# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This software and supporting documentation are distributed by
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# This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under
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# You can use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
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import types
from soma.translation import translate as _
from soma.sorted_dictionary import SortedDictionary
from soma.notification import Notifier, VariableParametersNotifier, \
from soma.singleton import Singleton
from soma.undefined import Undefined
import copy
class DataType( object ):
C{DataType} derived classes manage the behaviour of all attributes defined in
a signature of an object (most often a L{HasSignature} instance). In order to
define a new type of parameter, one must derive from C{DataType} and define
at least the L{checkValue} method. See C{DataType} methods documentation for
more information on how to customize a type.
def __init__( self ):
super( DataType, self ).__init__()
# Some inherited class forbid attribute modification, therefore __dict__
# is accessed directly
#: Indicate wether the value of this type are mutable (I{i.e.} can be
#: modified) or not. By default, C{mutable} is set to C{True}.For more
#: information about mutable or immutable objects, see
#: U{Python documentation}.
self.mutable = True
#: Name of this C{DataType}, by default, it is the class name without the
#: module(s) prefix (I{i.e.} as defined in the C{class} statement).
self.name = self.__class__.__name__.split( '.' )[ -1 ]
def dataTypeInstance( value ):
Static method to create a L{DataType} instance from a user defined value.
The C{value} argument must be one of the following:
- B{A DataType instance}: C{value} is returned untouched.
- B{A class deriving from L{DataType}}: C{value()} is returned.
- B{A class not deriving from DataType}: returns
C{L{ClassDataType}( value )}.
Any other value lead to a C{TypeError} exception.
if isinstance( value, type ) or type( value ) is types.ClassType:
if issubclass( value, DataType ):
value = value()
value = ClassDataType( value )
elif not isinstance( value, DataType ):
raise TypeError( _( 'Expected a DataType instance or a class but got %s' ) % (repr(value),) )
return value
dataTypeInstance = staticmethod( dataTypeInstance )
def checkValue( self, value ):
Verify that C{value} is valid for this type of attribute. Raises a
C{ValueError} if the value is not valid. Must be overloaded in derived
@return: the real value that will be used for the attribute. It is
recomended to return C{value} here unless you know what you are doing.
raise RuntimeError( _( 'checkValue method has not be defined for %s' ) %\
( self.__class__.__name__, ) )
def createValue( self ):
Create a default value for this type of attribute.
raise RuntimeError( _( 'createValue method has not be defined for %s' ) %\
( self.__class__.__name__, ) )
def _getAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name ):
This method allow to customize attribute read acces of L{HasSignature}
instances for all attributes declared as a specific C{DataType} in the
If not overloaded, it returns the value of attribute C{name} of
C{hasSignatureObject}, or raises an C{AttributeError} if this attribute is
not defined.
@param hasSignatureObject: object containing an attribute to read.
@type hasSignatureObject: L{HasSignature} instance
@param name: name of the attribute to read
@type name: C{string}
@return: value of C{getattr( hasSignatureObject, name )}
return super( HasSignature, hasSignatureObject ).__getattribute__( name )
def _setAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name, value ):
This method allow to customize attribute write acces of L{HasSignature}
instances for all attributes declared as a specific C{DataType} in the
If not overloaded, if calls C{self.L{checkValue}( value )} and set the
attribute with the value returned.
@param hasSignatureObject: object where an attribute must be set.
@type hasSignatureObject: L{HasSignature} instance
@param name: name of the attribute to set.
@type name: C{string}
@param value: value to set to the attribute.
@return: the new value of the attribute
checkValue = getattr( hasSignatureObject, '_check_' + name + '_value',
self.checkValue )
newValue = checkValue( value )
super( HasSignature, hasSignatureObject ).__setattr__( name, newValue )
return newValue
def _deleteAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name ):
This method allow to customize attribute deletion of L{HasSignature}
instances for all attributes declared as a specific C{DataType} in the
If not overloaded, it raises C{TypeError} because attributes declared in
the signature cannot be deleted.
@param hasSignatureObject: object containing an attribute to delete
@type hasSignatureObject: L{HasSignature} instance
@param name: name of the attribute to delete
@type name: C{string}
raise TypeError( _( 'Cannot delete signature attribute %s' ) % ( name, ) )
def _checkValueError( self, value ):
Raises a C{ValueError} with a message saying that C{value} is not a valid
value for this data type. This method is used in several classes
derived from C{DataType}.
raise ValueError( _( '%(value)s is not a valid value for data type ' \
'%(type)s' ) \
% { 'type': str(self), 'value': repr(value) } )
def _convertError( self, value ):
Raises a C{ValueError} with a message saying that C{value} cannot be
converted into this data type. This method is used in several classes
derived from C{DataType}.
raise ValueError( _( 'cannot convert %(value)s into %(type)s' ) % \
{ 'type': str(self), 'value': repr(value) } )
def convert( self, value, checkValue=None ):
Convert a given value in a valid value for this data type. If not
overloaded, it raises a C{TypeError} by calling L{_convertError}.
C{checkValue} if the function used to check valid values, if it
is C{None}, C{self.checkValue} is used.
self._convertError( value )
def convertAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name, value=Undefined ):
@param hasSignatureObject: object where an attribute must be converted.
@type hasSignatureObject: L{HasSignature} instance
@param name: name of the attribute to convert.
@type name: C{string}
@param value: value to convert (optional).
@return: the converted value
checkValue = getattr( hasSignatureObject, '_check_' + name + '_value',
self.checkValue )
if value is Undefined:
value = getattr( hasSignatureObject, name )
newValue = checkValue( value )
newValue = self.convert( value, checkValue=checkValue )
return newValue
def copy( self ):
Return a copy of C{self}. If not overloaded, it creates a new instance by
passing the result of
C{self.L{__getinitkwargs__}()} to the constructor.
args, kwargs = self.__getinitkwargs__()
return apply( self.__class__, args, kwargs )
def __getinitkwargs__( self ):
Returns all the parameters that have been passed to the constructor to
create this instance. This method must be overloaded by derived classes
that overload C{__init__}. See L{Number} class for an example.
@return: a pair C{( args, kwargs )} where C{args} is a tuple containing the
unnamed parameters and C{kwargs} is a dictionary containing named
return (), {}
def __str__( self ):
return self.name
def __repr__( self ):
args, kwargs = self.__getinitkwargs__()
if args:
strArgs = ', '.join( [repr(i) for i in args] )
strArgs = ''
if kwargs:
if strArgs: strArgs += ', '
strArgs += ', '.join( [n+'='+repr(v) for n,v in kwargs.iteritems()] )
if strArgs:
return self.name + '( ' + strArgs + ' )'
return self.name + '()'
class ClassDataType( DataType ):
This class is used internally to allow the use of classes that do not derive
from L{DataType} in L{Signature} constructor. When such a class (let's call
it C{C}) is used for the type of an attribute, it is replaced by
C{ClassDataType( C )}. This data type only check that only C{C} instances are
used as attribute value.
def __init__( self, cls ):
DataType.__init__( self )
#: Store the class used as attribute type in a L{Signature}.
self.cls = cls
def __getinitkwargs__( self ):
args, kwargs = DataType.__getinitkwargs__( self )
return (self.cls,), kwargs
def checkValue( self, value ):
Check that C{value} is an instance of L{self.cls}.
if not isinstance( value, self.cls ):
raise TypeError( _( '%(instance)s is no an instance of %(class)s' ) %\
{ 'instance': str( value ),
'class': str( self.cls )
} )
return value
def createValue( self ):
return self.cls()
class Signature( DataType ):
A C{Signature} instance contains type definition for a series of attributes,
it is mainly used to define attributes for L{HasSignature} derived class. It
behave like a L{SortedDictionary} where keys are attribute names and values
are attribute types (I{i.e.} L{DataType} instances). Since the order of the
attribute is user defined, it is not possible to use any syntax or data
structure that use a Python dictionary (because dictionaries keys are sorted
according to their values). Therefore, a signature instance is created by
using a list containing attribute names followed by attribute types.
from soma.signature.api import HasSignature, Signature
from soma.signature.api import Unicode, Number, Integer
class ZooAnimal( HasSignature ):
signature = Signature(
'identifier', Integer( minimum=0 ),
'race', Unicode,
'name', Unicode,
'gender', Choice( 'male', 'female' ),
The first element of a signature is always an attribute named C{signature}
and whose type is the C{Signature} instance (this attribute B{must not} be
defined in the constructor). Hence, a L{HasSignature} instance has always a
C{signature} attribute that can be managed like any other user-defined
attributes (especially for modification notification).
@see: L{HasSignature}, L{soma.signature.api}, L{SortedDictionary}
class Item( ObservableAttributes ):
@todo: documentation
def setType( self, dataType ):
newValue = DataType.dataTypeInstance( dataType )
self.__dict__[ 'type' ] = newValue
def getType( self ):
return self.__dict__[ 'type' ]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError( 'type' )
type = property( getType, setType, None )
def __init__( self, name, type,
collapsed=False ):
@todo: documentation
ObservableAttributes.__init__( self )
#: Name of the attribute
self.name = str( name )
#: Type the attribute
self.type = type
#: Default attribute value
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
#: Documentation of the attribute
if doc:
self.doc = unicode( doc )
self.doc = None
#: If set to C{True}, the attribute value cannot be modified
self.readOnly = bool( readOnly )
#: If set to C{False}, the attribute is not visible on graphical interface
self.visible = bool( visible )
#: If set to C{True}, the attribute is reduced on graphical interface (when possible)
self.collapsed = bool( collapsed )
def copy( self ):
args, kwargs = self.__getinitkwargs__()
return self.__class__( *args, **kwargs )
def __getinitkwargs__( self ):
d = {}
if self.defaultValue is not Undefined:
d[ 'defaultValue' ] = self.defaultValue
if self.doc:
d[ 'doc' ] = self.doc
if self.readOnly:
d[ 'readOnly' ] = self.readOnly
if not self.visible:
d[ 'visible' ] = self.visible
if self.collapsed:
d[ 'collapsed' ] = self.collapsed
return ( self.name, self.type ), d
_msgCannotModify = 'Cannot modify read-only signature'
def __init__( self, *args ):
super( Signature, self ).__init__()
# Notifier is created on read-only Signature because listeners registration
# can be done on Signature and copied when Signature is changed to
# VariableSignature
self.on_change = Notifier( 1 )
self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ] = \
SortedDictionary( ( 'signature', self.Item( 'signature', self ) ) )
i = 0
while i < len( args ):
name = args[ i ]
i += 1
if isinstance( name, Signature ):
for n, item in name.iteritems():
if n == 'signature': continue
self._insertElement( len(self), n, item.copy() )
dataType = args[ i ]
if i+1 < len( args ) and isinstance( args[ i+1 ], dict ):
i += 1
options = args[ i ]
options = {}
self._insertElement( len( self ), name, dataType, options )
i += 1
def _copyItem( self, item ):
args, kwargs = item.__getinitkwargs__()
return self.Item( *args, **kwargs )
def _insertElement( self, index, name, dataType, options={} ):
if self.has_key( name ):
raise KeyError( _( 'Element "%s" is defined twice' % ( name, ) ) )
if isinstance( dataType, Signature.Item ):
item = self._copyItem( dataType )
dataType = DataType.dataTypeInstance( dataType )
item = self.Item( name, dataType, **options )
self._signature_data.insert( index, name, item )
def has_key( self, key ):
see L{SortedDictionary.has_key}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].has_key( key )
def __getitem__( self, key ):
see L{SortedDictionary.__getitem__}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ][ key ]
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
see L{SortedDictionary.__setitem__}
raise RuntimeError( _( self._msgCannotModify ) )
def __delitem__( self, key ):
see L{SortedDictionary.__delitem__}
raise RuntimeError( _( self._msgCannotModify ) )
def __len__( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.__len__}
return len( self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ] )
def get( self, key, default=None ):
see L{SortedDictionary.get}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].get( key, default )
def keys( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.keys}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].keys()
def values( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.values}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].values()
def items( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.items}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].items()
def __iter__( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.__iter__}
return iter( self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ] )
def iterkeys( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.iterkeys}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].iterkeys()
def itervalues( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.itervalues}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].itervalues()
def iteritems( self ) :
see L{SortedDictionary.iteritems}
return self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ].iteritems()
def insert( self, index, key, value, **kwargs ):
see L{SortedDictionary.insert}
raise RuntimeError( _( self._msgCannotModify ) )
def _setAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name, value ):
This method is called when the C{signature} attribute of an L{HasSignature}
instance is modified, it calls
C{hasSignatureObject.L{_changeSignature}} to
change the attribute value. The new signature becomes an instance signature
(overriding the class signature). Once an instance signature is created,
the class signature can be restored by deleting the C{signature} attribute.
@see: L{_deleteAttribute}
checkValue = getattr( hasSignatureObject, '_check_' + name + '_value',
self.checkValue )
newValue = checkValue( value )
hasSignatureObject._changeSignature( newValue )
return newValue
def _deleteAttribute( self, hasSignatureObject, name ):
This method is called when the C{signature} attribute of an L{HasSignature}
instance is deleted. It tries to restore the class signature if an instance
signature has been defined. If no instance signature has been defined, it
raises a C{RuntimeError}.
@see: L{_setAttribute}
if not hasSignatureObject._changeSignature( None ):
raise RuntimeError( _( 'Signature cannot be deleted' ) )
def checkValue( self, value ):
Raises a C{TypeError} if C{value} is not a C{Signature} instance.
if not isinstance( value, Signature ):
raise TypeError( _('invalid value type for signature attribute: %s') %\
( type(value), ))
return value
def __getinitkwargs__( self ):
args, kwargs = DataType.__getinitkwargs__( self )
args = []
it = self.iteritems()
it.next() # skip signature
for name, type in it:
args.append( name )
args.append( type )
return args, kwargs
def copy( self ):
args, kwargs = DataType.__getinitkwargs__( self )
args = []
it = self.iteritems()
it.next() # skip signature
for name, item in it:
args.append( name )
args.append( item.copy() )
return apply( self.__class__, args, kwargs )
def __repr__( self ):
result = self.name + '( '
it = self.itervalues()
for item in it:
result += repr( item.name ) + ', ' + repr( item.type ) +', '
args, kwargs = item.__getinitkwargs__()
if kwargs:
result += 'dict( ' + ', '.join( [str(i) + '=' + repr(j) for i,j in kwargs.iteritems()] ) + '), '
return result + ' )'
class VariableSignature( Signature ):
This class is a non constant version of C{Signature}. You can add or remove
elements at run-time on a C{VariableSignature} instance. These changes are
taken into account by the notification system.
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
if key == 'signature':
raise KeyError( _( 'Attribute named "signature" cannot be redefined.') )
self._insertElement( len(self), key, value )
self.on_change.notify( key )
def __delitem__( self, key ):
if key == 'signature':
raise KeyError( _( 'Attribute named "signature" cannot be deleted.' ) )
del self.__dict__[ '_signature_data' ][ key ]
self.on_change.notify( key )
def insert( self, index, key, value, **kwargs ):
self._insertElement( index, key, value, kwargs )
self.on_change.notify( key )
def append( self, key, value, **kwargs ):
self._insertElement( len( self ), key, value, kwargs )
self.on_change.notify( key )
class MetaHasSignature( type ):
def __init__( cls, name, bases, dict ):
signature = dict.get( 'signature' )
if signature is not None:
for c in bases:
referenceSignature = getattr( c, 'signature', None )
if referenceSignature is not None: break
if referenceSignature is not None and not isinstance( signature, referenceSignature.__class__ ):
raise TypeError( _( 'signature must be an instance of %s' ) % ( unicode( referenceSignature.__class__ ), ) )
super( MetaHasSignature, cls ).__init__( name, bases, dict )
class HasSignature( ObservableAttributes ):
HasSignature is the base class for all object using the signature system.
__metaclass__ = MetaHasSignature
#: The default empty signature
signature = Signature()
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
super( HasSignature, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
for attribute in self.signature:
self._onAttributeChange[ attribute ] = self._createAttributeNotifier()
def initializeSignatureAttributes( self, **attributesValues ):
Initialize signature attributes according to the values given in
parameters and the default values given in the signature. Values
given in parameters takes precedence over signature default values.
If a parameter name is not in the signature, a TypeError is raised.
L{initializeSignatureAttributes} is suitable for using in constructors::
class Time( HasSignature ):
signature = Signature(
'hour', Integer( minimum=0, maximum=23 ), dict( defaultValue=0 ),
'minute', Integer( minimum=0, maximum=59 ), dict( defaultValue=0 ),
'second', Integer( minimum=0, maximum=59 à, dict( defaultValue=0 ),
def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
HasSignature.__init__( self )
self.initializeSignatureAttributes( **kwargs )
# Copy the dictionary to allow modification
it = self.signature.iteritems()
for attributeName, signatureItem in it:
value = attributesValues.pop( attributeName, Undefined )
if value is Undefined:
value = copy.copy( signatureItem.defaultValue )
if value is not Undefined:
setattr( self, attributeName, value )
if attributesValues:
raise TypeError( _( "Attribute '%s' is not in the signature" ) % \
( attributesValues.iterkeys().next(), ) )
def __getattribute__( self, name ):
For all attributes that are declared in the signature, calls the
L{_getAttribute} method of the attribute type.
Directly return the value of all other attributes.
signatureItem = \
super( HasSignature, self ).__getattribute__( 'signature' ).get( name )
if signatureItem is None:
return super( HasSignature, self ).__getattribute__( name )
return signatureItem.type._getAttribute( self, name )
except AttributeError:
defaultValue = signatureItem.defaultValue
if defaultValue is Undefined: raise
defaultValue = copy.copy( defaultValue )
super( ObservableAttributes, self ).__setattr__( name, defaultValue )
return defaultValue
def __setattr__( self, name, value ):
For all attributes that are declared in the signature, calls the
L{_setAttribute} method of the attribute type
and then calls L{self.notifyAttributeChange}. Directly change the value of
all other attributes.
signatureItem = self.signature.get( name )
if signatureItem is None:
super( HasSignature, self ).__setattr__( name, value )
signatureItem.type._setAttribute( self, name, value )
def __delattr__( self, name ):
For all attributes that are declared in the signature, calls the
L{_deleteAttribute} method of the attribute type
and then calls L{self.notifyAttributeChange}. Directly change the value of
all other attributes.
signatureItem = self.signature.get( name )
if signatureItem is None:
super( HasSignature, self ).__delattr__( name )
signatureItem.type._deleteAttribute( self, name )
def _changeSignature( self, newSignature ):
Change or delete the instance signature. C{newSignature} becomes the
instance signature. If C{newSignature} is C{None}, the instance signature
is deleted and the class signature is restored. Notification for attributes
that are in both old and new signature is preserved.
signatureChanged = True
oldSignature = self.signature
if newSignature is None:
super( HasSignature, self ).__delattr__( 'signature' )
newSignature = self.signature
except AttributeError:
signatureChanged = False
super( HasSignature, self ).__setattr__( 'signature', newSignature )
if signatureChanged:
oldSignature.on_change.remove( self._signatureChanged )
newSignature.on_change.add( self._signatureChanged )
for attribute in newSignature:
notifier = self._onAttributeChange.get( attribute )
if notifier is None:
self._onAttributeChange[ attribute ] = self._createAttributeNotifier()
for attribute in oldSignature:
if not newSignature.has_key( attribute ):
del self._onAttributeChange[ attribute ]
return signatureChanged
def _signatureChanged( self, attributeName ):
This method is called whenever the signature content is modified.
if self._onAttributeChange.has_key( attributeName ):
if not self.signature.has_key( attributeName ):
del self._onAttributeChange[ attributeName ]
elif self.signature.has_key( attributeName ):
self._onAttributeChange[ attributeName ] = self._createAttributeNotifier()
self._onAttributeChange[ 'signature' ].notify( self, 'signature',
self.signature )
def delayAttributeNotification( self, ignoreDoubles=False ):
super( HasSignature, self ).delayAttributeNotification( ignoreDoubles )
for item in self.signature.itervalues():
item.delayAttributeNotification( ignoreDoubles )
def restartAttributeNotification( self ):
super( HasSignature, self ).restartAttributeNotification()
for item in self.signature.itervalues():