in the module. """ theSuite = unittest.TestSuite() theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(NewFileTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ClosedFileTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(WriteFileTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(OpenFileTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ReadFileTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MonoReadlineTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MultiReadlineTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(LineSeparatorTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(AttrsTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ClosedH5FileTestCase)) if common.numarray_imported: theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Version1TestCase)) return theSuite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest = 'suite') ## Local Variables: ## mode: python ## py-indent-offset: 4 ## tab-width: 4 ## End: