Anatomist commands reference: GraphDisplayProperties


New in Anatomist 3.0.2
Sets per-graph display properties. This allows to display a numeric property value using a colormap, or select name/label identification modes.
Attribute: Type: Description:
objects int_vector target graphs
display_mode string (optional) "Normal" or "PropertyMap"
display_property string (optional) name of the property to display in PropertyMap mode
property_mask int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.1.7
bitwise combination of: 1: nodes, 2: relations, to set if the property should be displayed from nodes/relations values
nomenclature_property string (optional) New in Anatomist 3.1.7
"name" or "label", forces the nomenclature label property for the given graphs. To get back to the default global settings (see GraphParams for global settings), use the value "default".

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