AimsMIRegister: registration based on mutual information.

KEYWORDS: .trm file.

HELP: command help for AimsMIRegister


This command can appeare complex because a lot of options are available. In this section, we are going to try to define a reasonable use. The easier use is the following:

prompt% AimsMIRegister -r anat.img -t fonc.ima --dir fonc_TO_anat.trm --inv anat_TO_fonc.trm

Here are some options to optimize the registration. It is not advisable to use the other because the implementation is not totally finished.

Initialization of registration: --gcinit, --seuilref and --seuiltest. There are 2 modes for initialization of registration. The --gcinit 1 mode (default mode) allows an initialization with the center of gravity. It works with --seuilref (0.05 by default) and --seuiltest (0.1 by default) options. These thresholds preserve a percentage of intensity according to the maximun intensity. Historically, this command was created to register PET and T1 RMI modalities, so to decrease the signal of PET data, a threshold was performed. And the --gcinit 0 mode allows an initialization with coordinates by using of --Tx, --Ty, --Tz, --dTx, --dTy, --dTz, --Rx, --Ry, --Rz, --dRx, --dRy, --dRz. Parameters beginning with a d corresponds to the exploration step, which is voxel=/2 by default.

Speeding up the process, reference image can be damaged with a reduction factor according to the principle of a pyramid with --refstartpyr: