""" Nested record array implementation for numarray =============================================== :Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer :Contact: ivilata@carabos.com :Created: 2007-01-12 :License: BSD :Revision: $Id: __init__.py 2426 2007-02-23 12:37:49Z ivilata $ This package provides the `NestedRecArray` and `NestedRecord` classes, which can be used to handle arrays of nested records in a way which is compatible with ``numarray.records``. Several utility functions are provided for creating nested record arrays. """ from tables.nra.nestedrecords import ( NestedRecArray, NestedRecord, array, fromarrays, fromnumpy ) __all__ = [ 'NestedRecArray', 'NestedRecord', 'array', 'fromarrays', 'fromnumpy' ]