Anatomist commands reference: FusionInfo


New in Anatomist 3.2.1
Lists fusion types, either globally or those allowed for a given set of objects.
Information is returned in the same way as for GetInfo or ObjectInfo: a python dictionary.
If filename is not specified, information is written on the current output (see Output command).
Attribute: Type: Description:
objects int_vector (optional) objects to be fusioned. If not specified, the global list of fusion methods is output
filename string (optional) file or "named pipe" in which Anatomist will write output informtaion in
request_id int (optional) ID used in Anatomist answer to identify the request. this option is used or instance by BrainVisa to identify answers to its asynchronous requests, which are not necessarily processed in the order they were sent in a multi-threaded context.

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