import sys import unittest import os import tempfile import warnings import types import numpy from tables import * from tables.tests import common from tables.utils import byteorders from tables.tests import common from tables.tests.common import ( allequal, numeric_imported, numarray_imported) if numarray_imported: import numarray if numeric_imported: import Numeric # To delete the internal attributes automagically unittest.TestCase.tearDown = common.cleanup warnings.resetwarnings() class BasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Basic test for all the supported typecodes present in numpy. All of them are included on pytables. """ endiancheck = False def WriteRead(self, testArray): if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running test for array with type '%s'" % \ testArray.dtype.type, print "for class check:", self.title # Create an instance of HDF5 Table self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "w") self.root = self.fileh.root # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = testArray if self.endiancheck and a.dtype.kind <> "S": b = a.byteswap() b.dtype = a.dtype.newbyteorder() a = b self.fileh.createArray(self.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") # Close the file self.fileh.close() # Re-open the file in read-only mode self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r") self.root = self.fileh.root # Read the saved array b = # Compare them. They should be equal. if common.verbose and not allequal(a,b): print "Write and read arrays differ!" #print "Array written:", a print "Array written shape:", a.shape print "Array written itemsize:", a.itemsize print "Array written type:", a.dtype.type #print "Array read:", b print "Array read shape:", b.shape print "Array read itemsize:", b.itemsize print "Array read type:", b.dtype.type if a.dtype.kind <> "S": print "Array written byteorder:", a.dtype.byteorder print "Array read byteorder:", b.dtype.byteorder # Check strictly the array equality assert a.shape == b.shape assert a.shape == self.root.somearray.shape if a.dtype.kind == "S": assert self.root.somearray.atom.type == "string" else: assert a.dtype.type == b.dtype.type assert a.dtype.type == self.root.somearray.atom.dtype.type abo = byteorders[a.dtype.byteorder] bbo = byteorders[b.dtype.byteorder] if abo <> "irrelevant": assert abo == self.root.somearray.byteorder assert bbo == sys.byteorder if self.endiancheck: assert bbo <> abo assert allequal(a,b) self.fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(self.file) return def test00_char(self): "Data integrity during recovery (character objects)" if type(self.tupleChar) <> numpy.ndarray: a = numpy.array(self.tupleChar, dtype="S") else: a = self.tupleChar self.WriteRead(a) return def test00b_char(self): "Data integrity during recovery (string objects)" a = self.tupleChar # Create an instance of HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") # Close the file fileh.close() # Re-open the file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") # Read the saved array b = if type(a) == str: assert type(b) == str assert a == b else: # If a is not a python string, then it should be a list or ndarray assert type(b) in [list, numpy.ndarray] # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test01_char_nc(self): "Data integrity during recovery (non-contiguous character objects)" if type(self.tupleChar) <> numpy.ndarray: a = numpy.array(self.tupleChar, dtype="S") else: a = self.tupleChar if a.ndim == 0: b = a.copy() else: b = a[::2] # Ensure that this numpy string is non-contiguous if len(b) > 1: assert b.flags.contiguous == False self.WriteRead(b) return def test02_types(self): "Data integrity during recovery (numerical types)" # uint64 seems to be unsupported on 64-bit machines! typecodes = ['int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128'] for typecode in typecodes: a = numpy.array(self.tupleInt, typecode) self.WriteRead(a) return def test03_types_nc(self): "Data integrity during recovery (non-contiguous numerical types)" # uint64 seems to be unsupported on 64-bit machines! typecodes = ['int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128'] for typecode in typecodes: a = numpy.array(self.tupleInt, typecode) if a.ndim == 0: b = a.copy() else: b = a[::2] # Ensure that this array is non-contiguous if len(b) > 1: assert b.flags.contiguous == False self.WriteRead(b) return class Basic0DOneTestCase(BasicTestCase): # Scalar case title = "Rank-0 case 1" tupleInt = 3 tupleChar = "3" endiancheck = True class Basic0DTwoTestCase(BasicTestCase): # Scalar case title = "Rank-0 case 2" tupleInt = 33 tupleChar = "33" endiancheck = True class Basic1DZeroTestCase(BasicTestCase): # This test case is not supported by PyTables (HDF5 limitations) # 1D case title = "Rank-1 case 0" tupleInt = () tupleChar = () endiancheck = False class Basic1DOneTestCase(BasicTestCase): "Method doc" # 1D case title = "Rank-1 case 1" tupleInt = (3,) tupleChar = ("a",) endiancheck = True class Basic1DTwoTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 1D case title = "Rank-1 case 2" tupleInt = (3, 4) tupleChar = ("aaa",) endiancheck = True class Basic1DThreeTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 1D case title = "Rank-1 case 3" tupleInt = (3, 4, 5) tupleChar = ("aaa", "bbb",) endiancheck = True class Basic2DOneTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 2D case title = "Rank-2 case 1" tupleInt = numpy.array(numpy.arange((4)**2)); tupleInt.shape = (4,)*2 tupleChar = numpy.array(["abc"]*3**2, dtype="S3"); tupleChar.shape = (3,)*2 endiancheck = True class Basic2DTwoTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 2D case, with a multidimensional dtype title = "Rank-2 case 2" tupleInt = numpy.array(numpy.arange((4)), dtype=(numpy.int_, (4,))) tupleChar = numpy.array(["abc"]*3, dtype=("S3", (3,))) endiancheck = True class Basic10DTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 10D case title = "Rank-10 test" tupleInt = numpy.array(numpy.arange((2)**10)); tupleInt.shape = (2,)*10 tupleChar = numpy.array(["abc"]*2**10, dtype="S3"); tupleChar.shape=(2,)*10 endiancheck = True class Basic32DTestCase(BasicTestCase): # 32D case (maximum) title = "Rank-32 test" tupleInt = numpy.array((32,)); tupleInt.shape = (1,)*32 tupleChar = numpy.array(["121"], dtype="S3"); tupleChar.shape = (1,)*32 class UnalignedAndComplexTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Basic test for all the supported typecodes present in numpy. Most of them are included on PyTables. """ def setUp(self): # Create an instance of HDF5 Table self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "w") self.root = self.fileh.root def tearDown(self): self.fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(self.file) common.cleanup(self) def WriteRead(self, testArray): if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "\nRunning test for array with type '%s'" % \ testArray.dtype.type # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = testArray if self.endiancheck: byteorder = {"little":"big","big":"little"}[sys.byteorder] else: byteorder = sys.byteorder self.fileh.createArray(self.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array", byteorder = byteorder) if self.reopen: self.fileh.close() # Re-open the file in read-only mode self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r") self.root = self.fileh.root # Read the saved array b = # Get an array to be compared in the correct byteorder c = a.newbyteorder(byteorder) # Compare them. They should be equal. if not allequal(c,b) and common.verbose: print "Write and read arrays differ!" print "Array written:", a print "Array written shape:", a.shape print "Array written itemsize:", a.itemsize print "Array written type:", a.dtype.type print "Array read:", b print "Array read shape:", b.shape print "Array read itemsize:", b.itemsize print "Array read type:", b.dtype.type # Check strictly the array equality assert a.shape == b.shape assert a.shape == self.root.somearray.shape if a.dtype.byteorder != "|": assert a.dtype == b.dtype assert a.dtype == self.root.somearray.atom.dtype assert byteorders[b.dtype.byteorder] == sys.byteorder assert self.root.somearray.byteorder == byteorder assert allequal(c,b) return def test01_signedShort_unaligned(self): "Checking an unaligned signed short integer array" r = numpy.rec.array('a'*200, formats='i1,f4,i2', shape=10) a = r["f2"] # Ensure that this array is non-aligned assert a.flags.aligned == False assert a.dtype.type == numpy.int16 self.WriteRead(a) return def test02_float_unaligned(self): "Checking an unaligned single precision array" r = numpy.rec.array('a'*200, formats='i1,f4,i2', shape=10) a = r["f1"] # Ensure that this array is non-aligned assert a.flags.aligned == 0 assert a.dtype.type == numpy.float32 self.WriteRead(a) return def test03_byte_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted byte array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.int8); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test04_short_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted unsigned short int precision array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.uint32); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test05_int_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted integer array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.int32); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test06_longlongint_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted long long integer array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.int64); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test07_float_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted single precision array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.float32); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test08_double_offset(self): "Checking an offsetted double precision array" r = numpy.arange(100, dtype=numpy.float64); r.shape = (10,10) a = r[2] self.WriteRead(a) return def test09_float_offset_unaligned(self): "Checking an unaligned and offsetted single precision array" r = numpy.rec.array('a'*200, formats='i1,3f4,i2', shape=10) a = r["f1"][3] # Ensure that this array is non-aligned assert a.flags.aligned == False assert a.dtype.type == numpy.float32 self.WriteRead(a) return def test10_double_offset_unaligned(self): "Checking an unaligned and offsetted double precision array" r = numpy.rec.array('a'*400, formats='i1,3f8,i2', shape=10) a = r["f1"][3] # Ensure that this array is non-aligned assert a.flags.aligned == False assert a.dtype.type == numpy.float64 self.WriteRead(a) return def test11_int_byteorder(self): "Checking setting data with different byteorder in a range (integer)" # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Save an array with the reversed byteorder on it a = numpy.arange(25, dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(5,5) a = a.byteswap() a = a.newbyteorder() array = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array', a, "byteorder (int)") # Read a subarray (got an array with the machine byteorder) b = array[2:4, 3:5] b = b.byteswap() b = b.newbyteorder() # Set this subarray back to the array array[2:4, 3:5] = b b = b.byteswap() b = b.newbyteorder() # Set this subarray back to the array array[2:4, 3:5] = b # Check that the array is back in the correct byteorder c = array[...] if common.verbose: print "byteorder of array on disk-->", array.byteorder print "byteorder of subarray-->", b.dtype.byteorder print "subarray-->", b print "retrieved array-->", c assert allequal(a,c) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file #os.remove(file) def test12_float_byteorder(self): "Checking setting data with different byteorder in a range (float)" # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Save an array with the reversed byteorder on it a = numpy.arange(25, dtype=numpy.float64).reshape(5,5) a = a.byteswap() a = a.newbyteorder() array = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array', a, "byteorder (float)") # Read a subarray (got an array with the machine byteorder) b = array[2:4, 3:5] b = b.byteswap() b = b.newbyteorder() # Set this subarray back to the array array[2:4, 3:5] = b b = b.byteswap() b = b.newbyteorder() # Set this subarray back to the array array[2:4, 3:5] = b # Check that the array is back in the correct byteorder c = array[...] if common.verbose: print "byteorder of array on disk-->", array.byteorder print "byteorder of subarray-->", b.dtype.byteorder print "subarray-->", b print "retrieved array-->", c assert allequal(a,c) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) class ComplexNotReopenNotEndianTestCase(UnalignedAndComplexTestCase): endiancheck = False reopen = False class ComplexReopenNotEndianTestCase(UnalignedAndComplexTestCase): endiancheck = False reopen = True class ComplexNotReopenEndianTestCase(UnalignedAndComplexTestCase): endiancheck = True reopen = False class ComplexReopenEndianTestCase(UnalignedAndComplexTestCase): endiancheck = True reopen = True class GroupsArrayTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """This test class checks combinations of arrays with groups. """ def test00_iterativeGroups(self): """Checking combinations of arrays with groups.""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test00_iterativeGroups..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Get the root group group = fileh.root # Set the type codes to test # uint64 seems to be unsupported on 64-bit machines! # typecodes = ['int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', # 'int64', 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128'] # The typecodes below does expose an ambiguity that is reported in: # and # typecodes = ['b','B','h','H','i','I','l','L','q','f','d','F','D'] for i, typecode in enumerate(typecodes): a = numpy.ones((3,), typecode) dsetname = 'array_' + typecode if common.verbose: print "Creating dataset:", group._g_join(dsetname) hdfarray = fileh.createArray(group, dsetname, a, "Large array") group = fileh.createGroup(group, 'group' + str(i)) # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") # Get the root group group = fileh.root # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for i in range(len(typecodes)): # Create an array for later comparison a = numpy.ones((3,), typecodes[i]) # Get the dset object hanging from group dset = getattr(group, 'array_' + typecodes[i]) # Get the actual array b = if common.verbose: print "Info from dataset:", dset._v_pathname print " shape ==>", dset.shape, print " type ==> %s" % dset.atom.dtype print "Array b read from file. Shape: ==>", b.shape, print ". Type ==> %s" % b.dtype assert a.shape == b.shape assert a.dtype == b.dtype assert allequal(a,b) # Iterate over the next group group = getattr(group, 'group' + str(i)) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) del a, b, fileh def test01_largeRankArrays(self): """Checking creation of large rank arrays (0 < rank <= 32) It also uses arrays ranks which ranges until maxrank. """ # maximum level of recursivity (deepest group level) achieved: # maxrank = 32 (for a effective maximum rank of 32) # This limit is due to HDF5 library limitations. # There seems to exist a bug in Numeric when dealing with # arrays with rank greater than 20. minrank = 1 maxrank = 32 if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test01_largeRankArrays..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ print "Maximum rank for tested arrays:", maxrank # Open a new empty HDF5 file #file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") file = "test_array.h5" fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") group = fileh.root if common.verbose: print "Rank array writing progress: ", for rank in range(minrank, maxrank + 1): # Create an array of integers, with incrementally bigger ranges a = numpy.ones((1,) * rank, numpy.int32) if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (rank), fileh.createArray(group, "array", a, "Rank: %s" % rank) group = fileh.createGroup(group, 'group' + str(rank)) # Flush the buffers fileh.flush() # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") group = fileh.root if common.verbose: print print "Rank array reading progress: " # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for rank in range(minrank, maxrank + 1): # Create an array for later comparison a = numpy.ones((1,) * rank, numpy.int32) # Get the actual array b = if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (rank), if common.verbose and not allequal(a,b): print "Info from dataset:", dset._v_pathname print " Shape: ==>", dset.shape, print " typecode ==> %c" % dset.typecode print "Array b read from file. Shape: ==>", b.shape, print ". Type ==> %c" % b.dtype # ************** WARNING!!! ***************** # If we compare to arrays of dimensions bigger than 20 # we get a segmentation fault! It is most probably a bug # located on the Numeric package # ************** WARNING!!! ***************** assert a.shape == b.shape assert a.dtype == b.dtype assert allequal(a,b) #print fileh # Iterate over the next group group = fileh.getNode(group, 'group' + str(rank)) if common.verbose: print # This flush the stdout buffer # Close the file fileh.close() # Delete the file os.remove(file) class CopyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test01_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method """ if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test01_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array arr=numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Copy to another Array array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2') if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 if common.verbose: print "array1-->", print "array2-->", #print "dirs-->", dir(array1), dir(array2) print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Check that all the elements are equal allequal(, # Assert other properties in array assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype assert array1.title == array2.title # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test02_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method (where specified)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test02_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array arr=numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Copy to another Array group1 = fileh.createGroup("/", "group1") array2 = array1.copy(group1, 'array2') if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.group1.array2 if common.verbose: print "array1-->", print "array2-->", #print "dirs-->", dir(array1), dir(array2) print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Check that all the elements are equal allequal(, # Assert other properties in array assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype assert array1.title == array2.title # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test03_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method (Numeric flavor)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test03_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array (Numeric flavor) if numeric_imported: arr = Numeric.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], typecode='s') else: # If Numeric not installed, use a numpy object arr = numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Copy to another Array array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2') if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 if common.verbose: print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Assert other properties in array assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor # Very important here! assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype assert array1.title == array2.title # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test04_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method (checking title copying)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test04_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array arr=numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Append some user attrs array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1" array1.attrs.attr2 = 2 # Copy it to another Array array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', title="title array2") if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 # Assert user attributes if common.verbose: print "title of destination array-->", array2.title array2.title == "title array2" # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test05_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method (user attributes copied)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test05_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array arr=numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Append some user attrs array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1" array1.attrs.attr2 = 2 # Copy it to another Array array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', copyuserattrs=1) if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 if common.verbose: print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Assert user attributes array2.attrs.attr1 == "attr1" array2.attrs.attr2 == 2 # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test05b_copy(self): """Checking Array.copy() method (user attributes not copied)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test05b_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Table file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create an Array arr=numpy.array([[456, 2],[3, 457]], dtype='int16') array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1") # Append some user attrs array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1" array1.attrs.attr2 = 2 # Copy it to another Array array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', copyuserattrs=0) if self.close: if common.verbose: print "(closing file version)" fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 if common.verbose: print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Assert user attributes hasattr(array2.attrs, "attr1") == 0 hasattr(array2.attrs, "attr2") == 0 # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) class CloseCopyTestCase(CopyTestCase): close = 1 class OpenCopyTestCase(CopyTestCase): close = 0 class CopyIndexTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test01_index(self): """Checking Array.copy() method with indexes""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test01_index..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Array file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create a numpy r = numpy.arange(200, dtype='int32'); r.shape = (100,2) # Save it in a array: array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', r, "title array1") # Copy to another array array2 = array1.copy("/", 'array2', start=self.start, stop=self.stop, step=self.step) if common.verbose: print "array1-->", print "array2-->", print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Check that all the elements are equal r2 = r[self.start:self.stop:self.step] allequal(r2, # Assert the number of rows in array if common.verbose: print "nrows in array2-->", array2.nrows print "and it should be-->", r2.shape[0] assert r2.shape[0] == array2.nrows # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) def test02_indexclosef(self): """Checking Array.copy() method with indexes (close file version)""" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test02_indexclosef..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Create an instance of an HDF5 Array file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, "w") # Create a numpy r = numpy.arange(200, dtype='int32'); r.shape = (100,2) # Save it in a array: array1 = fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array1', r, "title array1") # Copy to another array array2 = array1.copy("/", 'array2', start=self.start, stop=self.stop, step=self.step) # Close and reopen the file fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") array1 = fileh.root.array1 array2 = fileh.root.array2 if common.verbose: print "array1-->", print "array2-->", print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs) print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs) # Check that all the elements are equal r2 = r[self.start:self.stop:self.step] allequal(r2, # Assert the number of rows in array if common.verbose: print "nrows in array2-->", array2.nrows print "and it should be-->", r2.shape[0] assert r2.shape[0] == array2.nrows # Close the file fileh.close() os.remove(file) class CopyIndex1TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 0 stop = 7 step = 1 class CopyIndex2TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 0 stop = -1 step = 1 class CopyIndex3TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 1 stop = 7 step = 1 class CopyIndex4TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 0 stop = 6 step = 1 class CopyIndex5TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 3 stop = 7 step = 1 class CopyIndex6TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 3 stop = 6 step = 2 class CopyIndex7TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 0 stop = 7 step = 10 class CopyIndex8TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 6 stop = -1 # Negative values means starting from the end step = 1 class CopyIndex9TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 3 stop = 4 step = 1 class CopyIndex10TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = 3 stop = 4 step = 2 class CopyIndex11TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = -3 stop = -1 step = 2 class CopyIndex12TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase): start = -1 # Should point to the last element stop = None # None should mean the last element (including it) step = 1 class GetItemTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test00_single(self): "Single element access (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original first element:", a[0] print "Read first element:", arr[0] assert allequal(a[0], arr[0]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test01_single(self): "Single element access (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original first element:", a[0] print "Read first element:", arr[0] assert a[0] == arr[0] # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test02_range(self): "Range element access (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4] assert allequal(a[1:4], arr[1:4]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test03_range(self): "Range element access (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4] assert allequal(a[1:4], arr[1:4]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test04_range(self): "Range element access, strided (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4:2] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4:2] assert allequal(a[1:4:2], arr[1:4:2]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test05_range(self): "Range element access, strided (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4:2] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4:2] assert allequal(a[1:4:2], arr[1:4:2]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test06_negativeIndex(self): "Negative Index element access (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last element:", a[-1] print "Read last element:", arr[-1] assert allequal(a[-1], arr[-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test07_negativeIndex(self): "Negative Index element access (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original before last element:", a[-2] print "Read before last element:", arr[-2] if isinstance(a[-2], numpy.ndarray): assert allequal(a[-2], arr[-2]) else: assert a[-2] == arr[-2] # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test08_negativeRange(self): "Negative range element access (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last elements:", a[-4:-1] print "Read last elements:", arr[-4:-1] assert allequal(a[-4:-1], arr[-4:-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test09_negativeRange(self): "Negative range element access (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last elements:", a[-4:-1] print "Read last elements:", arr[-4:-1] assert allequal(a[-4:-1], arr[-4:-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return class GI1NATestCase(GetItemTestCase): title = "Rank-1 case 1" numericalList = numpy.array([3]) numericalListME = numpy.array([3,2,1,0,4,5,6]) charList = numpy.array(["3"]) charListME = numpy.array(["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"]) class GI1NAOpenTestCase(GI1NATestCase): close = 0 class GI1NACloseTestCase(GI1NATestCase): close = 1 class GI2NATestCase(GetItemTestCase): # A more complex example title = "Rank-1,2 case 2" numericalList = numpy.array([3,4]) numericalListME = numpy.array([[3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [2,1,0,4,5,6,7], [4,3,2,1,0,4,5], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6]]) charList = numpy.array(["a","b"]) charListME = numpy.array([["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["21","21","11","02","42","21","61"], ["31","21","12","21","41","51","621"], ["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["3241","2321","13216","0621","4421","5421","a621"], ["a321","s221","d121","g021","b421","5vvv21","6zxzxs21"]]) class GI2NAOpenTestCase(GI2NATestCase): close = 0 class GI2NACloseTestCase(GI2NATestCase): close = 1 class SetItemTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test00_single(self): "Single element update (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify a single element of a and arr: a[0] = "b" arr[0] = "b" # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original first element:", a[0] print "Read first element:", arr[0] assert allequal(a[0], arr[0]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test01_single(self): "Single element update (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: a[0] = 333 arr[0] = 333 # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original first element:", a[0] print "Read first element:", arr[0] assert a[0] == arr[0] # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test02_range(self): "Range element update (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: a[1:3] = "xXx" arr[1:3] = "xXx" # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4] assert allequal(a[1:4], arr[1:4]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test03_range(self): "Range element update (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = slice(1,3,None) rng = numpy.arange(a[s].size)*2+3; rng.shape = a[s].shape a[s] = rng arr[s] = rng # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4] assert allequal(a[1:4], arr[1:4]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test04_range(self): "Range element update, strided (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = slice(1,4,2) a[s] = "xXx" arr[s] = "xXx" # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4:2] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4:2] assert allequal(a[1:4:2], arr[1:4:2]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test05_range(self): "Range element update, strided (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = slice(1,4,2) rng = numpy.arange(a[s].size)*2+3; rng.shape = a[s].shape a[s] = rng arr[s] = rng # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original elements:", a[1:4:2] print "Read elements:", arr[1:4:2] assert allequal(a[1:4:2], arr[1:4:2]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test06_negativeIndex(self): "Negative Index element update (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = -1 a[s] = "xXx" arr[s] = "xXx" # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last element:", a[-1] print "Read last element:", arr[-1] assert allequal(a[-1], arr[-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test07_negativeIndex(self): "Negative Index element update (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = -2 a[s] = a[s]*2+3 arr[s] = arr[s]*2+3 # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original before last element:", a[-2] print "Read before last element:", arr[-2] if isinstance(a[-2], numpy.ndarray): assert allequal(a[-2], arr[-2]) else: assert a[-2] == arr[-2] # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test08_negativeRange(self): "Negative range element update (character types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = slice(-4,-1,None) a[s] = "xXx" arr[s] = "xXx" # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last elements:", a[-4:-1] print "Read last elements:", arr[-4:-1] assert allequal(a[-4:-1], arr[-4:-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test09_negativeRange(self): "Negative range element update (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of a and arr: s = slice(-3,-1,None) rng = numpy.arange(a[s].size)*2+3; rng.shape = a[s].shape a[s] = rng arr[s] = rng # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last elements:", a[-4:-1] print "Read last elements:", arr[-4:-1] assert allequal(a[-4:-1], arr[-4:-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test10_outOfRange(self): "Out of range update (numerical types)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file, 'a') arr = fileh.root.somearray # Modify elements of arr that are out of range: s = slice(1, a.shape[0]+1, None) s2 = slice(1, 1000, None) rng = numpy.arange(a[s].size)*2+3; rng.shape = a[s].shape a[s] = rng rng2 = numpy.arange(a[s2].size)*2+3; rng2.shape = a[s2].shape arr[s2] = rng2 # Get and compare an element if common.verbose: print "Original last elements:", a[-4:-1] print "Read last elements:", arr[-4:-1] assert allequal(a[-4:-1], arr[-4:-1]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return class SI1NATestCase(SetItemTestCase): title = "Rank-1 case 1" numericalList = numpy.array([3]) numericalListME = numpy.array([3,2,1,0,4,5,6]) charList = numpy.array(["3"]) charListME = numpy.array(["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"]) class SI1NAOpenTestCase(SI1NATestCase): close = 0 class SI1NACloseTestCase(SI1NATestCase): close = 1 class SI2NATestCase(SetItemTestCase): # A more complex example title = "Rank-1,2 case 2" numericalList = numpy.array([3,4]) numericalListME = numpy.array([[3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [2,1,0,4,5,6,7], [4,3,2,1,0,4,5], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6]]) charList = numpy.array(["a","b"]) charListME = numpy.array([["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["21","21","11","02","42","21","61"], ["31","21","12","21","41","51","621"], ["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["3241","2321","13216","0621","4421","5421","a621"], ["a321","s221","d121","g021","b421","5vvv21","6zxzxs21"]]) class SI2NAOpenTestCase(SI2NATestCase): close = 0 class SI2NACloseTestCase(SI2NATestCase): close = 1 class GeneratorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test00a_single(self): "Testing generator access to Arrays, single elements (char)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element ga = [i for i in a] garr = [i for i in arr] if common.verbose: print "Result of original iterator:", ga print "Result of read generator:", garr assert ga == garr # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test00b_me(self): "Testing generator access to Arrays, multiple elements (char)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.charListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element ga = [i for i in a] garr = [i for i in arr] if common.verbose: print "Result of original iterator:", ga print "Result of read generator:", garr for i in range(len(ga)): assert allequal(ga[i], garr[i]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test01a_single(self): "Testing generator access to Arrays, single elements (numeric)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalList arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element ga = [i for i in a] garr = [i for i in arr] if common.verbose: print "Result of original iterator:", ga print "Result of read generator:", garr assert ga == garr # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return def test01b_me(self): "Testing generator access to Arrays, multiple elements (numeric)" file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") # Create the array under root and name 'somearray' a = self.numericalListME arr=fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'somearray', a, "Some array") if self.close: fileh.close() fileh = openFile(file) arr = fileh.root.somearray # Get and compare an element ga = [i for i in a] garr = [i for i in arr] if common.verbose: print "Result of original iterator:", ga print "Result of read generator:", garr for i in range(len(ga)): assert allequal(ga[i], garr[i]) # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) return class GE1NATestCase(GeneratorTestCase): title = "Rank-1 case 1" numericalList = numpy.array([3]) numericalListME = numpy.array([3,2,1,0,4,5,6]) charList = numpy.array(["3"]) charListME = numpy.array(["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"]) class GE1NAOpenTestCase(GE1NATestCase): close = 0 class GE1NACloseTestCase(GE1NATestCase): close = 1 class GE2NATestCase(GeneratorTestCase): # A more complex example title = "Rank-1,2 case 2" numericalList = numpy.array([3,4]) numericalListME = numpy.array([[3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [2,1,0,4,5,6,7], [4,3,2,1,0,4,5], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6], [3,2,1,0,4,5,6]]) charList = numpy.array(["a","b"]) charListME = numpy.array([["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["21","21","11","02","42","21","61"], ["31","21","12","21","41","51","621"], ["321","221","121","021","421","521","621"], ["3241","2321","13216","0621","4421","5421","a621"], ["a321","s221","d121","g021","b421","5vvv21","6zxzxs21"]]) class GE2NAOpenTestCase(GE2NATestCase): close = 0 class GE2NACloseTestCase(GE2NATestCase): close = 1 class NonHomogeneousTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): def test(self): """Test for creation of non-homogeneous arrays.""" # This checks ticket #12. h5file = self.h5file self.assertRaises(ValueError, h5file.createArray, '/', 'test', [1, [2, 3]] ) self.assertRaises(NoSuchNodeError, h5file.removeNode, '/test') def suite(): theSuite = unittest.TestSuite() niter = 1 for i in range(niter): # The scalar case test should be refined in order to work theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic0DOneTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic0DTwoTestCase)) #theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic1DZeroTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic1DOneTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic1DTwoTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic1DThreeTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic2DOneTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic2DTwoTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic10DTestCase)) # The 32 dimensions case is tested on GroupsArray #theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Basic32DTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GroupsArrayTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ComplexNotReopenNotEndianTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ComplexReopenNotEndianTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ComplexNotReopenEndianTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ComplexReopenEndianTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CloseCopyTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(OpenCopyTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex1TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex2TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex3TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex4TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex5TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex6TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex7TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex8TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex9TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex10TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex11TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CopyIndex12TestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GI1NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GI1NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GI2NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GI2NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(SI1NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(SI1NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(SI2NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(SI2NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GE1NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GE1NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GE2NAOpenTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GE2NACloseTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(NonHomogeneousTestCase)) return theSuite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main( defaultTest='suite' )