from __future__ import with_statement ''' @author: Soizic Laguitton @organization: I2BM, Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France @organization: CATI, France @organization: U{IFR 49} @license: U{CeCILL version 2} ''' import subprocess import threading import time import logging import os import sys import signal import ctypes import atexit import os.path import socket import soma_workflow.constants as constants from soma_workflow.errors import DRMError from soma_workflow.configuration import LocalSchedulerCfg from soma_workflow.utils import DetectFindLib _drmaa_lib_env_name = 'DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH' (DRMAA_LIB_FOUND,_lib)=DetectFindLib(_drmaa_lib_env_name,'drmaa') if DRMAA_LIB_FOUND==True: from somadrmaa.errors import * from somadrmaa.const import JobControlAction class Scheduler(object): ''' Allow to submit, kill and get the status of jobs. ''' parallel_job_submission_info = None logger = None is_sleeping = None def __init__(self): self.parallel_job_submission_info = None self.is_sleeping = False def sleep(self): self.is_sleeping = True def wake(self): self.is_sleeping = False def clean(self): pass def job_submission(self, job): ''' * job *EngineJob* * return: *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!") def get_job_status(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) * return: *string* Job status as defined in constants.JOB_STATUS ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!") def get_job_exit_info(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) * return: *tuple* exit_status, exit_value, term_sig, resource_usage ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!") def kill_job(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' raise Exception("Scheduler is an abstract class!") if DRMAA_LIB_FOUND==True: class DrmaaCTypes(Scheduler): ''' Scheduling using a Drmaa session. Contains possible patch depending on the DRMAA impementation. ''' # DRMAA session. DrmaaJobs _drmaa = None # string _drmaa_implementation = None # DRMAA doesn't provide an unified way of submitting # parallel jobs. The value of parallel_job_submission is cluster dependant. # The keys are: # -Drmaa job template attributes # -parallel configuration name as defined in soma_workflow.constants # dict parallel_job_submission_info = None logger = None _configured_native_spec = None tmp_file_path = None is_sleeping = False def __init__(self, drmaa_implementation, parallel_job_submission_info, tmp_file_path=None, configured_native_spec=None): import somadrmaa self.logger = logging.getLogger('ljp.drmaajs') self.wake() self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self._drmaa_implementation = drmaa_implementation self.parallel_job_submission_info = parallel_job_submission_info self._configured_native_spec = configured_native_spec self.logger.debug("Parallel job submission info: %s", repr(parallel_job_submission_info)) if tmp_file_path == None: self.tmp_file_path = os.path.abspath("tmp") else: self.tmp_file_path = os.path.abspath(tmp_file_path) def clean(self): if self._drmaa_implementation == "PBS": tmp_out = os.path.join(self.tmp_file_path, "soma-workflow-empty-job-patch-torque.o") tmp_err = os.path.join(self.tmp_file_path, "soma-workflow-empty-job-patch-torque.e") #print "tmp_out="+tmp_out #print "tmp_err="+tmp_err if os.path.isfile(tmp_out): os.remove(tmp_out) if os.path.isfile(tmp_err): os.remove(tmp_err) def close_drmaa_session(self): if self._drmaa: self._drmaa.exit() self._drmaa=None def __del__(self): self.clean() self.close_drmaa_session() def sleep(self): ''' Some Drmaa sessions expire if they idle too long. ''' self.close_drmaa_session() self.is_sleeping = True def wake(self): ''' Creates a fresh Drmaa session. ''' import somadrmaa self.is_sleeping = False if not self._drmaa: self._drmaa=somadrmaa.Session() self._drmaa.initialize() def submit_simple_test_job(self, outstr,out_o_file,out_e_file): import somadrmaa # patch for the PBS-torque DRMAA implementation if self._drmaa_implementation == "PBS": ''' Create a job to test ''' jobTemplateId = self._drmaa.createJobTemplate() jobTemplateId.remoteCommand='echo' jobTemplateId.args = ["%s"%(outstr)] jobTemplateId.outputPath="%s:%s" %(self.hostname, os.path.join(self.tmp_file_path, "%s"%(out_o_file))) jobTemplateId.errorPath="%s:%s" %(self.hostname, os.path.join(self.tmp_file_path, "%s"%(out_e_file))) #print "jobTemplateId="+repr(jobTemplateId) #print "jobTemplateId.remoteCommand="+repr(jobTemplateId.remoteCommand) #print "jobTemplateId.args="+repr(jobTemplateId.args) #print "jobTemplateId.outputPath="+repr(jobTemplateId.outputPath) #print "jobTemplateId.errorPath="+repr(jobTemplateId.errorPath) jobid=self._drmaa.runJob(jobTemplateId) #print "jobid="+jobid retval = self._drmaa.wait(jobid, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER) #print "retval="+repr(retval) self._drmaa.deleteJobTemplate(jobTemplateId) def _setDrmaaParallelJob(self, drmaa_job_template_id, configuration_name, max_num_node): ''' Set the DRMAA job template information for a parallel job submission. The configuration file must provide the parallel job submission information specific to the cluster in use. @type drmaa_job_template_id: string @param drmaa_job_template_id: id of drmaa job template @type parallel_job_info: tuple (string, int) @param parallel_job_info: (configuration_name, max_node_num) configuration_name: type of parallel job as defined in soma_workflow.constants (eg MPI, OpenMP...) max_node_num: maximum node number the job requests (on a unique machine or separated machine depending on the parallel configuration) ''' if self.is_sleeping: self.wake() self.logger.debug(">> _setDrmaaParallelJob") cluster_specific_cfg_name = self.parallel_job_submission_info[configuration_name] for drmaa_attribute in constants.PARALLEL_DRMAA_ATTRIBUTES: value = self.parallel_job_submission_info.get(drmaa_attribute) if value: value = value.replace("{config_name}", cluster_specific_cfg_name) value = value.replace("{max_node}", repr(max_num_node)) setattr(drmaa_job_template_id,drmaa_attribute,value) self.logger.debug("Parallel job, drmaa attribute = %s, value = %s ", drmaa_attribute, value) job_env = [] for parallel_env_v in constants.PARALLEL_JOB_ENV: value = self.parallel_job_submission_info.get(parallel_env_v) if value: job_env.append((parallel_env_v,value.rstrip())) drmaa_job_template_id.jobEnvironment=dict(job_env) self.logger.debug("Parallel job environment : " + repr(job_env)) self.logger.debug("<< _setDrmaaParallelJob") return drmaa_job_template_id def job_submission(self, job): ''' @type job: soma_workflow.client.Job @param job: job to be submitted @rtype: string @return: drmaa job id ''' if self.is_sleeping: self.wake() # patch for the PBS-torque DRMAA implementation command = [] job_command = job.plain_command() ## This is only for the old drmaa version ## Now it is not necessary anymore #if self._drmaa_implementation == "PBS": if False: if job_command[0] == 'python': job_command[0] = sys.executable for command_el in job_command: command_el = command_el.replace('"', '\\\"') command.append("\"" + command_el + "\"") self.logger.debug("PBS case, new command:" + repr(command)) else: command = job_command self.logger.debug("command: " + repr(command)) self.logger.debug("" + repr( stdout_file = job.plain_stdout() stderr_file = job.plain_stderr() stdin = job.plain_stdin() try: jobTemplateId = self._drmaa.createJobTemplate() jobTemplateId.remoteCommand=command[0] jobTemplateId.args = command[1:]"jobTemplateId="+repr(jobTemplateId)+" command[0]="+repr(command[0])+" command[1:]="+repr(command[1:]))"hostname and stdout_file= [%s]:%s" %(self.hostname, stdout_file)) jobTemplateId.outputPath="%s:%s" %(self.hostname, stdout_file) if job.join_stderrout: jobTemplateId.joinFiles="y" else: if stderr_file: jobTemplateId.errorPath="%s:%s" %(self.hostname, stderr_file) if job.stdin: #self.logger.debug("stdin: " + repr(stdin)) #self._drmaa.setAttribute(drmaaJobId, # "drmaa_input_path", # "%s:%s" %(self.hostname, stdin)) self.logger.debug("stdin: " + repr(stdin)) jobTemplateId.inputPath=stdin working_directory = job.plain_working_directory() if working_directory: jobTemplateId.workingDirectory=working_directory self.logger.debug("JOB NATIVE_SPEC " + repr(job.native_specification)) self.logger.debug("CONFIGURED NATIVE SPEC " + repr(self._configured_native_spec)) native_spec = None if job.native_specification: native_spec = job.native_specification elif self._configured_native_spec: native_spec = self._configured_native_spec if job.queue and native_spec: jobTemplateId.nativeSpecification="-q " + str(job.queue) + " " + str(native_spec) self.logger.debug("NATIVE specification " + "-q " + str(job.queue) + " " + str(native_spec)) elif job.queue: jobTemplateId.nativeSpecification="-q " + str(job.queue) self.logger.debug("NATIVE specification " + "-q " + str(job.queue)) elif native_spec: jobTemplateId.nativeSpecification=str(native_spec) self.logger.debug("NATIVE specification " + str(native_spec)) if job.parallel_job_info : parallel_config_name, max_node_number = job.parallel_job_info jobTemplateId=self._setDrmaaParallelJob(jobTemplateId, parallel_config_name, max_node_number) if self._drmaa_implementation == "PBS": job_env = [] for var_name in os.environ.keys(): #job_env.append(var_name+"="+os.environ[var_name]) job_env.append((var_name,os.environ[var_name])) jobTemplateId.jobEnvironment=dict(job_env) drmaaSubmittedJobId=self._drmaa.runJob(jobTemplateId) self._drmaa.deleteJobTemplate(jobTemplateId) except DrmaaException, e: try: f = open(stderr_file, "wa") f.write("Error in job submission: %s" %(e)) f.close() except IOError, ioe: pass self.logger.error("Error in job submission: %s" %(e)) raise DRMError("Job submission error: %s" %(e)) return drmaaSubmittedJobId def kill_job(self, scheduler_job_id): if self.is_sleeping: self.wake() try: self._drmaa.control(scheduler_job_id, JobControlAction.TERMINATE) except DrmaaException, e: self.logger.critical("%s" %e) raise e def get_job_status(self, scheduler_job_id): if self.is_sleeping: self.wake() try: status = self._drmaa.jobStatus(scheduler_job_id) except DrmaaException, e: self.logger.error("%s" %(e)) raise DRMError("%s" %(e)) return status def get_job_exit_info(self, scheduler_job_id): if self.is_sleeping: self.wake() res_resourceUsage=[] res_status = constants.EXIT_UNDETERMINED res_exitValue = 0 res_termSignal = None try: self.logger.debug(" ==> Start to find info of job %s"%(scheduler_job_id)) jid_out, exit_value, signaled, term_sig, coredumped, aborted,exit_status,resource_usage=self._drmaa.wait(scheduler_job_id, self._drmaa.TIMEOUT_NO_WAIT) self.logger.debug(" ==> jid_out="+repr(jid_out)) self.logger.debug(" ==> exit_value="+repr(exit_value)) self.logger.debug(" ==> signaled="+repr(signaled)) self.logger.debug(" ==> term_sig="+repr(term_sig)) self.logger.debug(" ==> coredumped="+repr(coredumped)) self.logger.debug(" ==> aborted="+repr(aborted)) self.logger.debug(" ==> exit_status="+repr(exit_status)) self.logger.debug(" ==> resource_usage="+repr(resource_usage)) if aborted == 1: res_status=constants.EXIT_ABORTED else: if exit_value == 1: res_status=constants.FINISHED_REGULARLY res_exitValue=exit_status else : if signaled == 1: res_status=constants.FINISHED_TERM_SIG res_termSignal=term_sig else: res_status=constants.FINISHED_UNCLEAR_CONDITIONS res_resourceUsage = '' for k,v in resource_usage.iteritems(): res_resourceUsage = res_resourceUsage + k + '=' + v + ' ' except ExitTimeoutException: res_status = constants.EXIT_UNDETERMINED self.logger.debug(" ==> self._drmaa.wait time out") return (res_status,res_exitValue , res_termSignal, res_resourceUsage) else: class DrmaaCTypes(Scheduler):pass class LocalScheduler(Scheduler): ''' Allow to submit, kill and get the status of jobs. Run on one machine without dependencies. * _proc_nb *int* * _queue *list of scheduler jobs ids* * _jobs *dictionary job_id -> soma_workflow.engine_types.EngineJob* * _processes *dictionary job_id -> subprocess.Popen* * _status *dictionary job_id -> job status as defined in constants* * _exit_info * dictionay job_id -> exit info* * _loop *thread* * _interval *int* * _look *threading.RLock* ''' parallel_job_submission_info = None logger = None _proc_nb = None _queue = None _jobs = None _processes = None _status = None _exit_info = None _loop = None _interval = None _lock = None def __init__(self, proc_nb=1, interval=1): super(LocalScheduler, self).__init__() self.parallel_job_submission_info = None self._proc_nb = proc_nb self._interval = interval self._queue = [] self._jobs = {} self._processes = {} self._status = {} self._exit_info = {} self._lock = threading.RLock() self.stop_thread_loop = False def loop(self): while not self.stop_thread_loop: with self._lock: self._iterate() time.sleep(self._interval) self._loop = threading.Thread(name="scheduler_loop", target=loop, args=[self]) self._loop.setDaemon(True) self._loop.start() atexit.register(LocalScheduler.end_scheduler_thread, self) def change_proc_nb(self, proc_nb): with self._lock: self._proc_nb = proc_nb def change_interval(self, interval): with self._lock: self._interval = interval def end_scheduler_thread(self): with self._lock: self.stop_thread_loop = True self._loop.join() #print "Soma scheduler thread ended nicely." def _iterate(self): # Nothing to do if the queue is empty and nothing is running if not self._queue and not self._processes: return #print "#############################" # Control the running jobs ended_jobs = [] for job_id, process in self._processes.iteritems(): ret_value = process.poll() #print "job_id " + repr(job_id) + " ret_value " + repr(ret_value) if ret_value != None: ended_jobs.append(job_id) self._exit_info[job_id] = (constants.FINISHED_REGULARLY, ret_value, None, None) # update for the ended job for job_id in ended_jobs: #print "updated job_id " + repr(job_id) + " status DONE" self._status[job_id] = constants.DONE del self._processes[job_id] # run new jobs while (self._queue and len(self._processes) < self._proc_nb): job_id = self._queue.pop(0) job = self._jobs[job_id] #print "new job " + repr(job.job_id) process = LocalScheduler.create_process(job) if process == None: self._exit_info[job.job_id] = (constants.EXIT_ABORTED, None, None, None) self._status[job.job_id] = constants.FAILED else: self._processes[job.job_id] = process self._status[job.job_id] = constants.RUNNING @staticmethod def create_process(engine_job): ''' * engine_job *EngineJob* * returns: *Subprocess process* ''' command = engine_job.plain_command() stdout = engine_job.plain_stdout() stdout_file = None if stdout: try: stdout_file = open(stdout, "wb") except Exception, e: return None stderr = engine_job.plain_stderr() stderr_file = None if stderr: try: stderr_file = open(stderr, "wb") except Exception, e: return None stdin = engine_job.plain_stdin() stdin_file = None if stdin: try: stdin_file = open(stdin, "rb") except Exception, e: if stderr: stderr_file = open(stderr, "wb") s = '%s: %s \n' %(type(e), e) stderr_file.write(s) stderr_file.close() else: stdout_file = open(stdout, "wb") s = '%s: %s \n' %(type(e), e) stdout_file.write(s) stdout_file.close() return None working_directory = engine_job.plain_working_directory() try: process = subprocess.Popen( command, stdin=stdin_file, stdout=stdout_file, stderr=stderr_file, cwd=working_directory) except Exception, e: if stderr: stderr_file = open(stderr, "wb") s = '%s: %s \n' %(type(e), e) stderr_file.write(s) stderr_file.close() else: stdout_file = open(stdout, "wb") s = '%s: %s \n' %(type(e), e) stdout_file.write(s) stdout_file.close() return None return process def job_submission(self, job): ''' * job *EngineJob* * return: *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' if not job.job_id or job.job_id == -1: raise LocalSchedulerError("Invalid job: no id") with self._lock: #print "job submission " + repr(job.job_id) self._queue.append(job.job_id) self._jobs[job.job_id] = job self._status[job.job_id] = constants.QUEUED_ACTIVE self._queue.sort(key=lambda job_id: self._jobs[job_id].priority, reverse=True) return job.job_id def get_job_status(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) * return: *string* Job status as defined in constants.JOB_STATUS ''' if not scheduler_job_id in self._status: raise LocalSchedulerError("Unknown job.") status = self._status[scheduler_job_id] return status def get_job_exit_info(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) * return: *tuple* exit_status, exit_value, term_sig, resource_usage ''' # TBI errors with self._lock: exit_info = self._exit_info[scheduler_job_id] del self._exit_info[scheduler_job_id] return exit_info def kill_job(self, scheduler_job_id): ''' * scheduler_job_id *string* Job id for the scheduling system (DRMAA for example) ''' # TBI Errors with self._lock: #print "kill job " + repr(scheduler_job_id) if scheduler_job_id in self._processes: #print " => kill the process " process = self._processes[scheduler_job_id] if sys.version_info < (2, 6): if sys.platform == 'win32': PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1 handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1) ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) else: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) os.wait() else: process.kill() del self._processes[scheduler_job_id] self._status[scheduler_job_id] = constants.FAILED self._exit_info[scheduler_job_id] = (constants.USER_KILLED, None, None, None) elif scheduler_job_id in self._queue: #print " => removed from queue " self._queue.remove(scheduler_job_id) del self._jobs[scheduler_job_id] self._status[scheduler_job_id] = constants.FAILED self._exit_info[scheduler_job_id] = (constants.EXIT_ABORTED, None, None, None) class ConfiguredLocalScheduler(LocalScheduler): ''' Local scheduler synchronized with a configuration object. ''' _config = None def __init__(self, config): ''' * config *LocalSchedulerCfg* ''' super(ConfiguredLocalScheduler, self).__init__(config.get_proc_nb(), config.get_interval()) self._config = config self._config.addObserver(self, "update_from_config", [LocalSchedulerCfg.PROC_NB_CHANGED, LocalSchedulerCfg.INTERVAL_CHANGED]) def update_from_config(self, observable, event, msg): if event == LocalSchedulerCfg.PROC_NB_CHANGED: self.change_proc_nb(self._config.get_proc_nb()) if event == LocalSchedulerCfg.PROC_NB_CHANGED: self.change_interval(self._config.get_interval()) self._config.save_to_file()