Anatomist commands reference: PaintParams


New in Anatomist 4.2.0
Sets various ROI painting parameters.
Attribute: Type: Description:
brush_size float (optional) Radius of the paint brush, in millimeters or in voxels, depending on the millimeter mode
brush_type float (optional) "point", "square", "disk", or "sphere". "ball" is an alias for sphere.
follow_linked_cursor int (bool) (optional) Linked cursor moving with brush
line_mode int (bool) (optional) line interpolation mode between brush strokes
millimeter_mode int (bool) (optional) brush size can be either in mm or in voxels. In voxels mode, the brush may be anisotropic.
replace_mode int (bool) (optional) region replacing mode (when drawing on a different region)

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