Anatomist commands reference: SetMaterial


Sets some or all of the object material properties.
Since Anatomist 3.0, these properties also include 3D rendering modes that are specifically set on the object
Attribute: Type: Description:
objects int_vector IDs of objects to set material on
ambient float_vector (optional) RGBA values of the ambiant component of the material (4 values). Negative values are left unchanged (old values are kept)
diffuse float_vector (optional) RGBA
emission float_vector (optionnel) RGBA
specular float_vector (optional) RGBA
shininess float (optional) range 0-124, a negative value doesn't produce any change
refresh int (optional) forces refresh the windows showing the appropriate objects
lighting int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
enables (1) or disables (0) objects lighting/shading. Setting this value to -1 goes back to the default mode (globally set at the view/scene level)
smooth_shading int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
(0/1/-1) smooth or flat polygons mode
polygon_filtering int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
(0/1/-1) filtering (antialiasing) of lines/polygons
depth_buffer int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
(0/1/-1) enables/disables writing in the Z-buffer. You can disable it if you want to click "through" an object (but it may have strange effects on the rendering)
face_culling int (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
(0/1/-1) don't draw polygons seen from the back side. The best is to enable it for transparent objects, and to disable it for "open" (on which both sides may be seen) and opaque meshes. For objects both open and transparent, there is no perfoect setting...
front_face string (optional) New in Anatomist 4.3
Set the external face of polygons (as in OpenGL): "clockwise", "counterclockwise" or "neutral"(default). Normally in Aims/Anatomist indirect referentials are used, so polygons are in clockwise orientation.
line_width float (optional) New in Anatomist 3.1.4
Lines thickness (meshes, segments, wireframe rendering modes). A null or negative value fallsback to default (1 in principle).
polygon_mode string (optional) New in Anatomist 3.0
polygons rendering mode: "normal", "wireframe", "outline" (normal + wireframe), "hiddenface_wireframe" (wireframe with hidden faces), or "default" (use the global view settings)
New in Anatomist 3.1.5:
"ext_outlined" (thickened external boundaries + normal rendering).
unlit_color float_vector (optional) New in Anatomist 3.1.4
color used for lines when lighting is off. For now it only affects polygons boundaries in "outlined" or "ext_outlined" polygon modes.

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