import sys import warnings import unittest import os import tempfile from tables import * # Next imports are only necessary for this test suite from tables import Group, Leaf, Table, Array from tables.tests import common # To delete the internal attributes automagically unittest.TestCase.tearDown = common.cleanup # Test Record class class Record(IsDescription): var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4) # 4-character String var2 = IntCol() # integer var3 = Int16Col() # short integer var4 = FloatCol() # double (double-precision) var5 = Float32Col() # float (single-precision) class TreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): mode = "w" title = "This is the table title" expectedrows = 10 appendrows = 5 def setUp(self): # Create a temporary file self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") # Create an instance of HDF5 Table self.h5file = openFile(self.file, self.mode, self.title) self.populateFile() self.h5file.close() def populateFile(self): group = self.h5file.root maxshort = 1 << 15 maxint = 2147483647 # (2 ** 31 - 1) for j in range(3): # Create a table table = self.h5file.createTable(group, 'table'+str(j), Record, title = self.title, filters = None, expectedrows = self.expectedrows) # Get the record object associated with the new table d = table.row # Fill the table for i in xrange(self.expectedrows): d['var1'] = '%04d' % (self.expectedrows - i) d['var2'] = i d['var3'] = i % maxshort d['var4'] = float(i) d['var5'] = float(i) d.append() # This injects the Record values # Flush the buffer for this table table.flush() # Create a couple of arrays in each group var1List = [ x['var1'] for x in table.iterrows() ] var4List = [ x['var4'] for x in table.iterrows() ] self.h5file.createArray(group, 'var1', var1List, "1") self.h5file.createArray(group, 'var4', var4List, "4") # Create a new group (descendant of group) group2 = self.h5file.createGroup(group, 'group'+str(j)) # Iterate over this new group (group2) group = group2 def tearDown(self): # Close the file if self.h5file.isopen: self.h5file.close() os.remove(self.file) common.cleanup(self) #---------------------------------------- def test00_getNode(self): "Checking the File.getNode() with string node names" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test00_getNode..." % self.__class__.__name__ self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") nodelist = ['/', '/table0', '/group0/var1', '/group0/group1/var4'] nodenames = [] for node in nodelist: object = self.h5file.getNode(node) nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == nodelist if common.verbose: print "getNode(pathname) test passed" nodegroups = ['/', '/group0', '/group0/group1', '/group0/group1/group2'] nodenames = ['var1', 'var4'] nodepaths = [] for group in nodegroups: for name in nodenames: try: object = self.h5file.getNode(group, name) except LookupError: pass else: nodepaths.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodepaths == ['/var1', '/var4', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "getNode(groupname, name) test passed" nodelist = ['/', '/group0', '/group0/group1', '/group0/group1/group2', '/table0'] nodenames = [] groupobjects = [] #warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning) for node in nodelist: try: object = self.h5file.getNode(node, classname = 'Group') except LookupError: if common.verbose: (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "\nGreat!, the next LookupError was catched!" print value else: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) groupobjects.append(object) assert nodenames == ['/', '/group0', '/group0/group1', '/group0/group1/group2', ] if common.verbose: print "getNode(groupname, classname='Group') test passed" # Reset the warning #warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=UserWarning) nodenames = ['var1', 'var4'] nodearrays = [] for group in groupobjects: for name in nodenames: try: object = self.h5file.getNode(group, name, 'Array') except: pass else: nodearrays.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodearrays == ['/var1', '/var4', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "getNode(groupobject, name, classname='Array') test passed" def test01_getNodeClass(self): "Checking the File.getNode() with instances" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test01_getNodeClass..." % self.__class__.__name__ self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") # This tree ways of getNode usage should return a table instance table = self.h5file.getNode("/group0/table1") assert isinstance(table, Table) table = self.h5file.getNode("/group0", "table1") assert isinstance(table, Table) table = self.h5file.getNode(self.h5file.root.group0, "table1") assert isinstance(table, Table) # This should return an array instance arr = self.h5file.getNode("/group0/var1") assert isinstance(arr, Array) assert isinstance(arr, Leaf) # And this a Group group = self.h5file.getNode("/group0", "group1", "Group") assert isinstance(group, Group) def test02_listNodes(self): "Checking the File.listNodes() method" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test02_listNodes..." % self.__class__.__name__ # Made the warnings to raise an error #warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning) self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.h5file.listNodes, '/', 'NoSuchClass') nodelist = ['/', '/group0', '/group0/table1', '/group0/group1/group2', '/var1'] nodenames = [] objects = [] for node in nodelist: try: objectlist = self.h5file.listNodes(node) except: pass else: objects.extend(objectlist) for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0', '/table0', '/var1', '/var4', '/group0/group1', '/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "listNodes(pathname) test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = self.h5file.listNodes(node) except: pass else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/group1', '/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/group2', '/group0/group1/table2', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "listNodes(groupobject) test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = self.h5file.listNodes(node, 'Leaf') except TypeError: if common.verbose: (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "\nGreat!, the next TypeError was catched!" print value else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/table2', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "listNodes(groupobject, classname = 'Leaf') test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = self.h5file.listNodes(node, 'Table') except TypeError: if common.verbose: (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "\nGreat!, the next TypeError was catched!" print value else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/table1', '/group0/group1/table2', ] if common.verbose: print "listNodes(groupobject, classname = 'Table') test passed" # Reset the warning #warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=UserWarning) def test02b_iterNodes(self): "Checking the File.iterNodes() method" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test02b_iterNodes..." % self.__class__.__name__ self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.h5file.listNodes, '/', 'NoSuchClass') nodelist = ['/', '/group0', '/group0/table1', '/group0/group1/group2', '/var1'] nodenames = [] objects = [] for node in nodelist: try: objectlist = [o for o in self.h5file.iterNodes(node)] except: pass else: objects.extend(objectlist) for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0', '/table0', '/var1', '/var4', '/group0/group1', '/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "iterNodes(pathname) test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = [o for o in self.h5file.iterNodes(node)] except: pass else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/group1', '/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/group2', '/group0/group1/table2', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "iterNodes(groupobject) test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = [o for o in self.h5file.iterNodes(node, 'Leaf')] except TypeError: if common.verbose: (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "\nGreat!, the next TypeError was catched!" print value else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/table1', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/table2', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4', ] if common.verbose: print "iterNodes(groupobject, classname = 'Leaf') test passed" nodenames = [] for node in objects: try: objectlist = [o for o in self.h5file.iterNodes(node, 'Table')] except TypeError: if common.verbose: (type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() print "\nGreat!, the next TypeError was catched!" print value else: for object in objectlist: nodenames.append(object._v_pathname) assert nodenames == ['/group0/table1', '/group0/group1/table2', ] if common.verbose: print "iterNodes(groupobject, classname = 'Table') test passed" # Reset the warning #warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=UserWarning) def test03_TraverseTree(self): "Checking the File.walkGroups() method" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test03_TraverseTree..." % self.__class__.__name__ self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") groups = [] tables = [] arrays = [] for group in self.h5file.walkGroups(): groups.append(group._v_pathname) for table in self.h5file.listNodes(group, 'Table'): tables.append(table._v_pathname) for arr in self.h5file.listNodes(group, 'Array'): arrays.append(arr._v_pathname) assert groups == ["/", "/group0", "/group0/group1", "/group0/group1/group2"] assert tables == ["/table0", "/group0/table1", "/group0/group1/table2"] assert arrays == ['/var1', '/var4', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4'] if common.verbose: print "walkGroups() test passed" groups = [] tables = [] arrays = [] for group in self.h5file.walkGroups("/group0/group1"): groups.append(group._v_pathname) for table in self.h5file.listNodes(group, 'Table'): tables.append(table._v_pathname) for arr in self.h5file.listNodes(group, 'Array'): arrays.append(arr._v_pathname) assert groups == ["/group0/group1", "/group0/group1/group2"] assert tables == ["/group0/group1/table2"] assert arrays == ['/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4'] if common.verbose: print "walkGroups(pathname) test passed" def test04_walkNodes(self): "Checking File.walkNodes" if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test04_walkNodes..." % self.__class__.__name__ self.h5file = openFile(self.file, "r") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.h5file.walkNodes('/', 'NoSuchClass').next) groups = [] tables = [] tables2 = [] arrays = [] for group in self.h5file.walkNodes(classname="Group"): groups.append(group._v_pathname) for table in group._f_iterNodes(classname='Table'): tables.append(table._v_pathname) # Test the recursivity for table in self.h5file.root._f_walkNodes('Table'): tables2.append(table._v_pathname) for arr in self.h5file.walkNodes(classname='Array'): arrays.append(arr._v_pathname) assert groups == ["/", "/group0", "/group0/group1", "/group0/group1/group2"] assert tables == ["/table0", "/group0/table1", "/group0/group1/table2"] assert tables2 == ["/table0", "/group0/table1", "/group0/group1/table2"] assert arrays == ['/var1', '/var4', '/group0/var1', '/group0/var4', '/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4'] if common.verbose: print "File.__iter__() and Group.__iter__ test passed" groups = [] tables = [] arrays = [] for group in self.h5file.walkNodes("/group0/group1", classname="Group"): groups.append(group._v_pathname) for table in group._f_walkNodes('Table'): tables.append(table._v_pathname) for arr in self.h5file.walkNodes(group, 'Array'): arrays.append(arr._v_pathname) assert groups == ["/group0/group1", "/group0/group1/group2"] assert tables == ["/group0/group1/table2"] assert arrays == ['/group0/group1/var1', '/group0/group1/var4'] if common.verbose: print "walkNodes(pathname, classname) test passed" class DeepTreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Checks for maximum deepest level in PyTables trees. Right now, the maximum depth for object tree is determined by the maximum recursion level offered by Python (which for my platform is a number between 768 and 1024). """ def test00_deepTree(self): "Checking creation of large depth object tree Variable" # Here we put a more conservative limit to deal with more platforms # With maxdepth = 512 this test would take less than 20 MB # of main memory to run, which is quite reasonable nowadays. # With maxdepth = 1024 this test will take over 40 MB. if common.heavy: maxdepth = 1024 # Only for big machines! else: maxdepth = 256 # This should be safe for most machines if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test00_deepTree..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ print "Maximum depth tested :", maxdepth # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") #file = "deep.h5" fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") #group = fileh.root pathname = "/" if common.verbose: print "Depth writing progress: ", # Iterate until maxdepth for depth in range(maxdepth): # Save it on the HDF5 file if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (depth), a = [1, 1] #fileh.createArray(group, 'array', a, "depth: %d" % depth) fileh.createArray(pathname, 'array', a, "depth: %d" % depth) #group = fileh.createGroup(group, 'group' + str(depth)) group = fileh.createGroup(pathname, 'group' + str(depth)) pathname = group._v_pathname # Close the file fileh.close() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") group = fileh.root pathname = "/" if common.verbose: print "\nDepth reading progress: ", # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for depth in range(maxdepth): if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (depth), # Create an array for later comparison a = [1, 1] # Get the actual array b = # Arrays a and b must be equal assert a == b # Iterate over the next group group = fileh.getNode(pathname, 'group' + str(depth)) #group = fileh.getNode(group, 'group' + str(depth)) pathname = group._v_pathname if common.verbose: print # This flush the stdout buffer # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) class WideTreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Checks for maximum number of children for a Group. """ def test00_Leafs(self): """Checking creation of large number of leafs (1024) per group Variable 'maxchildren' controls this check. PyTables support up to 4096 children per group, but this would take too much memory (up to 64 MB) for testing purposes (may be we can add a test for big platforms). A 1024 children run takes up to 30 MB. A 512 children test takes around 25 MB. """ import time if common.heavy: maxchildren = 4096 else: maxchildren = 256 if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test00_wideTree..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ print "Maximum number of children tested :", maxchildren # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") #file = "test_widetree.h5" a = [1, 1] fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") if common.verbose: print "Children writing progress: ", for child in range(maxchildren): if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (child), fileh.createArray(fileh.root, 'array' + str(child), a, "child: %d" % child) if common.verbose: print # Close the file fileh.close() t1 = time.time() a = [1, 1] # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") if common.verbose: print "\nTime spent opening a file with %d arrays: %s s" % \ (maxchildren, time.time()-t1) print "\nChildren reading progress: ", # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for child in range(maxchildren): if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (child), # Create an array for later comparison # Get the actual array array_ = getattr(fileh.root, 'array' + str(child)) b = # Arrays a and b must be equal assert a == b if common.verbose: print # This flush the stdout buffer # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) def test01_wideTree(self): """Checking creation of large number of groups (1024) per group Variable 'maxchildren' controls this check. PyTables support up to 4096 children per group, but this would take too much memory (up to 64 MB) for testing purposes (may be we can add a test for big platforms). A 1024 children run takes up to 30 MB. A 512 children test takes around 25 MB. """ import time if common.heavy: # for big platforms! maxchildren = 4096 else: # for standard platforms maxchildren = 256 if common.verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test00_wideTree..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ print "Maximum number of children tested :", maxchildren # Open a new empty HDF5 file file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5") #file = "test_widetree.h5" fileh = openFile(file, mode = "w") if common.verbose: print "Children writing progress: ", for child in range(maxchildren): if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (child), fileh.createGroup(fileh.root, 'group' + str(child), "child: %d" % child) if common.verbose: print # Close the file fileh.close() t1 = time.time() # Open the previous HDF5 file in read-only mode fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r") if common.verbose: print "\nTime spent opening a file with %d groups: %s s" % \ (maxchildren, time.time()-t1) print "\nChildren reading progress: ", # Get the metadata on the previosly saved arrays for child in range(maxchildren): if common.verbose: print "%3d," % (child), # Get the actual group group = getattr(fileh.root, 'group' + str(child)) # Arrays a and b must be equal assert group._v_title == "child: %d" % child if common.verbose: print # This flush the stdout buffer # Close the file fileh.close() # Then, delete the file os.remove(file) class HiddenTreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Check for hidden groups, leaves and hierarchies.""" def setUp(self): self.h5fname = tempfile.mktemp('.h5') self.h5file = openFile( self.h5fname, 'w', title = "Test for hidden nodes") self.visible = [] # list of visible object paths self.hidden = [] # list of hidden object paths # Create some visible nodes: a, g, g/a1, g/a2, g/g, g/g/a. h5f = self.h5file a = h5f.createArray('/', 'a', [0]); g = h5f.createGroup('/', 'g'); g_a1 = h5f.createArray(g, 'a1', [0]); g_a2 = h5f.createArray(g, 'a2', [0]); g_g = h5f.createGroup(g, 'g'); g_g_a = h5f.createArray(g_g, 'a', [0]); self.visible.extend(['/a', '/g', '/g/a1', '/g/a2', '/g/g', '/g/g/a']) # Create some hidden nodes: _p_a, _p_g, _p_g/a, _p_g/_p_a, g/_p_a. ha = h5f.createArray('/', '_p_a', [0]); hg = h5f.createGroup('/', '_p_g'); hg_a = h5f.createArray(hg, 'a', [0]); hg_ha = h5f.createArray(hg, '_p_a', [0]); g_ha = h5f.createArray(g, '_p_a', [0]); self.hidden.extend( ['/_p_a', '/_p_g', '/_p_g/a', '/_p_g/_p_a', '/g/_p_a']) def tearDown(self): self.h5file.close() self.h5file = None os.remove(self.h5fname) # The test behind commented out because the .objects dictionary # has been removed (as well as .leaves and .groups) def _test00_objects(self): """Absence of hidden nodes in `File.objects`.""" objects = self.h5file.objects warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) for vpath in self.visible: self.assert_(vpath in objects, "Missing visible node ``%s`` from ``File.objects``." % vpath) for hpath in self.hidden: self.assert_(hpath not in objects, "Found hidden node ``%s`` in ``File.objects``." % hpath) warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning) # The test behind commented out because the .objects dictionary # has been removed (as well as .leaves and .groups) def _test00b_objects(self): """Object dictionaries conformance with ``walkNodes()``.""" def dictCheck(dictName, className): file_ = self.h5file objects = getattr(file_, dictName) walkPaths = [node._v_pathname for node in file_.walkNodes('/', className)] dictPaths = [path for path in objects] walkPaths.sort() dictPaths.sort() self.assertEqual( walkPaths, dictPaths, "nodes in ``%s`` do not match those from ``walkNodes()``" % dictName) self.assertEqual( len(walkPaths), len(objects), "length of ``%s`` differs from that of ``walkNodes()``" % dictName) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) dictCheck('objects', None) dictCheck('groups', 'Group') dictCheck('leaves', 'Leaf') warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning) def test01_getNode(self): """Node availability via `File.getNode()`.""" h5f = self.h5file for vpath in self.visible: node = h5f.getNode(vpath) for hpath in self.hidden: node = h5f.getNode(hpath) def test02_walkGroups(self): """Hidden group absence in `File.walkGroups()`.""" hidden = self.hidden for group in self.h5file.walkGroups('/'): pathname = group._v_pathname self.assert_(pathname not in hidden, "Walked across hidden group ``%s``." % pathname) def test03_walkNodes(self): """Hidden node absence in `File.walkNodes()`.""" hidden = self.hidden for node in self.h5file.walkNodes('/'): pathname = node._v_pathname self.assert_(pathname not in hidden, "Walked across hidden node ``%s``." % pathname) def test04_listNodesVisible(self): """Listing visible nodes under a visible group (listNodes).""" hidden = self.hidden for node in self.h5file.listNodes('/g'): pathname = node._v_pathname self.assert_(pathname not in hidden, "Listed hidden node ``%s``." % pathname) def test04b_listNodesVisible(self): """Listing visible nodes under a visible group (iterNodes).""" hidden = self.hidden for node in self.h5file.iterNodes('/g'): pathname = node._v_pathname self.assert_(pathname not in hidden, "Listed hidden node ``%s``." % pathname) def test05_listNodesHidden(self): """Listing visible nodes under a hidden group (listNodes).""" hidden = self.hidden node_to_find = '/_p_g/a' found_node = False for node in self.h5file.listNodes('/_p_g'): pathname = node._v_pathname if pathname == node_to_find: found_node = True self.assert_(pathname in hidden, "Listed hidden node ``%s``." % pathname) self.assert_(found_node, "Hidden node ``%s`` was not listed." % node_to_find) def test05b_iterNodesHidden(self): """Listing visible nodes under a hidden group (iterNodes).""" hidden = self.hidden node_to_find = '/_p_g/a' found_node = False for node in self.h5file.iterNodes('/_p_g'): pathname = node._v_pathname if pathname == node_to_find: found_node = True self.assert_(pathname in hidden, "Listed hidden node ``%s``." % pathname) self.assert_(found_node, "Hidden node ``%s`` was not listed." % node_to_find) # The test behind commented out because the .objects dictionary # has been removed (as well as .leaves and .groups) def _test06_reopen(self): """Reopening a file with hidden nodes.""" self.h5file.close() self.h5file = openFile(self.h5fname) self.test00_objects() def test07_move(self): """Moving a node between hidden and visible groups.""" isVisibleNode = self.h5file.isVisibleNode self.assert_(not isVisibleNode('/_p_g/a')) self.h5file.moveNode('/_p_g/a', '/g', 'a') self.assert_(isVisibleNode('/g/a')) self.h5file.moveNode('/g/a', '/_p_g', 'a') self.assert_(not isVisibleNode('/_p_g/a')) def test08_remove(self): """Removing a visible group with hidden children.""" self.assert_('/g/_p_a' in self.h5file) self.h5file.root.g._f_remove(recursive=True) self.assert_('/g/_p_a' not in self.h5file) class CreateParentsTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase): """ Test the ``createparents`` flag. These are mainly for the user interface. More thorough tests on the workings of the flag can be found in the ```` module. """ filters = Filters(complevel=4) # simply non-default def setUp(self): super(CreateParentsTestCase, self).setUp() self.h5file.createArray('/', 'array', [1]) self.h5file.createGroup('/', 'group', filters=self.filters) def test00_parentType(self): """Using the right type of parent node argument.""" h5file, root = self.h5file, self.h5file.root self.assertRaises( TypeError, h5file.createArray,, 'arr', [1], createparents=True ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, h5file.copyNode, '/array',, createparents=True ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, h5file.moveNode, '/array',, createparents=True ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, h5file.copyChildren, '/group', root, createparents=True ) def test01_inside(self): """Placing a node inside a nonexistent child of itself.""" self.assertRaises( NodeError, self.h5file.moveNode, '/group', '/group/foo/bar', createparents=True ) self.assert_('/group/foo' not in self.h5file) self.assertRaises( NodeError, self.h5file.copyNode, '/group', '/group/foo/bar', recursive=True, createparents=True ) self.assert_('/group/foo' not in self.h5file) def test02_filters(self): """Propagating the filters of created parent groups.""" self.h5file.createGroup('/group/foo/bar', 'baz', createparents=True) self.assert_('/group/foo/bar/baz' in self.h5file) for group in self.h5file.walkGroups('/group'): self.assertEqual(self.filters, group._v_filters) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def suite(): theSuite = unittest.TestSuite() # This counter is useful when detecting memory leaks niter = 1 #common.heavy=1 #theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DeepTreeTestCase)) for i in range(niter): theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TreeTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DeepTreeTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(WideTreeTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(HiddenTreeTestCase)) theSuite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CreateParentsTestCase)) return theSuite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main( defaultTest='suite' )