Anatomist commands reference: Fusion3DParams


New in Anatomist 3.0
Sets texture mapping parameters for Fusion3D objects (mesh+volume)
Attribute: Type: Description:
object int target object to change parameters on
method string (optional) Spatial neighborhood calculation method:
point (default): value of the voxel under each mesh vertex location.
point_offset_internal: value of the voxel shifted towards mesh interior along mesh normals.
point_offset_external: value of the voxel shifted towards mesh exterior along mesh normals.
line: integrate along mesh normals, according to the specified submethod: see submethod.
line_internal: as line but only towards mesh interior.
line_external: as line but only towards mesh exterior.
sphere: integrate in a sphere of raduis depth around each mesh vertex.
sumbethod string (optional) Integration method in the specified neighborhood for each mesh vertex, in order to mix several voxels values in the neighborhood. Thus it is not relevant for point* methods.
max (default):
mean_corrected: taking only non-zero values in the averaging
mean_enhanced: Nobody remembers what this mode is supposed to do...
abs_max: max, in absolute value
median: New in Anatomist 4.4: median value (majority)
depth float (optional) Integration neighborhood size, in mm.
step float (optional) Integration sampling step, in mm.

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