-b : Run in batch mode: no graphical interface started by BrainVISA
-e <file> : Execute file which must be a valid Python script .
-c <command> : Execute command which must be a valid Python command.
--shell : Run BrainVISA in a IPython shell, if IPython is available (see http://ipython.scipy.org).
-s <process_id> : Open a process window. Equivalent to -c 'brainvisa.processing.qt4gui.neuroProcessesGUI.showProcess("<process_id>")'.
-u <profile> : Select a user profile. The options file and the log file names are then suffixed with the user profile name.
--logFile <file> : Change the log file name (default=$HOME/.brainvisa/brainvisa.log).
--cleanLog : Clean home brainvisa directory by removing session information (current_runs.minf) and all log files (brainvisa*.log)
--updateDocumentation : Generate processes and types HTML documentation pages.
--setup : Update the shared database at startup.
--noMainWindow : Do not open Brainvisa main window.
--noToolBox : Do not load any process nor toolbox.
--ignoreValidation : Do not check vor invalid processes, all are enabled.
-r <processName> <parameters> : Runs BrainVISA in batch mode, without databases, and executes the process given in arguments.
-f : Run in faststart mode: databases are not loaded, processes are loaded from a cache (this mode is used when processes are run in parallel via Soma-workflow).
--debugHierarchy <file> : Write ontology rules debug information in <file>.
--debugLinks <file> : Write parameter links debug information in <file>.
-h or --help : Show help message in batch mode and exit.